Upsert Two Dataframes in Scala - scala

I have two data sources, both of which have opinions about the current state of the same set of entities. Either data source may contain the most current data, which may or may not be from the current date. For example:
val df1 = Seq((1, "green", "there", "2018-01-19"), (2, "yellow", "there", "2018-01-18"), (4, "yellow", "here", "2018-01-20")).toDF("id", "status", "location", "date")
val df2 = Seq((2, "red", "here", "2018-01-20"), (3, "green", "there", "2018-01-20"), (4, "green", "here", "2018-01-19")).toDF("id", "status", "location", "date")
| id|status|location| date|
| 1| green| there|2018-01-19|
| 2|yellow| there|2018-01-18|
| 4|yellow| here|2018-01-20|
| id|status|location| date|
| 2| red| here|2018-01-20|
| 3| green| there|2018-01-20|
| 4| green| here|2018-01-19|
I want the output to be the set of most current states for each entity:
| id|status|location| date|
| 1| green| there|2018-01-19|
| 2| red| here|2018-01-20|
| 3| green| there|2018-01-20|
| 4|yellow| here|2018-01-20|
My approach, which seems to work, is to join the two tables and then do a kind of custom coalesce operation based on date:
val joined = df1.join(df2, df1("id") === df2("id"), "outer")
| id|status|location| date| id|status|location| date|
| 1| green| there|2018-01-19|null| null| null| null|
|null| null| null| null| 3| green| there|2018-01-20|
| 4|yellow| here|2018-01-20| 4|yellow| here|2018-01-20|
| 2|yellow| there|2018-01-18| 2| red| here|2018-01-20|
val weirdCoal(name: String) = when(df1("date") > df2("date") || df2("date").isNull, df1(name)).otherwise(df2(name)) as name
val ouput =*)
| id|status|location| date|
| 1| green| there|2018-01-19|
| 2| red| here|2018-01-20|
| 3| green| there|2018-01-20|
| 4|yellow| here|2018-01-20|
Which is the output I expect.
I can also see doing this via some kind of union / aggregation approach or with a window that partitions by id and sorts by date and takes the last row.
My question: is there an idiomatic way of doing this?

Yes it can be done without join using Window functions:
.withColumn("rank", rank().over(Window.partitionBy($"id").orderBy($"date".desc)))
.filter($"rank" === 1)
| id|status|location| date|
| 1| green| there|2018-01-19|
| 2| red| here|2018-01-20|
| 3| green| there|2018-01-20|
| 4|yellow| here|2018-01-20|
the above code partitions the data by id and finds the top date among all dates falling under same id.


How to combine dataframes with no common columns?

I have 2 data frames
val df1 = Seq(("1","2","3"),("4","5","6")).toDF("A","B","C")
| A| B| C|
| 1| 2| 3|
| 1| 2| 3|
val df2 = Seq(("11","22","33"),("44","55","66")).toDF("D","E","F")
| D| E| F|
| 11| 22| 33|
| 44| 55| 66|
I need to combine the ones above to get
val df3 = Seq(("1","2","3","","",""),("4","5","6","","",""),("","","","11","22","33"),("","","","44","55","66"))
| A| B| C| D| E| F|
| 1| 2| 3| | | |
| 4| 5| 6| | | |
| | | | 11| 22| 33|
| | | | 44| 55| 66|
Right now I'm creating the missing columns for all dataframes manually to get to a common structure and am then using a union. This code is specific to the dataframes and is not scalable
Looking for a solution that will work with x dataframes with y columns each
You can manually create missing columns in the two data frames and then union them:
import org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame
val allCols = df1.columns.toSet.union(df2.columns.toSet).toArray
val createMissingCols = (df: DataFrame, allCols: Array[String]) => allCols.foldLeft(df)(
(_df, _col) => if (_df.columns.contains(_col)) _df else _df.withColumn(_col, lit(""))
).select(allCols.head, allCols.tail: _*)
// select is needed to make sure the two data frames have the same order of columns
createMissingCols(df1, allCols).union(createMissingCols(df2, allCols)).show
| E| F| A| B| C| D|
| | | 1| 2| 3| |
| | | 4| 5| 6| |
| 22| 33| | | | 11|
| 55| 66| | | | 44|
A much simpler way of doing this is creating a full outer join and setting the join expression/condition to false:
val df1 = Seq(("1","2","3"),("4","5","6")).toDF("A","B","C")
val df2 = Seq(("11","22","33"),("44","55","66")).toDF("D","E","F")
val joined = df1.join(df2, lit(false), "full")
| A| B| C| D| E| F|
| 1| 2| 3|null|null|null|
| 4| 5| 6|null|null|null|
|null|null|null| 11| 22| 33|
|null|null|null| 44| 55| 66|
if you then want to actually set the null values to empty string you can just add:
val withEmptyString ="")
| A| B| C| D| E| F|
| 1| 2| 3| | | |
| 4| 5| 6| | | |
| | | | 11| 22| 33|
| | | | 44| 55| 66|
so in summary df1.join(df2, lit(false), "full").na.fill("") should do the trick.

spark data frame converting row values into column name

Using spark dataframe i need to convert the row values into column and partition by user id and create a csv file.
val someDF = Seq(
("user1", "math","algebra-1","90"),
("user1", "physics","gravity","70"),
("user3", "biology","health","50"),
("user2", "biology","health","100"),
("user1", "math","algebra-1","40"),
("user2", "physics","gravity-2","20")
).toDF("user_id", "course_id","lesson_name","score")
| user1| math| algebra-1| 90|
| user1| physics| gravity| 70|
| user3| biology| health| 50|
| user2| biology| health| 100|
| user1| math| algebra-1| 40|
| user2| physics| gravity-2| 20|
val result = someDF.groupBy("user_id", "course_id").pivot("lesson_name").agg(first("score"))
| user3| biology| null| null| null| 50|
| user1| math| 90| null| null| null|
| user2| biology| null| null| null| 100|
| user2| physics| null| null| 20| null|
| user1| physics| null| 70| null| null|
With the above code i'm able to convert row value(lesson_name) to column name.
But I need to save the out in csv in a course_wise
Expected out in csv should be like this below formate.
biology.csv // Expected Output
| user3| biology| 50 |
| user2| biology| 100 |
physics.csv // Expected Output
| user2| physics| 50 | null |
| user1| physics| 100 | 70 |
**Note: Each course in a csv it should contain only it's specifi lesson names and it should not contain any non relevant course lesson names.
Actually in csv i'm able to in below formate**
.option("header", "true")
biology.csv // Wrong output, Due to it is containing non-relevant course lesson's(algebra-1,gravity-2,algebra-1)
| user3| biology| null| null| null| 50|
| user2| biology| null| null| null| 100|
Anyone can help to solve this problem ?
Just filter by course before you pivot:
val result = someDF.filter($"course_id" === "physics").groupBy("user_id", "course_id").pivot("lesson_name").agg(first("score"))
|user2 |physics |null |20 |
|user1 |physics |70 |null |
I'm assuming you mean you'd like to save the data into separate directories by course_id. you can use this approach.
scala> val someDF = Seq(
("user1", "math","algebra-1","90"),
("user1", "physics","gravity","70"),
("user3", "biology","health","50"),
("user2", "biology","health","100"),
("user1", "math","algebra-1","40"),
("user2", "physics","gravity-2","20")
).toDF("user_id", "course_id","lesson_name","score")
scala> val result = someDF.groupBy("user_id", "course_id").pivot("lesson_name").agg(first("score"))
scala> val eventNames =$"course_id").distinct().collect()
var eventlist => x(0).toString)
for (eventName <- eventlist) {
val course = result.where($"course_id" === lit(eventName))
//remove null column
val row = course
.select( => when(col(c).isNull, 0).otherwise(1).as(c)): _*)
.groupBy().max( => c): _*)
val colKeep = row.getValuesMap[Int](row.schema.fieldNames)
.map{c => if (c._2 == 1) Some(c._1) else None }
var final_df =
.map(c => col(c.drop(4).dropRight(1))): _*)
| user3| biology| 50|
| user2| biology| 100|
| user2| physics| null| 20|
| user1| physics| 70| null|
| user1| math| 90|
if it solves your purpose please accept the answer.HAppy Hadoop

Fill null or empty with next Row value with spark

Is there a way to replace null values in spark data frame with next row not null value. There is additional row_count column added for windows partitioning and ordering. More specifically, I'd like to achieve the following result:
+---------+-----------+ +---------+--------+
| row_count | id| |row_count | id|
+---------+-----------+ +------+-----------+
| 1| null| | 1| 109|
| 2| 109| | 2| 109|
| 3| null| | 3| 108|
| 4| null| | 4| 108|
| 5| 108| => | 5| 108|
| 6| null| | 6| 110|
| 7| 110| | 7| 110|
| 8| null| | 8| null|
| 9| null| | 9| null|
| 10| null| | 10| null|
+---------+-----------+ +---------+--------+
I tried with below code, It is not giving proper result.
val ss =$"*", sum(when(dataframe("id").isNull||dataframe("id") === "", 1).otherwise(0)).over(Window.orderBy($"row_count")) as "value")
val window1=Window.partitionBy($"value").orderBy("id").rowsBetween(0, Long.MaxValue)
val selectList=ss.withColumn("id_fill_from_below",last("id").over(window1)).drop($"row_count").drop($"value")
Here is a approach
Filter the non nulls (dfNonNulls)
Filter the nulls (dfNulls)
Find the right value for null id, using join and Window function
Fill the null dataframe (dfNullFills)
union dfNonNulls and dfNullFills
var df ="csv")
.option("header", "true")
.option("inferSchema", "true")
var dfNulls = df.filter(
val dfNonNulls = df.filter(
dfNulls = dfNulls.join(
dfNonNulls, $"row_count_nulls" lt $"row_count_values","left"
val window = Window.partitionBy("row_count_nulls").orderBy("row_count_values")
val dfNullFills = dfNulls.withColumn(
"rn", row_number.over(window)
).where($"rn" === 1).drop("rn").select(
dfNullFills .union(dfNonNulls).orderBy($"row_count").show()
which results in
|row_count| id|
| 1| 109|
| 2| 109|
| 3| 108|
| 4| 108|
| 5| 108|
| 6| 110|
| 7| 110|
| 8|null|
| 9|null|
| 10|null|

How to replace empty values in a column of DataFrame?

How can I replace empty values in a column Field1 of DataFrame df?
Field1 Field2
12 BB
This command does not provide an expected result:"Field1",Seq("Anonymous"))
The expected result:
Field1 Field2
Anonymous AA
12 BB
You can also try this.
This might handle both blank/empty/null
| | AA|
| 12| BB|
| 12| null|
+------+------+"Field1","Field2"),Map(""-> null)).na.fill("Anonymous", Seq("Field2","Field1")).show(false)
|Field1 |Field2 |
|Anonymous|AA |
|12 |BB |
|12 |Anonymous|
Fill: Returns a new DataFrame that replaces null or NaN values in
numeric columns with value.
Two things:
An empty string is not null or NaN, so you'll have to use a case statement for that.
Fill seems to not work well when giving a text value into a numeric column.
Failing Null Replace with Fill / Text:
| f1| f2|
|null| AA|
| 12| BB|
scala>"Anonymous", Seq("f1")).show
| f1| f2|
|null| AA|
| 12| BB|
Working Example - Using Null With All Numbers:
| f1| f2|
|null| AA|
| 12| BB|
scala>, Seq("f1")).show
| f1| f2|
| 1| AA|
| 12| BB|
Failing Example (Empty String instead of Null):
| f1| f2|
| | AA|
| 12| BB|
scala>, Seq("f1")).show
| f1| f2|
| | AA|
| 12| BB|
Case Statement Fix Example:
| f1| f2|
| | AA|
| 12| BB|
scala>"f1") === "", "Anonymous").otherwise(col("f1")).as("f1"), col("f2")).show
| f1| f2|
|Anonymous| AA|
| 12| BB|
You can try using below code when you have n number of columns in dataframe.
Note: When you are trying to write data into formats like parquet, null data types are not supported. we have to type cast it.
val df = Seq(
(1, ""),
(2, "Ram"),
(3, "Sam"),
).toDF("ID", "Name")
// null type column
val inputDf = df.withColumn("NulType", lit(null).cast(StringType))
| ID|Name|NulType|
| 1| | null|
| 2| Ram| null|
| 3| Sam| null|
| 4| | null|
//Replace all blank space in the dataframe with null
val colName = inputDf.columns //*This will give you array of string*
val data =,Map(""->"null"))
| ID|Name|NulType|
| 1|null| null|
| 2| Ram| null|
| 3| Sam| null|
| 4|null| null|

Spark - How to apply rules defined in a dataframe to another dataframe

I'm trying to solve this kind of problem with Spark 2, but I can't find a solution.
I have a dataframe A :
| 1 | US | 1 |
| 2 | FR | 1 |
| 4 | DE | 1 |
| 5 | DE | 2 |
| 3 | DE | 3 |
And a dataframe B :
|COUNTRY| US | 5 |
|COUNTRY| FR | 15 |
|MONTH | 3 | 2 |
The idea is to apply "rules" of dataframe B on dataframe A in order to get this result :
dataframe A' :
| 1 | US | 1 | 5 |
| 2 | FR | 1 | 15 |
| 4 | DE | 1 | 20 |
| 5 | DE | 2 | 20 |
| 3 | DE | 3 | 2 |
I tried someting like that :
dfB.collect.foreach( r =>
var dfAp = dfA.where(r.getAs("COLUMN") == r.getAs("VALUE"))
dfAp.withColumn("PRIO", lit(r.getAs("PRIO")))
But I'm sure it's not the right way.
What are the strategy to solve this problem in Spark ?
Working under assumption that the set of rules is reasonably small (possible concerns are the size of the data and the size of generated expression, which in the worst case scenario, can crash the planner) the simplest solution is to use local collection and map it to a SQL expression:
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.{coalesce, col, lit, when}
val df = Seq(
(1, "US", "1"), (2, "FR", "1"), (4, "DE", "1"),
(5, "DE", "2"), (3, "DE", "3")
).toDF("id", "COUNTRY", "MONTH")
val rules = Seq(
("COUNTRY", "US", 5), ("COUNTRY", "FR", 15), ("MONTH", "3", 2)
val prio = coalesce([(String, String, Int)] {
case (c, v, p) => when(col(c) === v, p)
} :+ lit(20): _*)
df.withColumn("PRIO", prio)
| 1| US| 1| 5|
| 2| FR| 1| 15|
| 4| DE| 1| 20|
| 5| DE| 2| 20|
| 3| DE| 3| 2|
You can replace coalesce with least or greatest to apply the smallest or the largest matching value respectively.
With larger set of rules you could:
melt data to convert to a long format.
val dfLong = df.melt(Seq("id"), df.columns.tail, "COLUMN", "VALUE")
join by column and value.
Aggregate PRIOR by id with appropriate aggregation function (for example min):
val priorities = dfLong.join(rules, Seq("COLUMN", "VALUE"))
Outer join the output with df by id.
df.join(priorities, Seq("id"), "leftouter").na.fill(20)
| 1| US| 1| 5|
| 2| FR| 1| 15|
| 4| DE| 1| 20|
| 5| DE| 2| 20|
| 3| DE| 3| 2|
lets assume rules of dataframeB is limited
I have created dataframe "df" for below table
| 1| US| 1|
| 2| FR| 1|
| 4| DE| 1|
| 5| DE| 2|
| 3| DE| 3|
By using UDF
val code = udf{(x:String,y:Int)=>if(x=="US") "5" else if (x=="FR") "15" else if (y==3) "2" else "20"}
| 1| US| 1| 5|
| 2| FR| 1| 15|
| 4| DE| 1| 20|
| 5| DE| 2| 20|
| 3| DE| 3| 2|