How to close alert pop up window in Katalon extension? - katalon-studio

Please, check the below link. How to close this:

You can write an AutoIT script for this purpose or simply use java.awt.Robot class to send an ENTER.
Robot robot = new Robot();


Why does a right click sent from pywinauto not change the state of the grayed out connect button in informatica, but a real mouse button click does?

I am trying to write a script using pywinauto to open a repository in Informatica powercenter workflow manager (v9.6.1)
After the below lines are executed, I get the context menu with the connect option as in the screenshot. Also notice the 'connect' button on the toolbar stays grayed out. If I use the actual mouse and click on the treeview item for the repository I want to connect to, the connect button turns green and enabled. But not when pywinauto sends the right click.
from pywinauto.application import Application
from pywinauto.keyboard import SendKeys
import time
app = Application().Start(cmd_line=r'C:\PowerCenterClient\client\bin\pmwflmgr.exe')
informaticaworkflowmanager = app[u'Informatica::WorkflowManager']
systreeview = informaticaworkflowmanager[u'TreeView']
tree_item = systreeview.GetItem([u'Repositories', u'REP'])
I tried using SendKeys to send 'c' followed by {ENTER} and it just returns without doing anything. Also if I use the actual keyboard on the right click context menu generated after the above pywinauto steps run- it selects the connect menu when i press c , but it just doesn't do anything when I press Enter. I think somehow the connect function is not enabled.
I am clueless if any other input is required by the application to enable it. I also tried using the informaticaworkflowmanager.MenuItem(u'&Repository->&Connect...') option but to no avail- it says it is disabled.
Any pointers to help get pywinauto to open a repository are welcome!
Just summarizing the comments...
First try running the script as Administrator. If it doesn't help, use method click_input(). It runs real click like a user does. Method click() sends WM_CLICK or BM_CLICK which is probably not handled by the app in grayed button state.
If you run the script as Administrator, it should inherit privileges for child process by default. There is no special flag in method start() because some functions may not work if target app process has higher privileges. Anyway elevation usually requires confirmation from user and this Security Confirmation dialog can't be automated by OS design (even click_input() with hard coded coordinates won't work while this dialog was shown, I checked it a while ago).

How to export message to output window like Application output from Qtcreator self-made plugin

I am developing a Qtcreator plugin by myself, basically is to add a menu item to invoke an external python script, the problem I met is how to export message to output window, I tried qDebug, cout, which can only print the message to the Parent Qtcreator(the one I developing plugin), what I need is to export the message to output window of Qtcreator I built, does anyone know how to do that?
The easiest way to is call Core::MessageManager::write which prints the output to the "General" output pane.
To show output in a tab in the application output pane, you need to implement a ProjectExplorer::RunControl and start that through ProjectExplorer::ProjectExplorerPlugin::startRunControl.

How to close an application window in Perl automation?

I have an automation which opens many applications. I want to close all the opened windows at the end of the execution. I know I can use SendKeys(%F4); But I Don't want to use send keys function. Is there any other way closing an window.??
If any please let me know...
Thanks in advance... :)
Click here which says CloseWindow $HWND Sends close signal to a window.
Use the following code.
MenuSelect("&Close", 0, GetSystemMenu(HWND, FALSE));
Which gets the default(System) menu which one can get by clicking the top left of the title bar, and makes the select operation on close.

AutoHotKey Detect Windows Popup

I am trying to write a script in AHK to detect windows popup and capture the message.
For example: Program X will create a popup with a message. The AHK script should be able to detect the popup and get the message in it.
Is this possible?
I tried the example from but it is too complicated.
I just need to capture the message of a popup using AHK script.
Actually this can be done. The AHK code below will detect a Windows popup with the title "Test" and each time such a popup is detected it will write a message into a textfile.
Sleep 500
if (WinExist("Test"))
FileAppend, Another line. , C:\Users\user1\Desktop\testahk.txt
Take note: it is in a loop, so it will run continuously.
However I'm still trying to figure out how to grab the whatever message that will be shown inside the popup.
Still working on it. Anybody have an idea on that one?

MATLAB - How do I automatically close the Import Wizard (command window)?

I am invoking the "uiimport" command within a program, opening the Import Wizard to display some data. I would like to be able to automatically close the Wizard within a function (equivalent to "close(gcf)" for a figure), as opposed to having to click "Finish" or "Cancel" or whatever. Is there a way to do this, or should I just find a different way to display the data?
TIA for your help.
I would find a better way to show the data. uiimport is modal, so execution is suspended until it closes, so the script that started it cannot close it.