I am trying to filter one of columns that has DB nulls. I am trying to see how could I merge the below 2 conditions in the where clause (checking for the column labelled type) as one condition.
select * from table
where type in ('Type_1','Type_4') or type is null
you can think about the value that you definitely won't see in the column, like "undefined" or "not specified" and use that value in coalesce function like this:
coalesce(type,'not specified') in ('Type_1','Type_4','not specified')
but honestly I don't see a reason in doing that - just syntactic sugar at cost of a tiny performance hit
I need to set limit to the values of the column. For example, I have a column as TEST_COLUMN with INTEGER data type. I need to set the condition that the column should only accepts the values between
1-4.(it should not be more than 4 and less than 1) Is it possible in postgress?
Thanks in Advance.
I may handle it in the code level but is there is a way to do it in Database level.
You almost certainly don't mean "postgresql 9.4" in your tags - that version is VERY old.
What you are after is a "CHECK constraint".
You use it something like this:
CREATE TABLE mytable (
my_column int NOT NULL CHECK (my_column BETWEEN 1 AND 4)
For PostgreSQL at least, the check shouldn't rely on running a query, just accessing columns from the row you are inserting or updating.
For context, this issue occurred in a Go program I am writing using the default postgres database driver.
I have been building a service to talk to a postgres database which has a table similar to the one listed below:
some_other_id BIGINT UNIQUE
I have created some endpoints for this item including an "Install" endpoint which effectively acts as an upsert function like so:
INSERT INTO object (name, some_other_id)
VALUES ($1, $2)
some_other_id = COALESCE(NULLIF($2, 0), object.some_other_id)
I also have an "Update" endpoint with an underlying query like so:
UPDATE object
SET some_other_id = COALESCE(NULLIF($2, 0), object.some_other_id)
WHERE name = $1
The problem:
Whenever I run the update query I always run into the error, referencing the field "some_other_id":
pq: value "1010101010144" is out of range for type integer
However this error never occurs on the "upsert" version of the query, even when the row already exists in the database (when it has to evaluate the COALESCE statement). I have been able to prevent this error by updating COALESCE statement to be as follows:
COALESCE(NULLIF($2, CAST(0 AS BIGINT)), object.some_other_id)
But as it never occurrs with the first query I wondered if this inconsitency had come from me doing something wrong or something that I don't understand? And also what the best practice is with this, should I be casting all values?
I am definitely passing in a 64 bit integer to the query for "some_other_id", and the first query works with the Go implementation even without the explicit type cast.
If any more information (or Go implementation) is required then please let me know, many thanks in advance! (:
To eliminate confusion, the queries are being executed directly in Go code like so:
res, err := s.db.ExecContext(ctx, `UPDATE object SET some_other_id = COALESCE(NULLIF($2, 0), object.some_other_id) WHERE name = $1`,
"a name",
Both queries are executed in exactly the same way.
Edit: Also corrected parameter (from $51 to $2) in my current workaround.
I would also like to take this opportunity to note that the query does work with my proposed fix, which suggests that the issue is in me confusing postgres with types in the NULLIF statement? There is no stored procedure asking for an INTEGER arg inbetween my code and the database, at least that I have written.
This has to do with how the postgres parser resolves types for the parameters. I don't know how exactly it's implemented, but given the observed behaviour, I would assume that the INSERT query doesn't fail because it is clear from (name,some_other_id) VALUES ($1,$2) that the $2 parameter should have the same type as the target some_other_id column, which is of type int8. This type information is then also used in the NULLIF expression of the DO UPDATE SET part of the query.
You can also test this assumption by using (name) VALUES ($1) in the INSERT and you'll see that the NULLIF expression in DO UPDATE SET will then fail the same way as it does in the UPDATE query.
So the UPDATE query fails because there is not enough context for the parser to infer the accurate type of the $2 parameter. The "closest" thing that the parser can use to infer the type of $2 is the NULLIF call expression, specifically it uses the type of the second argument of the call expression, i.e. 0, which is of type int4, and it then uses that type information for the first argument, i.e. $2.
To avoid this issue, you should use an explicit type cast with any parameter where the type cannot be inferred accurately. i.e. use NULLIF($2::int8, 0).
COALESCE(NULLIF($51, CAST(0 AS BIGINT)), object.some_other_id)
Fifty-one? Realy?
pq: value "1010101010144" is out of range for type integer
Pay attention, the data type in the error message is an integer, not bigint.
I think the reason for the error is out of showed code. So I take out a magic crystal ball and make a pass with my hands.
an "Install" endpoint which effectively acts as an upsert function like so
I also have an "Update" endpoint
Do you call endpoint a PostgreSQL function (stored procedure)? I think yes.
Also $1, $2 looks like PostgreSQL function arguments.
The magic crystal ball says: you have two PostgreSQL function with different data types of arguments:
"Install" endpoint has $2 function argument as a bigint data type. It looks like CREATE FUNCTION Install(VARCHAR(255), bigint)
"Update" endpoint has $2 function argument as an integer data type, not bigint. It looks like CREATE FUNCTION Update(VARCHAR(255), integer).
At last, I would rewrite your condition more understandable:
UPDATE object
SET some_other_id =
WHEN $2 = 0 THEN object.some_other_id
WHERE name = $1
I'm using a PostgreSQL with a Go driver. Sometimes I need to query not existing fields, just to check - maybe something exists in a DB. Before querying I can't tell whether that field exists. Example:
where size=10 or length=10
By default I get an error column "length" does not exist, however, the size column could exist and I could get some results.
Is it possible to handle such cases to return what is possible?
Yes, I could get all the existing columns first. But the initial queries can be rather complex and not created by me directly, I can only modify them.
That means the query can be simple like the previous example and can be much more complex like this:
WHERE size=10 OR (length=10 AND n='example') OR (c BETWEEN 1 and 5 AND p='Mars')
If missing columns are length and c - does that mean I have to parse the SQL, split it by OR (or other operators), check every part of the query, then remove any part with missing columns - and in the end to generate a new SQL query?
Any easier way?
I would try to check within information schema first
"select column_name from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS where table_name ='table_name';"
And then based on result do query
Why don't you get a list of columns that are in the table first? Like this
select column_name
from information_schema.columns
where table_name = 'table_name' and (column_name = 'size' or column_name = 'length');
The result will be the columns that exist.
There is no way to do what you want, except for constructing an SQL string from the list of available columns, which can be got by querying information_schema.columns.
SQL statements are parsed before they are executed, and there is no conditional compilation or no short-circuiting, so you get an error if a non-existing column is referenced.
Select x classifier from tabx x
returns rows with one column named 'classifier' with list of values from the row.
Does anybody know where such features are documented? Is it the only usage of the keyword? I tried to google it but I've found only list of postgresql reserved keywords without explanation.
It works like String_agg with ',' delimiter, but for a row.
It's called a column alias.
For columns it's documented here and for tables it's documented here
The name of the alias is irrelevant and bears no special meaning (including the word "classifier"). It just has to be a valid SQL identifier. Using an alias won't change anything in the resulting data.
If you use the (optional) AS keyword, it might be a bit more obvious:
select some_column as something_else
from some_table as another_name;
The reference x refers to the table alias specified in the FROM clause and refers to the complete row/record. It's not the column alias ("classifier") that does this, it's the reference to the table.
This behaviour is documented here in the manual
Edit after a new query was shown.
select a classifier, a.classifier
from t_attribute a;
The part a classifier still gives an alias to the record column (as explained above). a.classifier simply accesses a column from the table t_attribute.
It could also have been written as:
select a as the_complete_row, a.classifier as classifier
from t_attribute a;
In my table results from column work_time (interval type) display as 200:00:00. Is it possible to cut the seconds part, so it will be displayed as 200:00? Or, even better: 200h00min (I've seen it accepts h unit in insert so why not load it like this?).
Preferably, by altering work_time column, not by changing the select query.
This is not something you should do by altering a column but by changing the select query in some way. If you change the column you are changing storage and functional uses, and that's not good. To change it on output, you need to modify how it is retrieved.
You have two basic options. The first is to modify your select queries directly, using to_char(myintervalcol, 'HH24:MI')
However if your issue is that you have a common format you want to have universal access to in your select query, PostgreSQL has a neat trick I call "table methods." You can attach a function to a table in such a way that you can call it in a similar (but not quite identical) syntax to a new column. In this case you would do something like:
SELECT to_char($1.myintervalcol, 'HH24:MI');
This works on the row input, not on the underlying table. As it always returns the same information for the same input, you can mark it immutable and even index the output (meaning it can be run at plan time and indexed used).
To call this, you'd do something like:
SELECT myinterval_nosecs(m) FROM mytable m;
But you can then use the special syntax above to rewrite that as:
SELECT m.myinterval_nosecs FROM mytable m;
Note that since myinterval_nosecs is a function you cannot omit the m. at the beginning. This is because the query planner will rewrite the query in the former syntax and will not guess as to which relation you mean to run it against.