Google Trends Feed not working filtered by country (spain) - feed

I have an app that make requests to the google trends feed filtered by the country spain, but since a few days google seems to have an error.
You can request google trends feed by this url, and if you add the suffix to the url ?pn=26 you are able to filter to an specific country.
Anybody knows why is this happening or if google has made any change? I am a bit confused, because the rest of countries can be requested successfully.
Here Spain URL feed:
Here some examples of other countries: Sweden Switzerland Taiwan Thailand Turkey Ukraine United Kingdom United States

Same here!
Even is no longer working.
Check out this thread on Twitter:


Implementing tripadvisor traveller rating

my goal is to show TripAdvisor score rank inside my app alongside other ranking system. Keep in mind that my application is a B2B app, not B2C.
What i can not understand even after reading the developer documentation is what kind of API should i eventually ask for.
The Content API is only for B2C purposes...but, apparently, it is the only one that send me in response the actual TripAdvisor rating (the only thing i actually want from all TripAdvisor information).
Has anyone implemented TripAdvisor in an OTA (online travel agency) application and can guide me on which APIs to request?
Thank you in advice
I have not implemented TripAdvisor ratings in a B2B system, but helped on a B2C project that used Tripadvisor data.
Your findings regarding Content API is correct, this is the only API where you find ratings.
Rating is TripAdvisor "selling point", so this data protected and can only be used by following their presentation terms. Check out how here:
You have 6 months implementation time and have to get Tripadvisor approval, or they cancel your API key. By using their API you commit not to store any data retrieved from their API.
Quick guide to use their API:
Call the locator_mapper to get possible location_id(s),-71.119030?key=[YOUR_KEY_HERE]-mapper&category=hotels&q=Beacon%20Townhouse%20Inn%201023
It returns a JSON with possible locations,
"data": [
"location_id": "89575",
Then call location with the id to get ratings:[YOUR_KEY_HERE]
"review_rating_count": {
"1": "18",
"2": "22",
"3": "63",
"4": "269",
"5": "1408"
Use this data, together with the presentation and links back to tripadvisor to comply with their license.

Linkedin rest api to search people with name

Is there any LinkedIn Rest API available to search people with first and last name?
I am not able to find anything on their developer website.
I found this url from some other question:
But when I am trying to hit this url from APIGee REST console I am getting response as 403 permission denied. I am using oAuth with my LinkedIn account.
I am currently using free account on LinkedIn, is because of that.
Linked has closed its API some time ago. See a detailed announcement here.
You have to get Vetted API access from Linkedin in order to do People Search. For more information please look into this link
You can use LinkedIn Public Search Results Scraper API to achieve this.
Here is an example. Response for a profile found look like this:
"id": "jimmy-neutron-b914a91a5",
"name": "Jimmy Neutron",
"occupation": "Chief Executive Officer at NASA - National Aeronautics and Space Administration",
"location": "Houston, TX",
"last_job": "NASA - National Aeronautics and Space Administration",
"last_education": "Harvard University",
"thumbnail": "",
"link": ""
Now LinkedIn does not provide search people apis for the reason for data-stealing.

Facebook autocompletion city key is not the city id?

I am developing an app that will use facebook ad-api to autocomplete city name, however, the city id I get from facebook ad-api is not the same as what I get for the same city from graph-api. For example, pittsburgh, in graph-api, is 11493251851302, which I get from user's current living information. However, when I pull a list of city by ad-api, pittsburgh's key is 2512017. Is there anyway that I can convert between those two different id system? Thank you!

how to get user's posts & updates from Google plus like facebook

I want to get all wall updates of user's google plus account like facebook.
I have seen official link for it which is
Google Plus Documentation for iOS
& I have downloaded sample from there which is here Google Plus SDK Sample
it works well for getting user's information like email id,profile name,user's friend list with images & for posting on google plus.
but I am not getting user's post & updates.
all I want is user's wall updates & user's friends updates from google plus like facebook does.
but from above link i have found nothing for getting wall updates.
I have searched google for this also & get nothing regarding above problem.
any help for above problem appreciated.
Thanks in advance
From a backend server you can easily perform this API call to read a user's public activities. You can see the REST API here:
Combine this with a people.list and you can query for a user's friend activities on Google+.
On iOS, you probably don't want to make these API calls directly from a user's device. If you can, you should offload the work to a backend server to avoid overworking the mobile client. That said, you can perform an API query similar to listing people in circles:
GTLQueryPlus *query =
[GTLQueryPlus queryForActivitiesListWithUserId:#"me" collection:#"public"];
[[[GPPSignIn sharedInstance] plusService] executeQuery:query
completionHandler:^(GTLServiceTicket *ticket,
GTLPlusActivityFeed *actFeed,
NSError *error) {
If you put a breakpoint in the application on the function, the activities feed will be something like as follows:
(lldb) po actFeed
title:"Google+ List of Activities for Collection PUBLIC"
kind:"plus#activityFeed" items:[20]
The items array contains the actual activities that a user has publicly written on Google+.

API for Get venues for nearrby Location in foursquare

1)I want to fetch the venues for the nearby location by passing the latitude and longitude of to the API in foursquare.
I got this url:-thisand i got peroper response.
But for this latitude and longitude:- 32.3456,141.4346
I did not get any data.
Same for Facebook.I use this :- facebook API
But i want the list of generalized category listing from this API.And this API only gives me data of hotels only.Because i pass q=hotel.
2)How to get oauth_token for foursquare?
Please help me.
The reason you did not get any data for that location is because there are no venues in that area. If you follow this link you will see that location is in a remote area of Australia.
For help with connecting users to Foursquare, you can use these instructions