Buttons outside of UIScrollView are not touchable - swift

I'm facing an annoying problem with UIScrollView that my buttons cannot be touched if they are outside of the scroll view but I dont know how to fix it now
I have tried some ways but no helps so far
override func viewDidLayoutSubviews() {
var contentRect = CGRect.zero
for view in scrollContentView.subviews {
contentRect = contentRect.union(view.frame)
for view in scrollContentView.subviews {
contentRect = contentRect.union(view.frame)
scrollView.contentSize.height = contentRect.size.height
The code above just helps to make the scroll view scrollable
I also attached my sample project in this link
I strongly appreciate your advices. Thank you

You have not described your view hierarchy correctly. What you actually have is this:
Scroll view
Content view
Stack view
The content view is what is causing the problem. Its height is pinned to the height of the view controller's main view — which is the height of the screen. But of course the stack view with its buttons is taller than the screen, in order to give you something to scroll to. So the lower part of the stack view, and the buttons at the bottom of the stack view, are below the bottom of the content view. Thus they are outside their superview. Thus they are untouchable. A view outside its superview (or its superview, or its superview, all the way up the view hierarchy) is untouchable.


Embed PageViewController in ScrollView - Programmatically Swift 5

I have a PageViewController which shows 4 four view Controllers horizontally,
Can I embed all this viewControllers in a UIScrollView? It would be easier to manage some tasks.
Till now I tried doing this in PageViewController, conforming the PageViewController to UIScrollViewDelegate:
for view in self.view.subviews {
if let subView = view as? UIScrollView {
subView.delegate = self
subView.isScrollEnabled = true
subView.bouncesZoom = false
But it actually recognises the scrolling for the single ViewController and not for the entire stack of four VCs.
I'd like to have the contentSize of the ScrollView equal to the entire width of all viewControllers.
You cannot change a UIPageViewController into a scroll view. It already is a scroll view, but has a lot of built-in functionality for memory-managed paging through view controllers.
If your goal is to put 4 view controllers into a scroll view:
create a new (plain) UIViewController
add a UIScrollView and constrain it to all 4 sides
add a UIStackView (Distribution: Fill Equally) to the scroll view
constrain all 4 sides of the stack view to the scroll view's content layout guide
constrain its height to the scroll view's frame layout guide height
add 4 UIContainerViews to the stack view
embed each of your 4 "page" view controllers into the 4 containers
constrain the width of the first container to width of scroll view frame layout guide
You now have a full-view UIScrollView where you can scroll back and forth through your 4 "page" view controllers.

How to get a custom scrollingStackView's height

I have a custom view, it's a scrolling view with a stack view in it. And I added 3 container views inside this stack view to stack and scroll vertically. Inside each container view I add either a UIImage or a UILabel view.
I don't want my scrollview to scroll if all the views are already visible on screen.
For this I need to know the height of my scrollingStackView, so I can compare it with the current screen size.
Here is how I set them up in viewDidLoad:
My custom scrolling stack view doesn't have a size, I lay it out programmatically giving left, right, top anchors.
scrollingSV.leftAnchor.constraint(equalTo: stackView.leftAnchor).isActive = true
scrollingSV.rightAnchor.constraint(equalTo: stackView.rightAnchor).isActive = true
scrollingSV.topAnchor.constraint(equalTo: stackView.topAnchor).isActive = true
And there is another stack view that is in safe area of my view, which has this scrolling stack view and another container view ContainerView4.
I layout ContainerView4 like this:
ContainerView4.leftAnchor.constraint(equalTo: stackView.leftAnchor).isActive = true
ContainerView4.rightAnchor.constraint(equalTo: stackView.rightAnchor).isActive = true
ContainerView4.topAnchor.constraint(equalTo: scrollingSV.bottomAnchor).isActive = true
ContainerView4.bottomAnchor.constraint(equalTo: stackView.bottomAnchor).isActive = true
ContainerView4.heightAnchor.constraint(equalToConstant: 100.0).isActive = true
Lastly, when I use debug view hierarchy I do see the height and width for my scrollingSV, and the views inside the containers.
Here is the code I am trying to get a size for the scrollingSV, which returns 0:
print("Scrollview height: \(scrollingSV.contentSize.height )")
I already tried to get the content size by using union as told in this stackoverflow answer: How do I auto size a UIScrollView to fit its content
But this also returns 0.
How can I get this scrolling stack view's size?
Or is it not calculated yet in viewDidLoad?
Thank you
Apparently in viewDidLoad the views were not finished with laying out their subviews. So the height was not meaningful yet.
When I did this check in viewDidAppear, the problem is fixed and I could reach the scrolling stack view's contentSize and frame height.
override func viewDidAppear(_ animated: Bool) {
scrollingSV.isScrollEnabled = scrollingSV.contentSize.height > scrollingSV.frame.height

Controls at the bottom of UIScrollView not working

The UIButton in the scrollView is visible, but not accessible. I am using Constraints.
My UI structure is this:
- UIView
- scrollView: UIScrollView
- contentView: UIView
- UIButton
- UIButton
- UIButton
- ....
- UIButton
I've already tried to set the contentSize of the scrollView. And the height of the contentView. Next to that I've tried to uncheck the checkbox Adjust Scroll View Insets in the storyboard of that ViewController without any luck. I've also set the priority of the Align Center Y to 250, and the priority bottom space to 250 of the contentView.
func updateScrollViewSize() {
var contentRect = CGRect.zero
for view in contentView.subviews {
contentRect = contentRect.union(view.frame)
contentRect.size = CGSize(width: scrollView.contentSize.width, height: contentRect.height + 50)
scrollView.contentSize = contentRect.size
contentView.frame.size = contentRect.size
The button I try to reach has a Y value of: 1030.0
The height of the contentView is: 871.0
Add a scroll view to your view, background color red, constrain it 20-pts on each side:
Add a UIView as your "content view" to the scroll view (green background to make it easy to see), constrain it 0-pts on each side, constrain equal width and equal height to the scroll view. Important: change the Priority of the Height constraint to 250!
Add a UILabel to the contentView, constrain it 30-pts from the top, centered horizontally:
Add another label to the contentView, constrain it 300-pts from the first label, centered horizontally:
Add a UIButton to the contentView, constrain it 30-pts from the bottom, centered horizontally:
Now add a vertical constraint from the bottom of the second label to the top of the button, and set it to 400-pts:
As you see, this pushes the button off-screen past the bottom of the scroll view.
Run the app. You will be able to scroll down to see the button, and you'll be able to tap it.
Absolutely no code needed!
If you use AutoLayout, you don't needed to install frames manually.
You can try install constraints properly and content size will be right in this case and you won't have to install content size manually.
If you achieve this, I guess everything will work correctly.
You can follow this or this guide

My ScrollView is not scrolling vertically

I'm writing an app in Xcode 9 with Swift 4 and I've added a UIScrollview to a view which is intended to show a jPeg which is 3030 pixels in height. I've added the scrollview to my view and assigned the delegate in Outlets in IB. I've attached the IBOutlet called scrollView to the UIScrollview and added a UIImageView with the jPeg to the UIScrollview. I've set the size of the UIScrollView to 375W and 620H and then set the UIImageView to 375W and 3030H. this should complete the work in Interface builder.
In the Controller I've added UIScrollViewDelegate to the Class and added the code below to ViewDidLoad
//scrollView.delegate = self
scrollView.contentSize = CGSize(width: 375, height: 3040)
I've commented out the delegate line as I've done that in IB. When I run the app, the screen comes upon with the image but when I try to scroll it barely scrolls more than one screen. What have I missed?
You need to add a UIView inside your scrollview and then add that view top/bottom/leading/trailing 0 to scrollview then add your image view inside view and add image view bottom constraint to that view, So your scroll view will work properly.
Please refer below image for more details.
You have to place your scroll view inside a UIView and another UIView inside your scroll view.
Outer view Constraints: Leading,trailing,top and bottom - 0
Scroll view Constraints: Leading,trailing,top and bottom - 0
Inner view Constraints: Leading,trailling and top to Superview, Equal width to Outer view , Bottom space to -250 and Height equals 900(Height of your content)
Set your contentsize now.
You can implement as below image screen shots
//Height Constant of image
#IBOutlet weak var ConstHeight: NSLayoutConstraint!
override func viewDidLoad() {
if #available(iOS 11.0, *) {
self.scrollView.contentInsetAdjustmentBehavior = .never
self.automaticallyAdjustsScrollViewInsets = false
//You can change height on here too
self.ConstHeight.constant = 800

Scroll in UIScrollView with tvOS

I stuck with scrolling content inside UIScrollView in my tvOS app.
I have scrollView with height = 400 and width = 400. Inside this scrollview I have non-scrollable UITextView with height = 800 and width = 400. So I want to scroll this text.
But my scroll view is not scrolled, I don't see any scrolling indicators and also my scrollView have isFocused value = false. How can I solve this problem?
p.s. update I created separate ViewController (image below).
It have black ScrollView and white view with big height with label in the middle of it. ScrollView has fixed width and height and there is no scrolling for some reason! I even didn't connect any separate class - just created it from Interface builder.
UIView isn't focusable by default (and as such in tvOS it can't be scrolled) . You have to subclass it to override canBecomeFocused:
class myUIView: UIView {
override var canBecomeFocused: Bool {
return true
Then in your example use the class myUIView instead of UIView for your long white view. Setting the right constraints you wouldn't need to design the views out of the controller view boundaries in IB either. Check this answer with the linked gist to see how to build the constraints.
I think you can use the
func gestureRecognizer (_ gestureRecognizer: UIGestureRecognizer, shouldReceive touch: UITouch) -> Bool
method to judge the view and scroll it
According to the view you touch to do something to intercept
There is some way to fix your problem.
Please check your scrollview in storyboard, is your scrolling or vertical indicator is checked?
U can make your textview scrollable if u just want to scroll the textview content
There is problem in your constraint, you need to cleary add the height, vertical space top, vertical space bottom from your textview to your scrollview.
Hope these advice can help you
So you have to set the scrollview's content size larger than the scrollview bounds, so you should set contentsize to (400, 800), probaly in you xib