Ada on microbit, GNAT - gnat

So, I have a project where I need to program a Real time system on the microbit using Ada
I've come accross a problem, by using the arm-elf library and compiler I seem to lose access to all Ada base libraries, that is, the only one I can use is Ada.Text_IO, all others can't seem to be found by the IDE
I want to debug my code, printing the data I'm receiving from the accelerometer, but it's a number, and the library Ada.Text_IO only works with strings, so I tried to use Ada.Integer_Text_IO which was not found.
But if I change in project settings to the ada base compiler, I can compile and build my code (which means the code is correct), but I'm missing the button to flash it to the microbit

Well, the runtime provided for the MicroBit is a ZFP which means Zero FootPrint runtime.
So you shouldn't expect all the standard library to be implemented... But expect that there's nothing :)
In fact, you only have what exists in the Ada drivers library.
Moreover, what would be IO on such a microcontroller ? Where do you expect it to output ?
If you want to output something, take a look at this example and use Image attribute of your number.


Simulink backwards compatibility

I implemented a (medium to big) simulink model in v2012b.
I thought it would work also in 2010bSP2, but it didn't. Some mask blocks are not opening and other strange errors.
In previous versions of simulink there was a "save as simulink 201x" model to force compatibility, but I couldn't find it anymore in 2012b.
Any clues on how to avoid rework?
Starting with 2012b, and the new interface, they have moved the option to the menu:
File / Export Model to / Previous Version
The feature never seems to fully work, and I often get warnings when first loading a model into an older version, so I would recommend giving your model a thorough check over and test. I always save again from the correct version, to clear the warnings.
The refactoring for a New Simulink Version can show up at several points.
Your own libraries: There is a feature called "Forwarding Tables" that allows you to specify where a block in the new library is (I suppose you will have to refactor your libraries as well, and probably someone else uses those libraries too)
It sounds like a biiig hack (and it is) but i found it sometimes the path of lowest resistantce... Just open your model in the Editor of your choice and replace the block paths whith the common refactoring funcitons. It is terrible i know but Simulink really lacks of refactoring functions...

Scala Metaprogramming at Runtime

I'm building a tool that will receive unpredictable data structure, and I want to generate case class to accomplish the structure of the received data.
I'm trying to figure out if it's possible to generate case class at runtime? This structure will be know only at runtime.
It's something similar to what macro does, but in runtime.
I've found this project on the internet
Which is very close to what I want to do ,but I couldn't find if it was successful of not.
Another way of doing it is generate the code, compile and put the result in the classpath, like IScala is doing to use the code in an iterative way. But I don't think that this will scale.
Does anybody has already done something like runtime code generation?
This question was also posted in scala-user mailing list
UPDATE: (as per the comments)
If all you want is throw-away code generated at runtime to be fed into to a library that cannot work with just lists and maps, and not code to be stored and used later, it would make sense to look for solutions to this problem for Java or JVM. That is, unless the library requires some Scala specific features not available to vanilla JVM bytecode (Scala adds some extras to the bytecode, which Java code doesn't need/have).
what is the benefit of generating statically typed code dynamically? as opposed to using a dynamic data structure.
I would not attempt that at all. Just use a structure such as nested lists and maps.
Runtime code generation is one of the purposes of the Mars Project. Mars is under development, at the moment there is no release version. Mars requires its own toolchain to expand macros at runtime and should use several features unique to scala.meta (, for example, AST interpretation and AST persistence. Currently we are working on ASTs typechecking in scala-reflect, required for runtime macros expansion.

Programmatic interface to the GNAT compiler?

Is there a supported way to have an Ada program call out to GNAT to compile a source file, and then load the result dynamically?
(By 'supported' I mean: better than shelling out to gnatmake.)
Background: I have a program whose configuration files contain code. Right now I have an LLVM-based library, written in C++, which I have C bindings to and call out to from Ada, which handles this: it loads the configuration files, JIT compiles them into (commendably fast) machine code, and then I call out to them from Ada.
This is horrible.
It would be far cleaner to simply write the configuration in Ada, and compile and link it against the program. But I don't want to force the end user to have to set up a build system. What I'd like is for the end user to just point my program at the configuration files, and then have the program compile and dynamically load them invisibly, without the user needing to care.
This sounds like exactly the sort of thing that someone's already done. Have they? (I only care about Unixoids like Linux, if that helps.)

Using Inline::CPP vs SWIG - when?

In this question i saw two different answers how to directly call functions written in C++
Inline::CPP (and here are more, like Inline::C, Inline::Lua, etc..)
Handmade (as daxim told - majority of modules are handwritten)
I just browsed nearly all questions in SO tagged [perl][swig] for finding answer for the next questions:
What are the main differences using (choosing between) SWIG and Inline::CPP or Handwritten?
When is the "good practice" - recommented to use Inline::CPP (or Inline:C) and when is recommented to use SWIG or Handwritten?
As I thinking about it, using SWIG is more universal for other uses, like asked in this question and Inline::CPP is perl-specific. But, from the perl's point of view, is here some (any) significant difference?
I haven't used SWIG, so I cannot speak directly to it. But I'm pretty familiar with Inline::CPP.
If you would like to compose C++ code that gets compiled and becomes callable from within Perl, Inline::CPP facilitates this. So long as the C++ code doesn't change, it should only compile once. If you base a module on Inline::CPP, the code will be compiled at module install time, so another user never really sees the first time compilation lag; it happens at install time, just before the testing phase.
Inline::CPP is not 100% free of portability isues. The target user must have a C++ compiler that is of similar flavor to the C compiler used to build Perl, and the C++ standard libraries should be of versions that produce binary-compatible code with Perl. Inline::CPP has about a 94% success rate with the CPAN testers. And those last 6% almost always boil down to issues of the installation process not correctly deciphering what C++ compiler and libraries to use. ...and of those, it usually comes down to the libraries.
Let's assume you as a module author find yourself in that 95% who have no problem getting Inline::CPP installed. If you know that your target audience will fall into that same category, then producing a module based on Inline::CPP is simple. You basically have to add a couple of directives (VERSION and NAME), and swap out your Makefile.PL's ExtUtils::MakeMaker call to Inline::MakeMaker (it will invoke ExtUtils::MakeMaker). You might also want a CONFIGURE_REQUIRES directive to specify a current version of ExtUtils::MakeMaker when you create your distribution; this insures that your users have a cleaner install experience.
Now if you're creating the module for general consumption and have no idea whether your target user will fit that 94% majority who can use Inline::CPP, you might be better off removing the Inline::CPP dependency. You might want to do this just to minimize the dependency chain anyway; it's nicer for your users. In that case, compose your code to work with Inline::CPP, and then use InlineX::CPP2XS to convert it to a plain old XS module. Your user will now be able to install without the process pulling Inline::CPP in first.
C++ is a large language, and Inline::CPP handles a large subset of it. Pay attention to the typemap file to determine what sorts of parameters can be passed (and converted) automatically, and what sorts are better dealt with using "guts and API" calls. One feature I wouldn't recommend using is automatic string conversion, as it would produce Unicode-unfriendly conversions. Better to handle strings explicitly through API calls.
The portion of C++ that isn't handled gracefully by Inline::CPP is template metaprogramming. You're free to use templates in your code, and free to use the STL. However, you cannot simply pass STL type parameters and hope that Inline::CPP will know how to convert them. It deals with POD (basic data types), not STL stuff. Furthermore, if you compose a template-based function or object method, the C++ compiler won't know what context Perl plans to call the function in, so it won't know what type to apply to the template at compiletime. Consequently, the functions and object methods exposed directly to Inline::CPP need to be plain functions or methods; not template functions or classes.
These limitations in practice aren't hard to deal with as long as you know what to expect. If you want to expose a template class directly to Inline::CPP, just write a wrapper class that either inherits or composes itself of the template class, but gives it a concrete type for Inline::CPP to work with.
Inline::CPP is also useful in automatically generating function wrappers for existing C++ libraries. The documentation explains how to do that.
One of the advantages to Inline::CPP over Swig is that if you already have some experience with perlguts, perlapi, and perlcall, you will feel right at home already. With Swig, you'll have to learn the Swig way of doing things first, and then figure out how to apply that to Perl, and possibly, how to do it in a way that is CPAN-distributable.
Another advantage of using Inline::CPP is that it is a somewhat familiar tool in the Perl community. You are going to find a lot more people who understand Perl XS, Inline::C, and to some extent Inline::CPP than you will find people who have used Swig with Perl. Although XS can be messy, it's a road more heavily travelled than using Perl with Swig.
Inline::CPP is also a common topic on the mailing list. In addition to myself, the maintainer of Inline::C and several other Inline-family maintainers frequent the list, and do our best to assist people who need a hand getting going with the Inline family of modules.
You might also find my Perl Mongers talk on Inline::CPP useful in exploring how it might work for you. Additionally, Math::Prime::FastSieve stands as a proof-of-concept for basing a module on Inline::CPP (with an Inline::CPP dependency). Furthermore, Rob (sisyphus), the current Inline maintainer, and author of InlineX::CPP2XS has actually included an example in the InlineX::CPP2XS distribution that takes my Math::Prime::FastSieve and converts it to plain XS code using his InlineX::CPP2XS.
You should probably also give ExtUtils::XSpp a look. I think it requires you to declare a bit more stuff than Inline::CPP or SWIG, but it's rather powerful.

How do I generate new source code in text form in a Scala compiler plugin?

I have just finished the first version of a Java 6 compiler plugin, that automatically generates wrappers (proxy, adapter, delegate, call it what you like) based on an annotation.
Since I am doing mixed Java/Scala projects, I would like to be able to use the same annotation inside my Scala code, and get the same generated code (except of course in Scala). That basically means starting from scratch.
What I would like to do, and for which I haven't found an example yet, is how do I generate the code inside a Scala compiler plugin in the same way as in the Java compiler plugin. That is, I match/find where my annotation is used, get the AST for the annotated interface, and then ask the API to give me a Stream/Writer in which I output the generated Scala source code, using String manipulation.
That last part is what I could not find. So how do I tell the API to create a new Scala source file, and give me a Stream/Writer/File/Handle, so I can just write in it, and when I'm done, the Scala compiler compiles it, within the same run in which the plugin was invoked?
Why would I want to do that? Firstly, because than both plugins have the same structure, so maintenance is easy. Secondly, I want to open source it, and there is just no way to support every option that anyone would want, so I expect potential users to want to extend the generation with their own code. This will be a lot easier for them if they just have to do some printf(), instead of learning the AST API (this also applies to me).
Short answer:
It can't be done
Long answer:
You could conceivably generate your source file and push that through a parser instance within your plugin. But not in any way that's likely to be of any use to you, because you'd now have a bigger problem to contend with:
In order to grab all the type/name information for generating the delagate/proxy, you'll have to pick up the annotated type's AST after it has run through both the namer and typer phases (which are inseperable). The catch is that any attempts to call your generated code will already have failed typechecking, the compiler will have thrown an error, and any further bets are off.
Method synthesis is possible in limited cases, so long as you can somehow fool the typechecker for just long enough to get your code generated, which is the trick I pulled with my Autoproxy 'lite' plugin. Even then, you're far better off working with TreeDSL to generate code instead of pumping out raw source.
Kevin is entirely correct, but just for completeness it's worth mentioning that there is another alternative - write a compiler plugin that generates source. This is the approach that I've adopted in Borachio. It's not a very satisfactory solution, but it can be made to work.
Edit - I just reread your question and realised that you're actually asking about generating source anyway
So there is no support for this directly, but it's basically just a question of opening a file and writing the relevant "print" statements. There's no way to invoke the compiler "inside" a plugin AFAIK, but I've written an sbt plugin which hides most of the complexity of invoking the compiler twice.