I have a powershell script, where I receive names of elements as a variables from Jenkins:
$IISarray = #("$ENV:Cashier_NAME", "$ENV:Terminal_NAME", "$ENV:Content_Manager_NAME", "$ENV:Kiosk_BO_NAME")
foreach ($string in $IISarray){
"some code goes here"
Sometimes random elements can be blank. How can I add a check to see if the current element in array is blank, skip it and go to next element?
It's easiest to use -ne '' to created a filtered copy of the array that excludes empty entries, courtesy of the ability of many PowerShell operators to act as a filter with an array-valued LHS.
Note: I'm assuming you mean to filter out empty strings, not also blank (all-whitespace) ones, given that undefined environment variables expand to an empty string.
# Sample array with empty elements.
# Note: No need for #(...), unless there's just *one* element.
$IISarray = "foo", "", "bar", "baz", ""
# Note the `-ne ''`, which filters out empty elements.
foreach ($string in $IISarray -ne ''){
$string # echo
The above yields:
soundstripe's answer offers a Where-Object solution, which potentially provides added flexibility via the ability to specify an arbitrary filter script block, but the use of a pipeline is a bit heavy-handed for this use case.
Fortunately, PSv4+ offers the .Where() collection method, which performs noticeably better.
Let me demonstrate it with a solution that also rules out blank (all-whitespace) elements:
# Note the all-whitespace element, which we want to ignore too.
PS> ("foo", " ", "bar", "baz", "").Where({ $_.Trim() })
Similar to the Where-Object cmdlet, you pass a script block to the .Where() method, inside of which the automatic $_ variable represents the input element at hand.
The .Trim() method trims leading and trailing whitespace from a string and returns the result.
An all-whitespace string therefore results in the empty string.
In a Boolean context (as the .Where() method script block implicitly is), the empty string evaluates to $false, whereas any non-empty string is $true.
You can choose to be explicit, however ($_.Trim() -ne ''), or even use a .NET method ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($_)).
You can use Where-Object to filter out null or empty values. It is very commonly used, so ? is shorthand for Where-Object.
$IISarray = #("$ENV:Cashier_NAME", "$ENV:Terminal_NAME", "$ENV:Content_Manager_NAME", "$ENV:Kiosk_BO_NAME")
foreach ($string in ($IISarray | ? {$_})){
"some code goes here"
The $_ is an automatic variable representing each incoming object in the pipeline. Both $null and the empty string '' are falsy in Powershell, so only non-null values with length > 0 will be passed in to your for loop.
# you can skip the `#` and brackets as well as the quotation marks
$IISarray = $ENV:Cashier_NAME, $ENV:Terminal_NAME, $ENV:Content_Manager_NAME, $ENV:Kiosk_BO_NAME
foreach($String in $IISarray) {
# trim the strings and check the length
if($String.Trim().Length -gt 0) {
"some code goes here"
I have an array and when I try to append a string to it the array converts to a single string.
I have the following data in an array:
451 CAR,-3 ,7 ,10 ,0 ,3 , 20 ,Over: 41
452 DEN «,40.5,0,7,0,14, 21 , Cover: 4
And I want to append the week of the game in this instance like this:
$Str = "Week"+$Week+$Str
I get a single string:
Week16101,NYG,42.5 ,3 ,10 ,3 ,3 , 19 ,Over 43 102,PHI,- 1,14,7,0,3, 24 , Cover 4 103,
Of course I'd like the append to occur on each row.
Instead of a for loop you could also use the Foreach-Object cmdlet (if you prefer using the pipeline):
$str = "apple","lemon","toast"
$str = $str | ForEach-Object {"Week$_"}
Another option for PowerShell v4+
$str = $str.ForEach({ "Week" + $Week + $_ })
Something like this will work for prepending/appending text to each line in an array.
Set array $str:
$str = "apple","lemon","toast"
Prepend text now:
for ($i=0; $i -lt $Str.Count; $i++) {
$str[$i] = "yogurt" + $str[$i]
This works for prepending/appending static text to each line. If you need to insert a changing variable this may require some modification. I would need to see more code in order to recommend something.
Another solution, which is fast and concise, albeit a bit obscure.
It uses the regex-based -replace operator with regex '^' which matches the position at the start of each input string and therefore effectively prepends the replacement string to each array element (analogously, you could use '$' to append):
# Sample array.
$array = 'one', 'two', 'three'
# Prepend 'Week ' to each element and create a new array.
$newArray = $array -replace '^', 'Week '
$newArray then contains 'Week one', 'Week two', 'Week three'
To show an equivalent foreach solution, which is syntactically simpler than a for solution (but, like the -replace solution above, invariably creates a new array):
[array] $newArray = foreach ($element in $array) { 'Week ' + $element }
Note: The [array] cast is needed to ensure that the result is always an array; without it, if the input array happens to contain just one element, PowerShell would assign the modified copy of that element as-is to $newArray; that is, no array would be created.
As for what you tried:
Because the LHS of the + operation is a single string, simple string concatenation takes place, which means that the array in $str is stringified, which by default concatenates the (stringified) elements with a space character.
A simplified example:
PS> 'foo: ' + ('bar', 'baz')
foo: bar baz
Solution options:
For per-element operations on an array, you need one of the following:
A loop statement, such as foreach or for.
Michael Timmerman's answer shows a for solution, which - while syntactically more cumbersome than a foreach solution - has the advantage of updating the array in place.
A pipeline that performs per-element processing via the ForEach-Object cmdlet, as shown in Martin Brandl's answer.
An expression that uses the .ForEach() array method, as shown in Patrick Meinecke's answer.
An expression that uses an operator that accepts arrays as its LHS operand and then operates on each element, such as the -replace solution shown above.
An operator-based solution is fastest, followed by for / foreach, .ForEach(), and, the slowest option, ForEach-Object.
Memory use:
Only the for option with indexed access to the array elements allows in-place updating of the input array; all other methods create a new array.[1]
[1] Strictly speaking, what .ForEach() returns isn't a .NET array, but a collection of type [System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[psobject]], but the difference usually doesn't matter in PowerShell.
Suppose I have the following testArgsX.ps1 file:
If ($args[0] -ne "") {
echo ARGS[X]="`"$args[0]`""
When I execute it either in a command prompt (C:\Test> powershell .\testArgsX.ps1) or in PowerShell prompt (PS C:\Test> .\testArgsX.ps1), it outputs the following:
It seems that $args[0], in the if-condition, is not interpreted as a scalar value. Although I understand there are 2 ways to circumvent this problem (shown below). I want to know why it does not interpret it as a scalar value and if there is a way to fix it so that it does.
Take out the entire if statement (If ( ... ) { ... }) and replace it with Param ( [Int]$RUN_JUST_ONCE = 1 )
Change the if condition from If ($args[0] -ne "") { to If ($args.Length -gt 0) {
$args[0] is a scalar, but accessing a non-existent array element in PowerShell returns $null[1], and $null is indeed not equal to the empty string ("" or '').
Therefore, you should test for $null.
Note that testing for $null is best performed by placing $null on the LHS ($null -ne $args[0]), because on the RHS it would act as a filter instead of returning a Boolean in case the other operand happens to be an array.
Also, note that in order to use an expression such as $args[0] inside "...", an expandable (interpolating) string, you must use $(), the subexpression operator; without it, $args as a whole is expanded, and [0] is used verbatim - see this answer
echo is a built-in alias for the Write-Output cmdlet, whose explicit use is rarely needed; simply using a command or expression whose output is neither captured nor redirected is implicitly output.
To put it all together:
If ($null -ne $args[0]) {
Alternatively, declare parameters for your script, which also makes it easy to assign default values:
# This implicitly becomes the 1st positional parameter.
By default, parameters are positional, which means they can be used unnamed (e.g. testArgsX.ps1 42), though using the name explicitly is always an option (e.g.
testArgsX.ps1 -ARG_X_PARAMETER 42) - though a better name is the probably called for.
PowerShell optionally allows you to assign a data type to parameters and use a variety of attributes, notably ones for argument validation.
See about_Functions and about_Functions_Advanced_Parameters.
[1] With Set-StrictMode -Version 3 or higher in effect, accessing a non-existent element causes a statement-terminating error instead.
I have a .properties file with the following properties in them:
I am able to return the values using the following powershell function:
static [string] getProperty( [string] $property ){
$properties = "../resources/vars/$([jenkins]::PROPERTIES_FILE)"
$properties = get-content $properties | convertfrom-stringdata
return $properties.$property
When attempting to return the property repository.url powershell return this string: https://${repository.host}/repository/
My question is: Is it possible through features that already exist in powershell for the returned string to be https://hostname.com/nexus/repository/?
By design, for security reasons, ConvertFrom-StringData does not perform string expansion (interpolation) on its input.
Assuming you trust the input string[1], you can perform the expansion on demand, after having read the values from the file.
Note that use of ConvertFrom-StringData is problematic, as you've discovered, because the hashtable it creates invariably has unordered keys; that is, the order of the entries does not reflect the order in which the properties are defined in the file.
Therefore, processing the hashtable entries can make the on-demand expansion fail, if an out-of-order entry is processed before another entry whose value it needs for the expansion.
The solution is to roll your own ConvertFrom-StringData variant[2] that reads the properties into an ordered hashtable.
This additionally allows you to combine the read-from-file and expansion-on-demand tasks:
# Create a sample properties file.
'# > sample.properties
# Parse the file and build an *ordered* hashtable from it.
$orderedHash = [ordered] #{}
switch -Regex -File sample.properties {
'^\s*#|^\s*$' { continue } # skip comment and blank lines.
default {
# Determine the key and value...
$key, $value = $_ -split '=', 2
# ... and create the entry while expanding ${...} references to previous
# entries.
$orderedHash[$key.Trim()] = $ExecutionContext.InvokeCommand.ExpandString((
$value.Trim() -replace '\$\{([^}]+)\}', '$$($$orderedHash[''$1''])'
# Output the result.
Note the use of method $ExecutionContext.InvokeCommand.ExpandString to perform on-demand string expansion (interpolation); since this method isn't easy to discover, GitHub issue #11693 proposes that this functionality be surfaced as a proper, easily discoverable cmdlet named something like Expand-String or Expand-Template.
Note: In order to be able to use $ExecutionContext from the method of a PS custom class, you must explicitly reference it in the global scope via $global:ExecutionContext.
For more information about the regex-based -replace operator, see this answer.
The above yields (note that the input order was maintained):
Name Value
---- -----
repository.host hostname.com/nexus
repository.api.url https://hostname.com/nexus/service/rest/v1
repository.url https://hostname.com/nexus/repository
[1] Via $(), the subexpression operator, it is possible to embed arbitrary commands in the input strings.
[2] The code below does not replicate all features of ConvertFrom-String data, but it works with the sample input. While it does support skipping comment lines (those whose first non-whitespace character is a #) and blank lines, treating \ as escape characters and supporting escape sequences such as \n for a newline is not implemented.
The original solution provided by #mklement0 was very useful, and has guided me towards a more complete solution. This solution accomplishes/corrects a couple of things:
The ability to create the hashtable from a file source.
The ability to access the $ExecutionContext variable from within a class method, using the $global: scope.
The ability to thoroughly parse all keys within the hashtable.
static [string] getProperties ( [string] $file, [string] $property ){
$properties = get-content $file -raw | convertfrom-stringdata
while ( $properties.values -match '\$\{([^}]+)\}' ){
foreach ($key in #($properties.Keys)) {
$properties[$key] = $global:ExecutionContext.InvokeCommand.ExpandString( ($properties[$key] -replace '\$\{([^}]+)\}', '$$($$properties[''$1''])') )
return $properties[$property]
Note: When the while loop is not present and searching matches of ${*}, any given returned value may not be completely interpolated or expanded. As an example without the while loop present output from a file may look like this:
And if you were to run the same script again (still without the while loop) would look like this:
The reason for the sometimes incompletely interpolated/expanded strings is because hashtables are naturally unordered. With the introduction of the while loop, results will not be returned until all interpolated/expanded strings are resolved.
The official output would look as such:
I'm trying to setup a validation check against an array. I have the following
$ValidDomain = "*.com","*.co.uk"
$ForwardDomain = Read-Host "What domain do you want to forward to? e.g. contoso.com"
#while (!($ForwardDomain -contains $ValidDomain)) {
while (!($ValidDomain.Contains($ForwardDomain))) {
Write-Warning "$ForwardDomain isn't a valid domain name format. Please try again."
$ForwardDomain = Read-Host "What domain do you want to forward to? e.g. contoso.com"
The commented while line is just an alternative way I've been testing this.
If I enter, when prompted by Read-Host, "fjdkjfl.com" this displays the warning message rather than saying it's valid and keeps looping.
I have tried using -match instead of -contains but get the message:
parsing "*com *co.uk" - Quantifier {x,y} following nothing.
Have I got this completely wrong?
Contains() and -contains don't work the way you expect. Use a regular expression instead:
$ValidDomain = '\.(com|co\.uk)$'
$ForwardDomain = Read-Host ...
while ($ForwardDomain -notmatch $ValidDomain) {
You can construct $ValidDomain from a list of strings like this:
$domains = 'com', 'co.uk'
$ValidDomains = '\.({0})$' -f (($domains | ForEach-Object {[regex]::Escape($_)}) -join '|')
Regular expression breakdown:
.: The dot is a special character that matches any character except newlines. To match a literal dot you need the escape sequence \..
(...): Parentheses define a (capturing) group or subexpression.
|: The pipe defines an alternation (basically an "OR"). Alternations are typically put in grouping constructs to distinguish the alternation from the rest of the expression.
$: The dollar sign is a special character that matches the end of a string.
The {0} in the format string for the -f operator is not part of the regular expression, but a placeholder that defines where (and optionally how) the second argument of the operator is inserted into the format string.
Why does the following result in an array with 7 elements with 5 blank? I'd expect only 2 elements.
Where are the 5 blank elements coming from?
$a = 'OU=RAH,OU=RAC'
$b = $a.Split('OU=')
In order to split by strings (rather than a set of characters) and/or regular expressions, use PowerShell's -split operator:
PS> ('OU=RAH,OU=RAC' -split ',?OU=') -ne '' # parentheses not strictly needed
-split by default interprets its RHS as a regular expression, and ,?OU= matches both OU by itself and ,OU, resulting in the desired splitting, returning the tokens as an array.
For all features supported by -split, including literal string matching, limiting the number of tokens returned, and use of script blocks, see Get-Help about_split.
Since the input starts with a match, however, -split considers the first element of the split to be the empty string. By passing the resulting array of tokens to -ne '', we filter out these empty strings.
By contrast, in Windows PowerShell use of the .NET (FullCLR, up to 4.x) String.Split() method, as you've tried, works very differently:
OU= is interpreted as an array of characters, any of which, individually acts as separator - irrespective of the order in which the characters are specified. Leading, adjacent, and trailing separators are by default considered to separate empty tokens, so you get an array of 7 tokens:
#( '', '', '', 'RAH,', '', '', 'RAC')
Note to PowerShell Core users (PowerShell versions 6 and above):
The .NET Core String.Split() method now does have a scalar [string] overload that looks for an entire string as the separator, which PowerShell Core selects by default; to get the character-array behavior described, you must cast to [char[]] explicitly:
'OU=RAH,OU=RAC'.Split([char[]] 'OU=')
If you construct the .Split() method call carefully, you can specify strings, but note that you still don't get regular-expression support:
PS> 'OU=RAH,OU=RAC'.Split([string[]] 'OU=', 'RemoveEmptyEntries')
works to split by literal string OU=, removing empty entries, but as you can see, that doesn't allow you to account for the ,
You can take this further by specifying an array of strings to split by, which works in this simple case, but ultimately doesn't give you the same flexibility as the regular expressions that PowerShell's -split operator provides:
PS> 'OU=RAH,OU=RAC'.Split([string[]] ('OU=', ',OU='), 'RemoveEmptyEntries')
Note that specifying an (array of) strings requires the 2-argument form of the method call, meaning you must also specify a System.StringSplitOptions enumeration value. Use 'None' to not apply any options (as of this writing, the only true option that is supported is 'RemoveEmptyEntries', as used above).
(The type-safe way to specify option is to use, e.g., [System.StringSplitOptions]::None, however, passing the option name as a string is a convenient shortcut; e.g., 'None'.)
It splits the string for each character in the separator. So its splitting it on 'O', 'U' & '='.
As #mklement0 has commented, my earlier answer would not work in all cases. So here is an alternate way to get the expected items.
$a.Split(',') |% { $_.Split('=') |? { $_ -ne 'OU' } }
This code will split the string, first on , then each item will be split on = and ignore the items that are OU, eventually returning the expected values:
This will work even in case of:
generating 3 items FOO, RAH & RAC
To get only 2 string as expected you could use following line:
$a.Split('OU=', [System.StringSplitOptions]::RemoveEmptyEntries)
Which will give output as:
And if you use (note the comma in the separator)
$a.Split(',OU=', [System.StringSplitOptions]::RemoveEmptyEntries)
you will get
This is probably what you want. :)
Never mind. Just realised it looks for strings on either side of 'O', 'U', and '='.
There are therefore 5 blank chars (in front of the first 'O', between 'O' and 'U', between 'U' and '=', between the second 'O' and 'U', between the second 'U' and '=').
String.Split() is character oriented. It splits on O, U, = as three separate places.
Think of it as intending to be used for 1,2,3,4,5. If you had ,2,3,4, it would imply there were empty spaces at the start and end. If you had 1,2,,,5 it would imply two empty spaces in the middle.
You can see with something like:
PS C:\> $a = 'OU=RAH,OU=RAC'
PS C:\> $a.Split('RAH')
The spaces are R_A_H and R_A. Split on the end of a string, it introduces blanks at the start/end.
PowerShell's -split operator is string oriented.
PS D:\t> $a = 'OU=RAH,OU=RAC'
PS D:\t> $a -split 'OU='
You might do better to split on the comma, then replace out OU=, or vice versa, e.g.
PS D:\t> $a = 'OU=RAH,OU=RAC'
PS D:\t> $a.Replace('OU=','').Split(',')