I am developing an app to learn english with flutter. I have a problem with my android screen app [closed] - flutter

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Closed 5 months ago.
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I am developing an app to learn English with flutter. I have a problem with my app when I ran it on Android devices( IOS is okay).
The problem is when I open my app and click on the button menu like Intermediate(to clarify my button still can't click, I just click on the screen) it will active my navigation bar on the phone first(like my screen is not active) and then I click it again it will be okay.
So I want to ask how I can change (or just a keyword) to get my button menu can click on the first time not click on my screen first?
The second time click is okay(screen is active or like that)

I have already found my answers guys.
I just forgot to display my system bottom bar.


How to hide/ remove the ion-tabs in ionic 3 [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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How can i remove the ion-tabs once its loaded
I am working on a chat application which is almost complete. The issue is that when i login to tabspage, then when i try to logout and it takes to the login page, The bottom ion-tabs are still being showed in login page now.
How can i remove the ion-tabs once it loaded ?
I have searched the internet and didn't found any valid resolve to this problem. I really need solution to this fast.
Following are some screeenshot to explain the situation, Thanks.
Before login screenshot
Dashboard with tabs page loaded
AFTER LOGOUT (loginpage), still tabs are visible
You are changing the root of the tab, remember that each tab has its own navigation stack. By default, pages are cached and left in the DOM if they are navigated away from but still in the navigation stack (the exiting page on a push() for example). They are destroyed when removed from the navigation stack (on pop() or setRoot()). To set a full new root outside the tabs, do something like:
Hope this helps

How is implemented the "Edit Details" view in the Contacts app? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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Is a UITableView set in "Edit Mode"?
If so:
Are several sections used? (Such as a section for phone and email?)
Does each section have a "Add row" row (i.e. "add phone"), so I can add a row at the end of each section?
Both questions can be answered with YES.
You can verify this by watching the animation when a new field is added or deleted. This is the usual insert and delete UITableViewRowAnimation. Also the deletion button on the left side of the row is the UITableView delete button.

Splash screen with progress bar and a cancel button in iPhone [closed]

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Questions asking us to recommend or find a tool, library or favorite off-site resource are off-topic for Stack Overflow as they tend to attract opinionated answers and spam. Instead, describe the problem and what has been done so far to solve it.
Closed 9 years ago.
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I want to implement a splash screen in my application, like if the username and password are already saved in nsuserdefaults and username password fields are also filled up, then when the user starts his application, a splash screen with progress bar and a cancel button should come up, and application should be logged in automatically.
And in case if user clicks on the cancel button, that splash screen would be removed from view and the login screen would be shown.
Is there any example/tutorial related to this?
thanx in advance
First of all the purpose of the splash screen is to make the user wait until the application loads into the iOS. Of course you can achieve your requirement by placing an image and a cancel button. But I afraid that anyhow when your app is launched for the first time you wont get the control for upto 4 to 5 seconds. So my suggestion would be to fix a splash screen first (traditional one) and then when you get the control, perhaps in applicationDidFinishLaunching add a progress bar and a cancel button.

Best practice for clear button in a UITextField [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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When adding a clear button to a UITextField, which option do you normally select for when the clear button appears (appears while editing, appears unless editing, always visible)? I want to choose the one that is unintrusive but useful.
Usually I use "appear while editing" too. But it really depend of what is the purpose of the textfield.
For example:
- If you use the textfield for search like function, you may want to leave the clear button always visible, so if the use want to clear the text it's faster.
- If it's in a registration page, it's not really useful to have a clear button (you may press the x by mistake) because it's just one time competition.
(Sorry, my english is not the best :) )
I prefer it to appear while editing.

Is it possible to have a TextView without a system Keyboard but what i write by myself? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I just want to use my own keyboard and input method when type word in a TextView in my own apps without jailbreak my iPhone
You can make your own view and set it as the inputView property of the text view. You'll need to write your own event handling code to update the text after each key press.
I have heard anecdotally on this site that Apple aren't too keen on keyboard replacements if your keyboard is still basically a keyboard (ie just qwerty buttons, but different shapes or looks) but if you have genuine different functionality in there you shouldn't have a problem.