Facebook Graph API - Deprecated publish_actions alternative - facebook

We have an application that uses the Graph API to publish content on a FB User account using publish_actions permission. This is now deprecated and I am trying to figure out if there is an alternative way to make this happen. After searching for answers in SO I am still not sure if this is possible. According to this post it is not - however other posts and FB documentation itself indicate that the Sharing API is a valid option, although I am not sure if that's totally true. What I need to do is publish a post with no user interaction other than authorizing the app to publish content. Is this possible with this new security model?


Posting on facebook group using facebook page

I would like to know whether it is possible to post on facebook group using facebook page with graph API or not.
I have been struggling finding solutions for this.
Pretty sure that that’s not currently possible.
https://developers.facebook.com/docs/graph-api/reference/v9.0/group/feed#publish says the requirements include that a user access token is used, and that the permission publish_to_groups must be granted, and the description of that permission also uses phrasing that indicates pretty clearly, that this is supposed to be used to publish as a user, not a page.

How to post on friend's wall using facebook API without logging in to facebook?

After latest Facebook API changes, is there any way to post on friend's wall, using authenticated access_token?
I have tried using Feed Dialog, but redirects to facebook login page. I want to bypass the login step.
Unfortunately not. From the Facebook API documentation on publishing:
"Note: If you are posting to a friend's timeline or wall, you must use the Feed Dialog."
Full details: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/api/publishing/
No,You Cant
Currently, Facebook allows to post by two ways:
Using FacebookAPI
Using Facebook SDK (depends on your requirement)
And in both these methods its must that you should be an authorised user to perform the action, authentication is a must.So you can't do this without a login.
NB: As per the Facebook Developer docs, graph API no longer works .(But I would like to add on that many of the iOS apps which used this service are still functioning well). So, I prefer to use Facebook SDK.
Hope my answer is clear.

Is Facebook's /me/permissions an undocumented Graph API call?

After looking for ways to check if a user has a given permission, I stumbled upon some obscure reference to /me/permissions, which, lo and behold, works!
For the life of me, I can't find the documentation on the Facebook Documentation - is it deprecated, or simply undocumented?
Given how often facebook changes things, should I even be using this?
They blogged about that:
As part of our efforts to transition
functionality from legacy REST APIs to
the Graph API, we added the ability to
retrieve the list of permissions users
have granted your app by adding the
permissions connection to the User
And is part of the docs on the User object, under connections.

Post status update to Page Wall

I'am really new to all this Facebook development, and I wanted to integrate Facebook within my personal website.
I am now trying to test if what I want is possible.
I want to post a status from my server, via php/js to my Page in Facebook.
How can I do so?
I saw that there is this FBJS function called "Facebook.streamPublish"
But I don't know how to integrate it.
Is there any possible way to do so?
Can you give me an example?
-Secondly, what is an access token?
You get an access_token after facebook authenticates you. You will need this access_token for all subsequent API calls. You can find the details here:
You can use graph API for publishing on the wall and doing other allowed actions. Details of publishing api can be found here:
But do have a look on the facebook policy, because publishing automatically to a wall is considered violation.

Which Facebook APIs can be used to programatically post a message?

I have an application that allows a user to post messages. I'd like to give an option to users to propagate the same posts on their Facebook wall / status. Which Facebook APIs can I leverage, including the ones that are need to authenticate the user?
You can use Facebook's JS API (useful for client-side), the new Graph API, or the old REST API. Facebook has extensive documentation at http://developers.facebook.com/docs/
The easiest path is probably to use the Facebook.streamPublish() function through the FBJS API.
You can also use streamPublish() through direct Facebook API calls, but you need extended permissions. Using FBJS, Facebook will display their own prompt to the user, so you do not need extended permissions.