Scala calculator that accepts three string parameters - scala

How to write a method called calculator that accepts three string parameters:
def calculator(operand1: String, operator: String, operand2: String): Unit
Converts the operands to Int;
Performs the desired mathematical operator (+, -, *, or /) on the two operands
Prints the result, or a generic error messages

Your question shows that you put little to no effort into finding the solution yourself.
When asking a question on StackOverflow next time, ask a question about existing code (e.g. "Why am I getting this exception?" or "Why doesn't my code compile?") and don't assume some internet code monkey will magically write your code.
Anyways, as you seem to be a new member of SO, def calculator would look something like this:
import scala.collection.immutable.StringOps._
import scala.util.{Try, Success, Failure}
def calculator(left: String, op: String, right: String): Unit = {
def parse(value: String) = Try(value.toDouble)
(parse(left), parse(right)) match {
case (Success(leftDouble), Success(rightDouble)) => {
op match {
case "/" => println(leftDouble / rightDouble)
case "*" => println(leftDouble * rightDouble)
case "+" => println(leftDouble + rightDouble)
case "-" => println(leftDouble - rightDouble)
case invalid: String => println(s"Invalid operator $invalid.")
case (Failure(e), _) => println(s"Could not parse $left.")
case(_, Failure(e)) => println(s"Could not parse $right.")
case(Failure(e1), Failure(e2)) => println(s"Could not parse $left and $right.")
Try it out!
If you need any explanation don't hesitate to drop a comment.
I hope this helps.


Scala Pattern Matching using Option[Type]

I am playing around with Scala at the moment and the pattern matching. I have the general idea behind it and can get the basics working. My issue is with Option[]. It is possible to use pattern matching on Option[]'s?
What I am trying to do is make a little function that will take in an option[String] parameter and then based on the input return the string if its a string and a heads up if not. I am not too sure on how to go about this though, I have tried a few thing but it either gives out or in the case below will never hit the second case.
def getString(someString: Option[String]): String =
someString match {
case s: Option[String] => someString //also tried things like case: String => ...
case _ => s"no string entered" //and things like case _ => ...
This is the easiest way to implement your function:
def getString(someString: Option[String]): String =
someString.getOrElse("no string entered")
If you want to use match it looks like this:
def getString(someString: Option[String]): String =
someString match {
case Some(s) => s
case _ => "no string entered"

Understanding Scala default argument message

I am playing around with some Scala code and have met with an error message I don't quite follow. Below is my code
val ignoredIds = Array("one", "two", "three")
def csNotify(x : Any): String = {
case org: String if !ignoredIds.contains(x) =>
println( s" $x should not be here")
case org : String if ignoredIds.contains(x) =>
println(s"$x should be here")
The console output is that I am the arguments for a default function must be known. The error point appears to be pointing at the " String = ". Why would this be the case ? The function should check the two cases and return a string ?
Your case is not finding the match against which it can check your block , and you have missed the match block:
val ignoredIds = Array("one", "two", "three")
def csNotify(x : Any): String = x match {
case org: String if !ignoredIds.contains(x) =>
println( s" $x should not be here")
case org : String if ignoredIds.contains(x) =>
println(s"$x should be here")
So basically when you pass x in method , you have to give it for match as well.
Amit Prasad's answer already shows how to fix it, but to explain the error message:
case org: String if !ignoredIds.contains(x) =>
println( s" $x should not be here")
case org : String if ignoredIds.contains(x) =>
println(s"$x should be here")
on its own (without ... match before it) is a pattern-matching anonymous function, which can only be used where the compiler knows the argument type from the context, i.e. the expected type must be either PartialFunction[Something, SomethingElse] or a single-abstract-method type (including Something => SomethingElse).
Here the expected type is String, which isn't either of those, so the compiler complains about not knowing what the argument type is.
You need to use match keyword here to use cases. There might be some value for which you will be using pattern matching. So use the following code in your function:
x match {
case org: String if !ignoredIds.contains(x) => ???
case org : String if ignoredIds.contains(x) => ???
Also, you should consider adding one more case which is default. As you know the parameter x of your function def csNotify(x: Any): String is of type any. So anything other than String can also be passed here like Int or Boolean or any custom type. In that case, the code will break with match error.
There will also be a compiler warning saying match is not exhaustive as the current code does not handle all possible values for type Any of parameter x.
But if you add one default case in your pattern matching, all the cases which are not handled by the first two cases (unexpected type or values) will go to the default case. In this way the code will be more robust:
def csNotify(x : Any): String = x match {
case org: String if !ignoredIds.contains(org) => ???
case org : String if ignoredIds.contains(org) => ???
case org => s"unwanted value: $org" // or any default value
Note: Kindly replace ??? with your intended code. :)

Combine multiple extractor objects to use in one match statement

Is it possible to run multiple extractors in one match statement?
object CoolStuff {
def unapply(thing: Thing): Option[SomeInfo] = ...
object NeatStuff {
def unapply(thing: Thing): Option[OtherInfo] = ...
// is there some syntax similar to this?
thing match {
case t # CoolStuff(someInfo) # NeatStuff(otherInfo) => process(someInfo, otherInfo)
case _ => // neither Cool nor Neat
The intent here being that there are two extractors, and I don't have to do something like this:
object CoolNeatStuff {
def unapply(thing: Thing): Option[(SomeInfo, OtherInfo)] = thing match {
case CoolStuff(someInfo) => thing match {
case NeatStuff(otherInfo) => Some(someInfo -> otherInfo)
case _ => None // Cool, but not Neat
case _ => None// neither Cool nor Neat
Can try
object ~ {
def unapply[T](that: T): Option[(T,T)] = Some(that -> that)
def too(t: Thing) = t match {
case CoolStuff(a) ~ NeatStuff(b) => ???
I've come up with a very similar solution, but I was a bit too slow, so I didn't post it as an answer. However, since #userunknown asks to explain how it works, I'll dump my similar code here anyway, and add a few comments. Maybe someone finds it a valuable addition to cchantep's minimalistic solution (it looks... calligraphic? for some reason, in a good sense).
So, here is my similar, aesthetically less pleasing proposal:
object && {
def unapply[A](a: A) = Some((a, a))
// added some definitions to make your question-code work
type Thing = String
type SomeInfo = String
type OtherInfo = String
object CoolStuff {
def unapply(thing: Thing): Option[SomeInfo] = Some(thing.toLowerCase)
object NeatStuff {
def unapply(thing: Thing): Option[OtherInfo] = Some(thing.toUpperCase)
def process(a: SomeInfo, b: OtherInfo) = s"[$a, $b]"
val res = "helloworld" match {
case CoolStuff(someInfo) && NeatStuff(otherInfo) =>
process(someInfo, otherInfo)
case _ =>
This prints
[helloworld, HELLOWORLD]
The idea is that identifiers (in particular, && and ~ in cchantep's code) can be used as infix operators in patterns. Therefore, the match-case
case CoolStuff(someInfo) && NeatStuff(otherInfo) =>
will be desugared into
case &&(CoolStuff(someInfo), NeatStuff(otherInfo)) =>
and then the unapply method method of && will be invoked which simply duplicates its input.
In my code, the duplication is achieved by a straightforward Some((a, a)). In cchantep's code, it is done with fewer parentheses: Some(t -> t). The arrow -> comes from ArrowAssoc, which in turn is provided as an implicit conversion in Predef. This is just a quick way to create pairs, usually used in maps:
Map("hello" -> 42, "world" -> 58)
Another remark: notice that && can be used multiple times:
case Foo(a) && Bar(b) && Baz(c) => ...
So... I don't know whether it's an answer or an extended comment to cchantep's answer, but maybe someone finds it useful.
For those who might miss the details on how this magic actually works, just want to expand the answer by #cchantep anf #Andrey Tyukin (comment section does not allow me to do that).
Running scalac with -Xprint:parser option will give something along those lines (scalac 2.11.12)
def too(t: String) = t match {
case $tilde(CoolStuff((a # _)), NeatStuff((b # _))) => $qmark$qmark$qmark
This basically shows you the initial steps compiler does while parsing source into AST.
Important Note here is that the rules why compiler makes this transformation are described in Infix Operation Patterns and Extractor Patterns. In particular, this allows you to use any object as long as it has unapply method, like for example CoolStuff(a) AndAlso NeatStuff(b). In previous answers && and ~ were picked up as also possible but not the only available valid identifiers.
If running scalac with option -Xprint:patmat which is a special phase for translating pattern matching one can see something similar to this
def too(t: String): Nothing = {
case <synthetic> val x1: String = t;
<synthetic> val o13: Option[(String, String)] = main.this.~.unapply[String](x1);
if (o13.isEmpty.unary_!)
<synthetic> val p3: String = o13.get._1;
<synthetic> val p4: String = o13.get._2;
<synthetic> val o12: Option[String] = main.this.CoolStuff.unapply(p3);
if (o12.isEmpty.unary_!)
<synthetic> val o11: Option[String] = main.this.NeatStuff.unapply(p4);
if (o11.isEmpty.unary_!)
Here ~.unapply will be called on input parameter t which will produce Some((t,t)). The tuple values will be extracted into variables p3 and p4. Then, CoolStuff.unapply(p3) will be called and if the result is not None NeatStuff.unapply(p4) will be called and also checked if it is not empty. If both are not empty then according to Variable Patterns a and b will be bound to returned results inside corresponding Some.

Unpacking tuple directly into class in scala

Scala gives the ability to unpack a tuple into multiple local variables when performing various operations, for example if I have some data
val infos = Array(("Matt", "Awesome"), ("Matt's Brother", "Just OK"))
then instead of doing something ugly like{ person_info => person_info._1 + " is " + person_info._2 }
I can choose the much more elegant{ case (person, status) => person + " is " + status }
One thing I've often wondered about is how to directly unpack the tuple into, say, the arguments to be used in a class constructor. I'm imagining something like this:
case class PersonInfo(person: String, status: String){ case (p: PersonInfo) => p.person + " is " + p.status }
or even better if PersonInfo has methods:{ case (p: PersonInfo) => p.verboseStatus() }
But of course this doesn't work. Apologies if this has already been asked -- I haven't been able to find a direct answer -- is there a way to do this?
I believe you can get to the methods at least in Scala 2.11.x, also, if you haven't heard of it, you should checkout The Neophyte's Guide to Scala Part 1: Extractors.
The whole 16 part series is fantastic, but part 1 deals with case classes, pattern matching and extractors, which is what I think you are after.
Also, I get that java.lang.String complaint in IntelliJ as well, it defaults to that for reasons that are not entirely clear to me, I was able to work around it by explicitly setting the type in the typical "postfix style" i.e. _: String. There must be some way to work around that though.
object Demo {
case class Person(name: String, status: String) {
def verboseStatus() = s"The status of $name is $status"
val peeps = Array(("Matt", "Alive"), ("Soraya", "Dead")) {
case p # (_ :String, _ :String) => Person.tupled(p).verboseStatus()
So after seeing a few of the other answers, I was curious if there was any performance differences between them. So I set up, what I think might be a reasonable test using an Array of 1,000,000 random string tuples and each implementation is run 100 times:
import scala.util.Random
object Demo extends App {
//Utility Code
def randomTuple(): (String, String) = {
val random = new Random
(random.nextString(5), random.nextString(5))
def timer[R](code: => R)(implicit runs: Int): Unit = {
var total = 0L
(1 to runs).foreach { i =>
val t0 = System.currentTimeMillis()
val t1 = System.currentTimeMillis()
total += (t1 - t0)
println(s"Time to perform code block ${total / runs}ms\n")
case class Person(name: String, status: String) {
def verboseStatus() = s"$name is $status"
object PersonInfoU {
def unapply(x: (String, String)) = Some(Person(x._1, x._2))
val infos = Array.fill[(String, String)](1000000)(randomTuple)
implicit val runs: Int = 100
println("Using two map operations")
timer {
println("Pattern matching and calling tupled")
timer { {
case p # (_: String, _: String) => Person.tupled(p).verboseStatus()
println("Another pattern matching without tupled")
timer { {
case (name, status) => Person(name, status).verboseStatus()
println("Using unapply in a companion object that takes a tuple parameter")
timer { { case PersonInfoU(p) => + " is " + p.status }
Using two map operations
Time to perform code block 208ms
Pattern matching and calling tupled
Time to perform code block 130ms
Another pattern matching without tupled
Time to perform code block 130ms
Using unapply in a companion object that takes a tuple parameter
Time to perform code block 69ms
Assuming my test is sound, it seems the unapply in a companion-ish object was ~2x faster than the pattern matching, and pattern matching another ~1.5x faster than two maps. Each implementation probably has its use cases/limitations.
I'd appreciate if anyone sees anything glaringly dumb in my testing strategy to let me know about it (and sorry about that var). Thanks!
The extractor for a case class takes an instance of the case class and returns a tuple of its fields. You can write an extractor which does the opposite:
object PersonInfoU {
def unapply(x: (String, String)) = Some(PersonInfo(x._1, x._2))
} { case PersonInfoU(p) => p.person + " is " + p.status }
You can use tuppled for case class
val infos = Array(("Matt", "Awesome"), ("Matt's Brother", "Just OK"))
scala> infos: Array[(String, String)] = Array((Matt,Awesome), (Matt's Brother,Just OK))
scala> res1: Array[PersonInfo] = Array(PersonInfo(Matt,Awesome), PersonInfo(Matt's Brother,Just OK))
and then you can use PersonInfo how you need
You mean like this (scala 2.11.8):
scala> :paste
// Entering paste mode (ctrl-D to finish)
case class PersonInfo(p: String)
Seq(PersonInfo("foo")) map {
case p# PersonInfo(info) => s"info=$info / ${p.p}"
// Exiting paste mode, now interpreting.
defined class PersonInfo
res4: Seq[String] = List(info=foo / foo)
Methods won't be possible by the way.
Several answers can be combined to produce a final, unified approach:
val infos = Array(("Matt", "Awesome"), ("Matt's Brother", "Just OK"))
object Person{
case class Info(name: String, status: String){
def verboseStatus() = name + " is " + status
def unapply(x: (String, String)) = Some(Info(x._1, x._2))
}{ case Person(p) => p.verboseStatus }
Of course in this small case it's overkill, but for more complex use cases this is the basic skeleton.

scala extractor pattern for complex validation but with nice error output

I am struggling with using the extractor pattern in a certain use case where it seems that it could be very powerful.
I start with an input of Map[String, String] coming from a web request. This is either a searchRequest or a countRequest to our api.
searchRequest has keys
countRequest has keys
Then, I want to convert both of these to a composition type structure like so
protected case class CommonQueryRequest(
originalQuery: String,
fromDate: DateTime,
toDate: DateTime
case class SearchQueryRequest(
commonRequest: CommonQueryRequest,
maxResults: Int,
nextToken: Option[Long])
case class CountRequest(commonRequest: CommonQueryRequest, bucket: String)
As you can see, I am sort of converting Strings to DateTimes and Int, Long, etc. My issue is that I really need errors for invalid fromDate vs. invalid toDate format vs. invalid maxResults vs. invalid next token IF available.
At the same time, I need to stick in defaults(which vary depending on if it is a search or count request).
Naturally, with the Map being passed in, you can tell search vs. count so in my first go at this, I added a key="type" with value of search or count so that I could match at least on that.
Am I even going down the correct path? I thought perhaps using matching could be cleaner than our existing implementation but the further I go down this path, it seems to be getting a bit uglier.
I would suggest you to take a look at scalaz.Validation and ValidationNel. It's super nice way to collect validation errors, perfect fit for input request validation.
You can learn more about Validation here: However in my example I use scalaz 7.1 and it can be a little bit different from what described in this article. However main idea remains the same.
Heres small example for your use case:
import java.util.NoSuchElementException
import org.joda.time.DateTime
import org.joda.time.format.DateTimeFormat
import scala.util.Try
import scalaz.ValidationNel
import scalaz.syntax.applicative._
import scalaz.syntax.validation._
type Input = Map[String, String]
type Error = String
case class CommonQueryRequest(originalQuery: String,
fromDate: DateTime,
toDate: DateTime)
case class SearchQueryRequest(commonRequest: CommonQueryRequest,
maxResults: Int,
nextToken: Option[Long])
case class CountRequest(commonRequest: CommonQueryRequest, bucket: String)
def stringField(field: String)(input: Input): ValidationNel[Error, String] =
input.get(field) match {
case None => s"Field $field is not defined".failureNel
case Some(value) => value.successNel
val dateTimeFormat = DateTimeFormat.fullTime()
def dateTimeField(field: String)(input: Input): ValidationNel[Error, DateTime] =
Try(dateTimeFormat.parseDateTime(input(field))) recover {
case _: NoSuchElementException =>
} match {
case scala.util.Success(dt) => dt.successNel
case scala.util.Failure(err) => err.toString.failureNel
def intField(field: String)(input: Input): ValidationNel[Error, Int] =
Try(input(field).toInt) match {
case scala.util.Success(i) => i.successNel
case scala.util.Failure(err) => err.toString.failureNel
def countRequest(input: Input): ValidationNel[Error, CountRequest] =
stringField ("query") (input) |#|
dateTimeField("fromDate")(input) |#|
dateTimeField("toDate") (input) |#|
stringField ("bucket") (input)
) { (query, from, to, bucket) =>
CountRequest(CommonQueryRequest(query, from, to), bucket)
val validCountReq = Map("query" -> "a", "bucket" -> "c")
val badCountReq = Map("fromDate" -> "invalid format", "bucket" -> "c")
scalactic looks pretty cool as well and I may go that route (though not sure if we can use that lib or not but I think I will just proceed forward until someone says no).