Multiple left joins using slick? - scala

I have the following slick entities:
class Person(personId, houseId, carId)
class House(houseId)
class Car(carId)
I want to select a Person and their optional house and car, my query is:
val query = personTable
.filter(_.personId === personId)
.on(_.houseId === _.houseId)
.on(_._1.carId === _.carId)
However, the return type of the query looks a little funny, I'd expect it to be a tuple(person, house, car):
Option[(Person, Option[House], Option[Car])]
But it's actually a tuple(tuple(person, house), car):
Option[((Person, Option[House]), Option[Car])]
The data that comes back does seem correct, its just in an unusual structure, maybe I'm not performing the multiple joins correctly above?

Things look normal to me.
If you don't like the current datatype, you can map in your query to change it, like this e.g:
val query = personTable
.filter(_.personId === personId)
.on(_.houseId === _.houseId)
.on(_._1.carId === _.carId)
.map{case((person, houseOpt), carOpt) => (person, houseOpt, carOpt)}


How to group results with Slick

Let's say I have those two models:
case class Department(id: Long, title: String)
case class Program(id: Long, departmentId: Long, title: String)
And two TableQuery, departments and programs, based on Table mapped to those case classes respectively.
I would like to make a query returning a Seq[(Department, Seq[Program])], where I have a list of departments with their corresponding programs.
I started like this:
val query =
(departments join programs on ((d, p) => === p.departmentId))
.groupBy {...}
But what ever I put in the group by clause just doesn't make sense.
please help.
#osehyum, thanks for your answer. Your query is returning this:
Map[Long, Seq[(Department, Program)]]
The Long here is for the Department Id.
I managed to turn it with this:
val query = departments.joinLeft(programs).on( === _.departmentId).result
.map(items => { case (dep, rows) =>
Note that I used joinLeft this time, so Program became Option[Program], so I had to filter and map. It is tested.
How about this?
val query = departments.join(programs).on( === _.departmentId)

Group by in many-to-many join with Quill

I am trying to achieve with Quill what the following PostgreSQL query does:
select books.*, array_agg( from books
join authors_books on( = authors_books.book_id)
join authors on( = authors_books.author_id)
group by
For now I have this in my Quill version:
val books = quote(querySchema[Book]("books"))
val authorsBooks = quote(querySchema[AuthorBook]("authors_books"))
val authors = quote(querySchema[Author]("authors"))
val q: db.Quoted[db.Query[(db.Query[Book], Seq[String])]] = quote{
.join(authorsBooks).on( == _.book_id)
.join(authors).on(_._2.author_id ==
.map {
case (bId, q) => {
(, unquote(
How can I get rid of the nested query in the result (db.Query[Book]) and get a Book instead?
I might be a little bit rusty with SQL but are you sure that your query is valid? Particularly I find suspicious that you do select books.* while group by i.e. you directly return fields that you didn't group by. And attempt to translate that wrong query directly is what makes things go wrong
One way to fix it is to do group by by all fields. Assuming Book is declared as:
case class Book(id: Int, name: String)
you can do
val qq: db.Quoted[db.Query[((Index, String), Seq[String])]] = quote {
.join(authorsBooks).on( == _.book_id)
.join(authors).on(_._2.author_id ==
.groupBy(r => (,
.map {
case (bId, q) => {
// (Book.tupled(bId), unquote( // doesn't work
(bId, unquote(
val res = => (Book.tupled(r._1), r._2))
Unfortunately it seems that you can't apply Book.tupled inside quote because you get error
The monad composition can't be expressed using applicative joins
but you can easily do it after call to get back your Book.
Another option is to do group by just and then join the Book table again to get all the fields back. This might be actually cleaner and faster if there are many fields inside Book

How to filter on an optional table produced by a left join in slick

I need to apply a filter on an attribute of an optional table produced by a left join in scala slick. I could not find any documentation on this or any similar questions online.
Consider the following query:
val query = FirstTable joinLeft SecondTable on (_.foreignId ===
I would like to filter is by an attribute of the SecondTable:
query.filter {
case (firstTable, secondTableOpt) => secondTableOpt.attribute === "value"
Obviously this does not compile since secondTableOpt is a Rep[Option[SecondTable]]. There does not seem to be a .get method on the Rep object.
There should be a way to write this in slick, does anyone know how to achieve this?
Thank you
As you need to filter the results in your SecondTable in the result, it is better if you do it before the left join. So the code will be something like this:
val filteredSecondTable = SecondTable.filter(_.attribute === "value")
val query = FirstTable joinLeft filteredSecondTable on (_.foreignId ===

Slick 3.0.0: How to query one-to-many / many-to-many relations

Basically the same question has been asked about a year ago for slick 2.x (scala slick one-to-many collections). I'm wondering if there has any progression been made with the release of reactive slick.
Let's say for example we have three tables. library, book and library_to_book where a library has many books. What I want is a list of libraries with their books. In scala this would be something like Seq[(Library, Seq[Book])]. The query I have is as follows:
val q = (for {
l <- libraries
ltb <- libraryToBooks if === ltb.libraryId
b <- books if ltb.bookId ===
} yield (l, b) result => ??? )
results in this case is of type Seq[(Library, Book)]. How do I have to change my query to get a result of type Seq[(Library, Seq[Book])] instead? What is the "slick way" of writing such queries?
IMO your code looks fine. It really depends on what feels more readable to you. Alternatively, you can use join as well:
val findBooksQuery = libraries
.join(libraryToBooks).on( === _.libraryId)
.join(books).on( === _._2.bookId)
val action = (for {
booksResult <- findBooksQuery
} yield { { row =>
val (libraryTableRow, libraryToBooksTableRow) = row._1
val booksTableRow = row._2
// TODO: Access all data from the rows and construct desired DS
You can then do a groupBy on a particular key to get the kind of data structure you are looking for. In this case, it would be more evolved as it is join across three tables. Example, add following to your query:
val findBooksQuery = libraries
.join(libraryToBooks).on( === _.libraryId)
.join(books).on( === _._2.bookId)
// To group by
To what you want to map to, returns a Future(of something), a Future[Seq[(Library, Seq[Book])]] in your case. When mapping over a future you have access to the Seq and you can transform it to something else to get a new Future.

Dynamic OR filtering - Slick

Ok, I've got a method with multiple optional arguments like this
def(username: Option[String], petname: Option[String], favouritefood: Option[String])
and i want to write a dynamic query that will be capable of fetching the data of defined arguments in a way of this
select * from table where un like username or pn like pn or ff like ff;
so depending of which arguments are defined to add them to query with OR operator?
Something like this should work. I had to use a similiar fragment in my own code and it is also close to what cvogt proposes in above comment (I think).
val username = Option("")
val petname = Option("")
val ff:Option[String] = None
val default = LiteralColumn(1) === LiteralColumn(1)
yourTable.filter { it =>
List( === _), === _), === _)
).collect({case Some(it) => it}).reduceLeftOption(_ || _).getOrElse(default)
The thoefer is nice for simple use cases but has some limits. Like if all your options are None's the list is empty and you can't reduce an empty list :)
If you need something more composable, based on predicate, conjunctions and disjunctions (a bit like Hibernate/JPA Criteria API), you can check my answer in Slick: create query conjunctions/disjunctions dynamically