Kubernetes: readinessProbes failing but the livelinessProbe is succeeding with the same settings - kubernetes

I have a livelinessProbe configured for my pod which does a http-get on path on the same pod and a particular port. It works perfectly. But, if I use the same settings and configure a readinessProbe it fails with the below error.
Readiness probe failed: wsarecv: read tcp :50578->:80: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host
Actually after certain point I even see the liveliness probes failing. not sure why . Liveliness probe succeeding should indicate that the kube-dns is working fine and we're able to reach the pod from the node. Here's the readinessProbe for my pod's spec
path: /<path> # -> this works for livelinessProbe
port: 80
initialDelaySeconds: 30
periodSeconds: 10
timeoutSeconds: 10
Does anyone have an idea what might be going on here.

I don't think it has anything to do with kube-dns or coredns. The most likely cause here is that your pod/container/application is crashing or stop serving requests.
Seems like this timeline:
Pod/container comes up.
Liveliness probe passes ok.
Some time passes.
Probably app crash or error.
Readiness fails.
Liveliness probe fails too.
More information about what that error means here:
An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host


how can I schedule Healthcheck in Kubernetes livenessProbe

since we need to stop a service in the kubernetes pot at night because we need to index something in our app(we also can't stop the pod because we need to index somethin in the pod.). While Index HealthEndpoint is unreachable, Prometheus warns that the service is not live. I want to disable liveness at night.
path: /healthcheck
port: 8080
initialDelaySeconds: 60
periodSeconds: 3
I've searched a lot on the internet but haven't found a solution.
You have to use readinessProbe. The difference is that a service can recover from un-readiness while it cannot from failed liveness.
So as long as readinessProbe reports a failure, your pod will be taken out of service, i.e. it will not receive any requests, until readinessProbe reports health again.
Note that there is no connection between livenessProbe and readinessProbe. Both are checked independent from each other. So you may and should implement different check endpoints for them. While the readiness endpoint temporarily reports unhealthiness, your liveness endpoint still has to report health. Of course, you can ommit a livenessProbe if your are comfortable with that.

Kubernetes Service unavailable when container crashes

In my Kubernetes cluster, I have a single pod (i.e. one replica) with two containers: server and cache.
I also have a Kubernetes Service that matches my pod.
If cache is crashing, when I try to send an HTTP request to server via my Service, I get a "503 Service Temporarily Unavailable".
The HTTP request is going into the cluster via Nginx Ingress, and I suspect that the problem is that when cache is crashing, Kubernetes removes my one pod from the Service load balancers, as promised in the Kubernetes documentation:
The kubelet uses readiness probes to know when a container is ready to start accepting traffic. A Pod is considered ready when all of its containers are ready. One use of this signal is to control which Pods are used as backends for Services. When a Pod is not ready, it is removed from Service load balancers.
I don't prefer this behavior, since I still want to be able server to respond to requests even if cache has failed. Is there any way to get this desired behavior?
A POD is brought to the "Failed" state if one of the following conditions occur
One of its containers exit with non-zero status
Kubernates terminates a container due to health checker failing
So, if you need one of your containers to still respond when another one fails,
Make sure your liveliness probe is pointed to the container you need to be continuing. The health checker will get success code always and will not mark the POD as "Failed"
Make sure the readiness probe is pointed to the container you neesd to be continuing. This will make sure that the load balancer will still send the traffic to your pod.
Make sure that you handle the container errors gracefully and make them exit with zero status code.
In the following example readiness and liveliness probes, make sure that the port 8080 is handled by the service container and it has the /healthz and /ready routes active.
path: /healthz
port: 8080
initialDelaySeconds: 5
periodSeconds: 5
path: /ready
port: 8080
initialDelaySeconds: 5
timeoutSeconds: 1
The behavior I am looking for is configurable on the Service itself via the publishNotReadyAddresses option:

Why do I need 3 different kind of probes in kubernetes: startupProbe, readinessProbe, livenessProbe

Why do I need 3 different kind of probes in kubernetes:
There are some questions (k8s - livenessProbe vs readinessProbe, Setting up a readiness, liveness or startup probe) and articles about this topic. But this is not so clear:
Why do I need 3 different kind of probes?
What are the use cases?
What are the best practises?
These 3 kind of probes have 3 different use cases. That's why we need 3 kind of probes.
Liveness Probe
If the Liveness Probe fails, the pod will be restarted (read more about failureThreshold).
Use case: Restart pod, if the pod is dead.
Best practices: Only include basic checks in the liveness probe. Never include checks on connections to other services (e.g. database). The check shouldn't take too long to complete.
Always specify a light Liveness Probe to make sure that the pod will be restarted, if the pod is really dead.
Startup Probe
Startup Probes check, when the pod is available after startup.
Use case: Send traffic to the pod, as soon as the pod is available after startup. Startup probes might take longer to complete, because they are only called on initializing. They might call a warmup task (but also consider init containers for initialization). After the Startup probe succeeds, the liveliness probe is called.
Best practices: Specify a Startup Probe, if the pod takes a long time to start. The Startup and Liveness Probe can use the same endpoint, but the Startup Probe can have a less strict failure threshhold which prevents a failure on startup (s. Kubernetes in Action).
Readiness Probe
In contrast to Startup Probes Readiness Probes check, if the pod is available during the complete lifecycle.
In contrast to Liveness Probes only the traffic to the pod is stopped, if the Readiness probe fails, but there will be no restart.
Use case: Stop sending traffic to the pod, if the pod can not temporarily serve because a connection to another service (e.g. database) fails and the pod will recover later.
Best practices: Include all necessary checks including connections to vital services. Nevertheless the check shouldn't take too long to complete.
Always specify a Readiness Probe to make sure that the pod only gets traffic, if the pod can properly handle incoming requests.
This article explains very well the differences between the 3 kind of probes.
The Official kubernetes documentation gives a good overview about all configuration options.
Best practises for probes.
The book Kubernetes in Action gives most detailed insights about the best practises.
The difference between livenessProbe, readinessProbe, and startupProbe
path: /healthz
port: 8080
initialDelaySeconds: 3
periodSeconds: 3
It is used to indicate if the container has started and is alive or not i.e. proof of being avaliable.
In the given example, if the request fails, it will restart the container.
If not provided the default state is Success.
path: /healthz
port: 8080
initialDelaySeconds: 3
periodSeconds: 3
It is used to indicate if the container is ready to serve traffic or not i.e.proof of being ready to use.
It checks dependencies like database connections or other services your container is depending on to fulfill its work.
In the given example, until the request returns Success, it won't serve any traffic(by removing the Pod’s IP address from the endpoints of all Services that match the Pod).
Kubernetes relies on the readiness probes during rolling updates, it keeps the old container up and running until the new service declares that it is ready to take traffic.
If not provided the default state is Success.
path: /healthz
port: 8080
initialDelaySeconds: 3
periodSeconds: 3
It is used to indicate if the application inside the Container has started.
If a startup probe is provided, all other probes are disabled.
In the given example, if the request fails, it will restart the container.
Once the startup probe has succeeded once, the liveness probe takes over to provide a fast response to container deadlocks.
If not provided the default state is Success.
Check K8S documenation for more.
I think the below table describes the use-cases for each.
Readiness Probe
Liveness Probe
Startup Probe
Indicates whether the container is ready to service requests.
Indicates whether the container is running.
Indicates whether the application within the container is started.
On Failure
If the readiness probe fails, the endpoints controller removes the pod's IP address from the endpoints of all services that match the pod.
If the liveness probe fails, the kubelet kills the container, and the container is subjected to its restart policy.
If the startup probe fails, the kubelet kills the container, and the container is subjected to its restart policy.
Default Case
The default state of readiness before the initial delay is Failure. If a container does not provide a readiness probe, the default state is Success.
If a container does not provide a liveness probe, the default state is Success.
If a container does not provide a startup probe, the default state is Success.
Kubernetes in Action
Here's a concrete example of one we're using in our app. It has a single crude HTTP healthcheck, accessible on http://hostname:8080/management/health.
- containerPort: 8080
name: http-traffic
App Initialization (startup)
Spring app that is slow to start - anywhere between 30-120 seconds.
Don't want other probes to run until app is started.
Check it every 10 seconds for up to 180s before k8s gets into a crash loop.
successThreshold: 1
failureThreshold: 18
periodSeconds: 10
timeoutSeconds: 5
path: /management/health
port: web-traffic
Healthcheck (readiness)
Ping the app every 10 seconds to make sure it's healthy (ie. accepting HTTP requests).
If fail two subsequent pings, cordone it off (prevents cascades).
Must pass two subsequent health checks before can accept traffic again.
successThreshold: 2
failureThreshold: 2
periodSeconds: 10
timeoutSeconds: 5
path: /management/health
port: web-traffic
App has Died (liveliness)
If app fails 3 consecutive health checks, 30 seconds apart, reboot the container. Maybe app got into an unrecoverable state like Java ran out of heap memory.
successThreshold: 1
failureThreshold: 3
periodSeconds: 30
timeoutSeconds: 5
path: /management/health
port: web-traffic

Liveness-Probe of one pod via another

On my Kubernetes Setup, I have 2 pods - A (via deployment) and B(via DS).
Pod B is somehow dependent on Pod A being fully started through. I would now like to set an HTTP Liveness-Probe in Pods B, to restart POD B if health check via POD A fails. Restarting works fine if I put the External IP of my POD A's service in the host. The issue is in resolving DNS name in the host.
It works if I set it like this:
path: /health
port: 8000
Fails if I set it like this:
host: auth
path: /health
port: 8000
Failed with following error message:
Liveness probe failed: Get http://auth:8000/health: dial tcp: lookup auth on no such host
ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/configure-pod-container/configure-liveness-readiness-startup-probes/
Is the following line on the above page true for HTTP Probes as well?
"you can not use a service name in the host parameter since the kubelet is unable to resolve it."
Correct 👍, DNS doesn't work for liveness probes, the kubelet network space cannot basically resolve any in-cluster DNS.
You can consider putting both of your services in a single pod as sidecars. This way they would share the same address space if one container fails then the whole pod is restarted.
Another option is to create an operator 🔧 for your pods/application and basically have it check the liveness through the in-cluster DNS for both pods separately and restart the pods through the Kubernetes API.
You can also just create your own script in a pod that just calls curl to check for a 200 OK and kubectl to restart your pod if you get something else.
Note that for the 2 options above you need to make sure that Coredns is stable and solid otherwise your health checks might fail to make your services have potential downtime.

Kubernetes livenessProbe: restarting vs destroying of the pod

Is there a way to tell Kubernetes to just destroy a pod and create a new one if the liveness probe fails? What I see from logs now: my node js application is just restarted and runs in the same pod.
The liveness probe is defined in my YAML specification as follows:
path: /app/check/status
port: 3000
- name: Accept
value: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
initialDelaySeconds: 60
periodSeconds: 60
I am fully aware that recreating a pod if a liveness prove fails is probably not the best idea and a right way would be to get a notification that something is going on.
So liveness and readiness probes are defined in containers not pods so if you have 1 container in your pod and you specify restartPolicy to Never. Then your pod will go into a Failed state and will be scrapped at some point based on the terminated-pod-gc-threshold value.
If you have more than one container in your pod it becomes tricker because of your other container(s) running making the pod still be in Running status. You can build your own automation or try Pod Readiness which is still in alpha as of this writing.