Browser Back Button Cause Dynamic Content to Load - infinite-scroll

I am using Wordpress, with a plugin called "Visual Portfolio" It has a feature that allows some of the content to load, then when you scroll down, it loads more portfolio thumbnail content, like an infinite scroll feature for pagination.
The problem is, this makes it so if content is loaded dynamically, when they go to a portfolio item, then press back, the content is not loaded in the same way, and they can't easily go to another portfolio item, without scrolling down again.
Is there any way to solve this, so when they press back, it loads the page the way it was when they were their before?
Thank you for your attention on this


The route.first page (MyHomePage) is updating even without a callback, function or notification listener

I can't really share code for this as it's for my entire ~large~ application, but is it normal for a flutter application's lower navigation stack to be updated when the current page is?
For example, in this page I have a standard form with a few TextFormFields:
Whenever I click on one to start typing the page sets state as expected, but by adding print("Update"); inside the build function of the bottom page of the navigation stack, I can see that page is being updated too. It happens on all pages I put on top of the first route page. I've also been experiencing that the home page gets slower as the app has been open for longer, could this be a cause for that problem too?

Swift: How to navigate to a PDF page after clicking TableViewCell from another VC

I am building an app, where i have loaded a PDF of 300 pages. This PDF has lot of content, which are added as keywords to the tableViewCell in another VC.
When i tap any cell from VC, it should navigate to the next VC, where i have a UIWebView which has the PDF.
Now the ask is, when i press this cell, the new VC directly should navigate to the given page where the information related to that keyword is present.
Any idea or points on how to show a given page in PDF will help.
Because you're dealing with web, it is hard to have native navigation. I know from web development experience that to navigate to a specific part of a website, you can use anchor points/tags. I'd recommend looking into those. With them, you can change the URL from to or, etc. Then, with the the UITableView you can point directly to these anchor points.
Let me know if this helps!
From your questions, it seems like you have a 300 page PDF file from an online location and you gather all the menu in your table view and each cell has the same url pointing to the link of the PDF.
This is not a good practice on the first place. This means that you are reloading the PDF file again and again when user simply want to see contents from another menu. It's also extremely hard to deal with paging problem from a web view.
Instead, if your pdf is well formatted(meaning it has a menu page and when you click on them from Adobe PDF reader, it can jump to the page), simply use this PDF reader. It also provides you the menu by itself and you don't need to have a table view controller and a webview controller. Moreover, you just need to put PDF file in your main bundle and never need to download every time.

Refreshing the webview in iPhone app

In the home page of my iphone application i am calling a web page, users can do some actions(comment,like etc) from other tabs of my app-After that,when the come back to home page the web page must be refreshed(eg:- comment/like count must be incresed)
If user do the refreshing of home page(scroll up from top) the page is getting refreshed,but the client wanted to refresh it automatically
So i have loaded the web page in viewDidAppear method,
Now problem is-whenever user come back to home page it gets refreshed and showing from the top(if user go to detail from some link at bottom and come back,webpage shows the top)
how to prevent this,or is there any better idea for automatic refreshing ?
Perhaps a better way would be to use javascript to download the updates in the background, then update your content appropriately. UIWebView has a method –stringByEvaluatingJavaScriptFromString: which can be used to run javascript code. You could supply the method call to perform the refresh in your -viewDidLoad method.
Another option could be to download the HTML in the background, and compare it too what is displayed, if different, swap. That way content is only refreshed when needed. Although that still gives you the problem of content moving to the top.

Facebook like button late rendering

I am using addthis thirdparty tool for facebook and twitter like button , The twitter like button rendering parallely with the page but facebbok button renders a bit late, after the whole page, I am using it like that :
a class="addthis_button_facebook_like" fb:like:href="#"
Is there a way for rendering it same time with the whole page ?
Unfortunately, it isn't possible to guarantee when the buttons will be rendered. All the buttons will load at different times depending on how fast the resources (JS/CSS) are loaded and how quickly the code executes to render the buttons. This is done to make sure your page always load and doesn't get blocked by the buttons loading. The reverse could happen where Twitter loads slowly and Facebook loads quickly. Is there a functional reason for wanting them to load at the same time? If so, you could "hide" the div containing all the buttons and then have them all appears after a certain amount of time to increase the likelihood that all buttons have been rendered. I hope that makes sense.

How can i insert iframe in footer Layout Zend without refresh this footer?

I am building an application using Zend Framework and i need insert one iframe in footer this application but, when i press F5 or click link or button, all page refresh even iframe.
The layout zend is called everytime when i dispatcher an event to server, ready, the iframe too. (My iframe is in the foorter.phtml, ready, it called together layout).
Someone have an some idea how to resolve this question?
You cannot refresh the whole page except for an iframe on the page. When you ask a browser to refresh a page, it will refresh the whole page, there's no way to do it any differently.
To do what you seem to want to do, without using Javascript/AJAX, you'd have to use two frames. One for the top part of your website, and one for your footer. Here is an introduction to frames and how they work (iframes are similar, they are just "internal frames"):
Please, however, note that using frames/iframes is not a practice I personally encourage. You should ask yourself why you are trying to do this. If it's to reload only a certain part of the page, then you should probably check into Javascript/AJAX alternatives.
If you want to disable the layout for some action you can use $this->_helper->layout ()->disableLayout ();. Put it in the iframe action, which will disable the layout and will show only the view of the action.