How can I use handleExpandChartChange event to monitor expanded rows in SAPUI5 Gantt Chart? - sapui5

I need to record the list of rows that expanded in a Gantt chart in a SAPUI5 program.
I found this handleExpandChartChange event but there is no attach function for this. Does anyone have any idea that how do we have to use it or any other method to know about the extended rows?

I solved my problem. We have to use treeTableToggleEvent event to monitor the expanded or collapsed rows.
For this we can use the following function as a event handler for treeTableToggleEvent:
onTreeTableToggleEvent: function (oEvent) {
var oParameters = oEvent.getParameters();
if (oParameters.rowIndex >= 0 && oParameters.expanded) {
if (!this._aExpandedRows.includes(oParameters.rowIndex)) {
} else if (oParameters.rowIndex >= 0 && !oParameters.expanded) {
var iIndex = this._aExpandedRows.indexOf(oParameters.rowIndex);
if (iIndex > -1) {
this._aExpandedRows.splice(iIndex, 1);
For using this function we need the _aExpandedRows array to initiate to empty array when we initiate the Gantt chart.
this._aExpandedRows = [];
The expanded row indices are stored in _aExpandedRows array.
I solved the monitoring problem of the expansion of nodes. But still I am interested in how to use handleExpandChartChange event.


AgGrid: How to change the aggregate values for some of the columns dynamically at run time?

I am using Ag grid's row grouping feature and for some of the columns I have predefined aggFunc.
What I am trying to achieve is that once the grid is loaded with all the data, I want to hide some of the aggregate values (on row as well as leaf children) for some columns based on some conditions.
I checked AgGrid's API docs and tried below but unfortunately nothing works for me.
onButtonClick() {
this.gridApi.forEachNode((node, index) => {
if (node.field === 'xyz') {
// = 0; // not working
// = null; // not working
// node.setDataValue('abc', null); // not working
Any help would be appreciated.
try this
columnApi.setColumnAggFunc(colKey, () => '')

ag-grid programmatically selecting row does not highlight

Using Angular 4 (typescript), I have some code like below using ag-grid 12.0.2. All I'm trying to do is load my grid and automatically (programmatically) select the first row.
this.gridOptions = ....
suppressCellSelection = true;
rowSelection = 'single'
loadRowData() {
this.rowData = [];
// build the row data array...
let node = this.gridOptions.api.getRowNode(...);
// console logging here shows node holds the intended row
// console logging here shows node.selected == true
// None of these succeeded in highlighting the first row
this.gridOptions.api.redrawRows({ rowNodes: [node] });
this.gridOptions.api.refreshCells({ rowNodes: [node], force: true });
First node is selected but the row refuses to highlight in the grid. Otherwise, row selection by mouse works just fine. This code pattern is identical to the sample code here: but it does not work.
Sorry I am not allowed to post the actual code.
The onGridReady means the grid is ready but the data is not.
Use the onFirstDataRendered method:
<ag-grid-angular (firstDataRendered)="onFirstDataRendered($event)">
onFirstDataRendered(params) {
This will automatically select the top row in the grid.
I had a similar issue, and came to the conclusion that onGridReady() was called before the rows were loaded. Just because the grid is ready doesn't mean your rows are ready.(I'm using ag-grid community version 19) The solution is to setup your api event handlers after your data has loaded. For demonstration purposes, I'll use a simple setTimeout(), to ensure some duration of time has passed before I interact with the grid. In real life you'll want to use some callback that gets fired when your data is loaded.
My requirement was that the handler resizes the grid on window resize (not relevant to you), and that clicking or navigating to a cell highlights the entire row (relevant to you), and I also noticed that the row associated with the selected cell was not being highlighted.
window.addEventListener("resize", function() {
setTimeout(function() {
Since you want to select the first row on page load, you can do onething in constructor. But your gridApi, should be initialized in OnGridReady($event) method
this.gridApi.forEachNode((node) => {
if (node.rowIndex === 0) {
It's setSelected(true) that does this.
We were using MasterDetail feature, its a nested grid and on expanding a row we needed to change the selection to expanded one.
Expanding a row was handled in
detailCellRendererParams: {
getDetailRowData: loadNestedData,
detailGridOptions: #nestedDetailGridOptionsFor('child'),
and withing loadNesteddata, we get params using we can select expanded row as
Hope this helps.

How to scroll on multiple AmCharts simultaneously?

I just started using AmCharts and have setup two line plots, one on top of the other, with their respective scrollbars.
Now, I want to "link" the scrollbars of both plots, so that if I move the scrollbar on the chart1, I'll get the same date range on the chart2. I imagine this shouldn't be too difficult with a listener, a get value function and a set value function, but I'm unable to find how to get the start/end values of the scrollbar so that I can play with them.
Any help would be appreciated.
There is a demo for this in the AmCharts Knowledge Base
This is the code that is syncing the scrollbars, (I have added the annotations):
Create an array to populate with your charts
var charts = [];
Create how ever many charts you need
charts.push(AmCharts.makeChart("chartdiv", chartConfig));
charts.push(AmCharts.makeChart("chartdiv2", chartConfig2));
charts.push(AmCharts.makeChart("chartdiv3", chartConfig3));
Iterate over the charts, adding an event listener for "zoomed" which will share the event handler
for (var x in charts) {
charts[x].addListener("zoomed", syncZoom);
The event handler
function syncZoom(event) {
for (x in charts) {
if (charts[x].ignoreZoom) {
charts[x].ignoreZoom = false;
if (event.chart != charts[x]) {
charts[x].ignoreZoom = true;
charts[x].zoomToDates(event.startDate, event.endDate);

How can I select :last-child in d3.js?

I need to manipulate the text elements of the first and last tick of an axis to bring them more towards the center.
I am trying to select them, one at the time, with something like'.tick:last-child text') but it doesn't work. I'd then apply .transform('translate(4,0)')...
Am I doing something wrong? How can I achieve this?
One thing you could do is to create custom sub-selections by adding methods to d3.selection.prototype. You could create a selection.first() method that selects the first item in a selection, and a selection.last() method that selects the last item. For instance:
d3.selection.prototype.first = function() {
d3.selection.prototype.last = function() {
var last = this.size() - 1;
This would let you do the following:
var tickLabels = svg.selectAll('.tick text');
Of course, you need to make sure that you only have one axis if you do it that way. Otherwise, specify the axis in your initial selection:
var tickLabels = svg.selectAll('.axis.x .tick text');
HERE is an example.
Here's the cleanest method I've found:
g.selectAll(".tick:first-of-type text").remove();
g.selectAll(".tick:last-of-type text").remove();
As google brought me here, I also want to add a cleaner method to what Adam Grey wrote.
Sometimes you just want to do it without taking a reference of selectAll .
svg.selectAll('.gridlines').filter(function(d, i,list) {
return i === list.length - 1;
}).attr('display', 'none');
the 3rd parameter of the filter function gives you the selected List of elements.
They don't exist in d3 specifically, but you can use the .firstChild and .lastChild methods on a node.
You can first select all of the parents of the node, and then operate within the scope of a .each() method, like so:
var firstChild = this.firstChild,
lastChild = this.lastChild;
//Do stuff with first and last child
Within the scope of .each(), this refers to the individual node, which is not wrapped by a d3 selection, so all of the standard methods on a node are available.
Using .filter() with a function also works selection.filter(filter) :
var gridlines;
gridlines = svg.selectAll('.gridlines');
gridlines.filter(function(d, i) {
return i === gridlines.size() - 1;
}).attr('display', 'none');
It's for D3.js v4
d3.selection.prototype.first = function() {
d3.selection.prototype.last = function() {
this.nodes()[this.size() - 1]
var lines = svg.selectAll('line');
Here is another, even though I used Fered's solution for a problem I met.'*').nodes().reverse()[0])

jsTree Node Expand/Collapse

I ran into the excellent jstree jQuery UI plug in this morning. In a word - great! It is easy to use, easy to style & does what it says on the box. The one thing I have not yet been able to figure out is this - in my app I want to ensure that only one node is expanded at any given time. i.e. when the user clicks on the + button and expands a node, any previously expanded node should silently be collapsed. I need to do this in part to prevent the container div for a rather lengthy tree view from creating an ugly scrollbar on overflow and also to avoid "choice overload" for the user.
I imagine that there is some way of doing this but the good but rather terse jstree documentation has not helped me to identify the right way to do this. I would much appreciate any help.
jsTree is great but its documentation is rather dense. I eventually figured it out so here is the solution for anyone running into this thread.
Firstly, you need to bind the open_node event to the tree in question. Something along the lines of
i.e. you configure the treeview instance and then bind the open_node event. Here I am calling the closeOld function to do the job I require - close any other node that might be open. The function goes like so
function closeOld(data)
var nn = data.rslt.obj;
var thisLvl = nn;
var levels = new Array();
var iex = 0;
while (-1 != thisLvl)
thisLvl = data.inst._get_parent(thisLvl);
if (0 < ignoreExp)
ignoreExp = iex;
var len = levels.length - 1;
for (var i=len;i >=0;i--) $('#divElements').jstree('open_node',levels[i]);
This will correctly handle the folding of all other nodes irrespective of the nesting level of the node that has just been expanded.
A brief explanation of the steps involved
First we step back up the treeview until we reach a top level node (-1 in jstree speak) making sure that we record every ancestor node encountered in the process in the array levels
Next we collapse all the nodes in the treeview
We are now going to re-expand all of the nodees in the levels array. Whilst doing so we do not want this code to execute again. To stop that from happening we set the global ignoreEx variable to the number of nodes in levels
Finally, we step through the nodes in levels and expand each one of them
The above answer will construct tree again and again.
The below code will open the node and collapse which are already opened and it does not construct tree again.
and closeOld function contains:
function closeOld(data)
if($.inArray(, myArray)==-1){
var arr","+data.node.parents;
var res = arr.split(",");
var parentArray = new Array();
var len = myArray.length-1;
for (i = 0; i < res.length; i++) {
for (var i=len;i >=0;i--){
var index = $.inArray(myArray[i], parentArray);
delete myArray[i];
Yet another example for jstree 3.3.2.
It uses underscore lib, feel free to adapt solution to jquery or vanillla js.
$(function () {
var tree = $('#tree');
tree.on('before_open.jstree', function (e, data) {
var remained_ids = _.union(, data.node.parents);
var $tree = $(this);
.get_json($tree, {flat: true}),
function (n) {
if (
n.state.opened &&
_.indexOf(remained_ids, == -1
) {
I achieved that by just using the event "before_open" and close all nodes, my tree had just one level tho, not sure if thats what you need.
$('#dtree').on('before_open.jstree', function(e, data){