How to give tasks a name in Azure DevOps Pipelines (YML) - azure-devops

In the pipelines.yml file, the following is used:
# Print buildId
- script: |
echo "BuildId = $(buildId)"
When looking at the build log in Azure DevOps, I see just "CmdLine".
Is there a way to give a step or a script a readable name which is visible in the build log?

You just need to add the parameter displayName:
- script: 'echo "BuildId = $(Build.BuildId)"'
displayName: Test1001
- script: 'echo "BuildId = $(Build.BuildId)"'
displayName: Test1002


Azure DevOps set env variable

I am trying to set an environment variable to use it in another task but it doesn't work.
The first task should set the variable "versionTag" so I can use it in the next task as $(versionTag).
Can anyone help me with this?
- task: Bash#3
displayName: Create version tag
targetType: 'inline'
script: |
versionTag=$(echo "$(Build.BuildNumber)" | tr '+' '-')
echo "versionTag: ${versionTag}"
echo "##vso[task.setvariable variable=versionTag]${versionTag}"
- task: Docker#2
displayName: Create runtime docker image
containerRegistry: '$(dockerRegistryServiceConnection)'
repository: '$(imageRepository)'
command: 'build'
Dockerfile: '$(dockerfilePath)'
buildContext: '$(Build.SourcesDirectory)'
tags: |
There's a magic command string you can write to the log:
echo "##vso[task.prependpath]c:\my\directory\path"
The path will be updated for the scope of the Job. If your pipeline has multiple jobs, you need to issue the same command for future jobs as well.
The updated path will be available in the next step. Not in the step in which you issue the command.

Azure DevOps Deployment Job not finding registered variable during run

I am trying to use an Azure DevOps deployment job to create a ServiceNow Standard Change Request, register the sys_id to the pipeline, then use it in subsequent phases of the Deployment Job. I have a Python utility that creates a Change Request, and filters the sys_id registering it as a variable. I can access said variable in the same "phase" of the Deployment Job, but the next phase is not working as expected, well,the docs don't really cover any use like this other than contrived uses. I think I was following the Set Variables in Scripts See my pipeline below.
- task: Bash#3
name: snow
displayName: Create Standard RFC from Template
# This task, I'm registering the SYS_ID of the RFC being created. I want to use this throughout the rest
# of the Deployment Job.
targetType: inline
script: |
export sys_id=$(servicenow standard create template $(std_tmpl_sys_id) --query="result.sys_id.value")
echo "##vso[task.setvariable variable=rfc_sys_id;isoutput=true]$sys_id"
- task: Bash#3
displayName: Progress RFC to Scheduled
# This works, for this one task.
targetType: inline
script: |
servicenow standard update $(snow.rfc_sys_id) state=Scheduled
- task: Bash#3
displayName: Install ServiceNow
targetType: inline
script: |
pip install snow --index-url=https://azure:$(System.AccessToken)$(ADO_ORG)/$(ADO_PROJ)/_packaging/python-azure-artifacts/pypi/simple/
- task: Bash#3
displayName: Progress RFC to Implement
# Here, I attempt to get the registered variable from the preDeploy "phase" and use it as a Shell Variable
# because otherwise Azure DevOps would try to just execute it as a shell command.
targetType: inline
script: |
servicenow standard update ${RFC_SYS_ID} state=Implement
RFC_SYS_ID: $[ dependencies.BuildPythonApp.outputs['preDeploy.rfc_sys_id'] ]
Also found here:
Is it even possible to do this in Azure DevOps YAML Pipelines using a Deployment Job?
Can you try two of them? I think only the step-name is missing.
RFC_SYS_ID: $[ dependencies.BuildPythonApp.outputs['preDeploy.snow.rfc_sys_id'] ]
RFC_SYS_ID: $[ dependencies.BuildPythonApp.outputs['BuildPythonApp.snow.rfc_sys_id'] ]

Azure DevOps: How to pass on a variable to a template read from Library variable group

I have a variable group defined in pipeline > Library > variable group > called 'template-variable-group'
All that I am trying to accomplish here is to pass on the value of the variable my-temp-var (in this case as you can see its value is my-template-value) to a template from the yaml file.
I have a yaml based pipeline as follows.
- group: template-variable-group
name: $(date:yyyyMMdd)$(rev:.r)
- stage: Build
- job: buildWebApp
displayName: Build Release pipeline for Discount Service on Master branch
- script: |
echo Here we go
displayName: 'Command Line Script'
- template: template.yaml
variableToTemplate: ${{variables['my-temp-var']}}
And the template.yaml file is as follows.
- task: CmdLine#2
script: |
echo Hello Hello Hello Hello Hello Hello
echo ${{ parameters.variableToTemplate }}
displayName: 'Run a two-line script'
I am not able to do that.
As you can see, that value is not reaching the template. What am I missing.
I saw this SO Answer but did not seem to be of help.
You can just pass it like a regular variable:
Passing it this way $(my-temp-var) will only serve for printing the value somewhere. If you try to use it as a parameter to something say for an ssh connection, the passed value will not work. I am still exploring why but it does not wok.

Create a json file during Azure DevOps build pipeline

I have a Azure DevOps build pipeline that runs a Cypress test. In that Cypress test we have a test user login with a e-mail and password. On my local system I have the password in a cypress.env.json file.
On the Azure build pipeline I get the message that the password is undefined which makes sense since we put the cypress.env.json file in the .gitignore not to expose it to the repo.
I've created a Azure variable to represent the password: $(ACCOUNT_PASSWORD)
So I think I need to create the cypress.env.json file in the build pipeline and use Azure variables for it, but I can't figure out how to create a file during the build step.
I have this task:
- task: CmdLine#2
displayName: 'run Cypress'
script: |
npm run ci
So I need to add a task before this that creates the cypress.env.json file with the variable that represents the password:
You can add a simple PS script that creates the file:
- task: PowerShell#2
targetType: 'inline'
script: |
$json = '{
$json | Out-File cypress.env.json
workingDirectory: '$(Build.SourcesDirectory)'
pwsh: true # For Linux
In the workingDirectory set the path to where you want the file to be created.
If you want to create a json file using Azure Pipeline's Bash#3 for linux environments, you can do
- task: Bash#3
targetType: "inline"
script: |
echo '{"ACCOUNT_PASSWORD": "$(ACCOUNT_PASSWORD)"}' > server/cypress.env.json
cd server
echo $(ls)
cat git-tag.json
- task: Docker#2
command: buildAndPush
The cd echo and cat commands are not necessary. They are only there to log stuff to the console so you can see where the file is and the contents. This task may seem trivial to many but for someone like me with little bash experience even something simple like this task took quite a while to figure out how to debug and get right.
Azure Pipelines runs this bash script in the Build.SourcesDirectory, which is the root of your project. In this example above I have a /server folder which is where I want to put the .json file.
Later on, I run the Docker#2 task which builds my server. The Docker#2 task looks at my Dockerfile which has the instruction COPY . ./ I could be wrong here being new to docker, but my assumption is the Azure VM running the pipeline executes the docker COPY command and copies the file from the Build.SourcesDirectory to a destination inside the docker container.

Set bash command output into an azure yml variable

I'm working with Azure DevOps and I need to set the return of bash commands into some variables, for example I have the following:
VERSION: 7.2 # works fine
FILE_VERSION: ${{cat public/VERSION}} # syntax error
I tried some some variations from ${{}} without success and I could not found the right syntax for it, but I think it must be possible.
You should use a bash step for that.
Like this:
- bash: |
echo "##vso[task.setvariable variable=FILE_VERSION]$(cat public/VERSION)"
You need to do this in two steps
STEP 1: Set static value first
STEP 2: Create step to calculate the value
Note this will only be available for subsequent steps
- bash: |
FILE_VERSION="$(cat public/VERSION)"
echo "##vso[task.setvariable variable=FILE_VERSION]$FILE_VERSION"
We shouldn't use cat command when defining variables. The command should be located in tasks/steps.
According to your description, I assume you're trying to pass the content of public/7.2 to FILE_VERSION variable. Here's my test:
1.Azure Devops Git repo:
2.Define the VERSION variable:
Run the cat command and set job-scoped variable:
- bash: |
FILE_VERSION=$(cat public/$(VERSION))
echo "##vso[task.setvariable variable=FILE_VERSION]$FILE_VERSION"
The whole yaml:
- master
vmImage: 'ubuntu-latest'
- bash: |
FILE_VERSION=$(cat public/$(VERSION))
echo "##vso[task.setvariable variable=FILE_VERSION]$FILE_VERSION"
#Use second bash task to test the variable.
- task: Bash#3
targetType: 'inline'
script: |