How to save .csv paths in a object? - powershell

I have a foreach loop that works like that:
I load an object from XML, so an object composed from city and email of the ICT Head, then I set the future export path using the email. I also set $CurrentCity to get the city we are cycling on.
Then I make a query and check in a full report if there is that city taken from the object we are cycling in, and if there is, I make an export with the corresponding path (as I said before including corresponding email address).
The problem is that I'm gonna send those mail next but I need to collect path of the attachment and email of the recipient in an object.
How can I do that? I thought I could make a simple object AttachmentPath and Email and then make a foreach into that to get every time the values and send the mail who will be with single-attachment.
$ | foreach {
$tempfile = $myDir + $dir_out + $fileOut + $LogDate +'_'+$_.ICT_mail +'.csv'
$CurrentCity = $_.Branch
if ($result | where {$_.City -eq "$($CurrentCity)"}) {
$result |
where {$_.City -eq "$($CurrentCity)"} |
Export-Csv $tempfile -NoTypeInformation -Append

You can build custom objects with the e-mail address and output file path like this:
$temp_files = $ | foreach {
if ($result | where {$_.City -eq "$($CurrentCity)"}) {
New-Object -Type PSObject -Property #{
'Mail' = $_.ICT_mail
'File' = $tempfile
However, using a hashtable instead of a list of custom objects might be a better approach, because it allows you to look up the file path by e-mail address.
$temp_files = #{}
$ | foreach {
if ($result | where {$_.City -eq "$($CurrentCity)"}) {
$temp_files[$_.ICT_mail] = $tempfile


Parsing HTML with <DIV> class to variable

I am trying to parse a server monitoring page which doesnt have any class name . The HTML file looks like this
<div style="float:left;margin-right:50px"><div>Server:VIP Owner</div><div>Server Role:ACTIVE</div><div>Server State:AVAILABLE</div><div>Network State:GY</div>
how do i parse this html content to a variable like
$Server VIP Owner
$Server_Role Active
$Server_State Available
Since there is no class name.. i am struggling to get this extracted.
$htmlcontent.ParsedHtml.getElementsByTagName('div') | ForEach-Object {
>> New-Variable -Name $_.className -Value $_.textContent
While you are only showing us a very small part of the HTML, it is very likely there are more <div> tags in there.
Without an id property or anything else that uniquely identifies the div you are after, you can use a Where-Object clause to find the part you are looking for.
$div = ($htmlcontent.ParsedHtml.getElementsByTagName('div') | Where-Object { $_.InnerHTML -like '<div>Server Name:*' }).outerText
# if you're on PowerShell version < 7.1, you need to replace the (first) colons into equal signs
$result = $div -replace '(?<!:.*):', '=' | ConvertFrom-StringData
# for PowerShell 7.1, you can use the `-Delimiter` parameter
#$result = $div | ConvertFrom-StringData -Delimiter ':'
The result is a Hashtable like this:
Name Value
---- -----
Server Name VIP Owner
Server State AVAILABLE
Server Role ACTIVE
Network State GY
Of course, if there are more of these in the report, you'll have to loop over divs with something like this:
$result = ($htmlcontent.ParsedHtml.getElementsByTagName('div') | Where-Object { $_.InnerHTML -like '<div>Server Name:*' }) | Foreach-Object {
$_.outerText -replace '(?<!:.*):', '=' | ConvertFrom-StringData
Ok, so the original question did not show what we are dealing with..
Apparently, your HTML contains divs like this:
<div>Service Name:MysqlReplica</div>
<div>Service Status:RUNNING</div>
<div>Remarks:Change role completed in 1 ms</div>
<div>Service Name:OCCAS</div>
<div>Service Status:RUNNING</div>
<div>Remarks:Change role completed in 30280 ms</div>
To deal with blocks like that, you need a whole different approach:
# create a List object to store the results
$result = [System.Collections.Generic.List[object]]::new()
# create a temporary ordered dictionary to build the resulting items
$svcHash = [ordered]#{}
foreach ($div in $htmlcontent.ParsedHtml.getElementsByTagName('div')) {
switch -Regex ($div.InnerText) {
'^=+' {
if ($svcHash.Count) {
# add the completed object to the list
$svcHash = [ordered]#{}
'^(Service .+|Remarks):' {
# split into the property Name and its value
$name, $value = ($_ -split ':',2).Trim()
$svcHash[$name] = $value
if ($svcHash.Count) {
# if we have a final service block filled. This happens when no closing
# <div>=======================================</div>
# was found in the HTML, we need to add that to our final array of PSObjects
# output on screen
$result | Format-Table -AutoSize
# output to CSV file
$result | Export-Csv -Path 'X:\services.csv' -NoTypeInformation
Output on screen using the above example:
Service Name Service Status Remarks
------------ -------------- -------
MysqlReplica RUNNING Change role completed in 1 ms
OCCAS RUNNING Change role completed in 30280 ms

Powershell add null content and not null content to one CSV

I need to include 'Installed' and 'Not Installed' data in one CSV
I think I need to incorporate an -OR logical operator to include TRUE/FALSE
output in one CSV. Idk how to do that yet.
There's a folder with many *ServerData files that contain a list of KBs with
possible duplicate KBs.
There is a *ServerData file for each server, with possible duplicate files.
I want to test whether any of them contain KB2151757 and KB4556403.
Then output the results to a csv with a status of either Installed or Not
Currently it only returns a list of computers with the KB installed.
If the $patch is not found, it currently returns nothing (null).
For each $computer searched, it needs to return the specified fields for the
I'm thinking that maybe I just need to take a function to find 'installed' and a function to find 'not installed' and add the results together to export. Idk how to do that. I feel like there must be an easier way.
Click to view a sample of the CSV
$computers = Get-Item -path F:\*ServerData | Select-Object -ExpandProperty basename
$patch = gc -path F:\*ServerData | Sort-Object -Unique | Select-String KB2151757, KB4556403 #'KB(\d+)'
$output = ForEach ($computer in $computers) {
ForEach ($kb in $patch) {
if ($null -eq $patch){
Status = 'Not Installed'
Server = $computer
KB = $kb
} else{
Status = 'Installed'
Server = $computer
KB = $kb
$output | Export-csv C:\KB-Report.txt -notypeinformation -delimiter ',' -encoding utf8
If you start by grouping the files by the associated computer name, then the procedure becomes straightforward (pseudocode):
for each Computer
for each ExpectedPatch
if ServerData for Computer contains ExpectedPatch
Output object with 'Installed' status for ExpectedPatch on Computer
Output object with 'NotInstalled' status for ExpectedPatch on Computer
So let's give that a try:
# Define the articles we're looking for
$ExpectedPatches = 'KB2151757', 'KB4556403'
# Enumerate and group data files by computer name, output as hashtable
# The resulting hashtable will have the computer name is Name and the associated files as its value
$ServerDataPerComputer = Get-Item -Path F:\*ServerData |Group BaseName -AsHashtable
foreach($Computer in $ServerDataPerComputer.GetEnumerator())
foreach($Patch in $ExpectedPatches)
# Pipe all the file references to Select-String, look for the KB ID, return after the first match if any
$Status = if($Computer.Value |Select-String "\b$Patch\b" |Select-Object -First 1){
else {
# Select-String didn't find the KB ID in any of the files
Status = $Status
Server = $Computer.Name
KB = $Patch

Is there a AD lockout script showing actual machine

Does anyone know or have a script which tells you the actual device locking out an AD account. I have a working script which lists all users locked out in the last 3 days which tells me the DC its locked out. Rather than having to connect to this or via event log and locate the event id, i wanted to know if there was a PS script out there which would output where. Then we can go to said device and fix.
Google has brought up a few suggestions but not the clearest and some just do what i can already get via the current script.
This returns an array of PsObjects, where:
property TargetUserName holds the user SamAccountName that is locked out
property TargetDomainName contains the computer name where the lockout originated from
property EventDate will show the time and date the lockout occurred
# get the domain controller that has the PDC Emulator Role
$pdc = (Get-ADDomain).PDCEmulator
$splat = #{
FilterHashtable = #{LogName="Security";Id=4740}
MaxEvents = 100
ComputerName = $pdc
Credential = Get-Credential -Message "Please enter credentials for '$pdc'"
$lockedOut = Get-WinEvent #splat | ForEach-Object {
# convert the event to XML and grab the Event node
$eventXml = ([xml]$_.ToXml()).Event
# create an ordered hashtable object to collect all data
# add some information from the xml 'System' node first
$evt = [ordered]#{
EventDate = [DateTime]$eventXml.System.TimeCreated.SystemTime
Level = [System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventLevel]$eventXml.System.Level
# next see if there are childnodes under 'EventData'
if ($eventXml.EventData.HasChildNodes) {
$eventXml.EventData.ChildNodes | ForEach-Object {
$name = if ($_.HasAttribute("Name")) { $_.Name } else { $_.LocalName }
$value = $_.'#text'
if ($evt[$name]) {
# if an item with that name already exists, make it an array and append
$evt[$name] = #($evt[$name]) + $value
else { $evt[$name] = $value }
# output as PsCustomObject. This ensures the $result array can be written to CSV easily
# output on screen
$lockedOut | fl *
# output to csv file
$lockedOut | Export-Csv -Path 'D:\lockedout.csv' -NoTypeInformation
If you want to search for a specific user (SamAccountName) for instance, just do
$lockedOut | Where-Object { $_.TargetUserName -eq 'UserSamAccountName' }
Hope that helps

PowerShell/VBScript - Extract Outlook Mails Based on Condition

Is there a way to obtain list of all sent & received emails having suffix not equal to via PowerShell or VBScript and possibly store it in seperate text files.
Add-type -assembly "Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook" | out-null
$olFolders = "Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook.olDefaultFolders" -as [type]
$outlook = new-object -comobject outlook.application
$namespace = $outlook.GetNameSpace("MAPI")
$folder = $namespace.getDefaultFolder($olFolders::olFolderSentMail)
$folder.items | Select-Object -Property Subject, SentOn, To
I was using the above PS to obtain sent mail, but not sure where to apply the condition.
Secondly, the subject is not appearing completely, it becomes ..... is there any way to obtain the full subject as well ?
I'm assuming you're running on a client computer not a server. If you've access to the exchange server there's powershell commandlets that are easy to use (New-MailboxExport).
$folder is a COM-Object
$folder.items property contains a collection of COM-Objects representing messages.
Since they're objects, you can use the object commands (Get-Help Object) to use their properties. You just need to dig a little more to apply your filter. Specifically one more level, to the properties of the items in $folder.items. Pipe $folder.items to Get-Member to get the full list of properties. $folder.items | gm. To, From, SentOn and Subject are all there.
$NonGmailMessages = $folder.items |
where-object { { $ -notcontains "" } -and
{ $_.from -notcontains "" } }
One way of handling collections like this is to do one massive filter like I just did. Or you can filter by stages.
$NonGmailMessages = $folder.items
$NonGmailMessages = $NonGmailMessages | where-object { { $ -notcontains "" }
$NonGmailMessages = $NonGmailMessages | where-object { { $_.from -notcontains "" }
Add further lines to further narrow your collection.
You can export this collection complete with all properties intact to a CSV:
$NonGmailMessages | Export-CSV -NoTypeInformation c:\temp\nonGmailMessages.csv
Or you can narrow the number of properties exported
$NonGmailMessages | Select-Object -Property From, To, SentOn, Subject | Export-CSV -NoTypeInformation c:\temp\nonGmailMessages.csv
-NoTypeInformation prevents the object type information from being listed at the start of the file. This will make it a more 'pure' CSV for use in PS or Excel or whatever. Plus the CSV IS a text based file format, as you wished.

powershell: Check if any of a bunch of properties is set

I'm importing a csv-file which looks like this:
Now I want to check, if any of the value-properties in one group is set.
I can do
Import-Csv .\test.csv | where {$_.Value1.1 -or $_.Value1.2 -or $_.Value1.3}
Import-Csv .\test.csv | foreach {
if ($_.Value1 -or $_.Value2 -or $_.Value3) {
Write-Output $_
But my "real" csv-file contains about 200 columns and I have to check 31 properties x 5 different object types that are mixed up in this csv. So my code will be realy ugly.
Is there anything like
where {$_.Value1.*}
where {$ArrayWithPropertyNames}
You could easily use the Get-Member cmdlet to get the properties which have the correct prefix (just use * as a wildcard after the prefix).
So to achieve what you want you could just filter the data based on whether any of the properties with the correct prefix contains data.
The script below uses your sample data, with a row4 added, and filters the list to find all items which have a value in any property starting with value1.
$csv = #"
$data = ConvertFrom-csv $csv
$data | Where {
$currentDataItem = $_
$propertyValues = $currentDataItem |
# Get's all the properties with the correct prefix
Get-Member 'value1*' -MemberType NoteProperty |
# Gets the values for each of those properties
Foreach { $currentDataItem.($_.Name) } |
# Only keep the property value if it has a value
Where { $_ }
# Could just return $propertyValues, but this makes the intention clearer
$hasValueOnPrefixedProperty = $propertyValues.Length -gt 0
Write-Output $hasValueOnPrefixedProperty
Alternate solution:
$PropsToCheck = 'Value1*'
Import-csv .\test.csv |
Where {
(($_ | Select $PropsToCheck) -contains ''