Can you control how long content assist window stays open in Eclipse - eclipse

It closes automatically after 2-3 seconds if there is no activity. Sometimes it is not enough time to read method/object documentation.
I'm using Eclipse version: Photon Release (4.8.0) and working with java project.

If you click in the java doc window it changes to a window which stays open until you press Esc or click outside the window.
It also has a tool bar at the bottom with some extra options.


In Eclipse IDE how to disable the closing of an editor tab via plain right-click

I am using Eclipse Oxygen (Ver 4.7.0) on CentOS with the UI shown via MobaXterm's X Windows server on Windows 7.
In Eclipse I have the weird problem that when I right-click on an editor tab the tab closes immediately! No context menu, nothing, just the tab vanishes. I would like to disable this, but I couldn't find any entry for right-clicking in the Keys section of the Preferences.
Is there another place where the right-click behaviour is set? Or how else can I disable this? The problem occurs only for editor tabs.
Additional details:
The right-click behaves correctly inside an editor tab by bringing up the context menu. This shows that the right-click is not genearlly broken in the X Window system.
The right-click behaves correctly in other X applications like PyCharm.
An explanation
A closer look revealed that Eclipse does show the context menu on right-click press-down, but on right-click release-up it registers a left-click event.
Due to the particular situation of when the context menu was drawn, the mouse pointer than just always happens to sit over the top entry in the menu. And this top entry is Close. The following screenshot might illustrate this a bit (unfortunately without the mouse pointer):
The immediate solution for me is to move the mouse after pressing the right mouse button and before releasing it.
Still I don't know why this happens only when right-clicking a tab and only for me - and probably not for many other people...

Eclipse in Ubuntu starting without any window visible (only menu bar)

I'm running Ubuntu 14.04 and Eclipse Kepler. Since yesterday I've been experiencing a strange issue: when I open up Eclipse, all that I'm seeing is the menu bar on the upper Ubuntu bar. No code editor, window whatsoever.
In order to see a window I go to Window -> New window, but this is just a workaround. It starts up a new window with no preferences set, no last edited files etc. Moreover it shows that I have 2 Eclipse windows opened, while I can only see 1.
Any ideas on how to fix that?
I agree with Gorka, it looks like it was related with window size.
Here my solution (worked for me on Ubuntu 14.04):
1) Switch to Eclipse so that menu header is visible (you can use Alt+Tab or click on Eclipse icon in the list of applications)
2) Press Ctrl+Super+ArrowUp (Super=Windows button usually between Ctrl and Alt)
This combination maximizes active window, so it restores Eclipse to full screen.
Go to Window -> Show Toolbar. That should fix your issue.
Edit: Also try Window -> Close All Perspectives. Now, Window -> Open Perspective -> Other... and select Java (default).
I had exactly the same problem, the only solution I could find was to download the newest Eclipse version from instead of from the Ubuntu repository.
I had the same issue and I've found out what was happening:
The problem was that the size of the eclipse window had been reduced to the minimum, see my desktop in and notice the small vertical line in the top-left corner. This small line is the eclipse window, so just go with the cursor and make the it bigger.
I had exactly the same problem happening on only one workspace I had setup within Eclipse. I pressed some keyboard shortcut to make it happen but didn't know what that shortcut was (fat fingers meant I pressed a key I didn't mean to) and now can't reverse it! All other workspaces loaded up fine.
Managed to resolve it by Clicking on Window -> New Window!
I was having the same issue and got to fix it by just maximizing the windows (window button + up arrow key).. lol
stupid, but worked.

How do you make new editors open in another screen?

I use dual monitor for work and I prefer to have the editor on my main screen while the rest of eclipse in my laptop monitor.
However, when I open a new file, that is. I open a file with Cmd-Shift-R, files are opened in my laptop monitor as opposed to the editor that I dragged to my main screen.
I find this mildly annoying. Any ideas?
Are using the Window -> New Window feature? In that case it depends on which window you're working on at the time you press Ctrl+Shift+R.
However, if you're streching only one Eclipse window along both monitors, then the Open Resource dialog will be opened in your "monitor number 1" (and that depends on your graphic configuration: Laptop+Main or Main+Laptop).
I found easier to avoid the new window menu and just to drag those views out of eclipse. This creates a secondary window but the project explorer is linked to the old window so double click will open the file on the main window.
I recommend to save everything as a new perspective that I usually call "Java 2 Windows". This way I can change perspectives when I do not have an auxiliar screen.
P.S. Just avoid closing the auxiliar window when leaving eclipse.

The Eclipse "select workspace" dialog disappears when I switch to a different virtual desktop (VirtuaWin) - how to restore it?

When eclipse starts up, it first show its splash screen and then pops up a dialog for selecting the desired workspace to open. If at this point I switch to a different virtual desktop and then come back later, only the splash screen is visible but the dialog is gone and I haven't found a way to get it back. I have to kill the eclipse process and start again.
Is there a way to recover from that problem whithout killing eclipse?
My setup:
Windows XP
VirtualWin 4.0.1
Eclipse Helios
I'm not sure why it prompts you the first time Eclipse starts up but not after using a different virtual desktop. I assume you did not select "Use this as the default and do not ask again" on the "select workspace" dialog. If you don't mind waiting a bit, you can avoid killing Eclipse by loading the current workspace and then going to File > Switch Workspace.
Start Eclipse.
Invoke Window menu on Workspace Launcher window. For example by clicking the middle mouse button on the window title bar, see Setup Dialog's Enable middle button window menu activation setting in VirtuaWin Help.
Click Add Window Rule.
Leave class name there e.g.: #32770.
Erase Window name and Process name.
Select Always manage windows of this type.
Click Add button.

"inspect" window in eclipse 3.6 doesn't remember being resized

Prior to eclipse 3.6, in the debug perspective, you could "inspect" variables by highlighting them and hitting ctrl+shift+i. you could then resize the popup window and eclipse remembered what size it was the next time you inspected something.
In eclipse 3.6, you can inspect variables, but regardless of whether you resize the window, the next time you inspect something, the window goes back to its default size. That's annoying because I like that window to be nice and big.
Is there any way to set eclipse to remember the size of this window, or is it a bug?
There are no plans to back-port any of the work we did for pop-up resizing to 3.6.x, so unfortunately you will have to update to 3.7.x.