Cartesian product function in Scala - scala

I'm trying to write a generic cross function that would yield the cartesian product of two iterables. Here is my attempt:
def cross[a, b, A <: Iterable[a], B <: Iterable[b]](a: A, b: B): Iterable[(a, b)] =
for (i <- a; j <- b) yield (i, j)
However, the signature is not quite right. I get:
Error:(147, 15) inferred type arguments [Nothing,Nothing,List[Int],Array[String]] do not conform to method cross's type parameter bounds [a,b,A <: Iterable[a],B <: Iterable[b]]
println(cross(List(1, 2, 3), Array("a", "b", "c")))
What is the correct way to write this signature, where I want to take 2 Iterable on different types of elements?

def cross[A, B](a: Iterable[A], b: Iterable[B]): Iterable[(A, B)] =
for (i <- a; j <- b) yield (i, j)


SortedSet fold type mismatch

I have this code:
def distinct(seq: Seq[Int]): Seq[Int] =
seq.fold(SortedSet[Int]()) ((acc, i) => acc + i)
I want to iterate over seq, delete duplicates (keep the first number) and keep order of the numbers. My idea was to use a SortedSet as an acc.
But I am getting:
Type mismatch:
Required: String
Found: Any
How to solve this? (I also don't know how to convert SortedSet to Seq in the final iteration as I want distinct to return seq)
p.s. without using standard seq distinct method
Online code
You shouldn't use fold if you try to accumulate something with different type than container (SortedSet != Int) in your case. Look at signature fold:
def fold[A1 >: A](z: A1)(op: (A1, A1) => A1): A1
it takes accumulator with type A1 and combiner function (A1, A1) => A1 which combines two A1 elements.
In your case is better to use foldLeft which takes accumulator with different type than container:
def foldLeft[B](z: B)(op: (B, A) => B): B
it accumulates some B value using seed z and combiner from B and A to B.
In your case I would like to use LinkedHashSet it keeps the order of added elements and remove duplicates, look:
import scala.collection.mutable
def distinct(seq: Seq[Int]): Seq[Int] = {
seq.foldLeft(mutable.LinkedHashSet.empty[Int])(_ + _).toSeq
distinct(Seq(7, 2, 4, 2, 3, 0)) // ArrayBuffer(7, 2, 4, 3, 0)
distinct(Seq(0, 0, 0, 0)) // ArrayBuffer(0)
distinct(Seq(1, 5, 2, 7)) // ArrayBuffer(1, 5, 2, 7)
and after folding just use toSeq
be careful, lambda _ + _ is just syntactic sugar for combiner:
(linkedSet, nextElement) => linkedSet + nextElement
I would just call distinct on your Seq. You can see in the source-code of SeqLike, that distinct will just traverse the Seq und skip already seen data:
def distinct: Repr = {
val b = newBuilder
val seen = mutable.HashSet[A]()
for (x <- this) {
if (!seen(x)) {
b += x
seen += x

What type is expected for (elems: (A, B)*) in GenMapFactory

The GenMapFactory class has an apply function, with the following signature
def apply[A, B](elems: (A, B)*): CC[A, B] = (newBuilder[A, B] ++= elems).result()
What kind of collection I'm supposed to use here ? I thought I could just use a sequence but that does not seem to work
The * indicates a variable length argument list (also known as varargs).
In the case of a Map you would use it like this:
val newMap: Map[A, B] = Map((a0, b0), (a1, b1), (a2, b2))
There is also a neater way to express the (key, value) syntax, like this:
val newMap: Map[A, B] = Map(a0 -> b0, a1 -> b1, a2 -> b2)
(A, B)* allows you to pass 0 or more Tuple2[A, B]s as an argument.
If you want to pass a sequence, you can:
val seq: Seq[(Int, Int)] = Seq(1 -> 2, 3 -> 4) // just an example
Map(seq: _*)

How to implement generic function in Scala with two argument types?

I'd like to implement a function in Scala that computes the dot product of two numeric sequences as follows
val x = Seq(1,2,3.0)
val y = Seq(4,5,6)
val z = (for (a <- x; b <- y) yield a*b).sum
scala> z : Double = 90.0
val x = Seq(1,2,3)
val y = Seq(4,5,6)
val z = (for (a <- x; b <- y) yield a*b).sum
scala> z : Int = 90
Notice that if the two sequences are of different types, the result is an Double. If the two sequences are of the same type (e.g. Int), the result is an Int.
I came up with two alternatives but neither meets the requirement as defined above.
Alternative #1:
def dotProduct[T: Numeric](x: Seq[T], y: Seq[T]): T = (for (a <- x; b <- y) yield implicitly[Numeric[T]].times(a, b)).sum
This returns the result in the same type as the input, but it can't take two different types.
Alternative #2:
def dotProduct[A, B](x: Seq[A], y: Seq[B])(implicit nx: Numeric[A], ny: Numeric[B]) = (for (a <- x; b <- y) yield nx.toDouble(a)*ny.toDouble(b)).sum
This works for all numeric sequences. However, it always return a Double, even if the two sequences are of the type Int.
Any suggestion is greatly appreciated.
p.s. The function I implemented above is not "dot product", but simply sum of product of two sequences. Thanks Daniel for pointing it out.
Alternative #3 (slightly better than alternatives #1 and #2):
def sumProduct[T, A <% T, B <% T](x: Seq[A], y: Seq[B])(implicit num: Numeric[T]) = (for (a <- x; b <- y) yield num.times(a,b)).sum
sumProduct(Seq(1,2,3), Seq(4,5,6)) //> res0: Int = 90
sumProduct(Seq(1,2,3.0), Seq(4,5,6)) //> res1: Double = 90.0
sumProduct(Seq(1,2,3), Seq(4,5,6.0)) // Fails!!!
Unfortunately, the View Bound feature (e.g. "<%") will be deprecated in Scala 2.10.
You could create a typeclass that represents the promotion rules:
trait NumericPromotion[A, B, C] {
def promote(a: A, b: B): (C, C)
implicit object IntDoublePromotion extends NumericPromotion[Int, Double, Double] {
def promote(a: Int, b: Double): (Double, Double) = (a.toDouble, b)
def dotProduct[A, B, C]
(x: Seq[A], y: Seq[B])
(implicit numEv: Numeric[C], promEv: NumericPromotion[A, B, C])
: C = {
val foo = for {
a <- x
b <- y
} yield {
val (pa, pb) = promEv.promote(a, b)
numEv.times(pa, pb)
dotProduct[Int, Double, Double](Seq(1, 2, 3), Seq(1.0, 2.0, 3.0))
My typeclass-fu isn't good enough to eliminate the explicit type parameters in the call to dotProduct, nor could I figure out how to avoid the val foo inside the method; inlining foo led to compiler errors. I chalk this up to no having really internalized the implicit resolution rules. Maybe somebody else can get you further.
It's also worth mentioning that this is directional; you couldn't compute dotProduct(Seq(1.0, 2.0, 3.0), Seq(1, 2, 3)). But that's easy to fix:
implicit def flipNumericPromotion[A, B, C]
(implicit promEv: NumericPromotion[B, A, C])
: NumericPromotion[A, B, C] =
new NumericPromotion[A, B, C] {
override def promote(a: A, b: B): (C, C) = promEv.promote(b, a)
It's also worth mentioning that your code doesn't compute a dot product. The dot product of [1, 2, 3] and [4, 5, 6] is 4 + 10 + 18 = 32.

Transposing arbitrary collection-of-collections in Scala

I have to often transpose a "rectangular" collection-of-collections in Scala, e.g.: a list of maps, a map of lists, a map of maps, a set of lists, a map of sets etc. Since collections can be uniformly viewed as a mapping from a specific domain to a co-domain (e.g.: a List[A]/Array[A] is a mapping from the Int domain to the A co-domain, Set[A]is a mapping from the A domain to the Boolean co-domain etc.), I'd like to write a clean, generic function to do a transpose operation (e.g.: turn a map of lists to the transposed list of maps). However, I'm having trouble because other than the () operator, Scala doesn't seem to have a unified API to view collections abstractly as mappings ?
So I end up writing a separate transpose for each type of collection-of-collections as follows:
def transposeMapOfLists[A,B]( mapOfLists: Map[A,List[B]] ) : List[Map[A,B]] = {
val k = ( mapOfLists keys ) toList
val l = ( k map { mapOfLists(_) } ) transpose;
l map { v => ( k zip v ) toMap }
def transposeListOfMaps[A,B]( listOfMaps: List[Map[A,B]]) : Map[A,List[B]] = {
val k = ( listOfMaps(0) keys ) toList
val l = ( listOfMaps map { m => k map { m(_) } } ) transpose;
( k zip l ) toMap
def transposeMapOfMaps[A,B,C]( mapOfMaps: Map[A,Map[B,C]] ) : Map[B,Map[A,C]] = {
val k = ( mapOfMaps keys ) toList
val listOfMaps = k map { mapOfMaps(_) }
val mapOfLists = transposeListOfMaps( listOfMaps )
mapOfLists map { p => ( p._1, ( k zip p._2 ) toMap ) }
Can someone help me unify these methods into one generic collection-of-collections transpose ? It will also help me (and I am sure others) learn some useful Scala features in the process.
ps: I have ignored exception handling and have assumed the input collection-of-collections is rectangular, i.e., all of the inner collections' domain elements constitute the same set.
I'm sure the following messy version using type classes could be cleaned up a lot, but it works as a quick proof-of-concept. I don't see an easy way to get the return types right without dependent method types (I'm sure it's possible), so you'll have to use -Xexperimental:
trait Mapping[A, B, C] {
type M[D] <: PartialFunction[A, D]
def domain(c: C): Seq[A]
def fromPairs[D](ps: Seq[(A, D)]): M[D]
def codomain(c: C)(implicit ev: C <:< PartialFunction[A, B]) =
def toPairs(c: C)(implicit ev: C <:< PartialFunction[A, B]) =
domain(c).map(a => (a, c(a)))
implicit def seqMapping[A, B <: Seq[A]] = new Mapping[Int, A, B] {
type M[C] = Seq[C]
def domain(c: B) = 0 until c.size
def fromPairs[C](ps: Seq[(Int, C)]) = ps.sortBy(_._1).map(_._2)
implicit def mapMapping[A, B, C <: Map[A, B]] = new Mapping[A, B, C] {
type M[D] = Map[A, D]
def domain(c: C) = c.keys.toSeq
def fromPairs[D](ps: Seq[(A, D)]) = ps.toMap
def transpose[A, B, C, M, N](m: M)(implicit
pev: M <:< PartialFunction[A, N],
qev: N <:< PartialFunction[B, C],
mev: Mapping[A, N, M],
nev: Mapping[B, C, N]
) = nev.fromPairs(nev.domain(mev.codomain(m).head).map(b =>
b -> mev.fromPairs(mev.toPairs(m).map { case (a, c) => a -> c(b) })
And now for some tests:
scala> println(transpose(List(Map("a" -> 1, "b" -> 13), Map("b" -> 99, "a" -> 14))))
Map(a -> Vector(1, 14), b -> Vector(13, 99))
scala> println(transpose(Map('a' -> List(1, 2, 3), 'z' -> List(4, 5, 6))))
Vector(Map(a -> 1, z -> 4), Map(a -> 2, z -> 5), Map(a -> 3, z -> 6))
scala> println(transpose(Map("x" -> Map(4 -> 'a, 99 -> 'z), "y" -> Map(4 -> 'b, 99 -> 's))))
Map(4 -> Map(x -> 'a, y -> 'b), 99 -> Map(x -> 'z, y -> 's))
So it's working as desired.

What's the relation of fold on Option, Either etc and fold on Traversable?

Scalaz provides a method named fold for various ADTs such as Boolean, Option[_], Validation[_, _], Either[_, _] etc. This method basically takes functions corresponding to all possible cases for that given ADT. In other words, a pattern match shown below:
x match {
case Case1(a, b, c) => f(a, b, c)
case Case2(a, b) => g(a, b)
case CaseN => z
is equivalent to:
x.fold(f, g, ..., z)
Some examples:
scala> (9 == 8).fold("foo", "bar")
res0: java.lang.String = bar
scala> 5.some.fold(2 *, 2)
res1: Int = 10
scala> 5.left[String].fold(2 +, "[" +)
res2: Any = 7
scala>[String].fold(2 +, "[" +)
res6: Any = 7
At the same time, there is an operation with the same name for the Traversable[_] types, which traverses over the collection performing certain operation on its elements, and accumulating the result value. For example,
scala> List(2, 90, 11).foldLeft("Contents: ")(_ + _.toString + " ")
res9: java.lang.String = "Contents: 2 90 11 "
scala> List(2, 90, 11).fold(0)(_ + _)
res10: Int = 103
scala> List(2, 90, 11).fold(1)(_ * _)
res11: Int = 1980
Why are these two operations identified with the same name - fold/catamorphism? I fail to see any similarities/relation between the two. What am I missing?
I think the problem you are having is that you see these things based on their implementation, not their types. Consider this simple representation of types:
List[A] = Nil
| Cons head: A tail: List[A]
Option[A] = None
| Some el: A
Now, let's consider Option's fold:
fold[B] = (noneCase: => B, someCase: A => B) => B
So, on Option, it reduces every possible case to some value in B, and return that. Now, let's see the same thing for List:
fold[B] = (nilCase: => B, consCase: (A, List[A]) => B) => B
Note, however, that we have a recursive call there, on List[A]. We have to fold that somehow, but we know fold[B] on a List[A] will always return B, so we can rewrite it like this:
fold[B] = (nilCase: => B, consCase: (A, B) => B) => B
In other words, we replaced List[A] by B, because folding it will always return a B, given the type signature of fold. Now, let's see Scala's (use case) type signature for foldRight:
foldRight[B](z: B)(f: (A, B) ⇒ B): B
Say, does that remind you of something?
If you think of "folding" as "condensing all the values in a container through an operation, with a seed value", and you think of an Option as a container that can can have at most one value, then this starts to make sense.
In fact, foldLeft has the same signature and gives you exactly the same results if you use it on an empty list vs None, and on a list with only one element vs Some:
scala> val opt : Option[Int] = Some(10)
opt: Option[Int] = Some(10)
scala> val lst : List[Int] = List(10)
lst: List[Int] = List(10)
scala> opt.foldLeft(1)((a, b) => a + b)
res11: Int = 11
scala> lst.foldLeft(1)((a, b) => a + b)
res12: Int = 11
fold is also defined on both List and Option in the Scala standard library, with the same signature (I believe they both inherit it from a trait, in fact). And again, you get the same results on a singleton list as on Some:
scala> opt.fold(1)((a, b) => a * b)
res25: Int = 10
scala> lst.fold(1)((a, b) => a * b)
res26: Int = 10
I'm not 100% sure about the fold from Scalaz on Option/Either/etc, you raise a good point there. It seems to have quite a different signature and operation from the "folding" I'm used to.