Why does the Streaming-Operator in SystemVerilog reverse the byte order? - system-verilog

I simulated the following example:
shortint j;
byte unsigned data_bytes[];
j = 16'b1111_0000_1001_0000;
data_bytes = { >>{j}};
`uvm_info(get_type_name(), $sformatf("j data_bytes: %b_%b", data_bytes[1], data_bytes[0]), UVM_LOW)
UVM_INFO Initiator.sv(84) # 0: uvm_test_top.sv_initiator [Initiator] j data_bytes: 10010000_11110000
However, this seems strange to me, since the byte-order is reversed, as I expect the LSB to be at index 0 of data_byte[0] and the MSB at index 7 of data_byte[1]. Why does this happen? According to documentation (Cadence Help) this should not be the case.

As defined in section 6.24.3 Bit-stream casting of the IEEE 1800-2017 LRM, the [0] element of an unpacked dynamic array is considered the left index, and streaming >> goes from left to right indexes. To get the results you want, write
data_bytes = { << byte {j}};
This reverses the stream, but keeps the individual bytes in right to left order.


In DPI-C, How to map data type to reg or wire

I am writing a CRC16 function in C to use in System Verilog.
Requirement as below:
Output of CRC16 has 16 bits
Input of CRC16 has bigger than 72 bits
The difficulty is that I don't know whether DPI-C can support map data type with reg/wire in System Verilog to C or not ?
how many maximum length of reg/wire can support to use DPI-C.
Can anybody help me ?
Stay with compatible types across the language boundaries. For output use shortint For input, use an array of byte in SystemVerilog which maps to array of char in C.
Dpi support has provision for any bit width, converting packed arrays into c-arrays. The question is: what are you going to do with 72-bit data at c side?
But, svBitVecVal for two-state bits and svLogicVecVal for four-stat logics could be used at 'c' side to retrieve values. Look at H.7.6/7 of lrm for more info.
Here is an example from lrm H.10.2 for 4-state data (logic):
typedef struct {int x; int y;} pair;
import "DPI-C" function void f1(input int i1, pair i2, output logic [63:0] o3);
void f1(const int i1, const pair *i2, svLogicVecVal* o3)
int tab[8];
printf("%d\n", i1);
o3[0].aval = i2->x;
o3[0].bval = 0;
o3[1].aval = i2->y;
o3[1].b = 0;

Systemverilog expansion rule

When I review some codes, I found something strange.
It seems that it comes from expansion and operation priority.
(I know that because "sig" is declared with 'signed', $signed is not necessary and '-sig' is correct one, anyway..)
reg signed [9:0] sig;
reg signed [11:0] out;
$monitor ("%0t] sig=%0d, out=%0h", $time, sig, out);
sig = 64;
out = $signed(-sig);
out = -$signed(sig);
sig = -512;
out = $signed(-sig);
out = -$signed(sig);
Simulation result for above codes is,
0] sig=64, out=-64
2] sig=-512, out=-512
3] sig=-512, out=512
When sig=-512, I expected that 10 bits sig would be expanded to 12bits before negation, but it was expanded after negation.
Therefore negation of -512 was still -512, and after expansion, it had a -512.
I guess "$signed() blocks expansion..Any idea what happens??
First of all, -512 and 512 are identical numbers in 10-bit represenntation. 10 bits can actually only hold signed values from -512 to 511. In this scheme negation of -512 should work weirdly, not mentioned in lrm, at least i was not able to locate anything related. This is probably an undefined behavior.
However, it is logical to assume that in this scheme in order to represent a negated value of '-512' just removing signess is sufficient. It seems that all commercial compilers in eda playground do this. So, a result of the unaray - operator in this case will be unsigned value of 512.
So, in out = $signed(-(-512)) the negation operator returns an unsigned value of 512 and it gets converted to a signed by the system task. Therefore, it gets sign extended in out.
out = -$signed(-512) for the same reason the outermost negation operator returns an unsigned value of 512. No sign extension happens here.
You can again make it signed by enclosing in yet another $signed as out = $signed(-$signed(-512))

How to access multidimensional array in systemverilog? [duplicate]

What are the +: and -: Verilog/SystemVerilog operators? When and how do you use them? For example:
logic [15:0] down_vect;
logic [0:15] up_vect;
down_vect[lsb_base_expr +: width_expr]
up_vect [msb_base_expr +: width_expr]
down_vect[msb_base_expr -: width_expr]
up_vect [lsb_base_expr -: width_expr]
That particular syntax is called an indexed part select. It's very useful when you need to select a fixed number of bits from a variable offset within a multi-bit register.
Here's an example of the syntax:
reg [31:0] dword;
reg [7:0] byte0;
reg [7:0] byte1;
reg [7:0] byte2;
reg [7:0] byte3;
assign byte0 = dword[0 +: 8]; // Same as dword[7:0]
assign byte1 = dword[8 +: 8]; // Same as dword[15:8]
assign byte2 = dword[16 +: 8]; // Same as dword[23:16]
assign byte3 = dword[24 +: 8]; // Same as dword[31:24]
The biggest advantage with this syntax is that you can use a variable for the index. Normal part selects in Verilog require constants. So attempting the above with something like dword[i+7:i] is not allowed.
So if you want to select a particular byte using a variable select, you can use the indexed part select.
Example using variable:
reg [31:0] dword;
reg [7:0] byte;
reg [1:0] i;
// This is illegal due to the variable i, even though the width is always 8 bits
assign byte = dword[(i*8)+7 : i*8]; // ** Not allowed!
// Use the indexed part select
assign byte = dword[i*8 +: 8];
The purpose of this operator is when you need to access a slice of a bus, both MSB position and LSB positions are variables, but the width of the slice is a constant value, as in the example below:
bit[7:0] bus_in = 8'hAA;
int lsb = 3;
int msb = lsb+3; // Setting msb=6, for out bus of 4 bits
bit[3:0] bus_out_bad = bus_in[msb:lsb]; // ILLEGAL - both boundaries are variables
bit[3:0] bus_out_ok = bus_in[lsb+:3]; // Good - only one variable
5.2.1 Vector bit-select and part-select addressing
Bit-selects extract a particular bit from a vector net, vector reg, integer, or time variable, or parameter. The bit can be addressed using an expression. If the bit-select is out of the address bounds or the bit-select is x or z , then the value returned by the reference shall be x . A bit-select or part-select of a scalar, or of a variable orparameter of type real or realtime, shall be illegal.
Several contiguous bits in a vector net, vector reg, integer, or time variable, or parameter can be addressed and are known as part-selects. There are two types of part-selects, a constant part-select and an indexed part-select. A constant part-select of a vector reg or net is given with the following syntax:
Both msb_expr and lsb_expr shall be constant integer expressions. The first expression has to address a more significant bit than the second expression.
An indexed part-select of a vector net, vector reg, integer, or time variable, or parameter is given with the following syntax:
reg [15:0] big_vect;
reg [0:15] little_vect;
big_vect[lsb_base_expr +: width_expr]
little_vect[msb_base_expr +: width_expr]
big_vect[msb_base_expr -: width_expr]
little_vect[lsb_base_expr -: width_expr]
The msb_base_expr and lsb_base_expr shall be integer expressions, and the width_expr shall be a positive constant integer expression. The lsb_base_expr and msb_base_expr can vary at run time. The first two examples select bits starting at the base and ascending the bit range. The number of bits selected is equal to the width expression. The second two examples select bits starting at the base and descending the bit range.
A part-select of any type that addresses a range of bits that are completely out of the address bounds of the net, reg, integer, time variable, or parameter or a part-select that is x or z shall yield the value x when read and shall have no effect on the data stored when written. Part-selects that are partially out of range shall, when read, return x for the bits that are out of range and shall, when written, only affect the bits that are in range.
For example:
reg [31: 0] big_vect;
reg [0 :31] little_vect;
reg [63: 0] dword;
integer sel;
big_vect[ 0 +: 8] // == big_vect[ 7 : 0]
big_vect[15 -: 8] // == big_vect[15 : 8]
little_vect[ 0 +: 8] // == little_vect[0 : 7]
little_vect[15 -: 8] // == little_vect[8 :15]
dword[8sel +: 8] // variable part-select with fixed width*
Example 1—The following example specifies the single bit of acc vector that is addressed by the operand
index :
The actual bit that is accessed by an address is, in part, determined by the declaration of acc . For instance, each of the declarations of acc shown in the next example causes a particular value of index to access a different bit:
reg [15:0] acc;
reg [2:17] acc
Example 2—The next example and the bullet items that follow it illustrate the principles of bit addressing. The code declares an 8-bit reg called vect and initializes it to a value of 4. The list describes how the separate bits of that vector can be addressed.
reg [7:0] vect;
vect = 4; // fills vect with the pattern 00000100
// msb is bit 7, lsb is bit 0
— If the value of addr is 2, then vect[addr] returns 1.
— If the value of addr is out of bounds, then vect[addr] returns x.
— If addr is 0, 1, or 3 through 7, vect[addr] returns 0.
— vect[3:0] returns the bits 0100.
— vect[5:1] returns the bits 00010.
— vect[ expression that returns x ] returns x.
— vect[ expression that returns z ] returns x.
— If any bit of addr is x or z , then the value of addr is x.
NOTE 1—Part-select indices that evaluate to x or z may be flagged as a compile time error.
NOTE 2—Bit-select or part-select indices that are outside of the declared range may be flagged as a compile time error.

concatenation of arrays in system verilog

I wrote a code for concatenation as below:
module p2;
int n[1:2][1:3] = {2{{3{1}}}};
It is showing errors.
Please explain?
Unpacked arrays require a '{} format. See IEEE Std 1800-2012 § 5.11 (or search for '{ in the LRM for many examples).
Therefore update your assignment to:
int n[1:2][1:3] = '{2{'{3{1}}}};
int n[1:2][1:3] = {2{{3{1}}}};
Just looking at {3{1}} this is a 96 bit number 3 integers concatenated together.
It is likely that {3{1'b1}} was intended.
The main issue looks to be the the left hand side is an unpacked array, and the left hand side is a packed array.
{ 2 { {3{1'b1}} } } => 6'b111_111
What is required is [[3'b111],[3'b111]],
From IEEE std 1800-2009 the array assignments section will be of interest here
10.9.1 Array assignment patterns
Concatenation braces are used to construct and deconstruct simple bit vectors.
A similar syntax is used to support the construction and deconstruction of arrays. The expressions shall match element for element, and the braces shall match the array dimensions. Each expression item shall be evaluated in the context of an
assignment to the type of the corresponding element in the array. In other words, the following examples are not required to cause size warnings:
bit unpackedbits [1:0] = '{1,1}; // no size warning required as
// bit can be set to 1
int unpackedints [1:0] = '{1'b1, 1'b1}; // no size warning required as
// int can be set to 1’b1
A syntax resembling replications (see can be used in array assignment patterns as well. Each replication shall represent an entire single dimension.
unpackedbits = '{2 {y}} ; // same as '{y, y}
int n[1:2][1:3] = '{2{'{3{y}}}}; // same as '{'{y,y,y},'{y,y,y}}

Logical to char

I have a char array representing a binary number for example
bit <1x8 char> '00110001'
I want to replace the last char with a logical value. The following error is triggered: Conversion to char from logical is not possible.
This is my code:
bit(end:end) = hiddenImg(i,j);
I checked that hiddenImg(i,j) is in fact a logical value.
This may not be optimal but should do what you want (convert the logical to a char):
>> bit = '10010100'
bit =
>> bit(end)=num2str(true)
bit =