How to move gun backward when near to wall in unity? - unity3d

I am making a FPS game in unity. I have wrote a script for gun to move back ward when it is close to a object, And also for enabling gun scope. I have used animation for gun to move back(gunBackward) and to enable scope(Scoper) and also for gun regular position(idleGun). But now in unity when I play the game I am not able to enable scope when Ray hits a collider, The gun starts vibrating. I am only able to enable scope when I look at the sky box.
public float distance;
public GameObject origin;
public bool scop;
public Animator anim;
public GameObject CrossHair;
public bool scoped;
// Use this for initialization
void Start () {
anim = GetComponent<Animator>();
// Update is called once per frame
void Update () {
if (Input.GetButtonDown ("Fire2")) {
scoped = true;
scop = false;
if (Input.GetButtonUp ("Fire2"))
scoped = false;
scop = true;
if (scoped == true) {
anim.Play ("Scoper");
if (scoped == false)
Vector3 cartPos = new Vector3 (0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
RaycastHit hit;
if (Physics.Raycast (cartPos+origin.transform.position, transform.TransformDirection (Vector3.forward), out hit))
distance = hit.distance;
if (hit.transform == null) {
distance = 2.1f;
if (distance < 2)
anim.Play ("gunBackward");
if (distance > 2)


Unity 2D Enemy Behavior (Couple of Questions)

I need help with making my Enemy stop moving once the Player is in range. When a Player enters the range of the Enemy, the Enemy will start moving towards the Player, and won't stop until the Player is pushed off the cliff. Also the Enemy doesn't seem to play the Attack animation once it reaches the Player. I will put my code down below:
#region Public Variables
public Transform rayCast;
public LayerMask raycastMask;
public float rayCastLength;
public float attackDistance; //Minimum distance for attack
public float moveSpeed = 4f;
public float timer; //Timer for cooldown between attacks
#region Private Variables
private RaycastHit2D hit;
private GameObject target;
private Animator anim;
private float distance;//Store the distance between enemy and player
private bool attackMode;
private bool inRange; //Check if Player is in range
private bool cooling; //Check if Enemy is cooling after attack
private float intTimer;
void Awake ()
intTimer = timer; //Store the initial value of timer
anim = GetComponent<Animator>();
void Update()
if (inRange)
hit = Physics2D.Raycast(rayCast.position, Vector2.left,rayCastLength, raycastMask);
//When Player is detected
if(hit.collider != null)
else if(hit.collider == null)
inRange = false;
if (inRange == false)
anim.SetBool("canWalk", false);
void OnTriggerEnter2D(Collider2D trig)
if(trig.gameObject.tag == "Player")
target = trig.gameObject;
inRange = true;
void EnemyLogic ()
distance = Vector2.Distance(transform.position, target.transform.position);
if(distance > attackDistance)
else if(attackDistance >= distance && cooling == false)
anim.SetBool("Attack", false);
void Move()
anim.SetBool("canWalk", true);
if(!anim.GetCurrentAnimatorStateInfo(0).IsName("Goblin Attack"))
Vector2 targetPosition = new Vector2(target.transform.position.x, transform.position.y);
transform.position = Vector2.MoveTowards(transform.position, targetPosition, moveSpeed * Time.deltaTime);
void Attack()
timer = intTimer; //Reset Timer when Player enter Attack Range
attackMode = true; //To check if Enemy can still attack or not
anim.SetBool("canWalk", false);
anim.SetBool("Attack", true);
void Cooldown ()
timer -= Time.deltaTime;
if(timer <= 0 && cooling && attackMode)
cooling = false;
timer = intTimer;
void StopAttack()
cooling = false;
attackMode = false;
anim.SetBool("Attack", false);
void RaycastDebugger()
if(distance > attackDistance)
Debug.DrawRay(rayCast.position, Vector2.left * rayCastLength,;
else if(attackDistance > distance)
Debug.DrawRay(rayCast.position, Vector2.left * rayCastLength,;
public void TriggerCooling ()
cooling = true;
it seems that you are not setting
private RaycastHit2D hit;
to null, yet you are checking if it is null,
else if(hit.collider == null)
which could explain why the enemy keeps chasing the player.
Also in the raycast there is no way to differentiate for the player.
//When Player is detected
if(hit.collider != null)
You are checking if player is detected, but hit could be anything other than the player.
hit = Physics2D.Raycast(rayCast.position, Vector2.left,rayCastLength, raycastMask);
So the ray could collide with the floor or something and not see the player, but in the enemies eyes they saw the player. Or maybe you are passing in a player layermask? In that case renaming the "raycastMask" to something like playerMask would make it more readable.

How to jump when player is upside down in a spherical world, using FauxGravity?

What I try to do
I'm trying to get jumping working all over the sphere and not just at the top while using FauxGravity.
How it works currently
My character jumps correctly when he is on top but when he is in the bottom of the sphere the jump doesn't take place.
[SerializeField] private float gravity = -9.81f;
public void Attract(Rigidbody body) {
Vector3 gravityUp = (body.position - transform.position).normalized;
Vector3 localUp = body.transform.up;
// Apply downwards gravity to body
body.AddForce(gravityUp * gravity);
// Align bodies up axis with the centre of planet
body.rotation = Quaternion.FromToRotation(localUp,gravityUp) * body.rotation;
FauxGravityAttractor planet;
new Rigidbody rigidbody;
void Awake()
planet = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Planet").GetComponent<FauxGravityAttractor>();
rigidbody = GetComponent<Rigidbody>();
// Disable rigidbody gravity and rotation as this is simulated in GravityAttractor script
rigidbody.useGravity = false;
rigidbody.constraints = RigidbodyConstraints.FreezeRotation;
void FixedUpdate()
// Allow this body to be influenced by planet's gravity
Sample Jumping
void Jump()
if(Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Space) && isOnGround)
rb.AddForce(Vector3.up * jumpForce, ForceMode.Impulse);
isOnGround = false;
private void OnCollisionEnter(Collision collision)
isOnGround = true;
FauxGravity jumping problem solved
All you need to do is AddRelativeForce to your rigidbody
Read more about RelativeForce
private void Jump()
if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Space) && onGround)
rb.AddRelativeForce(0, forceConst, 0, ForceMode.Impulse);
onGround = false;

Unity - How to jump using a NavMeshAgent and click to move logic

I am building a game where the player can be controlled using the mouse input, using a click to move logic via a navmesh agent.
In order to let the player jump, I started using a CharacterController as well which should help managing the player. My issue is that I can't figure out where to put the jump logic. All references I found are related using the character controller without the navmesh agent.
I can get rid of the CharacterController if needed, but the NavMeshAgent has to stay.
Here it is a working code which allows to walk. Can you please help me with the jumping logic?
private NavMeshAgent _agent;
private CharacterController _characterController;
private Vector3 _desVelocity;
private void Update()
if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0))
Ray ray = Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition);
if (Physics.Raycast(ray.origin, ray.direction, out RaycastHit hitInfo))
_agent.destination = hitInfo.point;
var currMovementDirection = _desVelocity.normalized * currentSpeed;
if (_agent.remainingDistance > _agent.stoppingDistance)
_desVelocity = _agent.desiredVelocity;
_characterController.Move(currMovementDirection * Time.deltaTime);
You can achieve this using a Rigidbody instead of a CharacterController. The trick is that you need to disable the NavMeshAgent in order to jump.
Optionally, you set the destination to where you are at the time of the jump, so that the agent doesn't continue the simulation while the jump is happening.
Using collision detection, you turn the NavMeshAgent back on again once you land.
public class PlayerMovement : MonoBehaviour
private Camera cam;
private NavMeshAgent agent;
private Rigidbody rigidbody;
public bool grounded = true;
void Start()
cam = Camera.main;
agent = GetComponent<NavMeshAgent>();
rigidbody = GetComponent<Rigidbody>();
void Update()
// clicking on the nav mesh, sets the destination of the agent and off he goes
if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0) && (!agent.isStopped))
Ray ray = cam.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition);
if (Physics.Raycast(ray, out RaycastHit hit))
// when you want to jump
if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Space) && grounded)
grounded = false;
if (agent.enabled)
// set the agents target to where you are before the jump
// this stops her before she jumps. Alternatively, you could
// cache this value, and set it again once the jump is complete
// to continue the original move
// disable the agent
agent.updatePosition = false;
agent.updateRotation = false;
agent.isStopped = true;
// make the jump
rigidbody.isKinematic = false;
rigidbody.useGravity = true;
rigidbody.AddRelativeForce(new Vector3(0, 5f, 0), ForceMode.Impulse);
/// <summary>
/// Check for collision back to the ground, and re-enable the NavMeshAgent
/// </summary>
private void OnCollisionEnter(Collision collision)
if (collision.collider != null && collision.collider.tag == "Ground")
if (!grounded)
if (agent.enabled)
agent.updatePosition = true;
agent.updateRotation = true;
agent.isStopped = false;
rigidbody.isKinematic = true;
rigidbody.useGravity = false;
grounded = true;
The jump logic should be inside the Update() method since we want the height to be calculated every frame.
void Update()
if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0))
Ray ray = Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition);
if (Physics.Raycast(ray.origin, ray.direction, out RaycastHit hitInfo))
_agent.destination = hitInfo.point;
var currMovementDirection = _desVelocity.normalized * currentSpeed;
groundedPlayer = _characterController.isGrounded;
if (groundedPlayer && currMovementDirection.y < 0)
currMovementDirection.y = 0f;
// Changes the height position of the player..
if (Input.GetButtonDown("Jump") && groundedPlayer)
currMovementDirection.y += Mathf.Sqrt(jumpHeight * -3.0f * gravityValue);
currMovementDirection.y += gravityValue * Time.deltaTime;
if (_agent.remainingDistance > _agent.stoppingDistance)
_desVelocity = _agent.desiredVelocity;
_characterController.Move(currMovementDirection * Time.deltaTime);
Please see the official docs here

How to spawn multiple prefab, with individual physics

I Did apply some of the responses , most likely in the wrong way.. this is still not working with this RAYCAST. What am I doing wrong here?
Want to spawn a prefab, which is a a ball, this ball is flying forward on flick finger on the screen.
What I want is to spawn OnClick FEW/Multiple of this prefab.
, prefab is spawning on Raycast Hit, BUT.. when I am flicking the object EVERY prefab in the scene is moving in the same way.
If I flick first one in to the Left, it goes there, but If now I flick second one to right, BOTH go to the RIGHT, but I would like them to work independent. Maybe this is easy fix to this but I can't find answer. (I'm planning to have up to 30/50 of this prefabs, so attaching separate scripts would be bit time consuming)
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
public class BallScript1 : MonoBehaviour
Vector2 startPos, endPos, direction;
float touchTimeStart, touchTimeFinish;
public float timeInterval = 5f;
public float throwForceInXandY = 1f;
public float throwForceinZ = 40f;
public static bool SpawnButtonAppear = true;
public static bool thrown = false;
public static bool moving = false;
public static bool fly = false;
public bool Pressed = false;
Rigidbody rb;
public GameObject player;
public Vector3 originalPos;
public GameObject playerPrefab;
string touched;
void Start()
rb = GetComponent<Rigidbody>();
rb.isKinematic = true;
private void OnMouseDown()
PlayerTest.clicked = true;
void Update()
if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0))
RaycastHit _hit; Ray ray = Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition);
if (Physics.Raycast(ray, out _hit))
touched = _hit.collider.tag;
if (touched == "Player")
Invoke("spawned", 0.5f);
if (touched == "Player")
if (Input.touchCount > 0 && Input.GetTouch(0).phase == TouchPhase.Began)
touchTimeStart = Time.time;
startPos = Input.GetTouch(0).position;
if (Input.touchCount > 0 && Input.GetTouch(0).phase == TouchPhase.Ended)
fly = false;
touchTimeFinish = Time.time;
endPos = Input.GetTouch(0).position;
direction = startPos - endPos;
rb.isKinematic = false;
rb.AddForce(-direction.x * throwForceInXandY, -direction.y * throwForceInXandY, throwForceinZ * timeInterval);
BackWall.canSpawnNow = 1;
public void spawned()
GameObject spawnedprefab = Instantiate(playerPrefab, new Vector3(originalPos.y, originalPos.x, originalPos.z), Quaternion.identity);
Destroy(spawnedprefab, 5f);
The thrown variable is not declared inside your class, so when you set it to true you are setting it true for all the instances of the class.
Declare the bool thrown; inside the EnemySpawn class, so that OnMouseDown, only the corresponding intance's thrown variable is set to true.

Touch Controls unity 2D

I have script called PlayerCharacter to control a player on the Unity 2D Platform. It's perfect, working as usual.
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
[RequireComponent(typeof (Rigidbody2D))]
public class PlayerCharacter : MonoBehaviour
public float speed = 1.0f;
public string axisName = "Horizontal";
private Animator anim;
public string jumpButton = "Fire1";
public float jumpPower = 10.0f;
public float minJumpDelay = 0.5f;
public Transform[] groundChecks;
private float jumpTime = 0.0f;
private Transform currentPlatform = null;
private Vector3 lastPlatformPosition =;
private Vector3 currentPlatformDelta =;
// Use this for initialization
void Start ()
anim = gameObject.GetComponent<Animator>();
// Update is called once per frame
void Update ()
//Left and right movement
anim.SetFloat("Speed", Mathf.Abs(Input.GetAxis(axisName)));
if(Input.GetAxis(axisName) < 0)
Vector3 newScale = transform.localScale;
newScale.x = -1.0f;
transform.localScale = newScale;
Debug.Log("Move to left");
else if(Input.GetAxis(axisName) > 0)
Vector3 newScale = transform.localScale;
newScale.x = 1.0f;
transform.localScale = newScale;
Debug.Log ("Move to Right");
transform.position += transform.right*Input.GetAxis(axisName)*speed*Time.deltaTime;
//Jump logic
bool grounded = false;
foreach(Transform groundCheck in groundChecks)
grounded |= Physics2D.Linecast(transform.position, groundCheck.position, 1 << LayerMask.NameToLayer("Ground"));
anim.SetBool("Grounded", grounded);
if(jumpTime > 0)
jumpTime -= Time.deltaTime;
if(Input.GetButton("jumpButton") && anim.GetBool("Grounded") )
jumpTime = minJumpDelay;
if(anim.GetBool("Grounded") && jumpTime <= 0)
//Moving platform logic
//Check what platform we are on
List<Transform> platforms = new List<Transform>();
bool onSamePlatform = false;
foreach(Transform groundCheck in groundChecks)
RaycastHit2D hit = Physics2D.Linecast(transform.position, groundCheck.position, 1 << LayerMask.NameToLayer("Ground"));
if(hit.transform != null)
if(currentPlatform == hit.transform)
onSamePlatform = true;
foreach(Transform platform in platforms)
currentPlatform = platform;
lastPlatformPosition = currentPlatform.position;
void LateUpdate()
if(currentPlatform != null)
//Determine how far platform has moved
currentPlatformDelta = currentPlatform.position - lastPlatformPosition;
lastPlatformPosition = currentPlatform.position;
if(currentPlatform != null)
//Move with the platform
transform.position += currentPlatformDelta;
A problem arises when I try to modify the script with a touchable controller. I have googled many times and modified the script as I could, and still it gives me no result (btw, I'm new to Unity). Then I found a tutorial from a website about making a touch controller with a GUI Texture (TouchControls). I think that tutorial is easy to learn. Here is the script
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
[RequireComponent(typeof (Rigidbody2D))]
public class TouchControls : MonoBehaviour {
// GUI textures
public GUITexture guiLeft;
public GUITexture guiRight;
public GUITexture guiJump;
private Animator anim;
// Movement variables
public float moveSpeed = 5f;
public float jumpForce = 50f;
public float maxJumpVelocity = 2f;
// Movement flags
private bool moveLeft, moveRight, doJump = false;
void Start ()
anim = gameObject.GetComponent<Animator>();
// Update is called once per frame
void Update () {
// Check to see if the screen is being touched
if (Input.touchCount > 0)
// Get the touch info
Touch t = Input.GetTouch(0);
// Did the touch action just begin?
if (t.phase == TouchPhase.Began)
// Are we touching the left arrow?
if (guiLeft.HitTest(t.position, Camera.main))
Debug.Log("Touching Left Control");
moveLeft = true;
// Are we touching the right arrow?
if (guiRight.HitTest(t.position, Camera.main))
Debug.Log("Touching Right Control");
moveRight = true;
// Are we touching the jump button?
if (guiJump.HitTest(t.position, Camera.main))
Debug.Log("Touching Jump Control");
doJump = true;
// Did the touch end?
if (t.phase == TouchPhase.Ended)
// Stop all movement
doJump = moveLeft = moveRight = false;
// Is the left mouse button down?
if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0))
// Are we clicking the left arrow?
if (guiLeft.HitTest(Input.mousePosition, Camera.main))
Debug.Log("Touching Left Control");
moveLeft = true;
// Are we clicking the right arrow?
if (guiRight.HitTest(Input.mousePosition, Camera.main))
Debug.Log("Touching Right Control");
moveRight = true;
// Are we clicking the jump button?
if (guiJump.HitTest(Input.mousePosition, Camera.main))
Debug.Log("Touching Jump Control");
doJump = true;
if (Input.GetMouseButtonUp(0))
// Stop all movement on left mouse button up
doJump = moveLeft = moveRight = false;
void FixedUpdate()
//anim.SetFloat("Speed", Mathf.Abs);
// Set velocity based on our movement flags.
if (moveLeft)
rigidbody2D.velocity = -Vector2.right * moveSpeed;
if (moveRight)
rigidbody2D.velocity = Vector2.right * moveSpeed;
if (doJump)
// If we have not reached the maximum jump velocity, keep applying force.
if (rigidbody2D.velocity.y < maxJumpVelocity)
rigidbody2D.AddForce(Vector2.up * jumpForce);
} else {
// Otherwise stop jumping
doJump = false;
But I have no idea how to implement the script from the tutorial (TouchControls) and assign that to my player control script (PlayerCharacter). How can I combine both scripts so that a player can control it with a touchable control?
The best thing you can do is not to drag the touch controls from the touchcontrols tutorial to the playercontroller but the other way around, use the touchcontrols tutorial script as your template.
Since your playercontroller uses floats in its input such as moveleft = 50.0f; and the touchcontrols uses moveleft = true;
the scripts are very different from each other to just merge and work.
so from that in the touchcontrols leave the update function as it is,
and only update the fixedupate function with your controls logic since
the update void, is the condition controller for right, left, up & down so to speak.
and it will also handle the actual input of the touch.
the fixed update could then control some things that the playercontroller has such as
apply force when touching a tagged object or stuff like that.
and the update only does the input condition, good advice would be to wrap the update touch code in its own function so the update is not only touch but also other game logic related code.
You should search use copy the touch control script inside the player controller while changing the right parts. For example, instead of using Input.GetKeyDown you should use the Input.GetTouch but it depends on the game you are creating. You should pay attention to that code and change some parts