ObjectMapper failed to serialize response. From API Response using AlamofireObjectMapper - swift

In swift, I am using AlamofireObjectMapper. But I am getting error "ObjectMapper failed to serialize response." here is my api response and model please give me the solution. In response, not any null value.
This is API response
{"status":true,"result":[{"id":"246","sortname":"ZW","name":"Zimbabwe","phonecode":"263"},{"id":"245","sortname":"ZM","name":"Zambia","phonecode":"260"},{"id":"202","sortname":"ZA","name":"South Africa","phonecode":"27"},{"id":"244","sortname":"YU","name":"Yugoslavia","phonecode":"38"},{"id":"141","sortname":"YT","name":"Mayotte","phonecode":"269"},{"id":"243","sortname":"YE","name":"Yemen","phonecode":"967"},{"id":"91","sortname":"XU","name":"Guernsey and Alderney","phonecode":"44"}]}
This is calling API
Alamofire.request(geturl, method: .get).responseArray { [weak self] (response: DataResponse<[countrymodel]>) in
switch response.result {
case .success(let assignments):
let realm = try! Realm()
try! realm.write {
realm.add(assignments, update: true)
for a in assignments{
case .failure(let error):
print(".... . .. . .. . .")
Here is my Model class
import UIKit
import RealmSwift
import ObjectMapper
class countrymodel: Object, Mappable{
enum Status: Int, CustomStringConvertible {
case open, closed, cancelled
var description : String {
switch self {
case .open: return "Open"
case .closed: return "Closed"
case .cancelled: return "Cancelled"
#objc dynamic var id = 0
#objc dynamic var sortname = ""
#objc dynamic var name = ""
#objc dynamic var phonecode = ""
override static func primaryKey() -> String? {
return "id"
required convenience init?(map: Map) {
func mapping(map: Map) {
id <- (map["id"])
sortname <- map["sortname"]
name <- map["name"]
phonecode <- map["phonecode"]

Your response isn't an array its a dictionary and inside it there is an array called result , so the serialization fails , you may make it
Alamofire.request(geturl, method: .get).responseJSON
and parse that array only

You can try this code:
change this code
params).responseArray(completionHandler: { (response: DataResponse<[countrymodel]>) in
like this:
params).responseObject {(response: DataResponse<countrymodel>) in


Swift Test case Falling with Expectation

I am trying to run test case for Failure response . I have an empty json file into project and named it FailureResponse . This file is empty . I trying to count the number of array is empty for example ..
It should pass the test because the json file is empty .
same result fields like school name and School location etc but the problem is it showing error ..
testFailure(): Asynchronous wait failed: Exceeded timeout of 6 seconds, with unfulfilled expectations: "waiting for response".
View Model code...
import Foundation
import Combine
class ViewModel {
private let networkManager = NetworkManager()
#Published private(set) var school = [School]()
func getSchools() {
func loadMoreSchools() {
let newURL = NetworkURLs.baseURL
.getModel([School].self, from: newURL) { [weak self] result in
switch result {
case .success(let schoolResponse):
self?.school = schoolResponse
case .failure(let error):
func getSchoolName(by row: Int) -> String {
let schoolName = school[row]
return schoolName.schoolName.uppercased()
func getSchoolLocation(by row: Int) -> String {
return "\(school[row].location)"
Here is my Mock service call ..
class MockService: NetworkManagerProtocol {
var data: Data?
func getModel<Model>(_ type: Model.Type, from url: String, completion: #escaping (Result<Model, Alomafire_Project.NetworkError>) -> ()) where Model : Decodable, Model : Encodable {
if let data = data {
do {
let result = try JSONDecoder().decode(type, from: data)
} catch (let error){
Here is code for call the local Jason ..
func getData(json: String) throws -> Data {
guard let url = Bundle(for: Alomafire_ProjectTests.self).url(forResource: json, withExtension: "json")
else { return Data() }
return try Data(contentsOf: url)
Here is the test case ....
func testFailure() throws {
// Given
mockService.data = try getData(json: "FailureResponse")
var schools: [School] = []
let expectation = expectation(description: "waiting for response")
// When
.sink(receiveValue: { result in
schools = result
.store(in: &subscribers)
// viewModel?.getSchools()
// Then
waitForExpectations(timeout: 10.0)
Here is the debug result . it return 0 ..
Here is the screenshot of the result ..
You mention in the question that "the json file is empty." If that is the case, then this test will fail. The MockService assumes that the Data pulled from the json file will be decodable to the type requested. If it isn't the getModel(_:from:completion:) will never call the completion and the test will not complete in the specified time limit. Solve this by calling the completion closure even when the JSONDecoder response with an error.
Also, even if that mock emits the error properly, your ViewModel doesn't do anything with it that would cause the schools type to update.

How can I pass nil to generic type parameter on Swift?

I'm using Alamofire5 and Swift 5.7.x.
There is a problem when I receive an response data from API server.
The response data default is:
statusCode: 200
message: "OK"
items: null
But the "items" attribute can be anything data type.
null, string, int, array, object..
I was about to solve using Generics.
But I don't know how to handle the null.
It's API common code:
struct Response<T: Codable>: Codable {
var statusCode: Int
var message: String
var items: T?
class API {
func request<Parameters: Encodable, T: Decodable>(_ path: String,
method: HTTPMethod = .get,
params: Parameters? = nil,
completion: #escaping (Result<Response<T?>, NetworkError>) -> Void) {
//some codes..
method: method,
parameters: params,
encoder: JSONParameterEncoder.prettyPrinted
.validate(statusCode: 200..<400)
.validate(contentType: ["application/json"])
.responseData { response in
switch response.result {
case .success(let data):
guard let decodedData = try? JSONDecoder().decode(Response<T?>.self, from: data) else { return }
completion(.success(decodedData as Response<T?>))
case.failure(let error):
// some codes..
It's caller:
API.shared.request("/users/device", method: .post, params: reqParam) { (response: Result<Response<This is the problem..!!>, NetworkError>) in
switch response {
case .success(let data):
print("userDevice updated")
case .failure(let error):
// some codes..
How can I pass nil on the caller?
Considering you have following response for all your API requests
statusCode: 200
message: "OK"
items: null
And your Codable struct as following
struct Response<T: Codable>: Codable {
var statusCode: Int
var message: String
var items: T? // Notice this is declared as Optional
As your items variable is declared as optional it will work as expected with little change.
You can declare an Empty Struct which can be used when you are expecting null value for items key, like following.
struct EmptyResponse: Codable {
You can use EmptyResponse struct as following:
API.shared.request("/users/device", method: .post, params: reqParam) { (response: Result<Response<EmptyResponse>, NetworkError>) in
switch response {
case .success(let data):
if let items = data.items {
// Use items here
} else {
// Items is nil
case .failure(let error):
// some codes..

Parse responseJSON to ObjectMapper

I'm currently making a migration from Android to iOS, better said Java to Swift, I got a generic response in JSON, but I'm not able to use it as an object and show it in the storyboard. I'm really new to Swift so I've been stuck for a while.
I've tried ObjectMapper and also JSON decode with no result at all.
I declared this response as I used in Java(Android)
class ResponseObjectMapper<T,R>: Mappable where T: Mappable,R:Mappable{
var data:T?
var message:String!
var error:R?
required init?(_ map: Map) {
self.mapping(map: map)
func mapping(map: Map) {
data <- map["data"]
message <- map["message"]
error <- map["error"]
class UserMapper :Mappable{
var email:String?
var fullName:String?
var id:CLong?
var phoneNumber:String?
var token:CLong?
required init?(_ map: Map) {
func mapping(map: Map) {
email <- map["email"]
fullName <- map["fullName"]
id <- map["id"]
phoneNumber <- map["phoneNumber"]
token <- map["token"]
phoneNumber <- map["phoneNumber"]
In my Android project I use the Gson dependency and I was able to use my JSON as an object
class ErrorMapper:Mappable{
var message:String?
var code:Int?
required init?(_ map: Map) {
func mapping(map: Map) {
message <- map["message"]
code <- map["code"]
This is the Alamofire that gave me the JSON.
func login(params: [String:Any]){Alamofire.request
("", method: .post,
parameters: params,encoding: JSONEncoding.default, headers:
headers).responseJSON {
response in
switch response.result {
case .success:
let response = Mapper<ResponseObjectMapper<UserMapper,ErrorMapper>>.map(JSONString: response.data)
case .failure(let error):
If I print the response with print(response) I got
data = {
email = "vpozo#montran.com";
fullName = "Victor Pozo";
id = 6;
phoneNumber = 099963212;
token = 6;
error = "<null>";
message = SUCCESS;
and if I use this code I can got a result with key and value but I don't know how to use it as an object
if let result = response.result.value {
let responseDict = result as! [String : Any]
email = "vpozo#gmail.com";
fullName = "Victor Pozo";
id = 6;
phoneNumber = 099963212;
token = 6;
I would like to use it in an Object, like user.token in a View Controller, probably I'm really confused, trying to map with generic attributes.
Type 'ResponseObjectMapper<UserMapper, ErrorMapper>' does not conform to protocol 'BaseMappable'
First of all you will need a Network Manager which uses Alamofire to make all your requests. I have made generalized one that looks something like this. You can modify it as you want.
import Foundation
import Alamofire
import SwiftyJSON
class NetworkHandler: NSObject {
let publicURLHeaders : HTTPHeaders = [
"Content-type" : "application/json"
let privateURLHeaders : HTTPHeaders = [
"Content-type" : "application/json",
"Authorization" : ""
enum RequestType {
case publicURL
case privateURL
func createNetworkRequestWithJSON(urlString : String , prametres : [String : Any], type : RequestType, completion:#escaping(JSON) -> Void) {
let internetIsReachable = NetworkReachabilityManager()?.isReachable ?? false
if !internetIsReachable {
AlertViewManager.sharedInstance.showAlertFromWindow(title: "", message: "No internet connectivity.")
} else {
switch type {
case .publicURL :
commonRequest(urlString: baseURL+urlString, parameters: prametres, completion: completion, headers: publicURLHeaders)
case .privateURL:
commonRequest(urlString: baseURL+urlString, parameters: prametres, completion: completion, headers: privateURLHeaders)
func commonRequest(urlString : String, parameters : [String : Any], completion : #escaping (JSON) -> Void , headers : HTTPHeaders){
let url = NSURL(string: urlString)
var request = URLRequest(url: url! as URL)
request.httpMethod = "POST"
request.httpHeaders = headers
request.timeoutInterval = 10
let data = try! JSONSerialization.data(withJSONObject: parameters, options: JSONSerialization.WritingOptions.prettyPrinted)
let json = NSString(data: data, encoding: String.Encoding.utf8.rawValue)
if let json = json {
request.httpBody = json!.data(using: String.Encoding.utf8.rawValue)
let alamoRequest = AF.request(request as URLRequestConvertible)
alamoRequest.validate(statusCode: 200..<300)
alamoRequest.responseJSON{ response in
print(response.response?.statusCode as Any )
if let status = response.response?.statusCode {
case 201:
print("example success")
case 200 :
if let json = response.value {
let jsonObject = JSON(json)
print("error with response status: \(status)")
let jsonObject = JSON()
After this when ever you need to make a request you can use this function. This will take in parameters if any needed and once the request is complete it will execute a call back function in which you can handle the response. The response here will be of SWIFTYJSON format.
func makeNetworkRequest(){
let networkHandler = NetworkHandler()
var parameters : [String:String] = [:]
parameters["email"] = usernameTextField.text
parameters["pass"] = passwordTextField.text
networkHandler.createNetworkRequestWithJSON(urlString: "", prametres: parameters, type: .publicURL, completion: self.handleResponseForRequest)
func handleResponseForRequest(response: JSON){
if let message = response["message"].string{
if message == "SUCCESS"{
if let email = response["data"]["email"].string{
//Do something with email.
if let fullName = response["data"]["fullName"].string{
//Do something with fullName.
if let id = response["data"]["id"].int{
//Do something with id.
if let phoneNumber = response["data"]["phoneNumber"].int64{
//Do something with phoneNumber.
if let token = response["data"]["token"].int{
//Do something with token.
Hope this helps. Let me know if you get stuck anywhere.

Cannot convert value of type 'MyEnum<T.Type>' to expected argument type 'MyEnum<_>'

I have a network layer working with generics and I'm using protocols so I can test it later. I have followed this tutorial https://medium.com/thecocoapps/network-layer-in-swift-4-0-972bf2ea5033
This is my Mock for testing:
import Foundation
#testable import TraktTest
class MockUrlSessionProvider: ProviderProtocol {
enum Mode {
case success
case empty
case fail
private var mode: Mode
init(mode: Mode) {
self.mode = mode
func request<T>(type: T.Type, service: ServiceProtocol, completion: #escaping (NetworkResponse<T>) -> Void) where T: Decodable {
switch mode {
case .success: completion(NetworkResponse.success(T))
case .empty: completion(.failure(.noData))
case .fail: completion(.failure(.unknown("Error")))
I'm getting the error: Cannot convert value of type 'NetworkResponse<T.Type>' to expected argument type 'NetworkResponse<_>' in this line: completion(NetworkResponse.success(T))
If I send this to my completion success it compile:
try? JSONDecoder().decode(T.self, from: data!)
(dummy data that I created using encode and my model), but crash when get to my model because is nil despite I had encoded using JSONEncoder() with a correct model.
I think it works, because is the same logic that I use in my class that implements ProviderProtocol in my app:
final class URLSessionProvider: ProviderProtocol {
private var session: URLSessionProtocol
init(session: URLSessionProtocol = URLSession.shared) {
self.session = session
func request<T>(type: T.Type, service: ServiceProtocol, completion: #escaping (NetworkResponse<T>) -> Void) where T: Decodable {
let request = URLRequest(service: service)
session.dataTask(request: request) { [weak self] data, response, error in
let httpResponse = response as? HTTPURLResponse
self?.handleDataResponse(data: data, response: httpResponse, error: error, completion: completion)
private func handleDataResponse<T: Decodable>(data: Data?, response: HTTPURLResponse?, error: Error?, completion: (NetworkResponse<T>) -> Void) {
guard error == nil else { return completion(.failure(.unknown(error?.localizedDescription ?? "Error"))) }
guard let response = response else { return completion(.failure(.unknown("no_response".localized()))) }
switch response.statusCode {
case 200...299:
guard let data = data, let model = try? JSONDecoder().decode(T.self, from: data) else { return completion(.failure(.noData)) }
default: completion(.failure(.unknown("no_response".localized())))
URLSessionProtocol is just a protocol which has a method dataTask same as the one in URLSession.shared (receive a URLRequest and returns Data, Response and Error in a completion).
My Network responses are a couple of enums:
enum NetworkResponse<T> {
case success(T)
case failure(NetworkError)
enum NetworkError {
case unknown(String)
case noData
My provider protocol just have a function to make the request using generics:
protocol ProviderProtocol {
func request<T>(type: T.Type, service: ServiceProtocol, completion: #escaping(NetworkResponse<T>) -> Void) where T: Decodable
I don't think I need to use ServiceProtocol in my test because is to setup the request with endpoint, headers, body, id, etc. But this is the protocol I created:
typealias Headers = [String: String]
typealias Parameters = [String: Any]
protocol ServiceProtocol {
func baseURL() -> URL
var path: String? { get }
var id: String? { get }
var method: HTTPMethod { get }
var task: Task { get }
var headers: Headers? { get }
var parametersEncoding: ParametersEncoding { get }
enum HTTPMethod: String {
case get = "GET"
case post = "POST"
enum Task {
case requestPlain
case requestParameters(Parameters)
enum ParametersEncoding {
case url
case json
In my app, I have a class that implement ProviderProtocol and use a URLSession.shared to make the dataTask when some viewModel call the request with the appropiate model.
I'm use to make test with protocols and a specific model, but with generics is showing me that error. How can I achieve to have a mock provider using generics so I can test any viewModel who make a call to network using different kinds of models (stubs).
The error occurs because NetworkResponse expects an instance of T, while the mock tries to provide the actual T.
So, you need to somehow provide an instance, however this cannot be generated by the mock as it doesn't have enough information about how to construct an instance.
I recommend injecting the success value from the outside, when creating the mock. You can do this either by making the mock class generic, or by making the Mode enum generic. Below is a sample implementation for the latter:
class MockUrlSessionProvider: ProviderProtocol {
// making the enum generic, to support injecting the success value
enum Mode<T> {
case success(T)
case empty
case fail
// need to have this as `Any` to cover all possible T generic arguments
private var mode: Any
// however the initializer can be very specific
init<T>(mode: Mode<T>) {
self.mode = mode
func request<T>(type: T.Type, service: ServiceProtocol, completion: #escaping (NetworkResponse<T>) -> Void) where T: Decodable {
// if the mock was not properly configured, do nothing
guard let mode = mode as? Mode<T> else { return }
// alternatively you force cast and have the unit test crash, this should help catching early configuration issues
// let mode = mode as! Mode<T>
switch mode {
case let .success(value): completion(NetworkResponse.success(value))
case .empty: completion(.failure(.noData))
case .fail: completion(.failure(.unknown("Error")))

Generic DataResponse with Alamofire and ObjectMapper

I want to create a custom class for Alamofire so I will be able to call the request over and over again in various classes. In order to do that I need to pass the model class that extends to Mappable in DataResponse. But I got many errors.
This is my current code in the custom class:
func callAPI<T: Mappable>(response: T){
Alamofire.request(url!, method: .post, parameters: nil, encoding: JSONEncoding.default, headers: nil).responseObject { (response: DataResponse<T>) in
let result = response.result.value as! BaseData
And this is my code when i call the method:
func data() {
let manager = ManagerData(url: url)
manager.callAPI(response: Model.self)
This is my Model class:
class Model: BaseData {
var point: String?
var list: [Voucher]?
override func mapping(map: Map) {
super.mapping(map: map)
totalPoint <- map["TOTAL_POINT"]
list <- map["VOUCHER"]
class BaseData: Mappable {
var status: String?
var message: String?
required init() {
required init?(map: Map) {
func mapping(map: Map) {
status <- map["STATUS"]
message <- map["MESSAGE"]
On manager.callAPI(response: Model.self) error is Argument type Model.Type does not conform to expected type Mappable.
Any suggestion how to do it?