run single command in specific python version with pyenv - pyenv

I'm using notebooks mostly, so on the commandline I often only want to install a specific package for a specific python version I have. Currently, I usually change the global python version, run pip and change the global version back. Is there a way to execute a single command in a specific pyenv version?

You can override which version/environment is being used via the PYENV_VERSION environment variable
# PYENV_VERSION=2.7.15 pip install package
# PYENV_VERSION=3.6.6/some_virtualenv ipython


Can't import plotly in Notebook in Visual Studio Code

I'm trying to create graphs using plotly for the first time. Since I'm currently using Visual Studio Code for my coding (either python scripts or notebooks), I'm currently trying to use plotly in VSC.
I've installed everything from the plotly getting started page (conda installed plotly, notebook, ipywidgets and even jupyter) but I'm still getiing an error when importing.
The thing is, when I've tried importing plotly in a python file in VSC, it's running well. I've also tried running it in a Jupyter Notebook and it's also running.
import as px
I'm pretty sure that I've installed everything in the correct environment and I'm using the same environment all throughout.
What do I need to run plotly in a notebook in VSC?
It seems like your python versions/pip versions are different (especially if you're using an env). In Visual studio Code, you can bring up a simple terminal directing to the directory of your project (or env). Just click Terminal > New terminal. This will bring up a terminal (like CMD or terminal) at the bottom of the screen.
From then you can check the version of Pip and python for either your system globally, or the version install in your env. As long as your env is activated, then it will check the versions for the env, not your system.
For macOS:
To show all python installations of your system:
which -a python
To get the version for python 3 (which is what you should be on):
python3 --version
To get the version for pip:
pip -v
For windows:
python3 --version
pip -v
If the versions are incorrect then you can either install the right version of pip in your env or change python paths. First option is recommended.
If you are using macOS. Entering the command which -a python will show a very old Python 2.X version. Do not tamper with this or it's path as it is needed by macOS to run.

Not able to install feature -Engine Module

I am trying to install feature-engine module on anaconda
this is the error i am getting
Package is not available from current channels
repo.anaconda win 64 , noarch etc.
Can you please help me with the problem?
to install from anaconda:
conda install -c conda-forge feature_engine
I believe that feature-engine is not available through anaconda channels for installation with conda install. I was able to install it via pip. Here is how I did it (in Windows):
open a CMD and run conda activate <<VIRTUALENV>>. This is the environment you create for your project. If you have not created one, then use base, the default one.
cd to the location of your pip installation within that activated conda Virtual environment (mine was within my user folder in \AppData\Local\Continuum\anaconda3\envs\<<VIRTUALENV>>\Scripts).
in there, run pip install feature-engine
you should now be able to see it listed under pip freeze or pip list, but not under conda list.
Finally, go to your code location and run the code. remember to activate that same <> each time you open a new CMD to run it.
Hope it helps.
If you are using Jupyter Notebooks, it might be the case that your Jupyter Notebook is not actually running the kernel in your (activated!) Anaconda environment (via this answer), but the generic Python3 kernel that only can import packages from your global Anaconda environment.
You can check for this by importing a package that is installed in your global environment (e.g., pandas), while running a notebook:
import pandas
If you see something likes this (on Windows), you are indeed running the wrong kernel (as you would expect the packages to be loaded from the activated environments):
Therefore, in your Anaconda Prompt, you have to create a new kernel within ipykernel (assuming cenv is your environment of interest):
$ conda activate cenv # . ./cenv/bin/activate in case of virtualenv
(cenv)$ conda install ipykernel
(cenv)$ ipython kernel install --user --name=<any_name_for_kernel>
(cenv)$ jupyter notebook
Now, in the restarted Jupyter Notebook you can change the kernel via the menu: Kernel > Change kernel > <any_name_for_kernel>
Importing the same package, like pandas, should show the following file path:
and you should be able to import any package installed in that Anaconda environment.

Using conda environment in IPython interactive shell

I am trying to use the interactive shell of IPython within my conda env and am having issues.
The steps I take are:
source activate myenv
conda install ipython
When I am in ipython interactive shell, it calls python from the anaconda root bin. (~/anaconda2/bin')
Is there anything I can do to change the python path to ~/anaconda2/envs/myenv/bin and import packages from myenv?
I see few solutions to making env work in jupyter when I search the web, but no answer on making it work on the interactive shell.
This is likely due to your $PATH variable being messed up.
THe easiest way to make sure you get IPython from within an env is to use $ python -m IPython <rest of the options> to start IPython. This works for many of the Python installable application; like pytest, pip and other.

How to use ipython without installing in every virtualenv?

I use Anaconda's IPython on my mac and it's a great tool for data exploration and debugging. However, when I wish to use IPython for my programs that require virtualenv (e.g. a Django web app), I don't want to have to reinstall IPython every time.
Is there a way to use my local IPython while also using the rest of my virtualenv packages? (i.e. just make IPython the exception to virtualenv packages so that the local IPython setup is available no matter what) If so, how would you do this on a mac? My guess is that it would be some nifty .bash_profile changes, but my limited knowledge with it hasn't been fruitful. Thanks.
Example Usage
Right now if I'm debugging a program, I'd use the following:
import pdb
pdb.set_trace() # insert this to pause program and explore at command line
This would bring it to the command line (that I wish was IPython)
If you have a module in your local Python and not in the virtualenv, it will still be available in the virtualenv. Unless you shadow it with another virtualenv version. Did you try to launch your local IPython from a running virtualenv that didn't have an IPython? It should work.
Will, I assume you are using Anaconda's "conda" package manager? (Which combines the features of pip and virtualenv). If so you should be aware that many parts of it does not work completely like the tools it is replacing. E.g. if you are using conda create -n myenv to create your virtual environment, this is different from the "normal" virtualenv in a number of ways. In particular, there is no "global/default" packages: Even the default installation is essentially an environment ("root") like all other environments.
To obtain the usual virtualenv behavior, you can create your environments by cloning the root environment: conda create -n myenv --clone root. However, unlike for regular virtualenv, if you make changes to the default installation (the "root" environment in conda) these changes are not reflected in the environments that were created by cloning the root environment.
An alternative to cloning the root is to keep an updated list of "default packages" that you want to be available in new environments. This is managed by the create_default_packages option in the condarc file.
In summary: Don't treat your conda environments like regular python virtualenvs - even though they appear deceptively similar in many regards. Hopefully at some point the two implementations will converge.

Installing with PIP in virtualenv?

I'm trying to wrap my head around virtualenv and pip still.
If I use pip to install a library, it doesn't matter where I 'cd' to, because it installs the libraries in the same place right (which i dont even know where that is)? So I guess my question is, when I install something with pip, how do I make sure it only installs that library inside of my virtual environment? Do I need to cd to that directory first? or is there a command I'm supposed to use with pip to make sure it only installs to the virtualenv project I'm working in?
Activate virtualenv first:
source virt_name/bin/activate
Then after that, install the libraries:
pip install module_name
Note: Don't use sudo with pip because sometimes it will assume you want to install in /usr/local/lib/site-packages.
Generally speaking, if you do not use virtualenv --system-site-packages to create your virtualenv, you should be only working with your per-environment packages.
Providing you run the activate script before installing anything.
i.e. Do the following, if you want to install something in your virtualenv.
Run activate script
Windows: [ve_directory]\Script\activate.bat
Linux: source [ve_directory]/bin/activate
pip install [your requirements]
I think it doesn't matter where your current working directory is.
When you create a new environment with virtualenv, among other things it creates a bash script venv/bin/activate (where venv is the folder you specified when you created the environment; libraries are located there as well, by the way). When you run it in your shell the environment variables become arranged so that pip installs new libraries in this environment's folder. See virtualenv docs for details, section "activate script".