emacs verilog moide:full command that include verilog-library-directories - emacs

I use the Verilog mode from emacs.
My question is:
What is full syntax of command that includes verilog-library-directories ?
emacs --batch f.sv -q --eval='(setq-default verilog-typedef-regexp
".*_t$")' -f verilog-batch-auto

For including verilog libraries I use the following comment at the end of the file:
// verilog-library-flags:("-y ../rtl")
I think then you can reuse this syntax for command line.


set-language-environment and M-x shell

I am using shells using UTF-8 and others using Latin-1. However, when I change the default with set-language-environment, also the existing shells change their buffer-coding-system - indicator in the status-line.
How can I make a shell-buffer stick to its encoding?
Have you tried looking at the Emacs Wiki? It has a tip on how to edit the ~/.emacs file:
Working around a broken LANG
If your LANG is not set up correctly, and you don’t want to fix it,
you can do the setup in your ~/.emacs file:
(set-language-environment "Latin-1")
Usually you would do it interactively: ‘C-x RET l’.
To check the environment you want see ‘M-x
describe-language-environment’ and TAB to see all completions.
as suggested here,
simply create a shell script such as e.g.latinshell.sh (adjust the desired variables):
and then run it in a shell with:
. latinshell.sh

Org Mode tangle comment

with this line in a file i'm tangling:
#+BEGIN_SRC shell :tangle ./tangle/aux.0 :comments link :paddling no
on tangling, this prompt appears:
"No comment syntax is define. Use: [ ]"
What needs to be set, or text entered in the source file to avoid the prompt?
I've tried:
# <<example>>
on the first line.
or ... comment-syntax #
after the ":comments link"
and searched the help for examples.
I'm reading the Org Manual, and emacs help, and not finding any specific instructions.
I believe your problem is because emacs cannot determine/recognise the correct mode for the exported source. As it does not recognise the mode, it cannot determine the correct comment character.
According the the org manual, the correct identifier for shell blocks is sh not shell. Try changing your line to
#+BEGIN_SRC sh :tangle ./tangle/aux.0 :comments link :paddling no

How to use vim LatexSuite with a Makefile?

I would like to type :make in Vim to compile my LaTeX document. I wrote down compilation rules in a Makefile, but as soon as I enable the LatexSuite Vim extension, the Makefile is no longer used. Instead, Vim runs latex -interaction=nonstopmode (note the absence of a filename) and hangs in that command. I did not change the g:Tex_UseMakefile option from its default 1 to 0 and according to the documentation, that should cause my Makefile to be used, but it's not.
What configuration is needed to tell LatexSuite to just use my Makefile?
LatexSuite was obtained via OpenSuSE repositories: vim-plugin-latex-20120125-21.1.1.noarch
You can override this via following setting in your vimrc.
autocmd FileType tex let g:Tex_CompileRule_dvi = 'make'
Alternatively, set makeprg in $HOME/.vim/after/ftplugin/tex.vim
set makeprg='make'
Helpful in-source documentation of file <latex-suite-root-folder>/compiler/tex.vim
Section " Customization of 'makeprg': {{{
This (g:Tex_CompileRule_dvi) is a string which should be directly be able to be cast into
" &makeprg.

How to give the recusive option (-R) to the M command (change the file mod) in emacs dired?

When i type "-R 777" I get:
file-modes-symbolic-to-number: Parse error in modes near `R 777'.
Recursive operations aren't supported by dired-do-chmod.
It's easy to do this as a shell command, though:
M-! chmod -R 777 (files) RET
Alternatively, the Dired+ library provides a diredp-do-chmod-recursive command for this, bound to M-+M (and added only a few days ago, apparently, so that was a well-timed question).

compile command across emacs sessions

how do i maintain a compile command across emacs sessions for a given file?
so, suppose I have file1.x, and I would like to use tool XComp to compile it. To do this, I need to run the following hypothetical command:
Xcomp file1.x && extract file1.x && Xlink file1.obj
So I do M-x compile, and write that thing. Now I have it available until I close emacs. How do I make that compile command persistent across emacs sessions, maybe a
% -*-
line somewhere? Any help appreciated.
The variable is "compile-command" so you could put this on the first line in your file:
// -*- compile-command: "Xcomp file1.x && extract file1.x && Xlink file1.obj" -*-
You may want to change the "//" for whatever you need to do for comments.