BndTools perspective is missing from eclipse 2018-09 MacOS - eclipse

I have installed the BndTools plugin from the marketplace in a fresh eclipse download.
In the beginning, everything was fine. After a reset, the perspective seems to be missing and the right menu options are also missing:
I have installed DevTools also, but in the past this was not a problem.
Any ideas?

The reason was the fact that misconfiguration of one of the plugins. The use of jgit version > 5.0.0 was needed but eclipse was using a version < 5.0.0. By updating jgit the issue was resolved.


Eclipse error log view missing

I installed eclipse oxygen (4.7.0) "Eclipse IDE for Java Developers".
After installation I mentioned that "error log" view is not available any more.
I restarted eclipse multiple times and used also other workspaces.
How can I get back the error log view?
Did you try resetting whichever perspective you are using ?
(Window -> Reset perspective...)
I have found a solution: Just install Eclipse SDK by
Help->Install New Software...
After this is done restart eclipse and you got back the error log view.
The Error Log View is missing on a default installation of the Eclipse Platform Runtime. I assume this was missing from the "Eclipse IDE for Java Developers" package for Eclipse Oxygen either (I didn't test myself).
For sure, I'm experiencing this problem in 2018-09 and 2018-12 if I install the Eclipse Platform Runtime Binary (the bare-minimum Eclipse runtime I know of).
I opened bug 543120 for this.
I don't have tested the hexadez suggested workaround, because having to install the whole Eclipse SDK just to have this view is too much for me.
Another workaround I found is to install the bundle "Mylyn Context Connector: Eclipse IDE" from the 2018-09 or 2018-12 update sites: it's a much smaller compromise.

Eclipse Maven Build Error

I am beside myself with this error and can't make any progress until I get past this issue.
I have the latest STS (Spring Tool Source) 3.7.1 specifically for Eclipse Mars 4.5.1. I deleted all my old versions of STS, and deleted my old .eclipse file as well since I wanted this to be a fresh install. I also went into my c:\Users\Tom Holmes\AppData folders and removed all traces of 'Spring Tool Suite'.
I installed the new latest STS 3.7.1 for Eclipse (Mars) 4.5.1 and pulled down the latest Subclipse for the Eclipse (Mars) 4.5.1. I opened to my old work space which was fine before, and now whenever I try to use STS to run a maven build I get the error listed below.
Error: Could not find or load main class;.C:.Users.Tom
I have tried everything I can think of to re-loading the projects into a new workspace, to deleting the projects and re-downloading them.
Ultimately I find in the workspace .metadata plugins directory under m2e.eclipse.core there are no lifecycle mappings? Does that matter?
How can I re-create this, or is this more of a maven/sts problem?
So, here is what I found ... Since STS 3.7.1, specifically for Eclipse (Mars) 4.5.1 was the issue ... I tried several other versions of STS.
I tried STS 3.7.0 for Eclipse (Mars) 4.5.1 which does work. When I installed this, I immediately got notified that there was an update ready. The update was specifically for the m2e Maven-Eclipse Integration.
I also tried 3.7.0 for Eclipse (Juno?) 4.2.2 which also does work, and again this was looking for an update, and again was for m2e Maven-Eclipse Integration.
My feeling is that, specifically STS 3.7.1 for Eclipse (Mars) 4.5.1 was broken as far as the m2e plugin. Since the m2e changes are embedded in this latest version, something must not have been right. The other versions that I downloaded and installed all worked fine. For any of these versions, there was this upgrade for the m2e (Maven-Eclipse) integration plugin ... but in this case, the update worked.
You know, I like STS, I think it works great. After updating several times, like anything else, it can get "jinky" and then I decide that maybe I should just download a new fresh copy of the tool which usually works great.
Clearly pulling this update into the latest version just didn't mesh well. But now I am up and running, and hopefully SpringSource will fix this issue.
I really hope this helps someone else out.
I would recommend installing a regular Eclipse distribution and then installing STS as a plugin. There should be plenty of instructions online that explain how to do it. I've been using this approach for years and never had any problems.

FindBugs 3 not working in Eclipse Luna

I try to use the FindBugs 3.0.0 in my Eclipse Luna.
After installing it it should be available on context menu of my JavaProject and under Window -> Preferences -> Java -> Find Bugs.
But it isn't there.
I tried it with installation from Marktplace, Update Site and downloading the Zip and putting it into my Eclipse installation.
Is there anything else I have to do to make it run?
I had the same problem. My eclipse run on JVM 6 and FindBugs didn't work. I switch eclipse to use JVM 7 and this fixed issue. For more info how to switch JVM version that eclipse uses, see this eclipse Wiki
My installation of FindBugs 3.0.0 in eclipse luna works fine but I´ve installed the version.
As a colleague of me, has the same problem hence I am not going to update it :)
Try to install the earlier version (not using the eclipse marketplace), this should fix your issue in the meantime.

M2E Plugin options not visible even after installing the plugin

I am facing the strangest of the issues with M2E Plug in and Eclipse 3.6(Helios). I am using Maven 2.2.1
I installed the plugin through both the available site option and the marketplace client and the plugin installation is happening fine. However the Maven options just seems to disappear from the editor intermittently.I say this because when I right click on a project I should get the Maven options but I am not able to see any. I also checked in Window->Preferences and couldnt find the Maven option. The worst part is this is intermittent and I cant seem to figure out what is wrong.
Changing the IDE version is not an option as it is mandatory to develop in client supplied softwares.
Got the M2E plugin from M2E -
I am not facing this issue anymore. The only thing that I did is to reinstall the m2e plugin several times from the market it seems to eventually have been fixed.

Eclipse Java EE - Galileo - Unable to view plugins

I am new to Eclipse so I am having a hard time troubleshooting this problem. I have a new installation of Eclipse Java EE - Galileo on Windows, and I am unable to see any changes made in the IDE after installing plugins. I have verified that the plugins are installed via installation details, but see no changes made.
For example, after installing the maven integration plugin m2eclipse I go to File->New->Project ... and I have no option for maven. After installing the QuickRex plugin I have no view for it etc.
I have tried re-installing the plugins, re-installing Eclipse, and starting Eclipse with the -clean option, but nothing has resolved the issue.
Any ideas? Thanks!
Ok. This is just a wild guess but could you start over with a fresh install and make sure that you uncheck the option Contact all update sites during install to find required software as shown below:
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I faced a similar problem (on another platform than yours), some updates were "disabling" all my plugins. Not checking this option allowed me to work around this issue.
Follow-up: You'll need to install that Zest stuff manually from the GEF update site:
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