Cloned and Pushed a Forked Repo Successfully, Which Does NOT Read on Github - github

Using git bash, Windows 10 64x.
Successfully forked a repo, and cloned it to mine.
Was able to read it on my computer.
Also, there was no technical issue in pushing the repo (to my repo, not as an upstream) - can't click on 'datasharing'.
But I cannot read it on GitHub, and can't figure out why.
Please help me.

datasharing seems to be a submodule there. This means the original ower of the repo is using code from a foreign repo in his project. In order for you to use this code in a cloned repo you will have to obtain it separately after cloning your main repo. Imagine this like cloning a repo into a repo. This method is often used and perfect for referencing to external code while keeping all the advantages of version management rather than copying a static version of a library into your project.
Obtain the external code as follows:
Clone your repo as usual and cd into the folder.
git submodule init
git submodule update
The external code will be integrated into your repo and pushed/pulled with it. Not being able to click that folder seems to me as if github is aware of its existence but lacks the content.
For an exact reference on this topic you may want to read up on submodules in the docu found here.


How should I correctly push my project to github using eclipse?

I work in Eclipse. I have a maven project and usually, I commit and push it to my remote repo on GitLab. Now I want to push this project to a brand new GitHub repo. I've already created an empty repo on GitHub and pulled it to my local machine. So I already have a corresponding empty local repo too. The thing is I don't understand how to push my project to my new local repository and then push it to Github.
Usually, I use Egit but I can use the command line as well.
Maybe my logic is wrong? What should I do to have my project on GitHub then?
Thank you in advance.
I'm not sure if I understand your problem, if you were already pushing to GitLab with Egit. Have you tried to do it yet? Are you getting errors?
You should be able to use Egit the same way by committing to your local repo and then pushing to GitHub instead of GitLab.
The only difference would be having to use your GitHub credentials (or associating your SSH key to GitHub), and then specifying your GitHub repository.
The only thing that you had to keep in mind is to make sure your branch specs match. I think you might see "HEAD" by default, but you can change that to "master" if that's all you have.

Update a GitHub repository without cloning

Here's the situation, we are currently working on a project and lately we decided to upload it on GitHub. Now I made my changes and I want to push the changes onto the repository.
As far as I read, in order to make changes you need to clone the repository but that will download all files from the repository and I already have all of the source files.
I'm using GitHub desktop and I can't find any option to clone without downloading and update or create branches from my existing files. Creating a local one is an option but it needs to be uploaded as a separate repository instead of linking it to a current one.
Is there any way to push updates, create branches to the repository from my local project to an existing repository?
Your local project should already be a git repo, if you uploaded it to GitHub.
But in case it is not, switch to command-line, and do inside the root folder of your project (which should shows the same files as your remote repo):
git init .
git remote add origin<user>/<project>
git fetch
The fetch part will download the repo but leave your files alone.
(But do a backup still, just to be safe)
git branch master origin/master
git reset master
From there, your GitHub Desktop should show you any diff between your files and what was fetched from the repo.

Un-fork GitHub project into new GitHub project not associated with the original [duplicate]

How can I make GitHub forget or disassociate that my repo was originally a fork of another project?
I forked a project in GitHub. I can now see "forked from whatever/whatever". The parent repository "whatever/whatever" is no longer maintained. I have been allowed to continue use of the code base of the original repository to create an independent repository.
Is there a way to detach my project from the original repository?
Update Jan 2022:
Use the GitHub chatbot-virtual-assistant at
First answer:
You can contact github support and ask them to switch your repository to "normal mode".
On this page, "Commit was made in a fork" paragraph, it is explained that one has to go through support to switch. Therefore, it is likely that there is no way to do that by yourself (unless you destroy and recreate your repo which is explained before... if you do so be careful if you have tickets or a wiki attached to your project as they will be deleted!).
You could duplicate the forked repository to a new repository (without the fork dependency) from the GitHub UI, then remove the original forked one:
Sign in to GitHub
Select the + sign in the top right corner and select Import repository.
Import your forked repository. The new repository won't have the fork dependency.
Delete the original, forked repository in the repository settings.
NOTE: This approach will not preserve issues and pull requests.
Make sure you have all the important branches and tags on your local repo, delete the github repo, recreate the repository through usual means (no forking) and push the local repository back with git push --all. Note that if you have local branches that you don't want to publish, might be worth to create a temporary clean local clone for the operation.
However, this will also get rid of wiki and issues. As the wiki is in fact it's own repository, it can be handled similarly by cloning it and then recreating and pushing. The repo address is on wiki's Git Access page (
This leaves issues. They can be exported through the API, but as far as I know, you can only create issues and comments with your person, so importing them perfectly is impossible.
So, if you need issues to be preserved, you should go through github support as Thomas Moulard suggests.
I got the similar problem, and ended up using this github help page to solve it. I didn't mind about the wiki and issues tracker as it was for my blog using a theme kindly developed by another user.
To detach a forked repo and use it as your own after several commits without losing the whole history:
git clone --bare
Create a new empty reposity new-repository on the github website.
And push a mirrored version:
git push --mirror
One can rename on github, the forked_repository with another name to keep it as backup and check updates if needed. Or simply delete it.
Renaming the new-repository to the original name does the job. As a side effect, your commits now appear in your history.
Log in to GitHub with your credentials.
Go to
Choose "Detach", then enter the URL or repo name of the fork as your-user-name/repository-name, and answer the other questions of the virtual assistant.
You will get an email with a ticket number where you can check the status of your request. You will also be notified per email once your repo has been deforked.
Most repository settings will stay unchanged, including user permissions, stargazers, issues, PRs, discussions, etc.
Using the info from aurelien and Clayton, I was able to do this with the following:
$ git clone --bare
<delete forked_repo on GitHub>
<recreate repo on GitHub using same name>
$ cd forked_repo.git
$ git push --mirror
Here's the documentation for git clone --bare:
Make a bare Git repository. That is, instead of creating <directory> and placing the administrative files in <directory>/.git, make the <directory> itself the $GIT_DIR. This obviously implies the -n because there is nowhere to check out the working tree. Also the branch heads at the remote are copied directly to corresponding local branch heads, without mapping them to refs/remotes/origin/. When this option is used, neither remote-tracking branches nor the related configuration variables are created.
Here's the documentation for git push --mirror:
Instead of naming each ref to push, specifies that all refs under refs/ (which includes but is not limited to refs/heads/, refs/remotes/, and refs/tags/) be mirrored to the remote repository. Newly created local refs will be pushed to the remote end, locally updated refs will be force updated on the remote end, and deleted refs will be removed from the remote end. This is the default if the configuration option remote.<remote>.mirror is set.
Note: like the other git based answers, this will not copy over issues that are not part of the git repo such as the wiki and issues. Per Tapio:
The wiki is a separate git repo and can be handled in a similar fashion per Tapio. The address is:
Issues can be exported via the GitHub API but there are issues recreating them since they can only be created by your user, so imports will lose information.
This only applies to GitHub Enterprise, not on
Logged in to an account that has admin privileges:
Go to the repository that you need to detach: https://<ghe url>/<org>/<repo>
Click on the “Site Admin” rocket on the top right corner
Click "Collaboration" on the top menu bar
Click on “Network” on the left pane
Click on “Make Root” in the Network Structure pane
This was tested on GitHub Enterprise 2.9
If you do not need any past commits (I didn't in my case), you can just:
fork the project
make a local copy of the fork (I used my IDE to do that)
delete the git folder from your local copy
commit the project as you normally would a new project.
You can just delete the fork from your github account after. Took me all of one minute and worked like a charm.

Synchronizing copied repository with GIT repository

I have copied repository from my team member and I want to synchronize with GIT repository.
Please keep in mind that I am new to GIT and I only have URLs of the repository where I need to synchronize. I need help to connect my repository with GIT repository. I have not imported any repository and I have just copied that. I will be able to push or pull or merge etc. only if my project is synchronized with remote repository. Please let me know that how can I synchronize. Thanks
It's unclear from your question whether you are trying to simply keep two copies of the same repository synchronized or something else.
If it's the first, then what you want to do it a git clone. Your changes should be git commit, to get remote changes you should git pull and to push your changes to your co-worker's repository, you should git push.
Depending on your operating system, there are different front-ends for Git. I gave you the command-line version. I saw you tagged your questions with the eclipse tag, which suggests you are trying to do this inside Eclipse. In that case, you might find EGit useful. See the EGit User Guide here.
If all this sounds too complex for you, you should first Read The Manual - that is, check out the Getting Started chapter of the Git Documentation.
I found the solution. I had to go in team-> share projects. then "create a new repository location" and paste the url of git repository. then team->share project-> git and add the repository. Now my copied repository is linked/connected with my git repository and I am able to synchronize my repository.

git clone from github gets wrong repo

When I try to clone a repo from github, I get another of my repos conents.
I have multiple repos on github. I just forked a friend's project and I was trying to clone it to my local machine:
git clone
everything looks okay on the terminal, but the actual contents of the projectname directory contains files from another of my projects. I guess I have a global setting that makes that project my default, but I don't know where/how to change it.