database query according to file input empty or not in codeigniter - codeigniter-3

So i am changing my project from core PHP to Codeigniter. I have a edit for in which their are 3 input type file. Now i want to run my query according to these inout file. like if input file 1 is empty than don't update value else update. I did it in core PHP like this:
The name of input type file are: image1, image2, image3
mysqli query in core PHP:
move_uploaded_file($_FILES['photo1']['tmp_name'], $folder.$p1);
$query .=",`image1`='$p1'";
move_uploaded_file($_FILES['photo2']['tmp_name'], $folder.$p2);
$query .=",`image2`='$p2'";
move_uploaded_file($_FILES['photo3']['tmp_name'], $folder.$p3);
$query .=",`image3`='$p3'";
Now how to do this in codeigniter model:
public function store_ad()
$config['upload_path'] = './images/properties';
How to crearte model according to the non empty input file. I am storing the name of the file in database

Inside your method in the model class check if the files you want to upload is empty or not e.g
public function update($data_array, $img1, $img2, $img3){
$data_array['img_column1'] = $img1;
$data_array['img_column2'] = $img2;
$data_array['img_column3'] = $img3;
return $this->db->insert('YOUR_TABLE_NAME', $data_array);
Hope this helps....


Foreach loop problem in model using Codeigniter

public function fetch_emp()
foreach($res->result() as $row)
return $res->result();
public function employee()
$this->loadViews("emp/emp_views", $this->global, $res , NULL);
<?php print_r($cmp_name);?>
Once I fetch the id from db I got all the id not problem at all, but when I used in foreach loop to search the id and get their names from another db It display only the 1st id name... For eg:If there are 5 id, but when I search the id to get the name from another db it shows the 1st id name only.What's the problem I don't know pls help me.
You could get it done (getting names list) by directly using join() method like this :
public function fetch_emp()
$this->db->join('employee_master', 'employee_master.emp_id = emp.emp_id');
return $res->result();

Update table in Polymorphic Relation in laravel

I am working with laravel5.4. I have used Polymorphic relation for image upload.
So I have created table as images.
image table :
In image model I have created function for relation that looks like below.
Image model :
public function imageInfo()
return $this->morphTo();
In ticket model I have created function like below
Ticket model :
public function images()
return $this->morphMany('App\Models\Image\Image', 'imageInfo');
In ticket controller for storing image I have create functionality like :
if($request->file('file') != "")
$createPath = public_path('images/upload/ticket');
$destination_path = public_path('images/upload/ticket/'.$ticket->id);
$files = $request->file('file');
foreach ($files as $file) {
$image = new Image;
$image->name = $file->getClientOriginalName();
$image->type = $file->getClientMimeType();
It works perfect for storing image in database. But I want to update this table so according to ticket_id.
So how can I update this table using sync() method or any other option?

Creating cumulative pdf of orders in magento

I want to create a pdf of first 300 orders in magento. I want a functionality in which i will get first 300 orders and print their images(each order has different image) in a pdf. So how can i implement this functionality in magento. Is there any extension for that?
Take a look at /app/code/core/Mage/Adminhtml/controllers/Sales/OrderController.php
public function pdfinvoicesAction(){
$orderIds = $this->getRequest()->getPost('order_ids');
$flag = false;
if (!empty($orderIds)) {
foreach ($orderIds as $orderId) {
$invoices = Mage::getResourceModel('sales/order_invoice_collection')
if ($invoices->getSize() > 0) {
$flag = true;
if (!isset($pdf)){
$pdf = Mage::getModel('sales/order_pdf_invoice')->getPdf($invoices);
} else {
$pages = Mage::getModel('sales/order_pdf_invoice')->getPdf($invoices);
$pdf->pages = array_merge ($pdf->pages, $pages->pages);
if ($flag) {
return $this->_prepareDownloadResponse(
'invoice'.Mage::getSingleton('core/date')->date('Y-m-d_H-i-s').'.pdf', $pdf->render(),
} else {
$this->_getSession()->addError($this->__('There are no printable documents related to selected orders.'));
From the above function you could assign the first 300 order ids to $orderIds (or modify Mage::getResourceModel('sales/order_invoice_collection to get the first 300 records)
See magento orders list query
Changes :
public function pdfinvoicesAction(){
$orderIds = $this->getRequest()->getPost('order_ids');
To (something like)
public function pdfinvoices($orderIds){
$orderIds = (array) $orderIds; // first 300 record ids
Change line to save pdf to file
return $this->_prepareDownloadResponse(
'invoice'.Mage::getSingleton('core/date')->date('Y-m-d_H-i-s').'.pdf', $pdf->render(),
// use the order_id for the pdf name like
see Error in generated pdf file using zend_pdf under Magento
You could also delete the $this->_redirect('//')

Symfony: exclude empty values from form save

I have a many to many relation between Product and Properties. I'm using embedRelation() in my Product form to edit a Product and it's Properties. Properties includes images which causes my issue. Every time I save the form the updated_at column is updated for file properties even when no file is uploaded.
Therefore, I want to exclude empty properties when saving my form.
I'm using Symfony 1.4 and Doctrine 1.2.
I'm thinking something like this in my ProductForm.class.php, but I need some input on how to make this work.
class ProductForm extends BaseProductForm
public function configure()
unset($this['created_at'], $this['updated_at'], $this['id'], $this['slug']);
public function saveEmbeddedForms($con = null, $forms = null)
if (null === $forms)
$properties = $this->getValue('ProductProperties');
$forms = $this->embeddedForms;
foreach($properties as $p)
// If property value is empty, unset from $forms['ProductProperties']
I ended up avoiding Symfony's forms and saving models instead of saving forms. It can be easier when playing with embedded forms.
Solved it by checking if posted value is a file, and if both filename and value_delete is null I unset from the array. It might not be best practice, but it works for now.
Solution based on
class ProductPropertyValidatorSchema extends sfValidatorSchema
protected function configure($options = array(), $messages = array())
// N0thing to configure
protected function doClean($values)
$errorSchema = new sfValidatorErrorSchema($this);
foreach($values as $key => $value)
$errorSchemaLocal = new sfValidatorErrorSchema($this);
if(array_key_exists('value_delete', $values))
if(!$value && !$values['value_delete'])
// Some error for this embedded-form
if (count($errorSchemaLocal))
$errorSchema->addError($errorSchemaLocal, (string) $key);
// Throws the error for the main form
if (count($errorSchema))
throw new sfValidatorErrorSchema($this, $errorSchema);
return $values;

Zend move_uploaded_file Failure

I have spent a couple hours trying to add a simple upload file option to my Zend application. I have double checked all of the necessary permissions and everything works fine. Quite simply, I have it uploading nicely to a temporary folder but once I have it in that temp folder, I can't get it to move to its permanent storage location. Below is the code that keeps failing...
To be precise, the code fails with the $uploaded die statement. I thought it might be an issue since I am sending it to the Model rather than handling it right in the Action but that didn't solve the problem either. Can anyone point me in the right direction? I just can't get the file out of the temprorary directly and into the permenant storage locatoin I want.
Thank you!
//This is the action that is called when form is submitted.
function addImageAction()
$imgForm = new Admin_Form_ImageUploadForm();
$this->view->form = $imgForm;
$this->view->message = '<div class="popup-warning">Errors Receiving File.</div>';
$imageModel = new Admin_Model_Image();
$imageId = $imageModel->addImage($imgForm->image->getFileName());
Block #2 - The Model
public function addImage($image)
// Process the New File
// Check to see if Filename is already in Database
$select = $this->select();
$select->where('filename=?', $image);
$row = $this->fetchRow($select);
if ($row)
die("Filename already exists in Database. Please try another file.");
// Move file to Storage Directory
// Check/Create Storage Directoy (YYYYMMDD)
// Temporarily set MEDIA_DIR
$mediaDir = APPLICATION_PATH . '/../public/media/uploads/';
$destinationDir = $mediaDir . date('Ymd');
if (!is_dir($destinationDir)){
$storageDir = mkdir($destinationDir);
// Save Image
$uploaded = is_uploaded_file($image);
if (!$uploaded) {
die("Image has not been uploaded");
$image_saved = move_uploaded_file($image, $destinationDir);
die("Image could not be moved");
// Create Alternative Sizes
// Save Data to Database Tables
$dateObject = new Zend_Date();
$row = $this->createRow();
$row->filename = $image;
$row->date_added = $dateObject->get(Zend_Date::TIMESTAMP);
$row->date_modified = $dateObject->get(Zend_Date::TIMESTAMP);
// Fetch the ID of the newly created row
$id = $this->_db->lastInsertId();
// Retrieve IPTC Data
// Retrieve EXIF Data
// Return Image ID
return $id;
receive() method moves the file using move_uploaded_file(). So the file you work with is not uploaded anymore, it's normal file. You should use standard copy() function instead.