How does G Suite detect SCIM support? - google-workspace

I'm trying to setup user provisioning in G Suite for my SCIM-implementing application. According to the documentation, it should be a relatively straightforward task: make sure G Suite knows about /auth and /scim endpoints, and you're done.
But the point is, the very option of 'User Provisioning' in my application is not active (not visible, to be precise). Again, quoting the docs:
Select the user provisioning section. You will only see this choice if
your application uses the System for Cross-domain Identity Management
(SCIM) specification.
The question is, how exactly the system understands that without knowing the 'root' SCIM endpoint? Does the spec dictate some common endpoint for SCIM service discovery - for example, should the server always respond to '/ServiceProviderConfig' (and not '/scim/v2/ServiceProviderConfig', for example?)

From talking with the GSuite support team a few times over the last 18 months I believe this is only possible with apps in their "catalog".
See the following at the header of the page "Configure automated user provisioning for your app"
After you set up SSO for an app in our SAML catalog, follow steps here to configure automated user provisioning for your app.
I was given this link as the place to go to begin the process of registering an app, but having never received a response I was informed the team has not been accepting new submissions since October 2019.
I'd be very glad to hear more positive news on this if anyone's got any!!


Bing Ads API - Can not authenticate - Authentication challenge in Python SDK

I am facing the challenge to request the Bing Ads API to get a couple of metrics from it.
I am using Apache Airflow DAGs hosted on a remote Kubernetes cluster to do so. It is a nice way to automate and schedule tasks.
Now, the documentation is rather light on the point of gaining access to the API.
I have followed this
and the official SDK docs
I am failing at authenticating when querying, since I am lacking a couple of pieces of information.
When authenticating using the "refresh token" and "redirect URI", I do not have either. (Class OAuthWebAuthCodeGrant here:
When using a different method (Class OAuthDesktopMobileAuthCodeGrant here:, I fail w/
AADSTS700016: Application with identifier '<someidentifier>' was not found in the directory '<somethingelse>'. This can happen if the application has not been installed by the administrator of the tenant or consented to by any user in the tenant. You may have sent your authentication request to the wrong tenant.
Thank you very much in advance! If you need more details, let me know!
Also great documentation in general, if I can make it more "newb"-friendly, let me know!
Sadly, while there has been some traffic to this question, nobody seems to be able to answer.
I will specify the set up a bit further.
We use Airflow DAGs to request daily updates from the API. For this, we need to authenticate. The authentication comes from a "new device" every time, since the code runs on a k8s cluster which allocates the jobs dynamically to it's pods.
For authentication, we ventured into different solutions, but all require some form of human interaction to get the refresh token into the DAG.
Is there any solution which allows for a hands-free deamon like many-server-to-server communication?
This link sheds some light on what we are looking for:
Sadly, the Bing Ads API does not show up there.
What key piece of information are we missing?
Bing Ads, like Google Ads, uses OAuth for its API.
If you reference the Getting Started page, it mentions that you need a developer token, complete with links.
You can follow these steps to get a developer token for production.
Sign in with Super Admin credentials at the Microsoft Advertising Developer Portal account tab.
Choose the user that you want associated with the developer token. Typically an application only needs one universal token regardless how many users will be supported.
Click on the Request Token button.
Regarding your specific scenario--an application running in the cloud without an interface--you should know that OAuth requires you to interact with it to set things up. So run your app locally ONCE, or at least the getting_started code from your language's walkthrough:
Running it locally will go through the authentication process with your browser and generate a refresh token (in the file refresh.txt by default). Store this file with your code. It will have to be on the server that's making the request, and since it's in Kubernetes, you'll have to keep it with your container file.

Should I use keycloak or not?

I'm just starting a new project. The result will be an API server and a progressive web app. The API server is implemented with TypeScript and the NestJS framework, the client with Angular 6.
I've been flirting with keycloak for some time. Still, I'm not quite sure it's right for me yet. But I don't want to worry about things like token renewal anymore and find it sexy that Keycloak tells me how to create user roles.
What bothers me, is the following - integration. For my use case it is necessary that the login and all features like password reset and so on are part of my application. That means I want to create forms myself in order to be able to do this perfectly in my own design and not have a second translation process, etc. Keycloak themes are not an option. So is it possible to hide keycloak in such a way, or is it so complex that I shouldn't use Keyloak in the first place? Afaik there is already an issue with password resets - I can't request it from the user side but have to make an REST call to the admin endpoint - which is okay but not ideal since it requires me to do more server side logic ( and that is not why I want to use Keycloak).
In addition, Keycloak is too much about the GUI - which makes it difficult for me, especially during development. Because I also want to provide my team with a local instance of keycloak during development. But what is the concept to import the initial data into realms, apps and also users into Keycloak? I found some JSON imports - but so far only for realms and apps. Is there also a function to import a whole dumb?
So that my team builds on a pre-built setup and has a user for each role. A reproducible setup with Vagrant or Docker which contains the import of initial data - that would be the goal.
So in short my questions:
Is it still worth the effort using Keycloak if I want to use everything via the API or should I simply use Passport and JWT?
Can I have a reproducible setup during my development that includes realms, apps, users, user roles, etc?
So, the question asked few months ago, but I also faces with that question, and I want to answer on it.
I think that you don't need Keycloak, it is fairly enough for you to use OAuth2 and JWT.
Let's justify my answer:
You have just one client - Angular application. Keycloak useful, when you have many clients (web-js, mobile platforms) and you want to create and manage them dynamically. But, I think that, in your case, you create your client once without modification in the future.
Also, Keycloak very useful, when you have a lot of integration with third part systems (Google, Fb, Twitter and etc) because Keycloak has them out-of-box. Or you need to integrate with some SAML or LDAP provider.
You may use Keycloak, if you need some Identity and User management platform, and when you have complicated user access flow.
In the end, you could consider Keycloak, if you need SSO (Single Sign On) feature. Once logged-in to Keycloak, users don't have to login again to access a different application. But, by your description, you have just one application.
Keycloak offers features such as Single-Sign-On (SSO), Identity Brokering and Social Login, User Federation, Client Adapters, an Admin Console, and an Account Management Console.
It's an out of box solution for rapid security layer development of application.You could have single common security layer for multiple application .
You can implement you security mechanism without using keycloak.

Build Custom SSO with SAML

Updated: Thanks for responding on my post. I am very sorry, as of today these were the requirement details. However, I can elaborate more on what I understand. I some idea on WIF, where I can write my own STS, RP and publish policies.
Couple of queries here. Do we need to have an IdP and should we connect STS to IdP. if not, can we go without IdP. I will have to use claim base authentication and federated identity mgmt in the application.we do not depend on AD/LDAP integration.
Imp Requirements are in this way. 1) we allow customers to do self registration who are direct users of this portal-M and the other set of users come from partner-X where the company claims are verified using SAML Req/Resp to access the portal-M. 2) once the direct user or user-thru-partner-X enters the portal-M, he/she should get access to another portal-N of partner-Y sending SAML request in similar fashion.
I have provided as much as details I know, since I am new to this technology of SSO/FIdM
I would happy to provide more information, if needed
I have got a complex task to build a solution of externalized SSO with SAML that would be used by customers of different partners over web. the constraints are to build IdP/STS/Issuers/RP/Trusts/Policies with no open source or commercial product support choosing specific technology platforms such as Microsft or/and J2EE.
On top of these, IdP must have to use in house custom data store available on SQL Server and Oracle.
your ideas are appreciable and thanks in advance
So you want to implement a SAML stack without using any commercial or open source software?
That is a HUGE amount of work and you will need to spend a non-trivial amount of time getting your head around SAML.
In terms of a DB as your Identity repository, refer: Thinktecture IdentityServer.
In terms of SAML stacks, refer: SAML : A SAML stack .

How to create a new SP connection in PingFederate?

We are using PingFederate to enable SSO. It's being mapped with the LDAP directory server and our site is able to use SSO. Now we are integrating a helpdesk software application which is being hosted somewhere within our own site. We want the help desk user to be able to login using our site credentials. For that I need to add the help desk as a partner (SP) in PingFederate acting as an IdP.
How can I achieve this? A brief explanation would be helpful. Thanks in advance.
You may want to check out the Getting Started - Part 3 recording from our website. It demonstrates how the setup a connection to a typical service provider.
In a nutshell, you would need communicate with your partner about federation and share some information like:
Federation Standard/Protocol,
Base URL, Entity ID, Endpoints,
SSO profile,
and so on.
All of the above depends on what federation server your partner is using. Once you have all the information you can quickly setup the connection to your partner within PingFederate.
I hope this helps. I've also sent you a PM.
There's lots of good information in our documentation on managing SP connections:
How the connection is made largely depends on how you authenticate users, what attributes you're sending, and what the SAML capabilities/details are of your help desk software. If no SAML features are available, you may have to use one of our Integrations to either front end it (with a web server plugin, like Apache or IIS) or modify the app (using one of our language kits or agentless integration approach).
You may also want to consider sitting in one of our training sessions on PingFederate basics:
Should all else fail, our support centre is there to help if you have a valid contract.

Authenticating Users for an API Built for Third Party Application Developers

i'm in the early stages of developing an API for my site so that third party developers can build an iPhone application for it. The API would have a limited subset of the functionality of the full site. The trouble i have is around security and authentication for the user who downloads the application. I have come up with the following options:
The user enters the same credentials they use on the site to authenticate themselves. My API would then take the credentials when accessing information specific to the user. This is my least preferred solution as the third party application could log these details and use them maliciously on the full site.
Each user generates a unique key on the site which they can then use on the app to login. My API would take the api key as an argument when accessing information specific to the user. The main problem though is that any application can do what they like to the user once they gain access to their key even if the user has not given the application permission to do so.
To overcome the above problem the third party developer would have to register their application with the site and then the user would need to generate a unique key per application they wish to use. This would then be used to login. This is my preferred solution as each key is unique per application and user i can tell which application called the api and whether the user approved it.
My final option is to implement oAuth. We are currently waiting for the 2.0 version to be finalized and do not have the time to keep updating our code as the spec may change.
This is the first API i have had to build and i was wondering if i have understood this correctly? I'm assuming in option 1 the application could log the user credentials and use them maliciously but how does twitter overcome this issue with their third party applications? Or is it simply up to the user to trust the application they are using? If this is the case then would option 2 and/or 3 be feasible in the meantime until i switch to option 4.
I'd appreciate your feedback. Thanks
OAuth 1 and OAuth 2 are both viable options. But you will come a long way with basic authentication aswell (as long as it is over SSL). Don't be scared :)
I've implemented an API provider over OAuth 1.0. And since there are so many ready made libraries for OAuth1.0 for many platforms I would not be scared of using that either, much of the work has been done already, both for you as a provider and for third party implementors.
Anyway: you can always couple basic authentication with some very simple signing of the request using an application key and secret, say for example that as a third party developer you have to call.
where the API implementor has to sign perhaps the random_string, timestamp and api_key with the secret. Then you would at least have a way of shutting down malicious apps.