Batch file to SSH Cisco phone and reboot it - perl

First post, new to batch and scripting in general so please go easy on me.
I was tasked with writing a Perl script that would initiate SSH sessions with 6 phones and send them one CLI command to reboot them. Funny thing is, I know JACK about Perl. I do know a little batch automation and figured it'd be pretty simple to use plink to do what I needed. How wrong I was.
Here is an example of my plink batch.
#echo off
plink.exe -t -ssh XXXXXXX# -pw Abcd1234 < "C:\commands\commands.txt">output.txt
reset hard
Running the batch file returns a cmd window displaying: Using Username "XXXXXXX"
And my output.txt shows:
reset hardsnoopyplus login:
It was at this point I realized I'd need some insight on how to service this second set of login credentials before sending my reset command.
Here we are at day 3 and my boss would like some results. I have about 4 broken iterations of my script and a good attitude. What can I try?
Also, here is a portion of a Perl script I found that claimed to be able to handle the snoopyplus debug login for cisco phones that I was unable to get working. The little bit of info I found told me to rewrite it in OpenSSH which I don't think is supported on Windows.
sub reboot{
my ($ip,$sshpassword,$sshusername,$debuglogin,$debugusername,$debugpassword,$debugprompt,$command) = #_;
print "\nPlease be patient whilst Cisco phone at address $ip is rebooted. This may take up to 90 seconds to complete...\n";
my $ssh = Net::SSH::Perl->new("");
my $login_output = $ssh->login();
#my $ssh->login($sshusername, $sshpassword) || myAuditLog(LOG,"Login has failed. $!");
$ssh->waitfor('/Password :.*$/');

If you are on Windows, take a look at Net::SSH2, which comes included with Strawberry Perl. Using it, you should be able to talk to your IP phones:
use strict;
use warnings;
use Net::SSH2;
my $ssh2 = Net::SSH2->new();
$ssh2->connect('') or $ssh2->die_with_error;
if ($ssh2->auth_password($debuglogin, $debugpassword)) {
my $chan = $ssh2->channel();
while (!$channel->eof) {
if (my ($o, $e) = $channel->read2) {
$out .= $o;
$err .= $e;
} else {

Try this format of plink command:
plink.exe -t -ssh -pw Abcd1234 -m "C:\commands\commands.txt" XXXXXXX# >output.txt


Using expect from Perl

I have a situation where in I am calling the below Perl script
if (param("lremail") && param("lot")) {
my $address=param("lremailaddress");
my $lot=param("lot");
print a({-href=>"$dir/"},"Back to Top"),br;
print "Request submitted for $address.",br;
print "Lot $lot",br;
print "You will receive an e-mail with a link to the data when the request is complete.";
print end_html;
system ("ssh SERVERNAME /test/abc.csh $lot $$ $address &");
The above script does not run because when I execute the system is prompted for a password. Then I looked it up and found the below command..
> expect -c 'spawn ssh SERVERNAME /test/abc.csh J213520 06 "ls -lh file"; expect "Password:"; send "PASSWORD\r"; interact'
The above command is executed successfully without any issue but from the command line only. When I incorporate the same(by replacing the system call) within the Perl script, it fails.
How can I incorporate within the first script?
There's an Expect module for Perl.
However, I tend to write straight expect scripts and call them from Perl. That way I can use the expect scripts on their own. But then, I used to do a lot of Tcl too.

Perl script to execute commands in cisco router

I'm new to perl.I was trying to login to a cisco router to execute few commands.
I was able to login using Net::SSH::Perl and execute a couple of commands.
But when i tried to switch to the configure mode the script fails.
Is there a perl cpan module to do this?
use Net::SSH::Perl;
my $host = "XX.XX.XX.XX";
my $user = "XXXX";
my $password = "XXXX";
my $ssh = Net::SSH::Perl->new($host);
$ssh->login($user, $password);
print "check the version of the build \n";
my ($stdout) = $ssh->cmd("show statistics accelerator http object-cache");
print $stdout;
print "enter the config mode \n";
my($stdout1) = $ssh->cmd("config");
print "$stdout1 \n";
When the configure command executes the script fails with the following error. % Invalid input detected at '^' marker.
If you're having trouble with Net:SSH, Net::OpenSSH has always done the job well for me.
If you have an enable password, at the end of the day, you're going to need something implementing Expect, which is always a hassle.
The one library that worked for me is NET::Appliance::Session.
It is reliable, solves the "channel locking" issue en cisco routers/switches and can send commands without the use of expect (or at least does it internally can't remember well)
Does the command "config" work when doing this by hand? I assume you will get a question echoed back on the terminal.
If this is a plain Cisco router running IOS, the command to enter config mode is "configure terminal".

Regarding running multiple ssh commands using perl

I am bit stuck here I want to ssh in to a machine and then run about 3 commands which are basically setup commands and then i want to return back to my machine with env variables of that machine
env > envtext.txt.
return back
All this i have to do in perl
i tried commands like
system("ssh #machine command1 && command 2") doesnt work
is there something like?
system("ssh #machine command1 -cmd command 2 -cmd command 3")
if not than what is the best way to do it
like making a shell script then calling it or i can do it in perl itself without any shell scripts?
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use Net::SSH::Perl;
my $host = "address";
my $user = "name";
my $password = "password";
-- set up a new connection
my $ssh = Net::SSH::Perl->new($host,
identity_files => ['path to key'],
options=> ["StrictHostKeyChecking no"]
#interactive => yes,
-- authenticate
-- execute the command
my($stdout, $stderr, $exit) = $ssh->cmd("env");
print $stdout;`
error it gives is Permission denied at line 25
Thank you
I think your question is about SSHing to a single remote host and running multiple commands there. If that's true, then you need to pack your multiple commands up into a single command line that the remote shell can execute. The easiest way to do this is to use the list form of system, and pass the command line as a single parameter:
system "ssh", "machine", "setup1; setup2; setup3";
On to the second part of your question: You want to get data back from the remote side. For that, you'll want your program to read SSH's output rather than using system. For this, you can use:
open my $FH, "-|", "ssh", "machine", "setup1; setup2; setup3; env";
my #lines_from_ssh = <$FH>;
close $FH;
If you also need to send input to the remote side, look into IPC::Open2. If you need to capture both stdout and stderr, see IPC::Open3.
What you can do :
system("ssh $_ command1 -cmd command 2 -cmd command 3") for #machines;
Another Pure Perl solution is to use Net::OpenSSH

Weird issue with Net::SSH::Expect in Perl script

I am working on putting together a perl script. I have captured it below:
use Tie::File;
use Net::SSH::Expect;
use utf8;
use warnings;
use diagnostics;
# Grab password from hidden file
$pw=`cat .password`;
chomp $pw;
#Read list of 9200's from hosts.list file into an array
tie #hosts, 'Tie::File', "hosts.list" or die;
#Loop through hosts, connect via ssh, run commands, and write out log files.
foreach (#hosts) {
#Create ssh session handle
my $ssh = Net::SSH::Expect->new (
host => $_,
password => $pw,
user => 'user',
raw_pty => 1
my $login_output = $ssh->login();
if ($login_output !~ /.*sbc.*>/) {
die "Login failed. Login output was $login_output";
$ssh->send("show sip errors");
my $line;
while ( defined ($line = $ssh->read_line()) ){
print $line . "\n";
First, I'm not a programmer, so style is probably very ugly. Sorry about that :) The goal is to run several commands on a remote appliance, capture the results in separate files, which will then be consumed by a 3rd party parsing engine (splunk).
The current implemented functionality is able to log in to remote hosts, run the command, and then print out to stdout. Not quite there, but still shows a good proof of concept.
The script runs fine for the first 3 hosts in the hosts.list file. However as soon as it gets to the fourth host, I receive this exception:
Uncaught exception from user code:
SSHAuthenticationError Login timed out. The input stream currently has the contents bellow: user#myhost.mydomain's password: at /System/Library/Perl/Extras/5.12/ line 828
at /Library/Perl/5.12/Net/SSH/ line 209
Net::SSH::Expect::__ANON__('ARRAY(0x7fd718a03008)') called at /System/Library/Perl/Extras/5.12/ line 828
Expect::_multi_expect(1, 'ARRAY(0x7fd7189fbce8)', 'ARRAY(0x7fd7189f7460)') called at /System/Library/Perl/Extras/5.12/ line 565
Expect::expect('Expect=GLOB(0x7fd7189f1878)', 1, 'ARRAY(0x7fd718a01530)', 'ARRAY(0x7fd7189f15a8)', 'ARRAY(0x7fd71890a3d0)', 'ARRAY(0x7fd718a07470)', 'ARRAY(0x7fd7189d8b18)') called at /Library/Perl/5.12/Net/SSH/ line 580
Net::SSH::Expect::_sec_expect('Net::SSH::Expect=HASH(0x7fd718a29828)', 1, 'ARRAY(0x7fd718a01530)', 'ARRAY(0x7fd7189f15a8)', 'ARRAY(0x7fd71890a3d0)', 'ARRAY(0x7fd718a07470)', 'ARRAY(0x7fd7189d8b18)') called at /Library/Perl/5.12/Net/SSH/ line 213
Net::SSH::Expect::login('Net::SSH::Expect=HASH(0x7fd718a29828)') called at ./ line 26
Any ideas on what the problem could be? I am able to log in to the host with no issue manually via ssh. The script works fine for our other hosts, it's just this one outlier that I can't seem to figure out. Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks!
I did end up resolving this. In the constructor for $ssh I set the timeout to 10 seconds, instead of the default 1. The script runs significantly slower, but I don't appear to have the issues I was running into before. Appreciate the feedback!
Net::SSH::Expect is not reliable.
Use Net::OpenSSH instead, or if you want to run the same set of commands in several hosts Net::OpenSSH::Parallel.

[Perl][net::ssh2] How to keep the ssh connection while executing remote command

I'm working on a perl script using net::ssh2 to make a SSH connection to a remote server.
(I'm working on windows)
I chose Net::SSH2 because i had to make some SFTP connections in the same script.
For now, my sftp connections work perfectly. The problem is when i try to execute a "long-duration" command. I mean a command which execution can take more than 30sec.
$ssh2 = Net::SSH2->new();
$ssh2->connect('HOST') or die;
if($ssh2->auth(username=>'USER', password=>'PSWD'))
$sftp = Net::SFTP::Foreign->new(ssh2=>$ssh2, backend=>'Net_SSH2');
$sftp->put('local_path', 'remote_path');
# OR (I tried both, both failed :( )
print "End of command";
When i execute this script, the connection is successfull, the file is correctly sent but the execution is not (completely) performed. I mean, I think the command is sent for execution but terminated immediatly or not sent at all, i'm not sure.
What i want is the script waits until the command is completly finished before disconnect everything (just because sometimes, i need to get the result of the command execution)
Does anyone know how to solve this? :( The cpan documentation is not very explicit for this
PS: I'm open to any remarks or suggestion :)
Edit: After some test, i can say that the command is sent but is interrupted. My test was to start another perl script on the remote server. This script writes in a flat file. In this test, the script is started, the file is half-filled. I mean, the file is brutaly stopped in the middle.
In the other hand, when i performed a "sleep(10)" just after the "$channel->exec()", the script goes to the end successfully.
Problem is, that I can't write a "sleep(10)" (i don't know if it will take 9 or 11 seconds (or more, you see my point)
You can try using Net::SSH::Any instead.
It provides a higher level and easier to use API and can use Net::SSH2 or Net::OpenSSH to handle the SSH connection.
For instance:
use Net::SSH::Any;
my $ssh = Net::SSH::Any->new($host, user => $user, password => $password);
$ssh->error and die $ssh->error;
my $sftp = $ssh->sftp;
$sftp->put('local_path', 'remote_path');
my $output = $ssh->capture($cmd);
print "command $cmd output:\n$output\n\n";
$sftp->put('local_path1', 'remote_path1');
# no need to explicitly disconnect, connections will be closed when
# both $sftp and $ssh go out of scope.
Note that SFTP support (via Net::SFTP::Foreign) has been added on version 0.03 that I have just uploaded to CPAN.