Date format issue in UI5 - sapui5

I have a Odata service which brings back audit date and time in following pattern
AUDIT_Date : Sun Nov 23 -4713 16:07:02 GMT-0752 (Pacific Standard Time)
AUDIT_time: :
__edmType: "Edm.Time"
in metadata I see the format as :
<d:AUDIT_DATE m:type="Edm.DateTime">0000-00-00T00:00:00.0000000</d:AUDIT_DATE>
<d:AUDIT_TIME m:type="Edm.Time">PT0H0M0S</d:AUDIT_TIME>
I am trying to create a new record and while doing so I need to pass current date and time in those fields. I saw some blogs on date formats but none is giving me clear example on how I should solve this issue.
The data object I am trying to pass to OdataModel.create is "parts"
and need to pass
parts.Audit_date = "current date"
parts.Audit_Time = "current time" in those formats.

for example:
parts.Audit_date = "/Date(1354665600000)/";
parts.Audit_Time = "PT11H00M00S";
the date is ms since 1970 and the time is 11 hours 0 minutes and 0 seconds : )
this is the best blog to find information about edm dates and times in my opinion:


In Which format the date is given?

I have downloaded a dataset called Real estate valuation data set from . But I am not able to understand in which format the transaction date is given. They have given some examples like 2013.250=2013 March, 2013.500=2013 June, etc.
I encountered this same problem and I figured that the months were represented as a fraction of a year. So, for instance, June is the 6th month of the year, hence it is 6/12 = 0.5; that's why we had June 2013 as 2013.500, etc.

Convert Exif date to different format

I am getting an exif date value like
EXIFPhotoDate: 1506173228000 and
UploadDate: 1506485214000
but I know it is
EXIFPhotoDate 23/9/2017, 23:27 and
UploadDate 9/27/2017, 01:59
The former is when queried via REST and the latter is when queried via the table.
How can I get standard date/time from a value like this?
Looks like you have a number of milliseconds since January 01 1970 in UTC. If you remove the 000 from the end, you will have a Unix timestamp, that is, the number of seconds since January 01 1970 in UTC:
unixTimestamp = 1506173228000 / 1000
Once your question doesn't state any programming language, it's hard to give you further help.

How to store Indian date and Time in MongoDB ? and How to query using Time fileds(HH:MM:SS)

What is the best way to store indian date and time in mongodb?
I'm going to upload bill details in mongodb. So i've to capture the Bill time which is printed in Bill. This will be in the format like '2014-12-22 14:10:25'. ISODate is good solution? How to covert above date value into ISODate format? Is there any default fuction avilable in mongodb?
How to query the documents based on time elements.For example hourly wise document search.
Please advice
that is possible through JavaScript's Date objec, that supports the ISO date format, so as long as you have access to the date string, you can do something like this:
> doo = new Date("2012-07-14T01:00:00+01:00")
Sat, 14 Jul 2012 00:00:00 GMT
> doo.toTimeString()
'17:00:00 GMT-0700 (MST)'
If you want the time string without the seconds and the time zone then you can call the getHours() and getMinutes() methods on the Date object and format the time yourself.
if any problem please comment me..)

Mongodb date is off by 1 hour

I am running mongodb on ubuntu server. The server time is
root# date
Thu Sep 13 21:15:58 BST 2012
But when I run the following command I get a different result
root# mongo
MongoDB shell version: 2.2.0
connecting to: test
> new Date()
There is exactly one hour difference. When I update a documents updated_on field with php using MongoDate(), the value of the field is still 1 hour off.
Actually I just checked my php error log and the time in the log file is 1 hour off as well
[13-Sep-2012 20:11:14 UTC] Log Message (Time should be 21:11:14)
Mongo tells you
Z = Zulu time / Zero offset / UTC. You can also express the time in that TZ as 2012-09-13T20:15:58.670+00:00, as defined in the ISO8601 standard by the way.
BST is UTC+1. So, they are the same time but in different time zones.
You can resolve this issue by displaying the DateTime with ToLocalTime method.
MVC C# Example: #Model.StartDate.ToLocalTime()
This is due to the way MongoDB store datetime in BST format. So the daylight savings time or the time zone of the server will have an effect on the actual date time returned to the application. This simple code will be able to format as usual with ToString("dd MMMM yyyy hh:mm tt") or any other format based on your requirements.
Here you need to understand a concept in time setting in clocks called daylight saving time. In some countries around the world the clock is advanced by 1 or more hours to experience day light by one more hour. The difference between IST and GST is 5.30 hrs but the actual time difference is between New Delhi and London time is 6.30 hrs. See this article from 4GuysFromRolla for setting and using server time.
On windows change your timezone.
Controll Panel -> Date and Time -> Change on timezone -> (UTC) Coordinated universal time.
And then just change your time

JPA Date and Timezone confusion

I'm having a problem reading dates from a database using JPA. I'm using EclipseLink and PostgreSQL
I've populated my database from a CSV file, witch had dates as strings (in this format: 6/30/2009-23:59:56). I used the following snipet to convert it to a Date object:
public static Date parseDate(String s){
DateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat("d/M/yyyy-k:m:s");
try {
return new Date( ((java.util.Date)formatter.parse(s)).getTime() );
} catch (ParseException ex) {
Logger.getLogger(Type.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
return null;
The date is correctly converted and stored in the database as expected. Here is how i map the Date object to the database:
#Column(name="data_ts", nullable=false)
private Date dataTs;
The problem seems to happen when i try to read the Date from the database to use it in a chart(Highcharts). The record with that same timestamp above get read as:
Mon Jun 06 23:59:56 BRT 2011 and it's timestamp as 1307415596000
Note that it is in Brazilian Time(+3h), so the timestamp (that is calculated from GMT) is 3 hours shifted. Once ploted, the timestamp turns to point to 07/06/2011 02:59:56
Here's an example:
List<TimedataEnt> timeData = currentWellsite.getTimeData();
String debug = timeData.get(timeData.size()-1).getDataTs().toString() + ">>>" + timeData.get(timeData.size()-1).getDataTs().getTime();
where currentWellsite is and JPA Entity, and getDataTs() returns a java.util.Date object.
The string turns out to be "Tue Jun 30 23:59:56 BRT 2009>>>1246417196000"
How do I tell JPA not to convert the timestamp read from the database?
As said, Date and Timestamps have no timezone consideration. It seems that the issue is caused because Java considers that the time it reads from the database is the current default timezone.
So, if the database contais 2011-04-04 14:00:00 and my current timezone is +3, assigning that to java Date will generate 2011-04-04 14:00:00 BRT time(+3), with a timestamp shifted 3 hours (since timestamps are caclulated from UTC).
Solved the issue by getting an calculated timestamp:
long ts = myDate().getTime() + TimeZone.getDefault().getRawOffset();
It's important to say that getRawOffset() does not take Daylight Saving periods in consideration. For that, use getOffset()
Your date is 6/30/2009-23:59:56. I read that as 30 june 2009, 23:59:56. So the format to parse it should be M/d/yyyy-HH:mm:ss or M/d/yyyy-kk:mm:ss (depending on if your hours go from 1 to 24 or from 0 to 23). But definitely not d/M/yyyy-k:m:s: the month comes before the day.
Also, a Timestamp doesn't have any time zone. It's a universal instant in time. It's only when you display its value that the timezone is important, because then you have to choose which time zone to use to display the time. Use a DateFormat with the appropriate timezone set to display your timestamp.
Your issue seems to be that you are storing your Timestamp (which does not have a timezone) into a java.util.Date (which has a timezone offset).
If you want control over how the timezone is set, then store your Timestamp as a java.sql.Timestamp, or use your own #Converter.
In general Calendar should be used in Java instead of java.util.Date, which is for the most part deprecated. Calendar also has a Timezone, so you may have similar issues.