"Fake out" a P4 merge - merge

Is it possible to execute a "fake merge" between P4 branches? In short, we have a script that checks for un-merged changes between branches, and auto-emails team members every day to let them know if they've failed to merge changes from one branch to another. However, there are cases where it would be a bad idea to execute such merges (i.e. dependency lists that are branch-specific, for example), and we'd like to appease the nag-bot by having it detect "all changes in A since yesterday have been merged into B".
Is there a way to effectively (i.e. via the CLI):
Execute a p4 integ and p4 resolve operation so that it appears branch "A" has been merged into branch "B"....
But effectively execute a p4 revert operation on branch "B" so that just the tracking information is committed, and none of the actual code is merged into branch "B"?
In short, it would be a "merge but accept-full-theirs and discard yours even if no conflicts" operation.
Thank you.

That's p4 resolve -ay.
p4 integ A/... B/...
p4 resolve -ay
p4 submit -d "B is ignoring changes from A."
You will still need to submit the new revision (because merge records are themselves versioned information and need to be associated with a submit), but the revision will have no diffs from the previous revision and exists solely to represent that B has "ignored" that change from A.


Perforce: how to apply a later commit to a workspace synced to an earlier version?

I have a workspace synced to a changelist A.
I need to test version A with a changelist D, that was committed a few commits after A to the same branch. Cherry-pick it, so to speak.
How can I do it, other than p4 diff -du and applying a patch?
If you're content with just getting the files in D (at their #D revision) while leaving everything else synced to A, this is simply:
p4 sync #D,#D
But if some of the files in D were also affected by changes B and C, this might not be acceptable, since the D revisions will also contain those changes. For a true cherry-pick, you have to open the files so you can do a set of resolves that ignore B and C before cherry-picking D. My approach to this would be:
p4 -F "%depotFile%" files #D,#D | p4 -x - edit
p4 -F "%depotFile%#<D" files #D,#D | p4 -x - sync
p4 resolve -ay
p4 sync #D,#D
p4 resolve -am
If there are merge conflicts you'll need to follow this up with an interactive p4 resolve.
Note that if you actually submit these files, you'll be rolling back B and C (at least within those specific files).
If B and C didn't affect the files in D (i.e. the files returned by p4 files #D,#D), then steps 2 and 3 will be no-ops -- the sync to #<D will just leave the files at their currently synced revisions (#A), and there will be nothing to resolve/ignore. The resolve at step 5 will then do an automatic "accept theirs" (i.e. "copy from" D) since there's no "ignored" base revision in between A and D.
Another possible option would be to do this in a new branch (which you don't necessarily need to submit at any point):
p4 integ original_branch/...#A cherry_pick/...
p4 integ original_branch/...#D,#D cherry_pick/...
p4 resolve -am
The main downside of this is that it'll entail syncing new copies of all the files when you open them for branch, but if the files aren't large/numerous enough for that to be a concern, the ergonomics of p4 integ lend themselves a bit better to this sort of thing, and it can be convenient to do things like this in a separate branch within your workspace so you can mess around freely without interfering with any other work in progress, and then discard the whole thing with a revert when you're done.

Perforce: How can I get files "as of" a date or revision from before a branch action?

Consider the following revisions of a file:
branch -1---2---
main 100--101-102--103---104---
I am currently in my branch and the file is synced to revision 2. I know that p4 has kept the history of the file, because I used merge and not copy, and indeed the history shows revisions previous to 103 (inclusive) when I look at the history of the file and check the option "Follow branch actions".
I would like to roll it back to revision 103 or before. Is this possible?
Answers for p4v preferred, but I'll take command line statements if that's the only way to do it.
The copy command is the best way of doing this:
p4 copy main#103 branch
Another option would be to use integ -f:
p4 integ -f main#103 branch
p4 resolve -at
One benefit of copy is that if you're doing this across a bunch of files (e.g. main/...#2018/01/01 to get all of main as of Jan 1) and some of them are already identical to the rev you're copying from because they haven't changed in that time, copy will leave them alone, which makes the result less noisy.

Get all changelists (excluding user) between "mainline" and branch

I have a "mainline" depot and a "beta" branch in Perforce (using simple branches: no streams, etc).
I would like to merge the latest code from "mainline" to my "beta" branch. I have to do this about once every day, and there are about 100+ commits/submissions to the "mainline branch" every day.
Normally, I would do something like so:
p4 integ //prod/mainline/... //prod/beta/...
cd $(p4 where //prod/beta/... | cut -d ' ' -f3 | sed 's/\.\.\.$//g')
p4 resolve ./...
However, we have an annoying hourly build process that updates version numbers in various Makefiles, build scripts, etc; that updates version/branch numbers, and is checked in to Perforce using a "dummy" account (i.e. dummy_user) by our build servers. This is done across all branches, causing any merge operation to have arbitrary conflicts.
This version number submission now prevents my p4 integ/p4 resolve operation from completing cleanly, and I have to hand-merge all of these files affected by the "version number update operation". I would like to just have to hand-merge actual code changes, rather than this version number nonsense.
Is there a way to p4 integ a set of change-lists not yet present in the branch (but present in main/another-branch), excluding a user? I could always do something like:
for i in $(p4 changes //prod/mainline/... | grep -v dummy_user | cut -d ' ' -f2)
p4 integ //prod/mainline/...#${i},${i} //prod/beta/...
However, I don't have an automated way to get a list of all change-lists that:
Exist in mainline...
But haven't yet been merged/integrated into beta...
And aren't authored by dummy_user.
How can I accomplish this?
Sounds like you've found a solution that works for you, but FWIW here's what I'd do:
0) Make a branchspec since that makes this next part easier:
p4 --field "View=//prod/mainline/... //prod/beta/..." branch -o prod-main-beta | p4 branch -i
1) Ignore the robo-commits (I assume you want to just leave these things alone):
p4 -Ztag -F #=%change% ichanges -u dummy_user -b prod-main-beta | p4 -x - integ -b prod-main-beta
p4 resolve -ay
p4 submit -d "Begone, robo-cruft!"
2) Do the "real" integrate. If you find yourself still having to pick around the "dummy" changes, try the -Rs option -- that might give you more merges to do but it will bend over backwards to make sure those merges don't include anything you've already integrated.
p4 integ -b prod-main-beta [-Rs]
p4 resolve [-am]
p4 submit
Optional 3) Improve your build tooling so that the version info is located in a dedicated file, and other build files link to it. Then you can exclude your version file from your branch specs, or just always ignore changes to it without having to cherry-pick, or whatever. Here's a real-world example: https://swarm.workshop.perforce.com/files/guest/perforce_software/p4/2015-1/Version

Listing perforce changes in one branch, but not another; when there are deletions

When I want to compute a list of changes in one branch but not an older branch, I do something like this:
diff -u \
<( p4 changes -s submitted -i #OLD_BRANCH_LABEL ) \
<( p4 changes -s submitted -i #NEW_BRANCH_LABEL ) | grep ^+'
NOTE: These are automatic labels containing a view and a revision, but I can also put in the view paths #REVISION
which gives a good answer when both labels are actually in the same view, and good answers generally.
But I find that I get some poor results in this case:
If a commit #A adds a file to MAIN_BRANCH, and commit #D removes the file (and makes some other change), followed by commit #F which forks a NEW_BRANCH, I find that the MAIN_BRANCH contains both commits #A and #D, but NEW_BRANCH contains commits #D and #F
The NEW_BRANCH does not contain commit #A
So my p4 changes recipe above insists that the mainline contains #A which is not in the branch, or in other words was made since the branch, even though it is not in the mainline any more than it is in the branch.
An obvious but unwieldy fix would be to take another fork of MAIN_BRANCH at the point I want to compare, knowing that #A would be excluded again in the same way.
If this were git, I would use git-merge-base or something to find a common point and remove that from the changes of both branches, but perforce branching is too flexible, being just another integration.
Are there any ways that I can convince perforce that NEW_BRANCH does contain #A? (for the branch fork #F occurred after #A was committed).
Or to get perforce to ignore changes whose files are entirely deleted, that WOULD be ignored if a branch were made?
The command p4 interchanges does exactly what you are after, if I read your question correctly.
'p4 interchanges' lists changes that have not been integrated from
a set of source files to a set of target files.
Have a look at p4 help interchanges for the full description. The command does take indirect integrations into account, too.

Perforce: Find source changelist for a branch

Short version:
After branching in P4, how can I find out the "source" changelist of the branch?
Long version:
Let's say I have a main branch of my project at
The latest changelist submitted here is #123, when I decide to create a branch for release 1.0 in
From P4V, a new changelist is created (say #130), resolved and submitted.
From the CLI, it would look something like this:
p4 integrate -c 123 -o //project/main/... //project/1.0/...
p4 submit
Later, I look at the changelists under //project/1.0, and see the #130 changelist containing a lot of branched files.
How can I find out the changelist no. that this was originally branched from (that is, #123) ?
p4 changes will display a list of submitted changelists, optionally filtered to a specific path.
p4 changes //project/main/...
Change 123 ... 'Very last change.'
Change 122 ... 'Next-to-last change.'
Change 100 ... 'Only two changes to go...'
No surprise there, but, as you've found, p4 changes is less helpful when you integrate all those changes in a single change:
p4 changes //project/1.0/...
Change 130 ... 'Integrated everything from main.'
The trick is to use the -i option which includes any changelists integrated into the specified files.
p4 changes -i //project/1.0/...
Change 130 ... 'Integrated everything from main.'
Change 123 ... 'Very last change.'
Change 122 ... 'Next-to-last change.'
Change 100 ... 'Only two changes to go...'
To get exactly what you want (123) you'll need to write a script which filters the output from p4 changes -i //project/1.0/... to remove any change listed by p4 changes //project/1.0/... (and then take the most recent remaining change).
(When exploring, I frequently also find the -m max option useful. This limits changes to the 'max' most recent. This helps your output not flow offscreen when there are many changes.)
I don't know of any simple command that performs what you would like to do. If you are willing to script a little bit and the command doesn't have to execute fast you could perhaps try to script something like the following for all branched files:
Find the source file/revision for a target file.
p4 filelog //project/1.1/foo.bar#1
... #1 change 6416 branch on 2009/07/10 by foo#bar (text) 'Release 1.1'
... ... branch from //project/main/foo.bar#1,#2
Get the change list at which the source file/revision was submitted.
p4 fstat //project/main/foo.bar#2
... depotFile //project/main/foo.bar
... headAction edit
... headType text
... headTime 1201771167
... headRev 2
... headChange 5353
... headModTime 1201770971
Repeat for all files in branch and select the highest change no (headChange above), which should be the latest change submitted to the parent before branching for that specific file. You could get a complete listing of all branched files using e.g. "p4 files //project/1.0/...#1".
(or perhaps take the easy way out and ask Perforce support)
Since none of the answers thus far provide the code for finding the source or root changelist of a branch, I thought I'd provide a one-liner to do just that. This approach is based on #Cwan's suggestion, and will print the "parent" changelist from which the branch was created. The FIRST_BRANCH_CL argument needs to be replaced with the branch creation changelist (i.e. the first changelist submitted to the new branch). As a concrete example, replacing FIRST_BRANCH_CL with 130 from the original question, this one-liner would output 123.
p4 describe -s FIRST_BRANCH_CL | perl -lne 'if(/^\.\.\. (.+#[0-9]+) .+$/) {print quotemeta $1}' | xargs p4 filelog -m1 | perl -lne 'if(/^\.\.\. \.\.\. branch from (.+#[0-9]+)/) {print quotemeta $1}' | xargs p4 fstat | perl -lne 'if(/^\.\.\. headChange (\d+)/) {$MaxCL=$1 if($1 > $MaxCL)} END {print $MaxCL}'
Short answer:
Use the Revision Graph in P4V is step back through time and investigate the integration history. Video on the Perforce website.
I have successfully used the revision graph on branches with thousands of files to track when an particular change was integrated into a branch. That is why I recommended it and linked to a training video as most people under-estimate it because they do not know how to use it.
Long answer:
... [Removed]
UPDATE: As the Revision Graph apparently is unfeasible, you can perhaps solve this using a process/policy, i.e., when you perform the integrate, add a note in the description "Branched # CL 123". We used this approach ourselves when integrating from a trunk to release lines.
If you use the history tab in p4v it will show you all changelists submitted against a branch, so look at this for
once you have found the oldest submitted changelist, then on any one the files in that changelist view the Revision Graph for it, this will show you the branch that the file (and the rest of the files) were integrated from.
I'll see if I can come back with the p4 commands to do the same thing.
Updated Answer: I think this will work. Try this:
p4 interchanges from_branch to_branch
This will show unintegrated changes from your main branch to your release branch. I believe you can use the top changelist number minus 1 to find your source changelist. interchanges is an undocumented Perforce CLI feature. To find out more, type p4 help interchanges to find out more about this command.
Again, I think this will work. There may be some special cases where it will not, but it's my best guess to a tough and important problem.
"p4 integrated" worked for me. Look for "copy from" in the description