Lazy Loading with EJB + JPA + Jersey - jersey-2.0

I have the following working without FetchType.LAZY:
public class Test {
#GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
private Long id;
private String text;
#JoinColumn(name = "lazy_id")
private Lazy lazy;
//getters and setters
public class Lazy {
#GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
private Long id;
private String text;
//getters and setters
And the query method:
public List<Test> all() {
try {
return em.createQuery("FROM Test t").getResultList();
} catch (NoResultException e) {
return null;
This is the JSON result:
[{"id":1,"text":"test 1","lazy":{"id":1,"text":"lazy 1"}},
{"id":2,"text":"test 2","lazy":{"id":2,"text":"lazy 2"}}]
However I want to return just the id and text data, so I tried to change the #ManyToOne(fetch = FetchType.LAZY)
Then I get this errors:
Severe: Generating incomplete JSON
Severe: org.hibernate.LazyInitializationException: could not initialize proxy [model.Lazy#1] - no Session
I could do something like changing the query to fetch only the fields I want:
public List<Test> all() {
try {
return em.createQuery("SELECT, t.text FROM Test t").getResultList();
} catch (NoResultException e) {
return null;
But then my response in the JavaScript front end is:
[[1,"test 1"],[2,"test 2"]]
Not a array of objects anymore, mapping everything giving the amount of entities I have is far from ideal.
Most of the content I found is how to fetch the data afterwards, which is not my concern, all I need is to send only fields I want in the first place. I`m not sure whether the EJB #TransactionAttribute should be used or not, I couldn't find a working example. I also tried to change the strategy to a #OneToMany in the Lazy class but to no avail.

Since your question dates back a bit, I hope it's still relevant for you:
If you declare a mapping as lazy (or it is like that by the default behaviour), JPA won't fetch it until it is accessed. So your Lazy class will only be accessed if JSON tries to convert the whole thing and at that point it seems that you no longer have an open session, so the data can't be fetched and will result in an org.hibernate.LazyInitializationException.
If you stick with a lazy mapping (which is in general mostly fine), you have to explicitely fetch or access it, if you need the data for an use case.
Check out Vlad's excellent explanation on the topic.


Kotlin inheritance and JPA

I'm trying to implement inheritance with Kotlin and JPA. My abstract base class (annotated with #Entity) holds the ID (annotated with #Id and #GeneratedValue) and other metadata, like createDate, etc. I'm getting several errors from Hibernate, one for each field except the ID:
org.hibernate.tuple.entity.PojoEntityTuplizer - HHH000112: Getters of lazy classes cannot be final: com.example.BaseEntity.createDate
As I've read I need to include the open keyword for each property.
I have 3 questions regarding this:
Why do I have to do that in the superclass, and don't need in subclass? I'm not overriding those properties.
Why isn't it complaining about the ID?
It seems to work without the open keyword, then why is the error logged?
#Inheritance(strategy = InheritanceType.JOINED)
abstract class BaseEntity(
#Id #GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY) val id: Long = 0,
val createdAt: Instant =
class SubClass(
val someProperty: String = ""
) : BaseEntity()
I'm using the JPA plugin for Gradle, which I believe creates the noarg constructor, that's why I don't have to specify everything nullable.
Thank you!
The logged error has to do with lazy loading.
Hibernate extends entities at runtime to enable it. It is done by intercepting an access to properties when an entity is loaded lazily.
Kotlin has flipped the rules and all classes are final by default there. It is the reason why we're advised to add an open keyword.
If a property is not open hibernate cannot intercept access to it because final methods cannot be overridden. Hence the error.
Why isn't it complaining about the ID?
Because #Id is always loaded. There is no need to intercept access to it.
It seems to work without the open keyword, then why is the error logged?
The key word here is seems. It may introduce subtle bugs.
Consider the following #Entity:
public class Book {
private Long id;
private String title;
public final Long getId() {
return id;
public void setId(Long id) { = id;
public final String getTitle() {
return title;
public void setTitle(String title) {
this.title = title;
And the #Test:
public void test() {
EntityManager entityManager = entityManagerFactory.createEntityManager();
// signal here
Book book = new Book();
// noise
entityManager = entityManagerFactory.createEntityManager();
// signal
Book reference = entityManager.getReference(Book.class, 1L);
String title = reference.getTitle();
assertNull(title); // passes
This test passes but it should not (and fails if getTitle is not final).
This would be hard to notice
Why do I have to do that in the superclass, and don't need in subclass? I'm not overriding those properties.
Looks like Hibernate gives up when it sees final #Entity.
Add open to SubClass and you will the precious:
2019-05-02 23:27:27.500 ERROR 5609 --- [ main] o.h.tuple.entity.PojoEntityTuplizer : HHH000112: Getters of lazy classes cannot be final: com.caco3.hibernateanswer.SubClass.someProperty
See also:
final methods on entity silently breaks lazy proxy loading
How to avoid initializing HibernateProxy when invoking toString() on it? - my old question (note that Hibernate uses Byte Buddy these days).
Did you forget to include #MappedSuperclass on BaseEntity?
Without the annotation it should fail with something like:
org.hibernate.AnnotationException: No identifier specified for entity: com.caco3.hibernateanswer.SubClass

How can I get a list of a single field value from an entity?

I am working on a Jhipster app Java service and Angular 5 UI. I have an entity working fine, but I need to get a list of one of the fields (customer) from that entity to display in the UI.
In this case it's a single table I am using which contains the client name, so I am trying to get a distinct list returned for read only.
I have tried creating a custom repository and added a function into the service, Impl class and resource class.
Upon startup its failing with cannot find a property getClientNameList on the entity.
I have show a snippet of the code from the Entity class, the custom repository and the method I added into the PostsServiceImpl class.
Can someone please steer me in the right direction?
// Entity Class //
#Table(name = "posts")
public class Posts implements Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
#GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
private Long id;
private String clientName;
// Other fields here
// Custom Repository //
public interface JobsRepositoryCustom {
List<String> getClientNameList();
// PostsServiceImpl //
public class PostsServiceImpl implements PostsService {
EntityManager entityManager;
public List<String> getClientNameList() {
Query query = entityManager.createNativeQuery("SELECT clientName FROM Posts", Posts.class);
return query.getResultList();
Your error might be more specifically that clientName is not found. It is not found because if you run a native query you need to use the database column names.
So change:
"SELECT clientName FROM Posts"
"SELECT client_name FROM Posts"

Why is the same database entry represented by multiple JPA bean instances?

Today I stumbled over some unexpected behaviour of EclipseLink. (I don't know if this is bound to EclipseLink or if this is the same for all JPA providers.)
I assumed that retrievals of a managed JPA bean always return references to the same object instance when issued inside the same transaction (using the same EntityManager).
If that is right, I don't know why I receive an error when I execute the following test case:
public void test_1() {
EntityManager em = newEntityManager();
// Given:
Product prod = newProduct();
// When:
Product actual =
em.createQuery("SELECT x from Product x where = "
+ prod.getId(), Product.class).getSingleResult();
// Then:
assertThat(actual).isSameAs(prod); // <-- FAILS
The statement marked with "FAILS" throws the following AssertionError:
and actual:
to refer to the same object
Interestingly the following slightly modified test succeeds:
public void test_2() {
EntityManager em = newEntityManager();
// Given:
Product prod = newProduct();
// When:
Product actual = em.find(Product.class, prod.getId());
// Then:
assertThat(actual).isSameAs(prod); // <-- SUCCEEDS
Obviously there is a difference between finding and querying objects.
Is that the expected behaviour? And why?
I think I found the source of the problem: Product has an ID of type ProductId.
Here is the relevant code:
#Table(name = "PRODUCT")
public class Product implements Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
#Column(name = "ID", nullable = false)
#Converter(name = "productIdConverter", converterClass = ProductIdConverter.class)
private ProductId id;
#Column(name = "NAME", nullable = false)
private String name;
The #Convert and #Converter annotations are EclipseLink-specific.
Unlike JPA 2.1 Converters you may place them on ID fields.
But it seems that in certain circumstances EclipseLink has problems to find a managed bean in its session cache if that bean uses a custom type for its ID field.
I guess I have to file a bug for that.
I found the cause of the problem and a solution.
We are using a custom ID class (ProductId) for Product, together with a custom (EclipseLink-specific) Converter-Class ProductIdConverter which has a bad implementation of the convertObjectValueToDataValue(...) method.
Here is the relevant code:
* Convert the object's representation of the value to the databases' data representation.
public final Object convertObjectValueToDataValue(Object objectValue, Session session) {
if (objectValue == null) {
return null;
Long longValue = ((ProductId) objectValue).getLong();
return longValue;
Please note that the method returns Long instances (or null).
But since we are using Oracle as our database backend and have declared the product's ID column as NUMBER, the JDBC Driver maps the column value as BigDecimal. This means, we have to make sure, that our convertObjectValueToDataValue(...) also returns BigDecimal instances.
So the correct implementation is:
* Convert the object's representation of the value to the databases' data representation.
public final Object convertObjectValueToDataValue(Object objectValue, Session session) {
if (objectValue == null) {
return null;
Long longValue = ((ProductId) objectValue).getLong();
return BigDecimal.valueOf(longValue);
Now this method returns only BigDecimal instances.

confused about Lazy loading

While trying to do some tests on lazy loading, to check if i'm understanding it well, i got totally confused.
Here's the entities i'm using on my test:
public class Family {
private int id;
#OneToMany(mappedBy="family", fetch=FetchType.LAZY)
private Set<Person> members;
//getters & setters
public String toString(){
String s="";
for(Person p:getMembers()){
return s;
public class Person implements Comparable<Person>{
private int id;
private String firstName;
private String lastName;
private Family family;
//getters &setters
here's my main method:
public static void main(String[] args) {
factory = Persistence.createEntityManagerFactory(PERSISTENCE_UNIT_NAME);
em = factory.createEntityManager();
Query q = em.createQuery("select f from Family f");
List<Family> families= q.getResultList();
for(Family f:families){
What i understood from lazy loading, is that if an attribute is marked to be fetched lazily, and doesn't get accessed while it's managed, it won't be loaded in memory and any attempt to access it later won't work. Now what confuses me is that the test described above doesn't have any problem when accessing the lazy members attribute through the detached Family list, even after closing the EM and the EMF ! ... Is that normal? Am-i miss-understanding the lazy loading concept?
Note : I'm using a J2SE environment with an embedded DB. My provider is EclipseLink
Thanks in Advance
Check that your toString method is not triggered before the factory is closed, such as if the entity is being logged. I would not recommend triggering relationship in a toString method as this is error prone and can be triggered unexpectedly. Turning on EclipseLink logging will help show you where it gets accessed in the factory's lifecycle, assuming it is not part of the problem.
Ensure that you are using the eclipselink agent, or using static weaving. If you are using neither, then LAZY will not be weaved, and you will have EAGER.
Also EclipseLink supports access to LAZY relationships after the EntityManager is closed.
Although not after the factory is closed. However if the object was in the cache, then it may work after being closed as well. Also, if you have another factory open on the same persistence unit, then the persistence unit is still open.
It might be because the JPA provider is not required to use lazy initialization. It is not a must requirement for a JPA provider but a hint.
The JPA is required to eagerly fetch data when FetchType.EAGER is specified, but is not required to lazily fetch data when FetchType.LAZY is specified.

JPA merge readonly fields

We have the simplest CRUD task with JPA 1.0 and JAX-WS.
Let's say we have an entity Person.
public class Person
private String email;
#OneToOne(fetch = FetchType.LAZY)
#JoinColumn(insertable = false, updatable = false)
private ReadOnly readOnly;
private String name;
public String getEmail()
return email;
public void setEmail(String email)
{ = email;
public Long getReadOnlyValue()
return readOnly.getValue();
// more get and set methods
Here is scenario.
Client make Web Service request to create person. On the server side everything is straightforward.
And it does work as expected.
public class PersonService
#PersistenceContext(name = "unit-name")
private EntityManager entityManager;
public Person create(Person person)
return person;
Now client tries to update person and this is where, as for me, JPA shows its inconsistence.
public Person update(Person person)
Person existingPerson = entityManager.find(Person.class, person.getEmail());
// some logic with existingPerson
// ...
// At this point existingPerson.readOnly is not null and it can't be null
// due to the database.
// The field is not updatable.
// Person object has readOnly field equal to null as it was not passed
// via SOAP request.
// And now we do merge.
// At this point existingPerson.getReadOnlyValue()
// will throw NullPointerException.
// And it throws during marshalling.
// It is because now existingPerson.readOnly == person.readOnly and thus null.
// But it won't affect database anyhow because of (updatable = false)
return existingPerson;
To avoid this problem I need to expose set for readOnly object and do something like this before merge.
Person existingPerson = entityManager.find(Person.class, person.getEmail());
person.setReadOnlyObject(existingPerson.getReadOnlyObject()); // Arghhh!
My questions:
Is it a feature or just
How do you (or would
you) handle such situations? Please
don't advice me to use DTOs.
Is it a feature or just inconsistence?
I don't know but I'd say that this is the expected behavior with merge. Here is what is happening when calling merge on a entity:
the existing entity gets loaded in the persistence context (if not already there)
the state is copied from object to merge to the loaded entity
the changes made to the loaded entity are saved to the database upon flush
the loaded entity is returned
This works fine with simple case but doesn't if you receive a partially valued object (with some fields or association set to null) to merge: the null fields will be set to null in the database, this might not be what you want.
How do you (or would you) handle such situations? Please don't advice me to use DTOs.
In that case, you should use a "manual merge": load the existing entity using find and update yourself the fields you want to update by copying the new state and let JPA detect the changes and flush them to the database.