(ag-grid) Animate dynamically added columns - ag-grid

As we can see on https://www.ag-grid.com/javascript-grid-column-menu/, when the user checks/unchecks a column from the menu, the grid animates the other columns.
I'm introducing some columns dynamically, by using columnDefs:
this.columnDefs = [
{ headerName: 'Name', field: 'name', width: 200 },
{ headerName: 'S01F01', hide: this.solver !== 'solver1', field: 'age', width: 90, suppressToolPanel: true },
I've bound the hide/show flag to buttons on the UI that will bring a set of columns into the grid when needed. Although the columns show up appropriately, they simply appear instead of animating into the grid. I understand this is because I'm simply updating the columnDefs for the whole grid every time the user clicks the button.
Is there a way for me to display these columns on the click of the button while at the same time triggering the animation?

Unless you have this grid property suppressColumnMoveAnimation=true, the columns should have animation on by default.
As per docs
Column animations are on by default, row animations are off by
default. This is to keep with what is expected to be the most common
configuration as default.


group selection & checkbox in ag-Grid

In my Angular application I have a grid that is almost identical to the Group Selection example in the ag-Grid docs: https://www.ag-grid.com/javascript-grid-selection/#gsc.tab=0
My requirement is slightly different in that my expand button needs to both expand the row and select the row. As you see in the plunker example selection and expansion are two separate click events, but I am looking to select the row and expand that same row in one click, without having the user click on the checkbox and the expand button. I have tried doing this with css by making the checkbox transparent and placing it over the expand icon, but the click is highjacked so only one event will fire...
Is this possible in ag-Grid?
In my component by columnDefs for the column that has my checkbox and expand icon looks like so:
this.gridOptions.columnDefs = [
headerName: '', width: 100, cellRenderer: 'group',
// for parent row selection - checkboxes for parent rows
checkboxSelection: function(params) {
return params.node.canFlower;
cellRendererParams: { value: ' ' }, colId: 'PlusIcon', pinned: 'left', cellClass: 'center'
Listen to the rowGroupOpened event and set the row to selected:
// inside the ag-grid tag
// inside the AppComponent class
plnkr example

unable to edit columns in ag-grid

I have requirement to get a drop down from a column which should have three values. I marked the column as editable with editable: true keyword, even then I am not able to edit. I just need a drop down with two values when i double click on the cell.
{headerName: "O", width: 70, valueGetter: this.geValue, editable: true, cellEditor: 'select',
cellEditorParams: {
values: ['Yes', 'No']}
I am using select here but not rick select because i am not using ag-grid enterprise. I am also setting these below properties for all the rows.
suppressCellSelection: true,
suppressMovableColumns: true,
suppressRowClickSelection: false,
I need help to find if I am missing anything here. I am not getting a drop down when I double click on cell.
I could finally figure out why I could not edit the cell even if I declare it editable. Because css is adding a class as shown below
<div class="ag-cell-no-focus ag-cell ag-group-cell ag-cell-not-inline-editing ag-cell-value" colid="O" style="width: 54px; left: 48px;"></div>
I have to remove ag-cell-not-inline editing class from the div. I am not sure how. Is there any option to remove default class from grid options?

How to change position of record in the grid permanently

I have problem with changing position of the records which are displaing in the grid. I have added arrows into column and wrote handler like below:
text: "Down",
width : 80,
xtype: 'actioncolumn',
tdCls : "row-shifter",
icon: appContext + "/images/arrow-dark-down-40.png",
handler: function(grid,index,c,d,f,row){
if(index >= grid.all.endIndex){
grid.store.remove(row, true);
grid.getStore().insert(index, row);
dataIndex : "Down",
textResource : "Down"
When i click arrow button, the row is moved correctly but when i change displayed page (via pagination) the old records order is back. What should i do to do this changes permanent?
I suggest a new approach... You should set a new field to your model, call it 'order' for example with type 'number', then add sorter to your store to sort by this new field.
In your handler, just set a new value to the order field of the record according to the direction (add for up, subtract for down) and you have the up and down effect on the rows. This will also handle the paging correctly.
And its easier to restore the rows order if you save the order field with the rows.

selection checkbox for ag-grid table

I want to have the selection checkbox for ag-grid with the option below:
But didn't see the checkbox on the left. Have any idea what else needs to be settings to make the selection checkbox works.
self.appliancesInGroupGridOpts = {
angularCompileRows: true,
enableColResize : true,
rowData: null,
checkboxSelection: true,
enableSorting: true,
columnDefs: [
valueGetter: 'data.name',
headerName: $filter('translate')('APPLIANCE.NAME'),
suppressSizeToFit : true,
template: '<span class="appliance-name">{{data.name}}</span>',
checkboxSelection: true,
width: 200
} ,
valueGetter: 'data.updated',
headerName: $filter('translate')('APPLIANCE_GROUP.PUBLISH.MODIFICATION_TIME'),
suppressSizeToFit : true,
template: '<span class="appliance-updated">{{data.updated}}</span>',
checkboxSelection: true,
width: 200
] ,
Checkbox selection can be used in two places:
row selection
group selection.
To include checkbox selection for a column, set the attribute
columnDefs: [{
valueGetter: 'data.name',
headerName: $filter('translate')('APPLIANCE.NAME'),
suppressSizeToFit : true,
template: '<span class="appliance-name">{{data.name}}</span>',
width: 200,
checkboxSelection: true
on the column definition.
You can set this attribute on as many columns as you like, however, it doesn't make sense to have it in more one column in a table.
To enable checkbox selection for groups, set the attribute:
groupColumnDef: {
headerName: "Athlete",
field: "athlete",
width: 200,
cellRenderer: {
renderer: "group",
checkbox: true
for the group renderer. See the grouping section for details on the group renderer.
Selecting groups can have the effect of selecting the group row, or selecting all the children in the group. This is done by setting the attribute:
groupSelectsChildren: {true || false}
When set to false, then selecting the group will select the group node.
When set to true, then selecting the group will either select or deselect all of the children.
The example below shows checkbox selection with groups. Selecting the group has the effect of selecting the children. Likewise selecting all the children automatically selects the group. In this scenario the group itself will never appear in the selectedRows list.
The example also shows a checkbox for selection on the age column. In practice, it is not normal to have more than two columns for selection, the below is just for demonstration. Having a checkbox within a non-group row is best for grids that are not using grouping.
In Addition: you could add this on the col definition
Set to true to render a selection checkbox in the column.
What say einav is true however i think he forgot the very base :
set the property rowSelection:'single' or rowSelection:'multiple' on gridOptions if you want to have selection enabled :)
The attribute checkboxSelection is only for columns not grid options.
The following properties are relevant to selection:
rowSelection: Type of row selection, set to either 'single' or 'multiple' to enable selection.
rowDeselection: Set to true or false. If true, then rows will be deselected if you hold down ctrl + click the row. Normal behaviour with the grid disallows deselection of nodes (ie once a node is selected, it remains selected until another row is selected in it's place).
suppressRowClickSelection: If true, rows won't be selected when clicked. Use, for example, when you want checkbox selection, and don't want to also select when the row is clicked.
From the same link given by Einav

How to disable certain rows in grid in Extjs 4.2

I have a grid with two checkcolumns and a text field
xtype: 'checkcolumn',
id: 'apprId',
text: '<b>Approve</b>',
width: 100,
dataIndex: 'aprvInd'
xtype: 'checkcolumn',
id: 'declId',
text: '<b>Decline</b>',
width: 100,
dataIndex: 'declInd'
id: 'declResnId',
header: '<b>Decline Reasons</b>',
dataIndex: 'declineReason',
align: 'center',
width: 200,
editor: new Ext.form.TextField({
maxLength: 100000
if my grid has three rows, first row 'approve' checkbox checked, second row 'decline' checkbox checked and third row nothing checked.
on click of save button, i am doing a rest call and i m passing the data to db, and on success call back , i m reloading grid.
After reloading, the rows which have approve/decline checked should be disabled along with the 'declineReasons' text field.
How can i do this?
If you want to grey out the row I would look at the metaData parameter of the renderer config. Probably the trCls is referenced there.
To disable a checkbox I also would look at the renderer.
To disable the editor plugin look at the beforeedit event.