Possibly a bug. PowerShell get-team searchs $filter=resourceProvisioningOptions/Any(x:x eq 'Team') - powershell

MS Graph API for Teams can create a team without resourceProvisioningOptions property set.
But, when get all teams with PowerShell 0.9.5(Microsoft.TeamsCmdlets.PowerShell.Custom.dll), it calls HTTP Get with "https://graph.microsoft.com/beta/groups?$filter=resourceProvisioningOptions/Any(x:x eq 'Team')"
So, it cannot returns all teams.

According to your description, I assume you want to list the teams by using the Power Shell.
I have tied this, and it works. First, I tried the following API GET https://graph.microsoft.com/beta/groups?$filter=resourceProvisioningOptions/Any(x:x eq 'Team') on the MS Graph Explorer. And it works. Then, I tried this API on the PowerShell, it works too.
According to this document,
If the group was created less than 15 minutes ago, it's possible for the Create team call to fail with a 404 error code due to replication delays.
So it maybe the reason about you could not get all the teams


Search-UnifiedAuditLog command limitations

I need to extract PowerBI audit logs in order to get some valuable information. So, I'm using Search-UnifiedAuditLog command, which according to the documentation could parse 50.000 records. But in fact using the switch "-SessionCommand ReturnLargeSet" still returns 100 records. If I use the switch "-ResultSize 5000" then I can get 5.000 records. But I've made that search on the compliance portal and I've got about 110k results.
So how can I get this 110k results via the Search-UnifiedAuditLog command? Anyone faced a similar issue?
Documentation link: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/powershell/module/exchange/search-unifiedauditlog?view=exchange-ps

How do I use Azure Devops TFS REST API to get older TestRuns of a TestPoint/TestCase/TestSuite?

The API call:
Returns JSON data with objects "LastTestRun" and "LastTestResult" that contain their Ids. I am trying to find a proper way of getting older (not last) data of TestResults of the given TestPoint using API calls.
I tried the following API call:
That returns me a list of all TestRuns in the given TestPlan. I can loop through the list and make API call for every single TestRun:
And, then retrieve the TestPointId. The problem is I'm working with large amounts of data, so I'm looping through 7000 API calls and it takes too much time (parallel of course).
I tried calling the last API call with $select so I can retrieve only the TestPointId but it is not supported.
A version of the AzureDevops I am working with: Version Azure DevOps Server 2020 Update 1.2.
Based on your expectation, I have tested as well to get test results with only test point value and tested get the runs of a specific test case in a test suite. Neither succeeded.
Currently there seemed no official API support the test point filter. For this, you may access this URL: https://aka.ms/AzDevOpsIdeas to submit any comments and proposals for future releases and implementations.

Unable to export recent logs from Microsoft graph API in identity protection

I have this weird issue when I try to get data from Identity protection by using MS graphs API, I only get two months ago data and not recent ones, what could be the issue here?
I'm using PowerShell to extract the data
Okay, I figure out the mistake I'm doing in here, https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/identityProtection/riskDetections is not only a single output
once I add a while loop until '#Odata.NextLink' is not null it gives me the full range

Microsoft Graph API query parameters via powershell not recognized

I've registered an app using the Azure AD portal which I am successfully accessing using invoke-webrequest from a Powershell script. The app tries to list signins but is returning up to the limit of 1000 signin objects. When I try to use query parameters to restrict the fields and amount of data returned, the web request returns an error saying that the AllowedQueryOptions and EnableQueryAttributes need to be updated for the parameters used, eg. select, top, skip. I've tried v1.0 and beta APIs without success.
Is there a way to manipulate these options via powershell so that the query parameters are recognized? I've seen some references to OAuth and ASP.NET Core to do this. Is powershell the "right" way to automate signin retrieval? Will this functionality to manipulate query options ever come to powershell?
As you mentioned in comments, if it is unnecessary for you to use graph api, I think use Powershell command is an option for your reference.
You can use this command in your Powershell:
If you want to use query parameters to restrict the fields and amount of data returned, you can refer to the sample as below:
Get-AzureADAuditSignInLogs -Top 5 | Select-Object -Property Id, UserDisplayName
Hope it helps~

Getting user/users details based on user name/alias as parameter in azure devops

I've a tool(web application) which creates work-items in azure devops. (skipping the unnecessary details), just like how we assign any user a particular work-item from the Assigned To dropdown in azure devops, I too have a dropdown which when user enters any name/alias, a list of users starts showing based on the input.
The api which I was using in the backend was
Here filter=name+eq+%27Tejas in the query parameter helps to query the api and used to give set of users whose name starts with Tejas. It can be email alias too.
But for some reason, that doesn't work anymore. My guess, they've deprecated that API version
So in my search to find the alternative/answer, I came across the following documentation:
(https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/azure/devops/graph/users/get?view=azure-devops-rest-5.1) in which the API given is: https://vssps.dev.azure.com/abcorganization/_apis/graph/users/{userDescriptor}?api-version=5.1-preview.1
Here the userDescriptor is some sort of unique key of AAD related to a particular user. (which I certainly can't use to fulfill my purpose).
The other thing which I've tried is the below query parameters but it still didn't worked out
So is there anyway/api which can fullfil my purpose or is it that I'm using this new API in a wrong way or something?
Any help would be much appreciated
I believe it should be $filter in the query. You are also missing the closing quote.
(See docs for more details)
Use this. I tested it and worked for me:
Replace {organization} and {name} as needed