Github Pages Not Publishing - github

I have made my repo source a master branch and followed the instructions here:, but I still cannot publish my site to Github pages (my index.html file is in the root). It says that "It is ready to be published", but I don't know how to actually publish it.

Github has had a major outage over the last 24 hours. It looks like they are still recovering and some actions are delayed.
We are working through the backlogs of webhook deliveries and Pages builds. We continue to monitor as the site recovers.


GitHub pages deployment is giving problem as it won't fetch the data file

I've created a simple app, and when I open it locally works correctly. 1
When I deploy to GitHub pages, the deployment works, but for some reason the app isn't fetching the data, so I just have a navbar. 2
Does anyone know why this might be happening? I followed the instructions here: and selected (/root) branch.
When I tried using the /docs branch the app didn't get deployed, it just said "Your GitHub Pages site is currently being built" for a long time (> 20min)...
If helpful, here's the repo:
Thank you.

I get a 400 status code error from a GitHub Pages deployment

During an automated "pages build and deployment" workflow, I get the following error:
Error: Request failed with status code 400
This is just a static site, no jekyll or anything like that (I have a .nojekyll file in the root) and it's worked fine for several years until today.
I've opened a ticket on GitHub support, but in case anyone here can help me in the meantime... Is there anything I can do to try to resolve this?
It could be the side-effect of (from two days ago)
GitHub Pages: using GitHub Actions for builds and deployments for public repositories
Today you will begin to see a new workflow running called pages build and deployment in your public GitHub Pages repositories.
This workflow is automatically triggered when you push to the branch configured for GitHub Pages in your repository.
As the name suggests, it builds and deploys your pages site.
The initial benefit of this change is enabling you to see your build logs and any errors that may occur which has been a long standing issue for Pages users.
However, in the future this will enable us to give you the ability to fully customize your pages build and deployment workflow to use any static site generator you want without having to push the build output to a special branch of the repository.
You may notice this workflow uses some new actions actions/pages-deploy, and actions/jekyll-build-pages.
For now these actions are designed to be used in the generated workflow, however, starting early next year we will introduce some additional changes that will enable you to take advantage of them.
Learn more about GitHub Pages
So Cecilapp/GitHub-Pages-deploy (the GitHub Pages deploy) workflow you might be using) might behave differently in light of those recent changes.

What are github actions minutes/month?

Can you please give a clear explanation, maybe with an example, as to what does github mean when saying that a plan includes 2000 actions minutes/month? If I execute a git pull does this count as one action? How actions connect to minutes? The time I take to pull some commits from a repo counts towards the minutes I have?
I am aware of SO answers (like this) that may tell someone how to calculate the time remaining but I don't really understand what an action is.
For example, say I have a repository with some python/js code and I start working on a new system. When I do a git pull to clone my repository in this new system are there any actions in the backstage that are consumed? Do I consume any time from my plan? This is what I haven't clarified and needed maybe some simple examples to demonstrate. Thanks!
GitHub Actions is a feature provided by GitHub to create workflows which can run on triggering any GitHub event, for eg run the build of the project on creation of a pull request. GitHub actions can be configured by creation of a workflow in the form of a yaml file and placing it under .github/workflows directory in your repo. This documentation provides more info regarding creating workflows.
For example, say I have a repository with some python/js code and I start working on a new system. When I do a git pull to clone my repository in a new system are there any actions in the backstage that are consumed? Do I consume any time from my plan?
No, running a git pull to clone your repo doesn't use up any allocated action minutes.
GitHub actions only run if you have configured them to run by creating the workflows for specific GitHub events as mentioned here. When any actions are configured for a repo, the same can be viewed under the Actions tab as shown below. Every GitHub action triggered shows up here.
Also, the current 2000 action minutes per month allocation is for the triggered workflows for private repos, not public repos. You can check your usage of the free action minutes for private repos at, as mentioned in my SO answer here .
That relates to Github Actions, not things like pushing, pulling etc.

Should GitHub Pages https:<moniker><repo> point to Read-the-docs build?

I have a GitHub repo of docs linked to my RTD account. The GitHub/RTD connection appears to be set up correctly with a functional webhook (green checks at both ends). Commits to the repo trigger a successful build on RTD as expected. RTD is an Authorized OAuth App and my RTD account is connected to my GitHub account.
Under Settings -> GitHub pages, I have tried both master branch and master branch/docs. I would expect to go to the connected RTD docs. But it just shows the repo-name/ file, not the docs. Am I misunderstanding the linkage or the use of GitHub Pages? Or am I completely missing something? Thanks for any insight.
I put in a help desk question to GitHub and their response was:
GitHub Pages provides its own web hosting and will not integrate with external services. If you're publishing your site elsewhere GitHub Pages will not link to it.
So the answer is "no", adding the webhook only triggers a new build on commits and I do explicitly need a docs/index.html (or .md) that redirects to the RTD documentation.

Github site not found 404

I created a new repo on GitHub and enabled my site in the settings at the master branch and it showing the following message:
Your site is ready to be published at
but when I click the link, it showing 404 site not found.
Repo have index.html file in the root directory and github would setup auto to this file.
Am I missing something ? How can I fix this issue?
GitHub recently experienced a significant service interruption/failure due to apparent hardware issues:
Developer platform GitHub has been down for hours due to data storage
issues. According to GitHub’s status message board, the issue began
around 10 PM ET on Sunday. Some users are facing login errors while
others are not able to see their commits.
The service is back up and running however are still recovering- in the case of Github Pages, they are still rebuilding Pages:
We have resumed Pages builds and will continue to monitor as we process a delayed
backlog of events.
You haven't done anything wrong with configuring your GitHub Projects site and it should start working within the next few hours.