I am trying to write a fifo rd write cover point.
module M;
bit stop; bit clk; initial while (!stop) #5 clk = ~clk;
bit A, B, rst;
initial rst = 0;
initial begin
A = 0;
#20 A = 1;
#10 A = 0;
// #10 B = 1;
#10 B = 0;
#50 stop = 1;
// sequence fifo_rd_wt_s(reg sig);
// ((|A === 1) |-> s_eventually (|B === 1));
// endsequence: fifo_rd_wt_s
property fifo_rd_wt_p(reg sig_clk, reg sig_rst);
#(posedge sig_clk) disable iff(sig_rst)
((|A === 1) |-> s_eventually (|B === 1));
endproperty: fifo_rd_wt_p
cover_fifo_read_write: cover property(fifo_rd_wt_p(clk, rst)) $error($sformatf("%0t hit fifo read write", $time));
// else $error($sformatf("%0t did not hit", $time));
endmodule: M
In the run log I see that it is getting triggered every cycle, but that is not what I want. I want it to trigger every time it sees a A followed by a B.
Not sure what I am missing.
I found something similar here
The code is present in code
I think your issue is with the implication. I used your example and replaced with strong((|A === 1) ##[1:$] (|B === 1)); it was working fine.
Cover with implication can have some unexpected behavior (in your case it was covering the antecedent), it s always safer to use cover with sequences
A SystemVerilog assertion is latching the previous values even though the transition is detected.
I have the below property as part of the file. a and b are inputs whose width is 1-bit.
property p_sig_detect();
(a == 1) -> (b == 1);
a_sig_detect : assert property(p_sig_detect());
In the above code, the assertion is behaving like below:
1. At 0 , a = 0, b = 0 (initial state) --> No effect
2. At t1, a = 0->1, b = 0 --> Passing
3. At t2, a = 1, b = 0->1 --> Throwing Error saying that "b" is 0
4. At t3, a = 1, b = 1->0 --> Passing
5. At t4&t5, a = 1->0->1, b = 0 --> Throwing Error once a becomes 1 at t5
Can someone please explain why it's latching the previous value even though the transition is detected?
The sampled values used in a synchronous assertion are the values in the preponed region before the clocking event.
You should be using immediate or deferred assertions that do not use clocks or sample values instead of concurrent assertions and properties that do.
module top;
bit a,b;
initial begin
#1 a = 1;
#1 b-= 1;
#1 a = 0;
#1 b = 0;
#1 $finish;
let p_sig_detect = (a == 1) -> (b == 1);
a_sig_detect : assert (p_sig_detect()) $info("pass"); else $error("fail");
I'm trying to understanding how the following code works, but struggling to put it together in my head. Could someone give me a more intuitive (visual) explanation of how this pipelined multiplier stage works?
// This is one stage of an 8 stage (9 depending on how you look at it)
// pipelined multiplier that multiplies 2 64-bit integers and returns
// the low 64 bits of the result. This is not an ideal multiplier but
// is sufficient to allow a faster clock period than straight *
module mult_stage(
input clock, reset, start,
input [63:0] product_in, mplier_in, mcand_in,
output logic done,
output logic [63:0] product_out, mplier_out, mcand_out
logic [63:0] prod_in_reg, partial_prod_reg;
logic [63:0] partial_product, next_mplier, next_mcand;
assign product_out = prod_in_reg + partial_prod_reg;
assign partial_product = mplier_in[7:0] * mcand_in;
assign next_mplier = {8'b0,mplier_in[63:8]};
assign next_mcand = {mcand_in[55:0],8'b0};
//synopsys sync_set_reset "reset"
always_ff #(posedge clock) begin
prod_in_reg <= #1 product_in;
partial_prod_reg <= #1 partial_product;
mplier_out <= #1 next_mplier;
mcand_out <= #1 next_mcand;
// synopsys sync_set_reset "reset"
always_ff #(posedge clock) begin
done <= #1 1'b0;
done <= #1 start;
Using system verilog and new to it and to verilog,
I want to delay the start of clock by 46.666ns in a testbench.
for this I declared another signal, toggled it to 1 after 46.666 and gated my clock with it. however it is not working, and I don't understand why. any help would be very appreciated.
the code I am using:
// generate CLKXI and inject to vt
logic clk = 1;
logic clkstart = 0;
initial begin
#46.666ns clkstart = 1;
if (clkstart && ~clk) #21.25ns clk = ~clk;
else if (clkstart && clk) #20.416ns clk = ~clk;
assign test_wrapper.dut_top.CLKXI = clk;
The problem is when clkstart is 0, your always block gets into a zero-delay infinite loop, and time cannot advance. I think what you want is
initial begin
forever begin
#21.25ns clk = 0;
#20.416ns clk = 1;
Let's say we have a protocol where request req is asserted with req_id and corresponding rsp will be asserted with rsp_id. These can be out of order. I want to cover the number of clks or latency between req with particular req_id and rsp with the same id. I tried something like this. Is this correct way of doing? Is there any other efficient way?
covergroup cg with function sample(int a);
coverpoint a {
a1: bins short_latency = {[0:10]};
a2: bins med_latency = {[11:100]};
a3: bins long_latency = {[101:1000]};
// Somewhere in code
cg cg_inst = new();
sequence s;
int lat;
int id;
#(posedge clk) disable iff (~rst)
(req, id = req_id, lat = 0) |-> ##[1:$] ((1'b1, lat++) and (rsp && rsp_id == id, cg_inst.sample(lat)));
You're trying to use the |-> operator inside a sequence, which is only allowed inside a property.
If rsp can only come one cycle after req, then this code should work:
property trans;
int lat, id;
(req, id = req_id, lat = 0) |=> (1, lat++) [*0:$] ##1 rsp && rsp_id == id
##0 (1, $display("lat = %0d", lat));
The element after ##0 is there for debugging. You can omit it in production code.
I wouldn't mix assertions and coverage like this, though, as I've seen that the implication operators can cause issues with variable flow (i.e. lat won't get updated properly). You should have a property that just covers that you've seen a matching response after a request:
property cov_trans;
int lat, id;
(req, id = req_id, lat = 0) ##1 (1, lat++) [*0:$] ##1 rsp && rsp_id == id
##0 (1, $display("cov_lat = %0d", lat));
cover property (cov_trans);
Notice that I've used ##1 to separate the request from the response.
Basically your idea is right , But looks like the right hand side of the sequence will be evaluated once when the condition is true and hence the lat will be incremented only once .
You will need a loop mechanism to count the latency.
Below is an sample working example. You can change [1:$], ##1 etc based on how close the signals are generated
property ps;
int lat;
int id;
#(posedge clk)
disable iff (~rst)
(req, id = req_id, lat = 0) |=> (1'b1, lat++)[*1:$] ##1 (rsp && rsp_id == id, cg_inst.sample(lat));
assert property (ps);
property/sequences though they appear to be small code , in this case for every req ( which has not yet received a rsp ) a seperate process with its own counter is forked. This results in many counters doing very similar work. In case there are many req in flight ( and/or many instances of the property or sequence ) it will start adding into simulation run-time [ even though this is just a small block of code ]
so another approach is to keep the trigger simpler and we try to keep the processing linear.
int counter=0; // you can use a larger variablesize to avoid the roll-over issue
int arr1[int] ; // can use array[MAX_SIZE] if you know the max request id is small
always #( posedge clk ) counter <= counter + 1 ; // simple counter
function int latency (int type_set_get , int a ) ;
if ( type_set_get == 0 ) arr1[a] = counter; // set
//DEBUG $display(" req id %d latency %d",a,counter-arr1[a]);
// for roll-over - if ( arr1[a] > counter ) return ( MAX_VAL_SIZE - arr1[a] + counter ) ;
return (counter - arr1[a]); //return the difference between captured clock and current clock .
property ps();
#(posedge clk)
disable iff (~rst)
##[0:$]( (req,latency(0,req_id) ) or (rsp,cg_inst.sample(latency(1,rsp_id))) );
assert property (ps);
The above property is triggered only when req/rsp is seen and only 1 thread is active looking for it.
If needed extra checks can be added into the function , But for latency counting this should be fine.
Anecdote :
Mentor AE - Dan discovered an assertion which was slowing our simulations by as much as 40 % . The poorly written assertion was part of our block tb and its effects went unnoticed there , as our block level test, run times were limited. It then sneaked into our top-level tb causing untold runtime losses till it was discovered a year later :) . [ guess we should have profiled our simulation runs earlier ]
Say for example if the above protocol implemented an abort at a later time, then the req-rsp thread will continue to process and wait ( till the simulation ends) for an aborted transaction , though it will not affect the functionality , it will sneakily continue to hog processor resources doing nothing useful in return. Till finally an vendor AE steps in to save the day :)
I'm having trouble implementing a controller block for an 8-bit multiplier. It works normally, but only if I turn the reset wire on, then off, such as in the following stimulus (which works fine):
`timescale 1ns / 100ps
module Controller_tb(
reg reset;
reg START;
reg clk;
reg LSB;
wire STOP;
wire ADD_cmd;
wire SHIFT_cmd;
wire LOAD_cmd;
Controller dut (.reset(reset),
clk <= 0;
clk <= 1;
LSB <= 0;
START <= 0;
reset <= 1;
reset <= 0;
START <= 1;
START <= 0;
LSB <= 1;
$monitor ("stop,shift_cmd,load_cmd, add_cmd: " , STOP,SHIFT_cmd,LOAD_cmd,ADD_cmd);
Here's the simulation result for the working stimulus:
Now, when I set the reset to zero, without ever bringing it high, here's what happens:
Clearly, I'm using the reset wire to bring my Controller to the IDLE state. Here's the code for the controller block:
`timescale 1ns / 1ps
module Controller(
input reset,
input START,
output STOP,
input clk,
input LSB,
output ADD_cmd,
output SHIFT_cmd,
output LOAD_cmd
//Five states:
//IDLE : 000 , INIT: 001, TEST: 011, ADD: 010, SHIFT: 110
localparam [2:0] S_IDLE = 0;
localparam [2:0] S_INIT = 1;
localparam [2:0] S_TEST = 2;
localparam [2:0] S_ADD = 3;
localparam [2:0] S_SHIFT = 4;
reg [2:0] state,next_state;
reg [3:0] count;
// didn't assign the outputs to wire.. if not work, check this.
assign ADD_cmd = (state == S_ADD);
assign SHIFT_cmd = (state == S_SHIFT);
assign LOAD_cmd = (state == S_INIT);
assign STOP = (state == S_IDLE);
always #(*) begin
S_INIT: begin
count = 3'b000;
S_SHIFT: begin
count = count + 1;
always #(*)
next_state = state;
case (state)
S_IDLE: next_state = START ? S_INIT : S_IDLE;
S_INIT: next_state = S_TEST;
S_TEST: next_state = LSB ? S_ADD : S_SHIFT;
S_ADD: next_state = S_SHIFT;
S_SHIFT: next_state = (count == 8) ? S_IDLE : S_TEST;
always #(posedge clk)
//state <= S_IDLE;
if(reset) state <= S_IDLE;
else state <= next_state;
reg [8*6-1:0] statename;
always #* begin
case( state )
S_IDLE: statename <= "IDLE";
S_INIT: statename <= "INIT";
S_TEST: statename <= "TEST";
S_ADD: statename <= "ADD";
S_SHIFT: statename <= "SHIFT";
default: statename <= "???";
I don't know how to fix this. As you can see from the code above, there is a commented portion which is basically always initializing the state to IDLE. But even that doesn't work. Here's the simulation for the code above removing the comment from '//state <= S_IDLE;':
It's going into a different state than any listed above, and I have no idea why.
So I'd like to know:
Why is it going into an unknown state? Why doesn't my uncommented code work?
What can I change for it to work as I intend?
Your problem is that without a reset or initial value, state and next_state will be X. Your case statement assigning to statename will take the default branch and decode to ???. Since your process that assigns next_state does not handle cases where state is X it will get stuck in this state forever.
Your attempt to fix this will not work:
state <= S_IDLE;
if(reset) state <= S_IDLE;
else state <= next_state;
When reset is low you are making two assignments to state, the first as S_IDLE and the second as next_state. This is not a race condition. The Verilog standard states that:
Nonblocking assignments shall be performed in the order the statements were executed.
Since no re-ordering of the event queue occurs for sequential statements within a process this translates to last assignment wins. Therefore your state <= S_IDLE; is effectively optimised away since regardless of the value of reset the assignment will be overridden.
There are two ways you could fix this so that you don't need a reset:
1. Use the default clause to make your state machine safe
always #(*)
next_state = state;
case (state)
S_IDLE: next_state = START ? S_INIT : S_IDLE;
S_INIT: next_state = S_TEST;
S_TEST: next_state = LSB ? S_ADD : S_SHIFT;
S_ADD: next_state = S_SHIFT;
S_SHIFT: next_state = (count == 8) ? S_IDLE : S_TEST;
default: next_state = S_IDLE;
This will ensure that your state-machine is 'safe' and drops into S_IDLE if state is a non-encoded value (including X).
2. Initialise the variable
reg [2:0] state = S_IDLE;
For some synthesis targets (e.g. FPGAs) this will initialise the register to a specific value and can be used alongside or instead of a reset (see Altera Documentation on power-up values).
A couple of general points:
Depending on your synthesis tool it may be better to use an enumeration rather than explicitly defining values for your states. This allows the tool to optimise based on the overall design or use a global configuration for encodings (for example safe, one-hot).
Using a reset registers holding state is standard practice so you should carefully consider whether you really want to avoid using a reset.
The uncommented code is an example of poor coding practice because you are making 2 nonblocking assignments to state in the same timestep. Synthesis linting tools are likely to warn you of this situation.
Since using a reset is a common, good practice, I don't think you need to fix anything.