emulator stop and close before complete boot - android-emulator

my problem is the emulator in Android Studio stops a few seconds after I run it. the emulator is Nexus 4 API 25 with 768MB RAM.
in first time i start it in cold boot mode but it stop.
The error in EventLog is this:
10:14 PM Emulator: Warning: Quick Boot / Snapshots not supported on this machine. A CPU with EPT + UG features is currently needed. We will address this in a future release.
10:14 PM Emulator: none.xml:3: parser error : AttValue: " or ' expected
10:14 PM Emulator:
10:14 PM Emulator: ^
10:14 PM Emulator: none.xml:3: parser error : attributes construct error
10:14 PM Emulator:
10:14 PM Emulator: ^
10:14 PM Emulator: none.xml:3: parser error : Couldn't find end of Start Tag html line 3
10:14 PM Emulator:
10:14 PM Emulator: ^
10:14 PM Emulator: none.xml:3: parser error : Extra content at the end of the document
10:14 PM Emulator:
10:14 PM Emulator: ^
10:14 PM Emulator: emulator: WARNING: UpdateCheck: Failure: No error
10:14 PM Emulator: Process finished with exit code -1073741819 (0xC0000005)
i search too much about it but none of the solutions solved my problem.
VTx is enable and HAXM is installed up to date.
what can i do?


While running Pact- Karma-Mocha framework, getting error - 'Can't find variable: Pact'

I am trying to get sample PACT JS framework (any variant) running for Contract testing. Initial plan is just to get the sample(s) provided get running & then later on make changes into End point and customise for our own purpose.
PACT Foundation link: https://github.com/pact-foundation/pact-js/tree/master/karma/mocha
Win 7
Node: v8.11.4
dependencies installed:
"#pact-foundation/karma-pact": {
"version": "2.1.8",
"#pact-foundation/pact-node": {
"version": "6.19.11",
I am getting following error while trying to get it running.
Command: karma start karma.conf.js
C:\VarProjects\VanillaMocha>karma start test/karma.conf.js
10 09 2018 09:53:34.544:ERROR [config]: File C:\VarProjects\VanillaMocha\test\karma.conf.js does not exist!
C:\VarProjects\VanillaMocha>karma start karma.conf.js
[2018-09-10T08:53:42.384Z] INFO: pact-node#6.19.11/16892 on W5167037:
Creating Pact Server with options:
port = 1234,
consumer = KarmaMochaConsumer,
provider = KarmaMochaProvider,
logLevel = DEBUG,
log = C:\VarProjects\VanillaMocha\logs\pact.log,
dir = C:\VarProjects\VanillaMocha\pacts,
pactFileWriteMode = overwrite,
ssl = false,
cors = false,
host = localhost
[2018-09-10T08:53:42.401Z] INFO: pact-node#6.19.11/16892 on W5167037: Created 'standalone\win32-1.54.4\bin\pact-mock-service.bat service --port '1234' --consumer 'KarmaMochaConsumer
' --provider 'KarmaMochaProvider' --log-level 'DEBUG' --log 'C:\VarProjects\VanillaMocha\logs\pact.log' --pact_dir 'C:\VarProjects\VanillaMocha\pacts' --pact-file-write-mode 'overwri
te' --host 'localhost'' process with PID: 18912
10 09 2018 09:53:44.980:INFO [pact]: Pact Mock Server running on port: 1234
10 09 2018 09:53:45.054:WARN [watcher]: Pattern "C:/dist-web/pact-web.js" does not match any file.
10 09 2018 09:53:45.092:INFO [karma]: Karma v3.0.0 server started at
10 09 2018 09:53:45.093:INFO [launcher]: Launching browser PhantomJS_without_security with unlimited concurrency
10 09 2018 09:53:45.101:INFO [launcher]: Starting browser PhantomJS
10 09 2018 09:53:46.811:INFO [PhantomJS 2.1.1 (Windows 7 0.0.0)]: Connected on socket qMhVUJZzdDCD_YuKAAAA with id 47921548
PhantomJS 2.1.1 (Windows 7 0.0.0) Client "before all" hook FAILED
Can't find variable: Pact
PhantomJS 2.1.1 (Windows 7 0.0.0) Client "after all" hook FAILED
undefined is not an object (evaluating 'provider.finalize')
PhantomJS 2.1.1 (Windows 7 0.0.0): Executed 2 of 4 (2 FAILED) ERROR (0.013 secs / 0.001 secs)
[2018-09-10T08:53:46.985Z] INFO: pact-node#6.19.11/16892 on W5167037: Removing all Pact servers.
[2018-09-10T08:53:46.986Z] INFO: pact-node#6.19.11/16892 on W5167037: Removing Pact with PID: 18912
C:\VarProjects\VanillaMocha>KARMA start
[2018-09-10T08:54:14.809Z] INFO: pact-node#6.19.11/7492 on W5167037:
Creating Pact Server with options:
port = 1234,
consumer = KarmaMochaConsumer,
provider = KarmaMochaProvider,
logLevel = DEBUG,
log = C:\VarProjects\VanillaMocha\logs\pact.log,
dir = C:\VarProjects\VanillaMocha\pacts,
pactFileWriteMode = overwrite,
ssl = false,
cors = false,
host = localhost
[2018-09-10T08:54:14.823Z] INFO: pact-node#6.19.11/7492 on W5167037: Created 'standalone\win32-1.54.4\bin\pact-mock-service.bat service --port '1234' --consumer 'KarmaMochaConsumer'
--provider 'KarmaMochaProvider' --log-level 'DEBUG' --log 'C:\VarProjects\VanillaMocha\logs\pact.log' --pact_dir 'C:\VarProjects\VanillaMocha\pacts' --pact-file-write-mode 'overwrit
e' --host 'localhost'' process with PID: 2920
10 09 2018 09:54:17.376:INFO [pact]: Pact Mock Server running on port: 1234
10 09 2018 09:54:17.447:WARN [watcher]: Pattern "C:/dist-web/pact-web.js" does not match any file.
10 09 2018 09:54:17.483:INFO [karma]: Karma v3.0.0 server started at
10 09 2018 09:54:17.484:INFO [launcher]: Launching browser PhantomJS_without_security with unlimited concurrency
10 09 2018 09:54:17.489:INFO [launcher]: Starting browser PhantomJS
10 09 2018 09:54:19.243:INFO [PhantomJS 2.1.1 (Windows 7 0.0.0)]: Connected on socket rn-kwBRGhJbyUwvZAAAA with id 54614606
PhantomJS 2.1.1 (Windows 7 0.0.0) Client "before all" hook FAILED
Can't find variable: Pact
PhantomJS 2.1.1 (Windows 7 0.0.0) Client "after all" hook FAILED
undefined is not an object (evaluating 'provider.finalize')
PhantomJS 2.1.1 (Windows 7 0.0.0): Executed 2 of 4 (2 FAILED) ERROR (0.012 secs / 0 secs)
Kindly advise, Thanks a lot
The code is failing because it's missing pact-web. You can see this in the error message you included:
Pattern "C:/dist-web/pact-web.js" does not match any file.
This is happening because you're using the example karma.conf.js outside the example repository without modification.
Quoting the relevant part of karma.conf.js:
// if you are using this example to setup your own project
// load pact from the node_modules directory
// Example Using NPM package
// 'node_modules/#pact-foundation/pact-web/pact-web.js',
Looking at your directory structure, commenting this line:
and uncommenting this line:
// 'node_modules/#pact-foundation/pact-web/pact-web.js',
should solve your problem.
Note that you also need to ensure that #pact-foundation/pact-web is a dev-dependency:
npm install --save-dev '#pact-foundation/pact-web'

jade web services integration gateway

I have gone through the following url for building webservices in jade http://jade.tilab.com/doc/tutorials/WSIG_Guide.pdf
Last page gives you instructions to run sample examples given by wsig....
When i tried running runMathAgent.bat ...I am getting the following output
Jul 15, 2016 12:57:55 PM jade.core.BaseService init
INFO: Service jade.core.management.AgentManagement initialized
Jul 15, 2016 12:57:55 PM jade.core.BaseService init
INFO: Service jade.core.messaging.Messaging initialized
Jul 15, 2016 12:57:55 PM jade.core.BaseService init
INFO: Service jade.core.resource.ResourceManagement initialized
Jul 15, 2016 12:57:55 PM jade.core.BaseService init
INFO: Service jade.core.mobility.AgentMobility initialized
Jul 15, 2016 12:57:55 PM jade.core.BaseService init
INFO: Service jade.core.event.Notification initialized
Jul 15, 2016 12:57:55 PM jade.core.AgentContainerImpl startBootstrapAgents
> SEVERE: Cannot create agent MathAgent1: Class
> com.tilab.wsig.examples.MathAgent for agent ( agent-identifier :name
> MathAgent1#WSIGTestPlatform ) not found - Caused by:
> com.tilab.wsig.examples.MathAgent
Jul 15, 2016 12:57:55 PM jade.core.AgentContainerImpl joinPlatform
INFO: --------------------------------------
Agent container Container-2# is ready.
I finally figured solution for my problem. To run jade web services examples u need to deploy using ant (ant deploy-examples) and configuration includes juddi version of apache. This will solve the problem.
You need to run jade web services examples by deploying the exemples: using ant deploy-examples command.

Running calabash-ios on physical device, and the app start and crash immediately

Running calabash-ios on device and the app start and crash immediately.
Running calabash-ios on simulator works fine.
It is related to the issue: calabash-ios physical device test, app starts but crashes but the solution there is not working for me.
The app developed with Xamarin.
The app already been installed on the device.
I run the commands:
export BUNDLE_ID=com.appName.name
export DEVICE_TARGET=e2a5c640b9bc6fe30209612eefbf1194…
DEBUG=1 cucumber
And get the below:
INFO: Using uia strategy: 'host'
DEBUG: Searching for run-loop results with glob: /Users/nirortal/.run-loop/results/*
DEBUG: Found 6 previous run-loop results
DEBUG: Will delete 1 previous run-loop results
DEBUG: Deleted 1 previous results in 0.00405 seconds
DEBUG: Searching for instruments caches with glob: /Library/Caches/com.apple.dt.instruments/xrtmp__*
DEBUG: Found 6 instruments caches
DEBUG: Will delete 1 instruments caches
DEBUG: Deleted 1 instruments caches in 0.001272 seconds
2016-04-26 15:11:32 +0300 [RunLoop:debug]:
:app => " com.appName.name ",
:args => [],
:bundle_dir_or_bundle_id => " com.appName.name ",
:bundle_id => " com.appName.name ",
:device_target => "e2a5c640b9bc6fe30209612eefbf1194…",
:instruments => #<Instruments 7.3>,
:launch_method => :instruments,
:launch_retries => 5,
:log_file => "/Users/nirortal/.run-loop/results/2016-04-26_15-11-32/run_loop.out",
:no_launch => false,
:no_stop => false,
:relaunch_simulator => true,
:reset => false,
:results_dir => "/Users/nirortal/.run-loop/results/2016-04-26_15-11-32",
:results_dir_trace => "/Users/nirortal/.run-loop/results/2016-04-26_15-11-32/trace",
:script => "/Users/nirortal/.run-loop/results/2016-04-26_15-11-32/_run_loop.js",
:sdk_version => nil,
:udid => "e2a5c640b9bc6fe30209612eefbf1194…",
:uia_strategy => :host,
:xcode => "7.3",
:xcode_path => "/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer"
} EXEC: xcrun instruments -s templates
### Starting on e2a5c640b9bc6fe30209612eefbf1194bee30933 App: com.gettradio.tradio ###
2016-04-26 15:11:32 +0300 [RunLoop:debug]: xcrun instruments -w e2a5c640b9bc6fe30209612eefbf1194… -D /Users/nirortal/.run-loop/results/2016-04-26_15-11-32/trace -t Automation com.appName.name -e UIARESULTSPATH /Users/nirortal/.run-loop/results/2016-04-26_15-11-32 -e UIASCRIPT /Users/nirortal/.run-loop/results/2016-04-26_15-11-32/_run_loop.js >& /Users/nirortal/.run-loop/results/2016-04-26_15-11-32/run_loop.out
2016-04-26 15:11:32 +0300 [RunLoop:debug]: Preparation took 0.853639 seconds
2016-04-26 15:12:03 +0300 [RunLoop:debug]: Error while writing to fifo. RunLoop::Fifo::NoReaderConfiguredError
2016-04-26 15:12:03 +0300 [RunLoop:debug]: Failed to launch. Error while writing to fifo. RunLoop::Fifo::NoReaderConfiguredError: Error while writing to fifo. RunLoop::Fifo::NoReaderConfiguredError
The device’s log:
Apr 26 15:13:28 iPhone-6-931 SpringBoard[58] <Error>: SecTrustEvaluate [leaf IssuerCommonName SubjectCommonName]
Apr 26 15:13:28 iPhone-6-931 SpringBoard[58] <Error>: SecTrustEvaluate [leaf IssuerCommonName SubjectCommonName]
Apr 26 15:13:28 iPhone-6-931 kernel[0] <Notice>: xpcproxy[293] Container: /private/var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/81B447CB-DEE4-452A-8371-FA6652D6AC18 (sandbox)
Apr 26 15:13:28 iPhone-6-931 DTServiceHub[220] <Warning>: Unable to acquire task port after launch of pid 293 (com.appName.name)
Apr 26 15:13:28 iPhone-6-931 com.apple.xpc.launchd[1] (UIKitApplication:com.gettradio.tradio[0xd8eb][293]) <Notice>: Service exited due to signal: Killed: 9
Apr 26 15:13:29 iPhone-6-931 DTServiceHub[220] <Warning>: Could not create service named com.apple.instruments.server.services.processcontrol.posixspawn
Apr 26 15:13:29 iPhone-6-931 notification_proxy[212] <Error>: 0x16e12f000 -[MNPLockdownConnection receiveMessage]: lockdown_receive_message error!
Apr 26 15:13:29 iPhone-6-931 notification_proxy[212] <Error>: 0x16e1bb000 -[MNPLockdownConnection receiveMessage]: lockdown_receive_message error!
Apr 26 15:13:29 iPhone-6-931 SpringBoard[58] <Warning>: Application 'UIKitApplication:com.gettradio.tradio[0xd8eb]' exited abnormally via signal.
I notice that in the log that the ‘Container: /private/var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/81B447CB-DEE4-452A-8371-FA6652D6AC18 (sandbox)’ has a UDID of simulator.
Cannot find this UDID in my list when I run the command xcrun instruments -s devices
I have:
iPhone 6 – 9.3.1
xcode 7.3
calabash-cucumber (0.18.2, 0.17.0, 0.16.4, 0.14.0, 0.13.0, 0.12.3)
cucumber (1.3.19, 1.3.18, 1.3.17)
ruby 2.0.0p648
OS X - 10.11.4
the xcode recognize and connect to the device without any issue.
UI Automation on the device is enabled.
I ran the command ‘killall -9 instruments’ before running ‘cucumber’ but get the same result.
What I'm missing here?
‘Container: /private/var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/81B447CB-DEE4-452A-8371-FA6652D6AC18 (sandbox)’ has a UDID of simulator.
That is the application data container on your physical device.
This is a very difficult problem to diagnosis and it usually comes down to one of these problems.
The bundle id is incorrect.
The app is not installed on the physical device.
The .ipa installed on the device is not signed with Developer cert.
The debugging symbols on the device have not been copied over to Xcode.
The device is not eligible for instruments debugging.
The following information was pulled from these documents.
Hot Topic: Errno::EINTR: Interrupted system call AKA RunLoop::Fifo::NoReaderConfiguredError
Testing on Physical Devices
Bundle id is incorrect
# Find your .ipa bundle identifier
$ bundle exec calabash-ios console
> ipa = RunLoop::Ipa.new("path/to/my.ipa")
> ipa.bundle_identifier
App is not installed
# 1. Check with ideviceinstaller
# 2. Use a visual check in Xcode's Device window
.ipa is not signed with a developer cert
$ bundle exec calabash-ios console
> ipa = RunLoop::Ipa.new("path/to/my.ipa")
> ipa.codesign_info.split($-0)
You need to see a Developer certificate here:
"Authority=iPhone Developer: Joshua Moody (Y<snip>9)"
If you built and installed on your physical device from Xcode or Xamarin Studio, be sure that you are building with the Debug configuration and not a Release configuration. Check your project settings to be sure that you are signing the application with a Developer certificate.
Device is Not Ready
The device must appear in Xcode's Devices window without errors. Devices need to be restarted and reconnected to Xcode to clear these errors. After updating an iOS version, you might need restart/reconnect several times. If all else fails, plug the device into an other machine with Xcode installed; this can sometimes cause debugging symbols to be copied over.
The device may be enabled for development, but not be ready for instruments. You can check by targeting your device with a Automation template in the Instruments.app - this is described in the documents linked above.

Worklight: Service connection failed Dialog Box

I am facing an unexpected issue that is when I am running App
most of the times a dialog box open up and saying "Application failed
connection to the service " See snapshot:
Though after two or three times pressing "Reload" button on this dialog connects App with WL Server and then App works fine. But if I kill App and then re-run it , again same dialog appears.
It also appears when you first time run App after installing on a device.
My App was running perfectly fine from two months back.
The only new thing that I have done is Push Notification. This is the
only new feature that I have added in the App.
Any suggestion on this?
What could be the root cause of this issue? How can I trace it?
And if I want to disable this dialog and instead show a
custom message (alert) on screen. Because this dialog box reveals the
running service / WL server URL.
In the console it only shows "Application failed connection to the service "
And while clicking on the Details option on the dialog box. It shows correct address of WL Server. And after three/four times of reload it connects App with server and then works fine, and afterwards goes fine and doesn't show anything.
The Logs are given below:
Apr 15 14:24:51 iPhone myApp[2746] <Warning>: [LOG] ondeviceready event dispatched
Apr 15 14:24:51 iPhone myApp [2746] <Warning>: {
appVersionPref = "1.0";
freeSpace = 13572620288;
wlSkinLoaderChecksum = "(null)";
wlSkinName = default;
Apr 15 14:24:51 iPhone myApp [2746] <Warning>: [LOG] Application did not define an i18n messages object, skipping translation.
Apr 15 14:24:51 iPhone myApp [2746] <Warning>: [LOG] wlclient init started
Apr 15 14:24:51 iPhone myApp [2746] <Warning>: [LOG] Read cookies: null
Apr 15 14:24:51 iPhone myApp [2746] <Warning>: [LOG] CookieMgr read cookies: {}
Apr 15 14:24:57 iPhone myApp [2746] <Warning>: [LOG] Connection went Down: Mon Apr 15 2013 14:24:57 GMT+0300 (AST)
Apr 15 14:24:57 iPhone myApp [2746] <Warning>: [ERROR] Client init failed. Connection to the service is not available.
Apr 15 14:25:07 iPhone myApp [2746] <Warning>: [LOG] ondeviceready event dispatched
Apr 15 14:25:07 iPhone myApp [2746] <Warning>: {
appVersionPref = "1.0";
freeSpace = 13572620288;
wlSkinLoaderChecksum = "(null)";
wlSkinName = default;
by clicking Details:
Apr 15 2013 23:55:17 GMT+0300 (AST)
Apr 15 23:55:17 iPhone myApp[3116] <Warning>: [ERROR] Client init failed. Connection to the service is not available.
Apr 15 23:55:19 iPhone myApp[3116] <Warning>: WLReachability Flag Status: -R -----l- networkStatusForFlags
Apr 15 23:55:59 iPhone kernel[0] <Debug>: launchd[3120] Builtin profile: MobileSafari (sandbox)
Apr 15 23:56:02 iPhone kernel[0] <Debug>: launchd[3121] Builtin profile: syncdefaultsd (sandbox)
Apr 15 23:56:21 iPhone myApp[3116] <Warning>: Copied text: 'App Diagnostics
Time : Mon Apr 15 2013 23:55:19 GMT+0300 (AST)
Application Name : myApp
Application Version : 1.0
Service URL : https://www.mydomain.com.bh:443/AppProject/apps/services/api/myApp/iphone/
Device Platform : iPhone
Device Version : 6.1
Screen Resolution : 320x480
Airplane Mode : Not available
Using Network : WIFI
Wifi Name : Not available
Mobile Network Type : Not available
Carrier Name : Not available
IP Address :
Error Message : Connection to the service is not available.
HTTP Status :
It sounds like there's a network issue preventing you from connecting to your Worklight server.
This can be due to many different reasons, to list some:
Poor WiFi/3G
Faulty device
Firewall issues on the network where the webserver is hosted
Worklight server issue
To ensure that you are indeed reaching the server I would suggest using a network sniffer. One tool that runs on Windows is Fiddler.
Fiddler can be set up as a reverse proxy where your device will be making calls to the proxy. The proxy will then route your request to the web server but it will also log the information so you can view it.
If you are on Windows, I would suggest installing Fiddler and following Option #2 of this answer.
You should then be able to see if your requests are reaching the server and continue investigation from there.

Location-based app works fine in simulator, hangs on the device

I have developped a location based iphone application which works perfectly in emulators, but when I make the IPA file with my device UDID and install it on that specific device it only shows the splash screen and then stop working, giving the following log:
12/3/12 10:25:39.000 PM kernel: IsPacketAllowedForFlow:IPAFF: Not enough tokens in queue 0 with head size 4216 Available 3334
12/3/12 10:25:39.000 PM kernel: CheckAndSendPacketFromIndex: No space pended
[message repeated many times]
12/3/12 10:25:40.000 PM kernel: 12000 Available 8486
the log file is long enough that I couldn't post it here, but here is another part of that file where I can see this also:
12/3/12 10:54:16.000 PM kernel: TransmitPacketsTask:Acquired Terminate semaphore with status = 0
12/3/12 10:54:16.000 PM kernel: /Users/rdd2/Project/Banglalion/mac/bcsRelease/Rel- max size =7ee ===>
12/3/12 10:54:16.000 PM kernel: initialPowerStateForDomainState===> powerStateWillChangeTo():
12/3/12 10:54:16.000 PM kernel:
12/3/12 10:54:16.000 PM kernel: createNetworkInterface: <=====
12/3/12 10:54:16.000 PM kernel: initForPM: =====>
12/3/12 10:54:16.000 PM kernel: initForPM: <=====
12/3/12 10:54:16.000 PM kernel: ===> setPowerState() powerStateOrdinal : 0x1
12/3/12 10:54:16.000 PM kernel:
12/3/12 10:54:16.000 PM kernel: Got sleep/wake notice. Message type was e0000340
12/3/12 10:54:16.000 PM kernel: ===> powerStateDidChangeTo():
I am totally stuck here for 6-7 days, and I have no idea what is wrong.