Atom autocomplete plus navigation, not working - autocomplete

For as long as i can remember, the navigation on my autocomplete menu haven't work, it pop's up, and i'm able to select the first suggestion,
But on arrow-up, or down, nothing seems to happen,
I've tried toggling the issue and so on, any suggestions?

Fixed it by editing the keymap.cson file in atom with some custom navigation.
body atom-text-editor.autocomplete-active':
'tab': 'autocomplete-plus:move-down'
An then i set 'enter' as the select key in the Autocomplete plus package settings


Is it possible to go back one level of breadcrumbs using hotkey in VS Code?

VSCode has breadcrumbs feature that looks like this:
Is it possible to go back one level in these breadcrumbs using a hotkey? So in the case above, I am inside propTypes. I press hotkey and I go to BatchTypesTable.
I can achieve this already by clicking on the breadcrumb itself but I want to have a hotkey to do this.
On MacOS, my keyboard workflow is:
open breadcrmb with shiftcommand.
then navigate the top level with option← and option→
use plain arrows to navigate inside the drop-down list
So, I guess on windows top-level navigation would be alt←?
Relevant VSC documentation here. Although it seems to be incomplete and partially incorrect?

How to fix tab key in VS Code to the code editor window only

When editing code and I hit TAB I expect the typical 4 spaces to be inserted and the cursor to move. In VS Code, if I hit TAB it takes me to the ... in the upper right of the application, tab again it goes to the Open Editors. Its like TAB is jumping around the editor instead of tabbing into my document.
How does one fix that. Or was a setting changed?
At the bottom of the application, I noticed a Tabs move Focus was lit. I clicked it and it turned off. Not sure how it turned on or what turns it on, but if I click it off, tabs go back to normal. Strange.

autocompletion pop up menu in sublime text 3 doesn't display

I have Sublime Text 3 on Ubuntu and the ctrl+space to bring the autocompletion menu does not work. I tried to set it in the user key binding but it still does not work.
I then installed the SublimeCodeIntel package, but I have the same issue. I can manually bring the pop-up menu up. Even with the ctrl+shift+space for SublimeCodeIntel nothing works.
any ideas?
First save your document as css or which ever format you want your browser to read it as. Sublime Text will recognize the type of markup/programming language you are using and auto complete accordingly.

How can I prevent Aptana Studio 3 from completing code with the 'tab' key

I'm using Aptana Studio 3, with content assist on, and I have a really annoying problem.
Basically, I'll find myself within single quotes or some other context that one can "tab" out of, and I'll type something like, say, "login". So, when I finish typing login, I use tab to get out of the quotes, but because autocomplete has found the "LoginForm" object, instead of bringing me out of the quotes, pressing tab adds "Form" to my "Login," writing "LoginForm".
Basically, I would like to set up the editor so that "enter" autocompletes and tab simply indents or tabs out of quotes/braces/etc.
Press Esc then Tab, eventually you get used to it. I advise against editing your editor otherwise when you use another IDE you'll hit the same problem because that's what they all do.
If you really want to edit your aptanas keybindings:

Navigating the Content Assist List in Eclipse

Here are the ways the Eclipse documentation states you can navigate the Content Assist list:
You can use the mouse or the keyboard
(Up Arrow, Down Arrow, Page Up, Page
Down, Home, End, Enter) to navigate
and select lines in the list.
But all of the options require you to move your hands significantly away from their natural place on the keyboard!
Are there any other, quicker ways I can navigate this list? Something like tab, or the j/k from vi?
This is a great feature, and you can implement it like so: bind movement keys in Eclipse's key binder and then use them in the content assist menu!
Line Down: Bind to Ctrl+K
Line up: Bind to Ctrl+I
(both when 'Editing Java Source')
and then try moving with Ctrl-K/I when the content assist pops up!
In Kepler, as jed mentions in the comments, select "when editing text" instead and it should work.
If you try to fill in the content manually, Eclipse will move.
The search is quite advanced, e.g. "ArL" can match ArrayList, etc., so if you know what you are looking for, instead of navigation you could use search.
This is certainly not a solution for everyone, but if you switch to the Emacs keyboard layout you can just use the key bindings for the "previous line" and "next line" commands, e.g., Ctrl-P and Ctrl-N.