What is the difference between a JWT token and a Refresh token? - jwt

I'm trying to get my head around refresh tokens and how they work with JWT, so I can use it without auth0 API service.
Why refresh token format is different from JWT?
refresh tokens are just simple tokens store in the db?
How is the flow to use a refresh token to get a JWT token?
As #Florent Morselli suggested. The fundamental question of this post is wrong and confusing. Since JWT and refresh tokens are not really concepts that can be related. A better question can be:
What is the difference between a JWT Token and an opaque token?
What is the difference between a Access Token and a Refresh Token?
I'm not changing the question in the title, since somebody might be looking wrongly for the same thing and it will lead them to this post.

Token can be of two types:
Tokens by Reference
Tokens by Value
With the first type, the tokens are opaque strings (often random strings) that refer to a database index where the values associated to the tokens are stored.
With the second type, the tokens contain the values. To avoid alteration they are digitally signed or hashed. As they also may contain sensitive data, they can be encrypted.
JSON Web Token is a suite of specifications (mainly RFC7515 to RFC7520) that introduces a new format for the second type.
Why Refresh tokens issued by oauth0 are of the first type and not JWT (second type)?
The main benefit of the tokens by value is that they can be stateless i.e. you don't need any kind of database.
This is really helpful when tokens are sent several times to a server as they drastically reduce database calls and thus reduce the response time.
The drawback is that you cannot revoke them. Or if you add a revocation system, then you have to manage and call a database.
Therefore , tokens by value should have a very limited lifetime which is not compatible with refresh tokens.

Refresh token are used in Code flow or Hybrid flow as per OpenID Spec See Image below
Reference: https://openid.net/specs/openid-connect-core-1_0.html#CodeFlowSteps
Why refresh token format is different from JWT?
The format of Refresh token is also as per spec from OpenID
Reference: https://openid.net/specs/openid-connect-core-1_0.html#CodeFlowSteps
refresh tokens are just simple tokens store in the db?
Refresh tokens would be generated from your IDP(Identity Provider dynamically).
How is the flow to use a refresh token to get a JWT token?
Once you have the refresh token as shown in previous step, you can make a request to Token Endpoint with Refresh token to get Access Token
Access token


API rest with jwt for authentication. Why do we need a refresh token?

So, i'm trying nest js for a side project. Reading a lot lately about jwt authentication flow. Conceptually, the flow would be something like:
Client logs in and receives and access token and a refresh token. Access Token will be short lived and will be stored in memory, not in localstorage, to reduce the risks of being stolen.
Refresh token will be used only when the access token is expired to get a new one. The new one will be stored in memory. The refresh token will be stored in an httpOnly cookie, so no javascript access will be allowed hence improving the security.
Everything is cristal clear, but, my question is... why do we need the access token and why don't we always use the refresh token? In the end, if we are trusting the refresh token to generate new access tokens... why don't we simplify the whole thing and use only the long lived, stored in an httpOnly cookie on every request?
I mean I get the whole process, I just don't get why is not "secure" to use the token stored in an httpOnly cookie every time.
Can anyone share some light here?
You use the access token to access the API. It contains the necessary claims to authenticate and authorize the request.
The refresh token is a separate token that you use to renew the access token and you can not use the refresh token to access any API, as it is typically just a random string without any specific meaning (no claims).
The refresh token is never sent to any API and having separate tokens gives a better separation of concerns. By using refresh tokens, we can have short-lived access tokens, so if the access token is stolen, it can only be used for a short time. The refresh token is stored in a more secure way and it is only used between the client and the identity provider, so there is less risk that it will be stolen or intercepted.
Some platforms (like ASP.NET core) stores the token by default in the session cookie) but to secure it it is encrypted using strong encryption. This means that the hacker or browser can't see the actual tokens inside the cookie.
More you travel, more you exposed.
As you know the refresh token is meant to be used in case of short lived access token expiration. The idea for the use of two tokens is very simple. As access token (short lived token) will travel more frequently over the wire, increasing it chances of getting it caught by external parties. Therefore, short life expectency of access token will deny the access to the resouces for longer run in case of compromisation.
If the refresh token is secured, why don't we use just the refresh on
every request?
Nothing can make the refresh token secure. It's totally client responsibility to store it in secure location/storage for later use.

What is the MUST have claims for JWT refresh tokens? Can it be identical to the access token (with a longer exp)?

Im playing around and creating a custom access token system using JWT. I have already created a system for signing and validating JWT access tokens.
However, I find it hard to obtain information about what claims a refresh token should consist of.
Should i create refresh tokens identical to the access token - with a longer expiratiom time so that the same function that validates access tokens can be used to validate the refresh token?
A refresh token is typically an opaque value that is only used by clients to refresh access tokens. The flow works like this:
Web or mobile client implements OpenID Connect to authenticate users and get tokens - prompting the user to consent in some cases
An Authorization Server (AS) issues the tokens and stores details of this 'delegation' in a database - tokens are a pointer to this state
Client sends access tokens to APIs until a 401 expired response is received
Client then tries to refresh the access token by sending the refresh token to the Authorixation Server, which then looks up claim details from the stored state
I would make sure you get these responsibilities right - in particular avoid building your own AS and use a free one provided by experts, such as Curity Community Edition. Many security solutions will then be easier to develop.

Using both access and refresh tokens for refreshing them

Was investigating how to work with JWT and found not obvious thing for me:
Why for refreshing access token are not using both access and refresh tokens but only refresh token?
In this case we will be able to:
Verify access token signature, even if it is expired.
Get from access token information from payload, which may help in finding refresh token in database.
Your question is a bit unclear and is assuming some things that may not be true. Neither access tokens not refresh tokens have to be JWTs and JWTs are not specific to OAuth2 (which defines access and refresh tokens, but doesn't say how they should be implemented).
The audience for access tokens and refresh tokens is also different - access tokens are sent to a (possibly separate) resource server (the issuing authorization server may not even have kept a copy if they are self contained). Refresh tokens are sent to the authorization server.
Locating either type of token in a database (assuming they aren't self-contained tokens like JWTs) should never be a problem because they should be unique tokens which make ideal primary keys for a database table. So there would be no reason to send an expired access token as part of a refresh request.
Welcome to Stack Overflow, by the way :).

Confusion around Access, ID, and Refresh JWT authentication

I've been developing my first REST API to serve as the back-end for a mobile application. I'm pulling info from different resources, and am a little confused when it comes to the token implementation (I'm using JWT).
The access token is used to ensure that the requester has access to the resource that is being called. My understanding is that I will then encode the user details in the ID Token, such that the relevant information can be returned. The refresh token is used as a security mechanism, to keep the user authenticated after the short-lived ID and access tokens expire.
The access token seems a little redundant, and maybe it is an interchangeable term for ID token? Can I just remove that part from my authentication scheme?
In the proposed scheme access and ID tokens are used interchangeably and do not provide any value over the other. All information provided in the access token can be stored in the ID token, or vice versa. The entire authentication scheme will then simply consist of an access token (containing both info on access permissions, and user info), and a refresh token (ensuring that users don't need to login again every t minutes).

How to make a valid access token invalid

In restful application, for some reqirements,e.g. On client side,for the same user can using only one access token at the same time and user can get new access token via login successfully.if logined twice,the user will got two different access token say it's access token A and B.In the backend,when user still use token A to talk with server, it should be invalid and the latter B should be valid!How to implement this without using cache framework or db?
Additionally in the backend, i don't want store any access token, the access token contains simple user info and timestamp etc, which is a string encrypted with aes and encoded with Base64.
Unfortunately, you won't be able to do what you want without persisting the tokens.
I answered a question related to token based authentication before. Maybe you can get some inspiration from there.
Different types of tokens
Basically, a token can be opaque (which reveals no details other than the value itself, like a random string) or can be self-contained (like JSON Web Token).
Random String: A token can be issued by generating a random string and persisting it to a database with an expiration date and with a user identifier associated to it.
JSON Web Token (JWT): Defined by the RFC 7519, it's a standard method for representing claims securely between two parties. JWT is a self-contained token and enables you to store a user identifier, an expiration date and whatever you want (but don't store passwords on it) in a payload, which is a JSON encoded as Base64. The payload can be read by the client and the integrity of the token can be easily checked by verifying its signature on the server. You won't need to persist JWT tokens if you don't need to track them. Althought, by persisting the tokens, you will have the possibility of invalidating and revoking the access of them. To find some great resources to work with JWT, have a look at http://jwt.io.
Persisting tokens
There are many databases where you can persist your tokens. Depending on your requirements, you can explore different solutions such as relational databases, key-value stores or document stores.
Just remember to remove old tokens in order to prevent your database from growing indefinitely ;-)
The access token must be send in every request in Authorization header. For every user you store his access token. So access token arrives, you check its value and find which user it is. If you do not find access token, user is not authorized.
So basically when you generate new token, you replace the old access token for given user, when old access token comes you are not able to recognize it (it is not stored anywhere), therefore it is invalided.