Sqljob, make powershell step fail if file does not contain certain text - powershell

This is an attempt to get a specific answer to a possible solution to sqljob, on failed step, retry previous step, but not indefinitely
I have a job, which transfer a file using
powershell -command "Invoke-WebRequest https://someserver.dom/fetch.php -OutFile c:/tmp/data.xml"
Sometime the data from upstream is not proper XML. I just want to "grep" for the final line in the file, if it is not the expected </records> I want the step to fail, so the step is retried a few times before it hard-fails.
The filesize could also be a error-criterium. A failed transfer is a few lines, a successfil is megabytes.

So basically i made a function just for this. Set the amount of attempts and the script to run.
function TryAgain($Attempts = 1, $Scriptblock){
while($Attempts -gt 0){
Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock $Scriptblock
$Attempts -= 1
In this case we want to find out if it is valid XML so we are going to get the .RawContent of the Invoke-WebRequest and test against $(new-object System.Xml.XmlDocument).LoadXml(). If it fails throw a error, if it passes then out the raw content to a file. Errors will not be saved to the file only valid XML
$Site = "https://someserver.dom/fetch.php"
$OutFile = "c:/test/data.xml"
(Invoke-WebRequest $Site).RawContent | %{
$(new-object System.Xml.XmlDocument).LoadXml($_)
$_ | out-file $OutFile
throw "Bad XML"
Now we combine into a final product
$Site = "https://someserver.dom/fetch.php"
$OutFile = "c:/test/data.xml"
function TryAgain($Attempts = 1, $Scriptblock){
while($Attempts -gt 0){
Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock $Scriptblock
$Attempts -= 1
TryAgain -Attempts 3 -Scriptblock {
(Invoke-WebRequest $Site).RawContent | %{
$(new-object System.Xml.XmlDocument).LoadXml($_)
$_ | out-file $OutFile
throw "Bad XML"
since you dont need the retries and all the glam here is it in basic
(Invoke-WebRequest https://someserver.dom/fetch.php).RawContent | %{
(new-object System.Xml.XmlDocument).LoadXml($_)
$_ | out-file C:\test\test.xml


Download a file, get the status, then execute the file

I've tried invoke-restmethod, new-object and many other methods to achieve what I'm trying to do. Here are the latest two iterations:
$req = Invoke-WebRequest -uri $scripturl -OutFile "$($scriptpath)\fls.core.ps1"
Write-Host "StatusCode:" $req.StatusCode
$req = Invoke-WebRequest -uri $scripturl -OutFile "$($scriptpath)\fls.core.ps1" | Select-Object -Expand StatusCode
Write-Host "StatusCode:" $req
Basically I'm attempting to download another PowerShell script and execute it. So obviously it needs to be synchronous. I also need the status so I can determine if it updated or not.
Here is pseudo code for what I'm trying to accomplish:
try {
download file
} catch {
output error
if (local copy exists) {
log warning that local copy is being used
} else {
log error could not download and no local copy available
exit script
run script (only after downloading new one if available)
Here is my current code in full:
if ($param1 -eq "-d" -or $param1 -eq "-D") {
$isDev = $true
#todo: Move to config file
$logpath = "c:\company\logs\loginscript"
$scriptpath = "c:\company\scripts\"
$scripturl = "http://downloads.company.com/fls.core.ps1"
$logfile="$(Get-Date -Format "yyyy-MM-dd hhmmss").log"
Function log($message) {
Write-Output "[$(Get-Date -Format "yyyy-MM-dd hhmmss")] $message" | Out-file "$($logpath)\$($logfile)" -append
if ($isDev) { Write-Host "[$(Get-Date -Format "yyyy-MM-dd hhmmss")] $message" }
Function createFolder($path) {
if (-!(Test-Path $path)) { New-Item -Type Directory -Path $path }
function updateScripts() {
try {
$req = Invoke-WebRequest -uri $scripturl -OutFile "$($scriptpath)\fls.core.ps1"
Write-Host "StatusCode:" $req.StatusCode
} catch {
Write-Host "StatusCode:" $req.StatusCode
if ($req.StatusCode -eq 404) {
log "WARNING: Script not found at $scripturl"
} else {
log "ERROR: Script download error: $req.StatusCode"
if (Test-Path "$($scriptpath)\fls.core.ps1") {
log "WARNING: Using local script"
} else {
log "ERROR: Unable to update script and no local script found. Exiting."
#---- MAIN CODE BLOCK -------------------------#
createFolder $logpath
createFolder $scriptpath
#update scripts
#execute core loginscript
& $scriptpath/fls.core.ps1
$req.StatusCode appears to be null.
Invoke-WebRequest reports errors as statement-terminating errors, which means that no assignment to variable $req (in statement $req = Invoke-WebRequest ...) takes place in case an error occurs.
Instead, unfortunately, if an error occurs, the response object[1] must be gleaned from the [ErrorRecord] instance representing the error, which is available via $Error[0] after the fact, or via $_ in the catch block of a try { ... } catch { ... } statement (adapted from this answer):
try {
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $scripturl -OutFile "$scriptpath\fls.core.ps1"
} catch [Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.HttpResponseException] {
# Get the status code...
$statuscode = $_.Exception.Response.StatusCode
# ... and work with it.
# if ($statusCode -eq 404) { ...
} catch {
# Unexpected error, re-throw
Strictly speaking, $_.Exception.Response.StatusCode returns a value from an enumeration type, System.Net.HttpStatusCode, not an [int] value, but you can use it like an integer. To return an integer to begin with, append .Value__ or cast to [int].
Note that Invoke-WebRequest is always synchronous; if you download a file (successfully), the call won't return until the download is completed.
[1] As the linked answer explains, the response object contained in the error record is of a different type than the one that Invoke-WebRequest returns in case of success (which requires -PassThru if -OutFile is also specified): The error record's .Exception.Response property contains a System.Net.Http.HttpResponseMessage instance, whereas Invoke-WebRequest returns an instance (derived from) Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.WebResponseObject, which incorporates an instance of the former type, in its .BaseResponse property.

Retry BITS file transfer for failed downloads with Powershell

I'm doing a BITS transfer of daily imagery from a web server and I keep getting random drops during the transfer.
As it's cycling through the downloads I get the occasional "The connection was closed prematurely" or "An error occurred in the secure channel support". There are about 180 images in each folder and this happens for maybe 5-10% of them. I need to retry the download for those that didn't complete.
My code to do so follows - my imperfect work-around is to run the loop twice but I'm hoping to find a better solution.
# Set the URL where the images are located
$url = 'https://www.nrlmry.navy.mil/archdat/global/stitched/MoS_2/navgem/wind_waves/latest/'
# Set the local path where the images will be stored
$path = 'C:\images\Wind_Waves\latest\'
# Create a list of all assets returned from $url
$site = Invoke-WebRequest -UseBasicParsing -Uri $url
# Create a table subset from the $site of all files returned with a .jpg extension
$table = $site.Links | Where-Object{ $_.tagName -eq 'A' -and $_.href.ToLower().EndsWith("jpg") }
# Create a list of all href items from the table & call it $images
$images = $table.href
# Enumerate all of the images - for troubleshooting purposes - can be removed
# Check to make sure there are images available for download - arbitrarily picked more than 2 $images
if($images.count -gt 2){
# Delete all of the files in the "latest" folder
Remove-Item ($path + "*.*") -Force
# For loop to check to see if we already have the image and, if not, download it
ForEach ($image in $images)
if(![System.IO.File]::Exists($path + $image)){
Write-Output "Downloading: " $image
Start-BitsTransfer -Source ($url + $image) -Destination $path -TransferType Download -RetryInterval 60
Start-Sleep 2
Get-BitsTransfer | Where-Object {$_.JobState -eq "Transferred"} | Complete-BitsTransfer
} else {
Write-Output "No images to download"}
I don't see any error handling in your code to resume/retry/restart on fail.
Meaning why is there no try/catch in the loop or the Get?
If the Get is on per download job in the loop, why is it outside the loop?
Download is the default for TransferType, so no need to specify, it normally will generate an error if you do.
So, something like this. I did test this, but never got a fail. Yet, I have a very high-speed speed internet connection. If you are doing this inside an enterprise, edge devices (filters, proxies, could also be slowing things down, potentially forcing timeouts.)
$url = 'https://www.nrlmry.navy.mil/archdat/global/stitched/MoS_2/navgem/wind_waves/latest/'
$path = 'D:\Temp\images\Wind_Waves\latest'
$site = Invoke-WebRequest -UseBasicParsing -Uri $url
# Create a table subset from the $site of all files returned with a .jpg extension
$table = $site.Links |
$_.tagName -eq 'A' -and
# Create a list of all href items from the table & call it $images
Enumerate all of the images - for troubleshooting purposes - can be removed
Assign and display using variable squeezing
($images = $table.href)
Check to make sure there are images available for download - arbitrarily
picked more than 2 $images
if($images.count -gt 2)
Remove-Item ($path + '*.*') -Force
ForEach ($image in $images)
Write-Verbose -Message "Downloading: $image" -Verbose
if(![System.IO.File]::Exists($path + $image))
$StartBitsTransferSplat = #{
Source = ($url + $image)
Destination = $path
RetryInterval = 60
Start-BitsTransfer #StartBitsTransferSplat -ErrorAction Stop
Start-Sleep 2
Get-BitsTransfer |
Where-Object {$PSItem.JobState -eq 'Transferred'} |
Write-Warning -Message "Download of $image not complete or failed. Attempting a resume/retry" -Verbose
Get-BitsTransfer -Name $image | Resume-BitsTransfer
Write-Warning -Message 'No images to download'
See the help files
Module: bitstransfer Resumes a BITS transfer job.
# Example 1: Resume all BITS transfer jobs owned by the current user
Get-BitsTransfer | Resume-BitsTransfer
# Example 2: Resume a new BITS transfer job that was initially suspended
$Bits = Start-BitsTransfer -DisplayName "MyJob" -Suspended
Add-BitsTransfer -BitsJob $Bits -ClientFileName C:\myFile -ServerFileName http://www.SomeSiteName.com/file1
Resume-BitsTransfer -BitsJob $Bits -Asynchronous
# Example 3: Resume the BITS transfer by the specified display name
Get-BitsTransfer -Name "TestJob01" | Resume-BitsTransfer
Here's a somewhat modified version of the above code. It appears the BITS transfer job object goes away when the error occurs, so there is no use in trying to find/resume that job. Instead, I wrapped the entire Try-Catch block in a while loop with an exit when the file is downloaded.
$url = 'https://www.nrlmry.navy.mil/archdat/global/stitched/MoS_2/navgem/wind_waves/latest/'
$path = 'D:\Temp\images\Wind_Waves\latest'
$site = Invoke-WebRequest -UseBasicParsing -Uri $url
$MaxRetries = 3 # Initialize the maximum number of retry attempts.
# Create a table subset from the $site of all files returned with a .jpg extension
$table = $site.Links |
Where-Object {
$_.tagName -eq 'A' -and
# Create a list of all href items from the table & call it $images
Enumerate all of the images - for troubleshooting purposes - can be removed
Assign and display using variable squeezing
($images = $table.href)
Check to make sure there are images available for download - arbitrarily
picked more than 2 $images
if ($images.count -gt 2) {
Remove-Item ($path + '*.*') -Force
ForEach ($image in $images) {
# Due to occasional failures to transfer, wrap the BITS transfer in a while loop
# re-initialize the exit counter for each new image
$retryCount = 0
while ($retryCount -le $MaxRetries){
Try {
Write-Verbose -Message "Downloading: $image" -Verbose
if (![System.IO.File]::Exists($path + $image)) {
$StartBitsTransferSplat = #{
Source = ($url + $image)
Destination = $path
RetryInterval = 60
Start-BitsTransfer #StartBitsTransferSplat -ErrorAction Stop
Start-Sleep 2
# To get here, the transfer must have finished, so set the counter
# greater than the max value to exit the loop
$retryCount = $MaxRetries + 1
} # End Try block
Catch {
$retryCount += 1
Write-Warning -Message "Download of $image not complete or failed. Attempting retry #: $retryCount" -Verbose
} # End Catch Block
} # End While loop for retries
} # End of loop over images
} # End of test for new images
else {
Write-Warning -Message 'No images to download'
} # End of result for no new images
Here is a combination of the code that postanote provided and a Do-While loop to retry the download up to 5x if an error is thrown.
$url = 'https://www.nrlmry.navy.mil/archdat/global/stitched/MoS_2/navgem/wind_waves/latest/'
$path = 'D:\Temp\images\Wind_Waves\latest'
$site = Invoke-WebRequest -UseBasicParsing -Uri $url
# Create a table subset from the $site of all files returned with a .jpg extension
$table = $site.Links |
$_.tagName -eq 'A' -and
# Create a list of all href items from the table & call it $images
Enumerate all of the images - for troubleshooting purposes - can be removed
Assign and display using variable squeezing
($images = $table.href)
<# Check to make sure there are images available for download - arbitrarily
picked more than 2 $images #>
if($images.count -gt 2)
Remove-Item ($path + '*.*') -Force
ForEach ($image in $images)
# Create a Do-While loop to retry downloads up to 5 times if they fail
$Stoploop = $false
[int]$Retrycount = "0"
Write-Verbose -Message "Downloading: $image" -Verbose
if(![System.IO.File]::Exists($path + $image))
$StartBitsTransferSplat = #{
Source = ($url + $image)
Destination = $path
RetryInterval = 60
Start-BitsTransfer #StartBitsTransferSplat -ErrorAction Stop
Start-Sleep 10
$Stoploop = $true
Get-BitsTransfer |
Where-Object {$PSItem.JobState -eq 'Transferred'} |
if ($Retrycount -gt 5){
Write-Warning -Message "Download of $image not complete or failed." -Verbose
$Stoploop = $true
else {
Write-Host "Could not download the image, retrying..."
Start-Sleep 10
$Retrycount = $Retrycount + 1
While ($Stoploop -eq $false)
Write-Warning -Message 'No images to download'

Download files from set of folders on FTP/SFTP server with WinSCP .NET assembly in PowerShell and email results

I have this PowerShell script that I'm working on. CSV file is imported to get source and destination paths. The goal is to move files from a SFTP/FTP server into a destination and send an email report.
Task scheduler will run this code every hour. And if there's a new file, as email will be sent out.
It's almost done, but two things are missing:
Check if the file already exists and Body email seems empty: Getting the following error: Cannot validate argument on parameter 'Body'. The argument is null or empty. Provide an argument that is not
null or empty, and then try the command again.
I would like some assistance on how to check if the file exists and how to get this email if a new file was dropped and copied to the destination list
$SMTPBody = ""
$SMTPMessage = #{
"SMTPServer" = ""
"From" = ""
"To" = ""
"Subject" = "New File"
try {
# Load WinSCP .NET assembly
Add-Type -Path "C:\Program Files (x86)\WinSCP\WinSCPnet.dll"
# Setup session options
$sessionOptions = New-Object WinSCP.SessionOptions -Property #{
Protocol = [WinSCP.Protocol]::sftp
HostName = ""
UserName = ""
Password = ""
PortNumber = "22"
FTPMode = ""
GiveUpSecurityAndAcceptAnySshHostKey = $true
$session = New-Object WinSCP.Session
# Connect
# Download files
$transferOptions = New-Object WinSCP.TransferOptions
$transferOptions.TransferMode = [WinSCP.TransferMode]::Binary
Import-Csv -Path "D:\FILESOURCE.csv" -ErrorAction Stop | foreach {
$synchronizationResult = $session.SynchronizeDirectories(
[WinSCP.SynchronizationMode]::Local, $_.Destination, $_.Source, $False)
foreach ($download in $synchronizationResult.Downloads ) {
Write-Host "File $($download.FileName) downloaded" -ForegroundColor Green
$SMTPBody +=
"`n Files: $($download.FileName -join ', ') `n" +
"Current Location: $($_.Destination)`n"
Send-MailMessage #SMTPMessage -Body $SMTPBody
$transferResult =
$session.GetFiles($_.Source, $_.Destination, $False, $transferOptions)
#Find the latest downloaded file
$latestTransfer =
$transferResult.Transfers |
Sort-Object -Property #{ Expression = { (Get-Item $_.Destination).LastWriteTime }
} -Descending |Select-Object -First 1
if ($latestTransfer -eq $Null) {
Write-Host "No files found."
$SMTPBody += "There are no new files at the moment"
$lastTimestamp = (Get-Item $latestTransfer.Destination).LastWriteTime
Write-Host (
"Downloaded $($transferResult.Transfers.Count) files, " +
"latest being $($latestTransfer.FileName) with timestamp $lastTimestamp.")
$SMTPBody += "file : $($latestTransfer)"
Write-Host "Waiting..."
Start-Sleep -Seconds 5
Send-MailMessage #SMTPMessage -Body $SMTPBody
# Disconnect, clean up
Write-Host "Error: $($_.Exception.Message)"
I believe your code has more problems than you think.
Your combination of SynchronizeDirectories and GetFiles is suspicious. You first download only the new files by SynchronizeDirectories and then you download all files by GetFiles. I do not think you want that.
On any error the .Check call will throw and you will not collect the error into your report.
You keep sending partial reports by Send-MailMessage in the foreach loop
This is my take on your problem, hoping I've understood correctly what you want to implement:
$SMTPBody = ""
Import-Csv -Path "FILESOURCE.csv" -ErrorAction Stop | foreach {
Write-Host "$($_.Source) => $($_.Destination)"
$SMTPBody += "$($_.Source) => $($_.Destination)`n"
$synchronizationResult =
[WinSCP.SynchronizationMode]::Local, $_.Destination, $_.Source, $False)
$downloaded = #()
$failed = #()
$latestName = $Null
$latest = $Null
foreach ($download in $synchronizationResult.Downloads)
if ($download.Error -eq $Null)
Write-Host "File $($download.FileName) downloaded" -ForegroundColor Green
$downloaded += $download.FileName
$ts = (Get-Item $download.Destination).LastWriteTime
if ($ts -gt $latest)
$latestName = $download.FileName;
$latest = $ts
Write-Host "File $($download.FileName) download failed" -ForegroundColor Red
$failed += $download.FileName
if ($downloaded.Count -eq 0)
$SMTPBody += "No new files were downloaded`n"
$SMTPBody +=
"Downloaded $($downloaded.Count) files:`n" +
($downloaded -join ", ") + "`n" +
"latest being $($latestName) with timestamp $latest.`n"
if ($failed.Count -gt 0)
$SMTPBody +=
"Failed to download $($failed.Count) files:`n" +
($failed -join ", ") + "`n"
$SMTPBody += "`n"
It will give you a report like:
/source1 => C:\dest1`
Downloaded 3 files:
/source1/aaa.txt, /source1/bbb.txt, /source1/ccc.txt
latest being /source1/ccc.txt with timestamp 01/29/2020 07:49:07.
/source2 => C:\dest2
Downloaded 1 files:
latest being /source2/aaa.txt with timestamp 01/29/2020 07:22:37.
Failed to download 1 files:
To check and make sure the csv file exists before you process the entire thing, you can use the Test-Path,
if (!(Test-Path D:\FileSource.csv)) {
Write-Output "No File Found"
$SMTPBody += "There are no new files at the moment"
return; # Dont run. file not found. Exit out.
Import-Csv -Path "D:\FILESOURCE.csv" -ErrorAction Stop | foreach {
and for the Body error you are getting, it is coming from the finally loop because there are cases where $SMTPBody would be null. This will no longer be an issue because $SMTPBody will have some text when file is not found at the beginning.
Even though you are using return in the if statement to check if the file exists, finally will always get executed. Since we updated $smtpbody, your Send-MailMessage will no longer error out.
If you want to check if the file you are downloading already exists, you can use the if statement like this,
foreach ($download in $synchronizationResult.Downloads ) {
if (!(Test-Path Join-Path D: $download.FileName) {
$SMTPBody += "File $($download.Filename) already exists, skipping."
continue # will go to the next download...
Write-Host "File $($download.FileName) downloaded" -ForegroundColor Green
If you do get the error regarding body, thats mostly because your script came across an exception and was sent straight over to finally statement. Finally statement sends the email with empty body because it was never set (due to exception). I would recommend using the debugger (step through) and see which step causes the exception and look into adding steps to make sure script doesnt fail.

How I can pass multiple array in value in PowerShell function

Below function I want to pass multiple value in array. When I'm passing more than one value I am getting an error.
function CheckProcess([String[]]$sEnterComputerNameHere, [String[]]$sEnterProccessNameHere) {
#Write-Host " $sEnterComputerNameHere hello"
#($sEnterComputerNameHere) | ForEach-Object {
# Calling Aarray
#($sEnterProccessNameHere) | ForEach-Object {
if (Get-Process -ComputerName $sEnterComputerNameHere | where {$_.ProcessName -eq $sEnterProccessNameHere}) {
Write-Output "$_ is running"
} else {
Write-Output "$_ is not running"
$script:sEnterProccessNameHere = #("VPNUI") # Pass the process agreement here
$script:sEnterComputerNameHere = #("hostname") # Pass the process agreement here
CheckProcess $sEnterComputerNameHere $sEnterProccessNameHere
Give it a try with this one:
Function CheckProcess([String[]]$sEnterComputerNameHere,[String[]]$sEnterProccessNameHere)
{ #Write-host " $sEnterComputerNameHere"
#($sEnterComputerNameHere) | Foreach-Object {
$computer = $_
Write-Host $computer
#($sEnterProccessNameHere) | Foreach-Object {
$process = $_
Write-Host $process
$x = get-process -computername $computer #Save all processes in a variable
If ($x.ProcessName -contains $process) #use contains instead of equals
Write-Output "$process is running"
Write-Output "$process is not running"
Write-Host "Computer $computer not found" -ForegroundColor Yellow
$script:sEnterProccessNameHere = #("VPNUI","Notepad++","SMSS")
$script:sEnterComputerNameHere = #("remotecomputer1","remotecomputer2")
CheckProcess -sEnterComputerNameHere $sEnterComputerNameHere -sEnterProccessNameHere $sEnterProccessNameHere
In general, it would be great if you write the error you get in your question. That helps others to help you.
If I work with arrays and | Foreach, I always write the $_in a new variable. That helps if I have another | Foreach (like you had) to know for sure, with which object I'm working with..
EDIT: I changed the script, so it uses "-contains" instead of "-eq" and I added a try/catch block, so if the other computer is not found, it gives you a message.. It works on my network
EDIT2: Do you have access to the other computers? If you run get-process -computername "name of remote computer" do you get the processes?

Capturing errors in this Powershell script

I have this test script to change the Administrator password on a list of servers.
I have set the script to log errors if the server can't be ping'd or account can't be found etc. However in addtion to this i'd like to capture any other errors that take place and also add those to the log file. I know you can use the "Try and Catch" for error handling but havn't had any luck so far.
Would someone be kind enough to show how to do it?
Here is the script
$date = Get-Date
$user = "Administrator"
$newpwd = "MyPassword"
$servers = gc C:\servers.txt
foreach ($server in $servers)
$ping = new-object System.Net.NetworkInformation.Ping
$Reply = $null
$Reply = $ping.send($server)
if($Reply.status -like 'Success')
$Admin=[adsi]("WinNT://" + $server + "/$user, user")
{Add-Content -path C:\Audit\logs\servers-reset.csv -Value "$server, Succsess the $user password was changed. , $date"}
{Add-Content -path C:\Audit\logs\servers-reset.csv -Value "$server, Error: FAILED to change the password. , $date"}
Add-Content -path C:\Audit\logs\servers-reset.csv -Value "$server, Error: The $user user account was not found on the server. , $date"}
Add-Content -path C:\Audit\logs\servers-reset.csv -Value "$server, Error: Ping FAILED could not connect. , $date"
If you want to write exceptions to the log right after they were thrown, you could use a trap. Add something like this to you script:
trap [Exception] {
#Add message to log
Add-Content -Path test.csv -Value "$server, $($_.Exception.Message), $(Get-Date)"
#Continue script
That will log all exceptions (not all errors).
If you want all errors, you can access them using $Error. It's an arraylist containing every error during your sessions(script). The first item $Error[0] is the latest error. This however, is not something that fits directly into an csv file without formatting it.