Why my number of ‘discover-not currently indexed’ links increase? - google-search-console

There is one problem that I may need your advice: I have pushed many links up to Google Index. At first, the number of indexed links rose fast. But then, my indexed links were gradually eliminated or unindexed, which cause the total number of indexed links decrease. Not just that, the number of discovered-not currently indexed links also increase. Now 2.091.968 of my links is in the queue but not yet processed. (Please see the photos enclosed).
Therefore, from your experience and expertise, would you be kind to help me to answer these questions:
Why my number of discover-not currently indexed links increase?
Are there any ways that I could decrease the number of discovered-not currently indexed links?
I am facing this problem while trying to decrease Crawl Time in Crawl Start section for the website address
Thank you very much for spending time reading this email and help me out. I am grateful to receive your help.


Why is the number of mobile-friendly pages on Google Search Console Mobile Usability report less than the number of pages indexed?

The Mobile Usability report for one of the websites I maintain is currently showing 215 Valid (mobile-friendly pages). At the same time, the Coverage report shows that a total of 399 pages are Valid (have been indexed).
I downloaded a list of all the URLs that have been indexed and a list of all URLs that are currently considered mobile-friendly pages. Then I compared the two lists and started checking several of the URLs that are indexed but not shown as mobile-friendly using the URL Inspection tool.
The URL Inspection results for all of the URLs that I have checked show the page as mobile-friendly. An example is shown below:
The Mobile Usability report shows 5 URLs with Errors, so I have information about 220 of the total number of indexed URLS.
I would like to understand what does it mean that there are some URLs that are currently indexed, but are not considered mobile-friendly nor have important mobile usability issues.
Additional info:
Two months ago (around November 15), the number of mobile-friendly pages had increased to 248 with no pages showing Errors. That number started to decrease until it reached the current value, but a corresponding number of errors wasn't reported.
It is like some pages were simply removed from the Mobile Usability report, but for no explicit reason.
The number of indexed pages increased by 1 during that same period of time.
There was a Google Search Update on November 25 indicating that some reports will show data primarily from mobile-first indexing. Unfortunately is still not clear to me why indexed pages > ( mobile-friendly pages + pages with mobile issues).
Is it incorrect to expect errors to show for all indexed URLs that are not considered mobile-friendly?
Thank you for taking the time to review this question.
Same problem here across multiple sites. Zero errors yet initially a rise in pages then a decrease to current levels which represents roughly half my total indexed pages. I have spent many days researching and trying a variety of tests to see if I could figure it out. All to no avail. I have changed internal links, menus, footers, sitemaps, removed javascript etc... None of the data showed any changes related to anything I have done nor is there any correlation between websites. The only thing I can see is that they seem to be prioritizing roughly according to page value (amount of internal links and proximity of links to home page), as menu items and linked pages from home page do get represented more, but I could not trigger any changes by playing with those factors. I am not seeing any mobile SERP issues related to it so I have temporarily given up.
In the end, I can only reason that Google is prioritizing getting everyone on mobile first so they are only allocating resources (caching, indexing, crawling budget) to what it deems are important pages on each website until they finish mobile first indexing all websites.
I have also been searching for others with the same problem but you are the first that I have found that has posted about it.
Google is using mobile spiders and it seems that google spiders have difficulties distinguishing mobile and desktop pages, and if not properly set, it sees less mobile pages than actually exist

How much, what order and where to put data?

I've been updating and moving my massage business website to Wordpress. During SEO process I interested and decided to include some structured data but I'm bit confused how to do it properly. I'm going to test that stuff first on my current site.
I'm going to present information with JSON-LD and I've been reading alot of schema-org manuals and blog posts about the schemas, still they are bit vaque to me.
How much data should I provide?
I still would like to present list of services we provide and price range by currency/min/maxPrice and persons data who are working there (name, profession, phone).
Would it be wise to put that data in the <head>-section of every page?
Or just specific data to page that they relate to like staff info to "Contact Us" page and service list to "Services" page?
Is there any penalty or down sides to have all that data on every page?
How do I present personal courses that every person has taken or other studies?
How do I present those services?
Can business under that HealthAndBeautyBusiness handle 3 phone numbers with names or should I just put contact info under person's data?
Does it matter in which order I present that data?
The more data you provide, the better
Better to be specific, otherwise it could be interpreted as spam. The structured data should be closely related to the content of the page itself
You mean the employees? You could use the employee property and the alumniOf properties but that doesn't match it very well. I think such data is a bit too detailed to be described at the moment - I would omit it for the time being
List them as offers, see makesOffer property
I would limit it to 1 number
The order doesn't matter
In the future try to split your questions, would be much easier to answer them that way.
I'm going to present information with JSON-LD and I've been reading alot of schema-org manuals and blog posts about the schemas, still they are bit vaque to me.
In regards to this statement. If I were you, and I'm not, therefore I can only assume you are just learning about technologies such as json-ld and how they relate to the bigger picture that is the Semantic Web also known as Web 3.0.
It sounds like you are on the right track I would suggest additionally reading articles relating to api's as well as the http request life cycle.
-Happy Coding

Does Facebook's personal ranking algorithm leak external profile data?

I recently came across this script that extracts friend rank data from the currently logged-in Facebook profile and presents it as a table.
After trying the script personally, I became puzzled as to why certain individuals were consistently ranked higher than others. The rank seems to refresh daily, so I have experimented with various user interaction, and this shifts many entries appropriately; however, the same 'certain individual(s)' would often (with no discernible interaction) arbitrarily move up in rank.
My question is this: is it possible that this rank is being affected by other, external profile's usage data/habits?
In the interests of privacy, it seems very unlikely that anything but personal habits would influence this ranking, but my own and other peoples' usage anecdotes seem to suggest 'arbitrary' movement that would only be explained by external data.
I cannot seem to find a definitive answer to this elsewhere.
Any input would be greatly appreciated.

What is the significance of OrderedFriendsListInitialData?

When you're logged in, in the page source, there is a list called OrderedFriendsListInitialData.
According to rumour, it's a list of people that visit your profile the most, others say that it's a list of profiles you view the most, and yet other say it's the friends you interact with the most.
Can anyone shed some light on this by providing a definitive answer, or at least an educated one?
If You check the code You will notice it has something to do with right sidebar. Just before it in there is this url https://s-static.ak.facebook.com/rsrc.php/yT/r/q-Drar4Ade6.ogg
As it is JSON string obviously it has to be related, file this url is pointing at is sound notification for chat.
As You may notice it is initial data not chat list probably later chat script use this data to fill up people on list and make some extra check etc..
There is word ordered as well, Myself I'm not really active on facebook so have no way of checking it but it is known that fb analyses all Your steps and make this list based on thousands of factors to provide You with list of users You are likely to chat.
You father may be there because fb knows You are family and consider it as high possibility of conversation.
Send email to them If You want details.
Well in the time passed since you first posted this they've changed the name of the list to InitialChatFriendsList which I suppose is a little more descriptive of what it is, but as far as how they determine what to put on there I think my friends and I have come up with a very plausible explanation.
When determining who you are most likely to communicate with on their chat system, facebook will obviously use a whole number of factors weighted differently to determine who you most want to talk to and who you most need to talk to.
the most important is who you actually talk to... who on fb chat that you communicate with most frequently will obviously show up on your chat list.
who you have public interactions w/ (i.e tagging in at some location, picture tagging, actual wall comments etc.)
Now those two are two very large factors when determining who they put on your list, beyond that it is a combination of who looks at your page and whose page you look at. Based on my list and the list of my friends, we determined that if you are inclined to look at somebody else's page/posts a lot and they are likely to do the same for you, they will move up in rank even if you don't have an actual interactions on facebook. A couple of people who I would admit to "stalking" the most on fb are not even on my list (at least not on the top 50 which is where i stopped checking) while other people who I do occasionally look at and I have reason to believe they would be looking at my profile as well are fairly high on my list (around 10-15th place). And of course there are the completely random individuals who show up on the list who probably are stalkers.
Anyways, my point is there are so many factors that determine who is going to be on this list, you really can't just attribute it all to people who stalk you and people you stalk. While in for some people that would be the case, for most of the people on the list there is a whole list of reasons they're on there.
Of course this is all based on a very small pool of data, so who knows...
I think it may be the list of people who are on the top part of your chat list - the people you're statistically most likely to talk to. But! I may be wrong.
It definitely is the people who facebook considers are the most likely you are going to chat with. There are two lists of people in chat, one of the above, and the other friends who are online.
I believe the first 3 are accurate. When I checked for myself, my boyfriend was one, and my two best friends were 2 & 3. Everything after that seems to be a bit random, because #4 was a person I haven't interacted with for years.

UIPickerView and a Giant Contact List?

I'm new to iOS Development and am trying to make an application that essentially sorts through a list of 300 names or so. I've got the Drill-Down part of the application down, aside from the detailView, but am now faced with a challenge.
What I would like to do is have users select from 3 fields with a UIPickerView to come up with shorter lists for every time a user is looking for a person. I'd like to use a .plist, but I also have an XML feed of the information. Before I waste all of my time structuring these data sources, does anybody have a good overview as to how I should approach this?
Also, I've asked some this question before, and they tell me to read up on introductory iOS development topics. I understand the mechanics of development, I just can't ever figure out how to approach a task properly. (I'm working on it!)
Thanks in advance. I'd share an image to help clarify, but my rep isn't high enough.
Snip: It looks like I misread your intention which makes my earlier comments irrelevant, you want to have the user select one of 3 options to shrink the list, if I'm not mistaken.
Some more questions for you, so I take it that this XML feed is going to be potentially changing between times that the user loads up the app? Will it only ever grow or are those 300 or so names that are loaded once set for good? The reason I ask so that you can maybe see my train of thought is whether or not using Core Data might be useful. You could easily store your large list locally, save time having to reload this large list frequently, and also you can use the built fetchedObjectController to search your collection of names. I'll keep thinking about it and once you get a chance to answer these questions we can continue.
Ill check back for an edit or comment, and see if I can give you an approach. Also, maybe edit your question with any of your own approach ideas and we could also start from there and refine them if needed.
Edit 2: From the information in the comments this is one of the ways that I could see this being done that make sense to me:
Since you seem to be able to control the information you receive from the feed I would set it up to send you only the contacts that need to be added/removed. You could handle this a few ways depending on your deployment intentions but I would go with the following:
Find a way to signal a first time run of the application, and as a result all contacts would be new, and you could populate your list fully with a slightly longer first time setup. Then any further changes could be quickly handled by smaller edits made to the local list.
You would need to set up Core Data for your application, which should be fairly straightforward in your case, and after this you can use the built in NSFetchRequest to do your searches that will then quickly return a list of narrowed down contacts. As for the physical picker that is just a matter of building the UI which will require some design from your end as you are the only one that knows what you are going for in that regard. Depending on the complexity of your app and what functionality you will want to include you could get away with 1-2 views that simply do the displaying of the contacts in a table and then the picker just reloads when appropriate.
I'm not familiar with the implementation of XML Feeds and receiving data from them, but I have done XML Response parsing into Core Data from a SOAP service before and they shouldn't be terribly different.
Regarding resource to get you started should you need them, I would recommend the following:
The eBooks I have linked are both absolutely fantastic and one of the few xCode 4.0 books that I was able to find that seemed to be of an actual usable quality. They both contain easy to follow and clear tutorials on simple and more advanced aspects of programming for iOS.
Ray's site is an immensely helpful resource as it contains both a very active forum base for iOS programming in addition to a constantly growing tutorial collection as there are 4-5 people that constantly are creating new tutorials that the community votes on and suggests every week. It contains some more advanced topics than the above books and I would recommend looking at it after doing a few walk through/tutorials from the books.
I'll stick around if you have any further questions, otherwise you can send me a notification via these comments, or just post another question and someone is bound to help you out!