Python autocompletion in neovim using deoplete - autocomplete

I am trying to set up deoplete in neovim for autocompletion in python. In the screen shot below, you can see that it recognizes numpy module, but when I add "." following "np", I get no autocomplete suggestions at all. How do I debug it?

You need to wait a second for autosuggestion to pop up.
Also you can try typing some letters to narrow it down.


How do I get imports to show up when I press ctrl+dot in javascript in vscode?

When writing JSX (or any typescript code really) if you have an available import that's not yet imported, you get a squiggly line under it and can press ctrl+dot on it and then automatically import the code as a "refactoring."
How can I set this up in Javascript? I've seen a screenshot of someone else's VSC where it is available underneath "more options" and so I'm pretty sure it's possible, but when I press ctrl+dot I get nothing.
Note: I'm aware I can press ctrl+space. However, I don't want to do this, for two reasons. (1) alt+space is pretty bad UX because if you press it in the middle of a word it continues to autocomplete even if you already had the full name there and so you are left with an incorrect tag (e.g. if your cursor was after the d in Keyboard for a component called KeyboardRow you are left with KeyboardRowRow) and (2) I want to rebind quick fix to alt+enter to match pycharm; and I want the same hotkey & UX in both Typescript and Javascript.
I haven't worked too much with JS, mainly with TS, but I have two extensions installed in my vscode that helped me a lot while coding in vanilla JS.
Path intellisense and Auto import
You can try if My Code Actions can be used to construct a Quick Fix for these types of PROBLEMS/squiggles

VSCode autocomplete/intellisense(?) in Jupyter Notebook when starting string literals keeps making me accidentally insert 'ArithmeticError' every time

screenshot of the popup code suggestion box being mentioned
In VSCode Jupyter Notebook code cells, I keep having this annoying popup when I open any single or double quotes. It doesn't appear on markdown cells, nor in regular editor on .py files. It doesn't look like your typical IntelliSense suggestions either (I think), and I've tried to disable as many of such extensions as possible, but I'm not able to get rid of this annoying popup.
Appreciate if someone could point me in the right direction. Or at least what it's actually called, so I can Google the correct term. Thanks.
Figured it out.
In VS Code settings, go to Extensions > Jupyter > Python Completion Trigger Characters
defaults were: .%'"
So I deleted the single and double quotes, restarted, and voila, no more annoying popups.

NetLogo autocompletion with windows

Anyone know how to use the autocompletion in NetLogo with a windows system. I saw something like this in a video, he was using mac. The document said version after 6.0 support autocompletion
to setup
It supposes to be autocomplete suggestion after I type clear
Autocompletion is not triggered automatically: type the first letters of the command, than press CTRL + SPACE, and a dropdown menu will appear with command suggestions. Please check the screenshot below.

Why does vscode remove the prefix from intellisense suggestions?

I'm trying to figure out why this is happening and how to stop it.
I'm typing edi in the screenshot and the autocomplete options are only the letters that come after edi. I'd like it to show the full name of the suggestions.
How can this be changed?

unable to type in Visual Studio Code

people from StackOverflow. I have a very frustrating experience with VS Code. At the moment of starting a new file, a mode starts on the editor that makes me being unable to type anything. Here is a youtube link from me, trying to type something.
Unable to type characters in VScode
Please, tell me, what should I do?
press control+C, then press "i" to get in the "insert" status, you could edit your file now.
It looks like you have the Vim extension, or another extension, installed which is causing this. I see SURROUND INPUT MODE in the status bar which is probably the cause. Look at your extensions and see whether you need to disable or uninstall one, or start Code with --disable-extensions flag to disable them all.
I have been having the same problem caused by a plugin called vim (vim emulation for Visual studio code)...If it can help..
I had the same issue so I look up to Visual Studio Extensions and Disabled Vim extension then I can now edit my code anytime.
I had the same issue which was caused by the vim extension. Just go to extensions and type in vim, if it's installed clicked uninstall then reload/refresh vscode. This worked wonders for me.
Just press "i" on your keyboard, it should work!
You can disable this by starting with the letter i while your file is opened and with the cursor at any point on your file. Tapping i on your keyboard should immediately take you back to insert mode.
Challenge with this: You have to do it for every file before you start typing.
This is probably the VIM extension. You can keep the extension, all you need to do is command + C then i. the i is to get into insert mode.
To completely solve this problem, you may have to uninstall or disable VIM as an extension
Had the same problem. all I had to do was disable the vim extension install in my vscode
Disabling vim plugin in VS code helps.