Size of the Kafka Streams In Memory Store - apache-kafka

I am doing an aggregation on a Kafka topic stream and saving to an in memory state store. I would like to know the exact size of the accumulated in memory data, is this possible to find?
I looked through the jmx metrics on jconsole and Confluent Control Centre but nothing seemed relevant, is there anything I can use to find this out please?

You can get the number of stored key-value-pairs of an in-memory store, via KeyValueStore#approximateNumEntries() (for the default in-memory-store implementation, this number is actually accurate). If you can estimate the byte size per key-value pair, you can do the math.
However, estimating the byte size of an object is pretty hard to do in general in Java. The problem is, that Java does not provide any way to receive the actual size of an object. Also, objects can be nested making it even harder. Finally, besides the actual data, there is always some metadata overhead per object, and this overhead is JVM implementation dependent.


Flink reduce shuffling overhead and memory consumption

My Flink job is frequently going OOM with one or the other task manager. I have enough memory and storage for my job (2 JobManagers/16 TaskManagers - each with 15core and 63GB RAM). Sometimes the job runs 4 days before throwing OOM, sometimes job goes into OOM in 2 days. But the traffic is consistent compared to previous days.
I have a received a suggestion not to pass through objects in streaming pipeline and instead use primitives to reduce shuffling overhead and memory consumption.
The flink job I work is written in Java. Lets say below is my pipeline
Kafka source
deserialize (converted bytes to java object, the object contains String, int, long types)
FirstKeyedWindow (the above serialized java objects received here)
SecondKeyedWindow (the above reduced java objects received here)
Kafka sink (above java objects are serialized into bytes and are produced to kafka)
My question is what all should I consider to reduce the overhead and memory consumption?
Will replacing String with char array helps reduce overhead a bit? or
Should I only deal with bytes all through the pipeline?
If I serialize the object between the KeyedWindows, will it help reduce the overhead? but if I have to read the bytes back, then I need to deserialize, use as required and then serialize it. Wouldn't it create more overhead of serializing/deserializing?
Appreciate your suggestions. Headsup, I am talking about 10TB of data received per day.
Update 1:
The exception I see for OOM is as below: Connection unexpectedly closed by remote task manager 'host/host:port'. This might indicate that the remote task manager was lost.
Answering to David Anderson comments below:
The Flink version used is v1.11 The state backend used is RocksDB, file system based. The job is running out of heap memory. Each message from Kafka source is sized up-to 300Bytes.
The reduce function does deduplication (removes duplicates within the same group), the second reduce function does aggregation (updates the count within the object).
Update 2:
After thorough exploration, I found that Flink uses Kyro default serializer which is inefficient. I understood custom_serializers can help reduce overhead if we define one instead of using Kyro default. I am now trying out google-protobuf to see if it performs any better.
And, I am also looking forward to increase which suits to my job parallelism. Yet to find out the right calculation to set the above configuration.
I am answering my own question here after what I tried has worked for me. I have found extra metrics in Grafana that is tied to my Flink job. Two of the metrics are GC time and GC count. I have seen some good spikes in GC (Garbage Collection) metrics. The reason for that could possibly be is, I have some new object creations going in the job pipeline. And considering the TBs of data I am dealing with and 20 Billion records per day, this object creations went haywire. I have optimized it to reuse the objects as much as I can and that reduced the amount of memory consumption.
And I have increased the to the required value which is set to 1GB default.
In my question above, I talked about custom serializers to reduce network overhead. I tried implementing protobuf serializer with Kyro and the protobuf generated classes are final. If I have to update the objects, I have to create new objects which will create spikes in GC metrics. So, avoided using it. May be I can further change the protobuf generate classes to suit my needs. Will consider that step if things are inconsistent.

Kafka variable event payload size

I am trying to figure out an optimal event size to produce into Kafka. I may have events ranging from 1KB to 20KB and wonder if this will be an issue.
It is possible that I could make some producer changes to make them all roughly a similar size, say 1KB-3KB. Would this be an advantage or will Kafka have no issue with the variable event size?
Is there an optimal event size for Kafka or does that depend on the configured Segment settings?
By default, Kafka supports up to 1MB messages, and this can be changed to be larger, of course sacrificing network IO and latency as a result of making it larger.
That being said, I don't think it really matters if messages are consistently sized or not for the sizes of data that you are talking about.
If you really want to squeeze your payloads, you can look into different serialization frameworks and compression algorithms offered in the Kafka API.

Kafka vs. MongoDB for time series data

I'm contemplating on whether to use MongoDB or Kafka for a time series dataset.
At first sight obviously it makes sense to use Kafka since that's what it's built for. But I would also like some flexibility in querying, etc.
Which brought me to question: "Why not just use MongoDB to store the timestamped data and index them by timestamp?"
Naively thinking, this feels like it has the similar benefit of Kafka (in that it's indexed by time offset) but has more flexibility. But then again, I'm sure there are plenty of reasons why people use Kafka instead of MongoDB for this type of use case.
Could someone explain some of the reasons why one may want to use Kafka instead of MongoDB in this case?
I'll try to take this question as that you're trying to collect metrics over time
Yes, Kafka topics have configurable time retentions, and I doubt you're using topic compaction because your messages would likely be in the form of (time, value), so the time could not be repeated anyway.
Kafka also provides stream processing libraries so that you can find out averages, min/max, outliers&anamolies, top K, etc. values over windows of time.
However, while processing all that data is great and useful, your consumers would be stuck doing linear scans of this data, not easily able to query slices of it for any given time range. And that's where time indexes (not just a start index, but also an end) would help.
So, sure you can use Kafka to create a backlog of queued metrics and process/filter them over time, but I would suggest consuming that data into a proper database because I assume you'll want to be able to query it easier and potentially create some visualizations over that data.
With that architecture, you could have your highly available Kafka cluster holding onto data for some amount of time, while your downstream systems don't necessarily have to be online all the time in order to receive events. But once they are, they'd consume from the last available offset and pickup where they were before
Like the answers in the comments above - neither Kafka nor MongoDB are well suited as a time-series DB with flexible query capabilities, for the reasons that #Alex Blex explained well.
Depending on the requirements for processing speed vs. query flexibility vs. data size, I would do the following choices:
Cassandra [best processing speed, best/good data size limits, worst query flexibility]
TimescaleDB on top of PostgresDB [good processing speed, good/OK data size limits, good query flexibility]
ElasticSearch [good processing speed, worst data size limits, best query flexibility + visualization]
P.S. by "processing" here I mean both ingestion, partitioning and roll-ups where needed
P.P.S. I picked those options that are most widely used now, in my opinion, but there are dozens and dozens of other options and combinations, and many more selection criteria to use - would be interested to hear about other engineers' experiences!

Kafka Streams - reducing the memory footprint for large state stores

I have a topology (see below) that reads off a very large topic (over a billion messages per day). The memory usage of this Kafka Streams app is pretty high, and I was looking for some suggestions on how I might reduce the footprint of the state stores (more details below). Note: I am not trying to scape goat the state stores, I just think there may be a way for me to improve my topology - see below.
// stream receives 1 billion+ messages per day
.flatMap((key, msg) -> rekeyMessages(msg))
.groupBy((key, value) -> key)
.reduce(new MyReducer(), MY_REDUCED_STORE)
// stream the compacted topic as a KTable
KTable<String, String> rekeyedTable = builder.table(OUTPUT_TOPIC, REKEYED_STORE);
// aggregation 1
// aggreation 2
// etc
More specifically, I'm wondering if streaming the OUTPUT_TOPIC as a KTable is causing the state store (REKEYED_STORE) to be larger than it needs to be locally. For changelog topics with a large number of unique keys, would it be better to stream these as a KStream and do windowed aggregations? Or would that not reduce the footprint like I think it would (e.g. that only a subset of the records - those in the window, would exist in the local state store).
Anyways, I can always spin up more instances of this app, but I'd like to make each instance as efficient as possible. Here's my question:
Are there any config options, general strategies, etc that should be considered for Kafka Streams app with this level of throughput?
Are there any guidelines for how memory intensive a single instance should have? Even if you have a somewhat arbitrary guideline, it may be helpful to share with others. One of my instances is currently utilizing 15GB of memory - I have no idea if that's good/bad/doesn't matter.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
With your current pattern
you get two stores with the same content. One for the reduce() operator and one for reading the table() -- this can be reduced to one store though:
KTable rekeyedTable = stream.....reduce(.);
rekeyedTable.toStream().to(OUTPUT_TOPIC); // in case you need this output topic; otherwise you can also omit it completely
This should reduce your memory usage notably.
About windowing vs non-windowing:
it's a matter of your required semantics; so simple switching from a non-windowed to a windowed reduce seems to be questionable.
Even if you can also go with windowed semantics, you would not necessarily reduce memory. Note, in aggregation case, Streams does not store the raw records but only the current aggregate result (ie, key + currentAgg). Thus, for a single key, the storage requirement is the same for both cases (a single window has the same storage requirement). At the same time, if you go with windows, you might actually need more memory as you get an aggregate pro key pro window (while you get just a single aggregate pro key in the non-window case). The only scenario you might save memory, is the case for which you 'key space' is spread out over a long period of time. For example, you might not get any input records for some keys for a long time. In the non-windowed case, the aggregate(s) of those records will be stores all the time, while for the windowed case the key/agg record will be dropped and new entried will be re-created if records with this key occure later on again (but keep in mind, that you lost the previous aggergate in this case -- cf. (1))
Last but not least, you might want to have a look into the guidelines for sizing an application:

Implication of setting log.retention.hours to a very high number

I'm researching the possibility of using Kafka as the main storage for an event sourcing pattern. I'm having a hard time understanding if it is a good idea to store things in Kafka, longer term, or why not.
What would be the implications of simply setting log.retention.hours to a very large number, effectively turning Kafka into a permanent storage? As I've understood it - "Kafka's performance is effectively constant with respect to data size so retaining lots of data is not a problem."
That said, I also get the sense that this is not a common use case for Kafka, so there might be some limitation that I'm not understanding. I'm completely open to this being a bad idea, but I would like to understand why.