What happens to data that it is returned by an API and ignore - rest

I hope you are well, i am not a developer and i wanted to draw from the massive pool of expertise in here. I have an odd ish question that i can not accept the answer that i have been given as it does not add up from a security perspective.
the situation is that our API is passing a token with reference number for payment to a card payment provider which is Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard compliant, we do not want that responsibility hence we contract them. the customer enters all the details (name, card number etc etc) on the contractors site. They have a secure reporting portal that we do the reporting of daily transactions, refunds etc, so there is no need for us to have any data other than a reference number to marry it up with the token sent from us. It transpired earlier today that their API returns not only the token with the unique reference we need but the name, last 4 digits of card, address and other identifiable information, which we do not need or we want to have sight off.
The Contractor's reply was to and i quote "just ignore the data that it is return through the API and you do not need". I asked them what happens to that data a number of times and they did not provide a direct reply they just said other organisations use it that way with no issues...which as you expect have drove me absolutely bazurke.
i have found this 5 year old answer that says that disappears to the ether. I cant accept that data just disappears, insert GDPR concerns here.
What happens to unused function return values?
Apologies for the rant
TLDR: we sent token with unidentifiable personal information to card payment provider through API, Card Providers API returns name, card, address and other identifiable data. Card Providers response just ignore the information returned from the API you do not need.
thank you in advance for all your help.

So since you use a website to contact this API I will try to break down what is occurring.
You enter in a number on your website, which in turn becomes the key reference for the API call to the payment processor. The processor receives the ref number and grabs info pertaining to that number from their database. They then send this data as a response to your API call and the data is returned to the website. Now I am just speculating here but I am guessing your website does not do anything with this data, except display it. If this is the case the data is sitting in volatile memory, on the server the website is running on. Volatile memory (RAM) is memory that is not long lived, once space is needed it will be overwritten or if the system is turned off, it will be wiped immediately. Even when this data is in volatile memory it is only used in the context of your session on the website. Once you leave the page, there is no real way(easy anyway) to get that data back. It may still exist in RAM, but it is not accessible to anyone anymore and will be destroyed or overwritten once the server realizes it is not being used anymore.
There is a chance however that your website does save the API responses you get back in your own database. It sounds like this is not the case but I cannot be sure. But to ultimately answer the question, you can ignore this data and it is not very vulnerable or accessible to the outside world, so you don't have to worry about it getting into the wrong hands in this case. I hope this helps you some! Let me know if I can clarify anything for you further!

If no one uses the data, or looks at it, or stores it -- if it's just ignored -- then, yes, it disappears.
More specifically, in the computer that receives it, it's probably written into some space in volatile memory, and then the space is reused and overwritten the next time a response come in. Conceptually, at least.
It's possible that the receiving application has some kind of logs that are writing out data that is received, regardless of whether the app uses it or not, but other than that, without knowing what the app is doing, it's impossible to guess further.


Open REST API attached to a database- what stops a bad actor spamming my db?

I'm a client side developer with little experience of server side, and I'm struggling to understand how to make a database-backed website without requiring users to login.
The usecase is fairly straightforward. The user lands on a website, uploads an image, and performs some processing to that image. Clicking 'share' POSTs JSON to my endpoint, stores it in a DB, and returns a unique URL in a textbox (eg, https://example.com/art/12345) which allows the user to share their artwork with others, or just to come back and do more editing later on.
What stops somebody from doing, POST <data> https://example.com/art 100 million times and filling my pay-as-you-go database?
I've seen examples of this link based method of sharing between users on plenty of sites but I don't understand how to stop abuse, or whether it is safe to just open up an API which allows writes to a database. I do not want users to have to login.
I believe the simplest method is having a quota, either by username for logged in users or by IP, if you don't require logins or only want to allow free usage to a certain point. Perhaps you could have a smaller quota for non-logged in users than for logged in users and even larger for paying users.
Your server side code that handles the POSTS and storing data into the database would have to take care of that. I'd add it to a user_data table on mine, making an additional column that tracks total space used. makes a todo
Then, when the user adds new data, increase the total space used. When they delete old data (I have versioned web pages so that eventually, the user will be able to rollback to previous versions) then the space used decreases. Having another page to look at to see where they're using space makes deciding what to delete to stay under a quota of X MB's/GB's/TB's/etc easier or maybe just an /api/delete_old_pages or notes or comments or all of the above.

Debugging a zero-transaction result from the transactions endpoint in customer data api

We use the https://financialdatafeed.platform.intuit.com/v1/accounts/account_id_goes_here/transactions endpoint on a recurring basis to fetch transactions for all of the accounts we sync. We've been using this stably for quite awhile now, across a wide variety of accounts spanning 100s of financial institutions. This works great.
However, occasionally we get a report from a user who claims that we're not receiving transactions that they know to exist. Our investigation protocol is as follows:
To ask the user if they see the transactions when they sign into their bank's web site directly
To ask them to confirm that the credentials they used on their bank's web site are precisely the ones that they entered when setting up credit card sync on our site
We then manually inspect the response body from the above mentioned URL, to make sure that the HTTPS response indicates HTTP 200 and has a non-error response body (our app catches these errors correctly, but if debugging mysteriously missing transactions, we inspect the response body visually).
We look to see whether we're successfully syncing transactions for any other user that relies on the same FI. If we are, we become confident that both the bank and Intuit APIs are well-behaved, and that the problem is on our end somehow.
We sometimes ask users to try the same FI in Mint, guessing that if it fails in Mint, that it might be a bank or FI issue.
Investigation steps 1-2-3-4-5 tease out the root cause of at least 99% of the times when a user emails us to say that we're not successfully receiving their transactions. However, the remaining 1% are the tricky ones.
Today I'm faced with a situation where a user sees the txns on their bank website, swears that they are using the same creds when adding the card to our site, the HTTP response from the endpoint is HTTP 200 but contains zero transactions, but yet when the user tries via Mint they successfully see transactions.
However, the particular FI (OnPoint Community Credit Union) is not one where I can do investigation step 4, because we have no other users that currently rely on that FI. Is it possible for someone at Intuit to check to see whether there is evidence that users relying on OnPoint Community Credit Union are currently, successfully, retrieving transactions from that particular FI?
Any other suggestions for how to further deduce whether the zero-transaction response is due to: (a) user error, (b) bank server responding incorrectly, (c) Intuit server responding incorrectly, vs (d) our app behaving incorrectly?
Can you please submit a support ticket to Intuit with the Account_ID that is missing the transactions so that we can diagnose the issue? The first place to start when diagnosing the issue is to look at the Agg_status_code to make sure that reflects a '0'. If we are unable to login due to invalid credentials or MFA might be a cause of the missing transactions. I can help diagnose though once a ticket is submitted.

iphone app - preventing spam

I've developed an app that allows users to upload some photos and share them on Facebook/Dropbox/Twitter etc. Recently it went live in the app store.
However, I'm having a problem now: a bot is creating accounts and uploading many photos on my server. I've temporarily disabled the app, but now I'm looking for an efficient way to prevent this bot from doing this.
The bot's ip address is changing very often so it's impossible to block the ip. He creates accounts with a very realistic name and email address so it's hard to find out which users are real and which are created by the bot.
I was thinking of using a captcha, but I'm not sure if my app will be rejected by Apple if I implement this. I'm preferably looking for a way so I can prevent him from doing his work and so I don't have to resend the app to Apple again.
Could anyone give me some advice on what I could possibly do?
This is how I solved a similar problem:
I implemented a token-generator, which generates a one-time token for every single data transfer with the server, so even one for login-data, sending a file etc. This token is generated by a secret algorithm and can be verified server side, since you know how you generate one.
After one token is used, put it in a temporary list for the next X minutes/hours/days (depending on how many data transfers your server can handle). When a user tries to send data with a used token (i.e. the token matches one in the "banned" list), you can be sure that someone's trying to spam you -> mark the account as "spammer" and decide what you wish to do.
The algorithm must produce a different token each time (the best way would be a one-way hash), but you have to assure specific "properties", with which you can proof its authenticity.
So one very simple example:
Your algorithm in the client is generating a number between 1000000000000000000000 and 99999999999999999999999, this number is then multiplied with 12456564 and incremented by 20349.
The server becomes a specific command and data, and the generated token. Now it checks, whether (number - 20349)%12456564 is 0. If it's 0, it was likely generated by your "secret" algorithm.
It's a very basic example but you get the idea…

It is possible to manage users/identities in a data store that exhibits eventual consistency?

Is it possible to create/store user accounts in a data store that exhibits eventual consistency?
It seems impossible to manage account creation without a heap of architectural complexity to avoid situations where two account with the same UID (e.g. email address) can occur?
Do users of eventual consistency stores use a separate consistent DB as an identity store, or are there solutions/patterns that I should be exploring?
Thanks in advance,
It is possible to do use management in an eventually consistent data store. We do it. It works under the following assumptions:
Conflicts shouldn't happen and when they do there's a clear path to conflict resolution. If the account ID is a person's email address, then if two separate people try to register under the same email there's a bigger problem here. What we do in this case is block both new accounts as soon as the conflict is discovered and send an email to the address in conflict explaining to the user that there's an issue (possible fraud). You can either ask the user to reset to the account or ask them to contact support.
Repeated access by the same user within the timeframe in which the data is inconsistent go to the same replica. For instance, if a person just registered and the next request is a login, you must validate that login against the data replica where the new registration details exist. So if the eventual consistency is due to multiple data centers in different geographic locations and under normal conditions a request goes to the closest data center geographically, you're OK.
There are some edge cases, such as if a user registered against one data center, then that center crashed, and now the user cannot login even though he still can see the application - served from some other data center. You can calculate the expected frequency of this case based on your number of daily new users and average data center downtime. Then decide whether it's worth worrying about one user in a (million/billion/whatever your number is) having a problem and possibly contacting support. I faced the same decision not long ago and decided that from a cost-benefit perspective the answer is no.

Facebook data collection ethical issues

If I have a Facebook app, and my users agree to allow my app to access their information, photos, friends, etc, is it ethical to grab their information when they log in, and then saving it in memory so that the next time he goes to my app, it can load faster?
If so, what about when the user logged off? Is the right thing to do to is to delete all the cached information and photos that the user provided?
Has Facebook got any way to detect that we're doing this (saving their information, etc)?
EIDT: Just to be clear, Facebook's term and agreement is not very clear on this matter (agreeing to access information is not always equal to agreeing to have the information stored). As in where I'll be storing the data, it will be just in the user's disk, not my own server. So I can't guarantee that the data is being encrypted securely (If someone steal the phone, that someone will probably be able to get the data)
And yes, my intention is to give my users a better app experience, not anything else.
EDIT2: I'm torn, one answer with very high votes says it's ok because I'm providing a better user experience, but others says I'm breaching privacy. Can anyone provide links to the documentations? Or can more people vote? I'm really glad for the responses!
You're not being malicious. Providing the user a faster experience is beneficial to both the user and to you.
With that said, if the data is not stored on your server in a secure manner and you're being reckless or negligent with the security of that data, then that may raise some ethical questions.
I'd say that it would probably be best to have it off by default, but possibly prompt users to opt-in for faster load times. I think a lot of people would have a problem with you storing their personal data on your server for an arbitrary amount of time past when they sign out of the app.
My answer is similiar to #Keysmack.
I believe you should set default to "off" for caching user's personal fb data.
Opt-in for faster load,performance, more features, etc are all good reasons.
The reason you should offer off by default is that it is actually illegal to store user info without getting their permission in countries such as Australia.
so make sure you consider the legal requirements of the countries your users come from as well as the FB T&C.
Update: Apparently my country passed some new law that makes it a legal requirement to store data for up to 90 days.