how to fit a complex model to complex data - matlab

My aim is to fit gaussian-hermite-polynoms to complex measurement data (consisting out of absolute and an phase part). There are seven independent parameters (p) to generate such an gaussian-hermite-mode. I implement everthing in Matlab, so calculating such a mode is no problem. Problem is the fitting operation. At the moment, I implement two versions. First one is with fminsearch, the second one with lsqnonlin:
fun=#(p) CalcCoeff(c1,...
% [fpar,fval,exitflag,output] = fminsearch(fun,p,options);
options = optimoptions('lsqnonlin','Display','iter');
The function CalcCoeff calculates the difference in case of lsqnonlin, in case of fminsearch it calculates the overlap-integral (dot product).
As a test, I calculate a simple gaussian-mode and tried to reconstruct the parameters used. But my algorithm failed in both cases. It operates without any error message, but the parameters can't be reconstructed. So the question I ask myself is: are there too many parameters for the optimization, so the algorithm isn't able to converge? Or is it even a global problem?
I would be very pleased, if any optimization specialist would give me any hint what might go wrong.
If I asked my question in a wrong way just let me know.


Ways to Improve Universal Differential Equation Training with sciml_train

About a month ago I asked a question about strategies for better convergence when training a neural differential equation. I've since gotten that example to work using the advice I was given, but when I applied what the same advice to a more difficult model, I got stuck again. All of my code is in Julia, primarily making use of the DiffEqFlux library. In effort to keep this post as brief as possible, I won't share all of my code for everything I've tried, but if anyone wants access to it to troubleshoot I can provide it.
What I'm Trying to Do
The data I'm trying to learn comes from an SIRx model:
function SIRx!(du, u, p, t)
β, μ, γ, a, b = Float32.([280, 1/50, 365/22, 100, 0.05])
S, I, x = u
du[1] = μ*(1-x) - β*S*I - μ*S
du[2] = β*S*I - (μ+γ)*I
du[3] = a*I - b*x
The initial condition I used was u0 = Float32.([0.062047128, 1.3126149f-7, 0.9486445]);. I generated data from t=0 to 25, sampled every 0.02 (in training, I only use every 20 points or so for speed, and using more doesn't improve results). The data looks like this: Training Data
The UDE I'm training is
function SIRx_ude!(du, u, p, t)
μ, γ = Float32.([1/50, 365/22])
S,I,x = u
du[1] = μ*(1-x) - μ*S + ann_dS(u, #view p[1:lenS])[1]
du[2] = -(μ+γ)*I + ann_dI(u, #view p[lenS+1:lenS+lenI])[1]
du[3] = ann_dx(u, #view p[lenI+1:end])[1]
Each of the neural networks (ann_dS, ann_dI, ann_dx) are defined using FastChain(FastDense(3, 20, tanh), FastDense(20, 1)). I tried using a single neural network with 3 inputs and 3 outputs, but it was slower and didn't perform any better. I also tried normalizing inputs to the network first, but it doesn't make a significant difference outside of slowing things down.
What I've Tried
Single shooting
The network just fits a line through the middle of the data. This happens even when I weight the earlier datapoints more in the loss function. Single-shot Training
Multiple Shooting
The best result I had was with multiple shooting. As seen here, it's not simply fitting a straight line, but it's not exactly fitting the data eitherMultiple Shooting Result. I've tried continuity terms ranging from 0.1 to 100 and group sizes from 3 to 30 and it doesn't make a significant difference.
Various Other Strategies
I've also tried iteratively growing the fit, 2-stage training with a collocation, and mini-batching as outlined here:,, Iteratively growing the fit works well the first couple of iterations, but as the length increases it goes back to fitting a straight line again. 2-stage collocation training works really well for stage 1, but it doesn't actually improve performance on the second stage (I've tried both single and multiple shooting for the second stage). Finally, mini-batching worked about as well as single-shooting (which is to say not very well) but much more quickly.
My Question
In summary, I have no idea what to try. There are so many strategies, each with so many parameters that can be tweaked. I need a way to diagnose the problem more precisely so I can better decide how to proceed. If anyone has experience with this sort of problem, I'd appreciate any advice or guidance I can get.
This isn't a great SO question because it's more exploratory. Did you lower your ODE tolerances? That would improve your gradient calculation which could help. What activation function are you using? I would use something like softplus instead of tanh so that you don't have the saturating behavior. Did you scale the eigenvalues and take into account the issues explored in the stiff neural ODE paper? Larger neural networks? Different learning rates? ADAM? Etc.
This is much better suited for a forum for discussion like the JuliaLang Discourse. We can continue there since walking through this will not be fruitful without some back and forth.

How to run parameters optimization for my model using the GPU

Essentially, I have a model with given a set of parameters is able to calculate different thermodynamic properties for different compounds, let's say liquid densities and vapor pressures for example.
When I want to regress the model parameters (e.g. a,b,c,d,e) by fitting data for different compounds, I usually do a lot of sequential operations that I am sure I can easily improve their efficiency. I am thinking about multiobjective optimization or even better-using GPU or multicores of the CPU. But I am a bit lost on where to start from reading just the documentation.
So within my objetive function I usually have something like:
[fval]= objective_function(a,b,c,d,e)
exp_density1=load some text file or so.
exp_density2=load some text file or so.
exp_vaporpressure1=load some text file or so.
exp_vaporpressure2=load some text file or so.
vapor_pressures=vapor_pressures (a,b,c,d,e,input_comp2)
ARD_d1=expression for deviations between experimental and calculated values for density of comp.1
fval= ARD_d1+ARD_d2+ARD_p1+ARD_p2
Which is then evaluated by something like fminsearch but I have also used others in the past, fminsearch worked the best for me. When I do this for just one component It works fast enough for my purpose (but I am a patient man). But now I've extended the model in a way that I need to regress parameters simultaneous from more than one component and it becomes impossible.
I am quite sure this way of doing the calculations can be improved because I can run the calculations for the different compounds simultaneous instead of doing them sequentially, and then evaluate fval when the calculations for all components are done. But how?

Using Gurobi to run a MIQP: how can I improve time performance?

I am using Gurobi to run a MIQP (Mixed Integer Quadratic Programming) with linear constraints in Matlab. The solver is very slow and I would like your help to understand whether I can do something about it.
These are the lines which I use to launch the problem
clear model;
clear params;
model.A=[Aineq; Aeq];
model.rhs=[bineq; beq];
model.sense=[repmat('<', size(Aineq,1),1); repmat('=', size(Aeq,1),1)];
This is a screenshot of the output in the Matlab window.
Question 1: It is the first time I am trying to run a MIQP and I would like to have your advice to understand what I can do to improve performance. Let me tell what I have tried so far:
I cheated by imposing params.MIPGap=10^(-1). In this way the phase of node exploration is made shorter. What are the cons of doing this?
I have big-M coefficients and I have tied them to the smallest possible values.
I have tried setting params.ScaleFlag=2; params.ObjScale=2 but it makes things slower
I have changed params.method but it does not seem to help (unless you have some specific recommendation)
I have increase params.Threads but it does not seem to help
Question 2 (minor): Why do I get a negative objective in the root simplex log? How can the objective function be negative?
Without having the full model here, there is not much on advise to give. Tight Big-M formulations are important, but you said, you checked them already. Sometimes splitting them up might help, but this is a complex field.
What might give great benefits for some problems is using the Gurobi parameter tuning tool. So try to export your model and feed the tuning tool with it. It automatically tries different of the hundreds of tuning parameters and might give some nice results.
Regarding the question about negative objectives in the simplex logs, I can think of a couple of possible explanations. First, note that the negative objective values occur in the presence of dual infeasibilities in the dual simplex run. In such a case, I'm not sure exactly what the primal objective values correspond to. Second, if you have a MIQP with products of binaries in the objective, Gurobi may convexify the objective in a way that makes it possible for a negative objective to appear in the reformulated model even when the original model must have a nonnegative objective in any feasible solution.

How can I swap a section of a row with another within an array?

I am in the process of coding a simple Genetic Algorithm (GA). There are probably countless areas where I have unnecessarily used a for loop. I would like some tips on how to be more MATLAB efficient as well as an answer to my question. As far as I can tell I have succeeded but I am not sure. The area which this code defines is single-point crossover
Here is what I have tried...
crossPoints=randi([1 24],popSize/2,1);
for popNo=2:2:popSize
isolate([1 2],:)=isolate([2 1],:);
where, 'crossPoints' is the point at which single point crossover
between two binary encoded chromosomes is required.
'popSize' is the size of the population, required by my code to
be an even number
'isolate' defines the sections of 2 rows which are required to be swapped
with each other
'chromoParent' is the initial population which is required to be
changed by single-point crossover
'chromoChild' is the resulting population
Both 'chromoParent' and 'chromoChild' are represented by an array of
size, popSize x 25 binary characters
Can you spot an error in the way I am thinking about this problem? What's the most efficient way (in computational time) to achieve the same thing? It would help if you could be as broad as possible so that I could begin applying the principles I learn here to the rest of my code.
Thank you.
Your code looks fine. If you want, you can reduce the instructions in the loop to a single line by some very simple indexing:
chromoParent( popNo-1:popNo, crossPoints(popNo/2,1)+1:end) = ...
This may be marginally faster, but as with any optimization, you should profile it first (My guess is that these line contribute very little to the overall CPU time).

max likelihood fminsearch

I used Matlab-fminsearch for a negativ max likelihood model for a binomial distributed function. I don't get any error notice, but the parameter which I want to estimate, take always the start value. Apparently, there is a mistake. I know that I ask a totally general question. But is it possible that anybody had the same mistake and know how to deal with it?
Thanks a lot,
#woodchips, thank you a lot. Step by step, I've tried to do what you advised me. First of all, I actually maximized (-log(likelihood)) and this is not the problem. I think I found out the problem but I still have some questions, if I don't bother you. I have a model(param) to maximize in paramstart=p1. This model is built for (-log(likelihood(F))) and my F is a vectorized function like F(t,Z,X,T,param,m2,m3,k,l). I have a data like (tdata,kdata,ldata),X,T are grids and Z is a function on this grid and (m1,m2,m3) are given parameters.When I want to see the value of F(tdata,Z,X,T,m1,m2,m3,kdata,ldata), I get a good output. But I think fminsearch accept that F(tdata,Z,X,T,p,m2,m3,kdata,ldata) like a constant and thatswhy I always have as estimated parameter the start value. I will be happy, if you have any advise to tweak that.
You have some options you can try to tweak. I'd start with algorithm.
When the function value practically doesn't change around your startpoint it's also problematic. Maybe switching to log-likelyhood helps.
I always use fminunc or fmincon. They allow also providing the Hessian (typically better than "estimated") or 'typical values' so the algorithm doesn't spend time in unfeasible regions.
It is virtually always true that you should NEVER maximize a likelihood function, but ALWAYS maximize the log of that function. Floating point issues will almost always corrupt the problem otherwise. That your optimization starts and stops at the same point is a good indicator this is the problem.
You may well need to dig a little deeper than the above, but even so, this next test is the test I recommend that all users of optimization tools do for every one of their problems, BEFORE they throw a function into an optimizer. Evaluate your objective for several points in the vicinity. Does it yield significantly different values? If not, then look to see why not. Are you creating a non-smooth objective to optimize, or a zero objective? I.e., zero to within the supplied tolerances?
If it does yield different values but still not converge, then make sure you know how to call the optimizer correctly. Yeah, right, like nobody has ever made this mistake before. This is actually a very common cause of failure of optimizers.
If it does yield good values that vary, and you ARE calling the optimizer correctly, then think if there are regions into which the optimizer is trying to diverge that yield garbage results. Is the objective generating complex or imaginary results?