"GRANT SELECT table TO role" is not working - postgresql

I have very simple db (PostgreSQL)
And i created one role: manage
Then, I executed
set role postgres;
GRANT SELECT ON public.orders TO manage;
SET ROLE manage;
SELECT * FROM orders;
But, when I try to execute:
select * from orders
I see empty output
But, in that table, there are some rows:
Here is the output using the role postgres.
I want give right to read to "manage" role.

Two possibilities:
There are two tables with the same name in different schemas
Row level security is active on the table.


Creating a role/user that only displays list of accessible tables

I'm trying to tighten up some roles/user privileges for my postgresql db. What I'm trying to achieve is a readonly user to ONLY be able to see the list of tables they have access to.
I've created a role:
CREATE ROLE readonly;
Granting readonly privileges to certain tables:
GRANT SELECT on TABLE table_1 to readonly;
GRANT SELECT on TABLE table_2 to readonly;
Created the user:
CREATE USER readonlyuser with password '<password>';
Assigned readonly role:
GRANT readonly on readonlyuser;
But still, when I run \d when I'm signed in as that user it still lists ALL tables (including tables that this user does not have access to)
And same goes for running \du, which lists ALL users and roles.
Is there anyway to only display the tables this user has access to and also not allowing to view the users/roles list?

Permission denied for relation <table_name>

So I'm making this app and I'm using Postgres and I've already created a database, a user and a password and granted all privileges on the database to the user I've created.
The thing is, when I switch the database in psql using \c <database_name> I get in just fine and can use queries on it.
But when I run psql using postgres://user_name:password#localhost:5432/databasename on terminal and try to select * from the <table_name> it gives me this message
permission denied for relation <table_name>
Can you please tell me what to do, I've had this problem before and I had to create another database or change the user but I want a better solution please.
PS: I've tried to use this :
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON TABLE <table_name> to <user_name>
This is how I created and accessed my database:
rawan95=# create database food ;
rawan95=# create user meal with password '123';
rawan95=# grant all privileges on database food to meal;
rawan95=# \c food
You are now connected to database "food" as user "rawan95".
After that, I've built it using
food=# \i src/database/db_build.sql
Then I selected data from the table just fine, but when I try to access it using this, I get an error: psql postgres://meal:123#localhost:5432/food
food=> select * from foods;
ERROR: permission denied for relation foods
You are granting the privileges before you create the tables.
As there are no tables at that moment nothing is granted. The tables you created are not owned by the user meal but the user rawan95 (which the \c command told you).
Plus: granting "all privileges" on a database, does not grant any select privilege. As documented in the manual "all privileges" are: CREATE, CONNECT, TEMPORARY, TEMP. The CREATE privilege would allow the user meal to create tables in that database.
If you want all those tables to be owned by the user meal you need to run your setup script after you connected as the user meal (the \c command did not change the current user)
If you do want rawan95 to be the owner of the tables, you need to either grant the select privilege after creating all tables:
grant select on all tables in schema public to meal;
Or, you can change the default privilege before creating the tables (before running db_build.sql), so that they are applied to all tables in the future:
alter default privileges in schema public
grant select on all tables to meal;
The alter default privileges only has an effect for tables that are created after that. So to fix your current setup, you need to first grant select on the existing tables, and the change the default privileges for all tables that are created in the future.
Have you granted usage on the schema? Without that the table permissions are useless.
GRANT USAGE ON SCHEMA schema_name TO username
EDIT: Based on comment thread below we have established.
The table is in public schema.
The table belongs to rawan95 but the schema does not (public schema belongs to root postgres user).
The OP is attempting to connect and access the table as user 'meal' they have granted table permissions using the rawan95 user but are unable to grant schema permissions.
From the above, the problem could still be that the user 'meal' does not have usage on the public schema. If you are on Linux the quickest way to sort this is to switch to the super user to make this change from terminal:
sudo -u postgres psql -c "GRANT USAGE ON SCHEMA public TO meal"
FURTHER EDIT - having read your new clarification this is not correct (or at least not useful). The issue is as pointed out by the other answerer that you didn't have a table at the time you did the grant.

How to grant user access to one table in a specific schema in Redshift

Logged in as the superuser, how can I grant user access to a specific table under a specific schema.
I tried this
GRANT SELECT on TABLE this_schema.my_table TO my_user
But when I login as my_user I can't select from the table. I don't want my_user to have access to any other tables in this_schema.
Is this possible?
Yes its possible.
You can use following command, to give select access of specific table to specific user.
NOTE: user still list and describe other tables in the given schema.
You need to grant usage on the schema as well
GRANT USAGE ON SCHEMA this_schema TO GROUP my_user;
Without creating user group, you can do:
GRANT SELECT ON TABLE my_table IN SCHEMA this_schema TO my_user;

Revoke SELECT from inherited role

I am having a slight problem getting permissions to work the way I want them.
I have a role that should generally be allowed to SELECT everywhere, there are a bunch of members to this role. One of them should NOT be allowed to select from a certain table.
I thought this would be possible by granting role membership to the general reader role and revoking SELECT from the restricted table.
It seems the the permissions of the parent role apply and not the specific permissions. Is there a way around this without having to maintain the permissions of the more restricted role or am I applying the role concept in PostgreSQL in a wrong way?
Here's a sample script:
-- as superuser
CREATE DATABASE permission_test;
\c permission_test
CREATE ROLE r_general_select;
CREATE ROLE r_restricted_select IN ROLE r_general_select;
-- set the default permissions
payload TEXT
insert into "open"(payload) values ('test');
-- covered by default privileges
-- Tests
-- this is good
SET ROLE r_general_select;
SELECT * FROM "open";
-- this is good
SET ROLE r_restricted_select;
SELECT * FROM "open";
CREATE TABLE "restricted" (
payload TEXT
insert into "restricted"(payload) values ('test');
-- the role and it's members should be able to read
GRANT SELECT ON "restricted" TO r_general_select;
-- except for this one!
REVOKE SELECT ON "restricted" FROM r_restricted_select;
-- Tests
-- this is good
SET ROLE r_general_select;
SELECT * FROM restricted;
-- this should barf with a permission violation
SET ROLE r_restricted_select;
SELECT * FROM restricted;
DROP OWNED BY "r_restricted_select" CASCADE;
DROP ROLE r_restricted_select ;
DROP OWNED BY "r_general_select" CASCADE;
DROP ROLE r_general_select ;
In PostgreSQL, role permissions are purely additive. There is no way in such a model to revoke from a descendant, inheriting role a permission granted on the inherited one.
To fix this you need to change your permissions approach and base it on permissions that always occur together. I usually do this by looking at functional dependencies and operational dependencies together.

Create trigger on create role

I have a PostgreSQL database. I create new READ-ONLY users as follows:
$ sudo -upostgres psql postgres
postgres=# CREATE ROLE readonly;
postgres=# GRANT SELECT ON ALL TABLES IN SCHEMA public TO readonly;
postgres=# BEGIN;
postgres=# COMMIT;
Also I have a table "is_admin" where I manually add new users (it happens really rarely). If it is read-only user users.is_admin = false and if it is user with all priveleges users.is_admin = true.
users.oid users.is_admin (bool)
1 true
2 false
3 false
... ...
Then in code I check if user is admin or not with this query:
SELECT users.is_admin
FROM users.users
JOIN pg_authid ON pg_authid.oid = users.oid::oid
WHERE rolname = "PUT_ROLNAME";
So, the main question is how to automatically add new users to "is_admin" table? I read that trigger or smth like that can help me (for example, trigger ON CREATE ROLE).
You can't create triggers on administrative change, like create role.
But I think you don't need is_admin column at all. You can simply use
select pg_has_role('username', 'rolename', 'MEMBER');
to determine if user has some role or not.