Generating code from a uml model(activity, statechart) - android-activity

I need to generate java code from uml.
I tested different modeling Tools such as modelio, eclipse modeling framework emf, visual paradigm....
However all of these help me to generate java code from class diagram, which will only help me in generating the getter /setter and the function header.
I need to generate the function body from activity, statechart or sequence diagram
I need to know what is the best modeling tool to do so and can I create a code generator to be able to customize the generate code

Try the Alf plugin for MagicDraw that produces UML activities, then the Lieber Lieber tool to generate code from UML activities. Executable UML is becoming a thing, finally.


Is it possible to generate complete C/C++/Java code from a State machine in Magic Draw?

I want to generate code from my state machine in Magic Draw. Magic Draw supports code generation for classes but does not include an option for state machine. I tried using SinelaboreRT software. However, it generates limited code. We need to manually add 'Main' function and other functions defined inside states. I wanted to know if it is possible to generate an executable or a C/C++/Java code file with all the code mentioned inside states as well a 'Main' function?
Yes, there are three main options that I am aware of 1) make your own code generator, 2) buy a commercial code generator e.g. LieberLieber provides what appears to be a fairly sophisticated one, or 3) use one of the open source code generators such as Papyrus-RT.
The first option isn't actually that difficult depending on your target language and framework. For my work at MITRE, I have written a generator to take properly formed Magicdraw models and create deploy-able Spring microservices. I used the Spring state machine library to simplify the STM code generation.
I personally found most convenient way to create state machine from models is UML or any other DSL is the combination of
Eclipse Papyrus / Eclipse XText / Eclipse XTend
there is also new kind in the block, if you don't want to work Eclipse based
but they are suffering at the moment little bit from being new but I will advice you check them every 6 months, they seem promising.
If you want to see how is it done, I have several blogs about it.
UML Based:
Akka Finite State Machine Generation Blog2
Papyrus and Spring State Machine
DSL Based:
XText and Spring State Machine

External DSL for CRUD code generation for multiple frameworks

I am developing a general purpose CRUD code generator application. The idea is that codes/files (model, controller, view) for common insert, update, list, delete etc. operations will be automatically generated from model definition (like the definition used in Grails). But the generated code can be for any framework, e.g. Play (Scala or Java version) or Django or Grails or whatever framework user wants to use it for, even AngularJs. That is, same model definition can be used for generating code for any framework.
My question is, what can I use for this task - Scala or Groovy or some DSL specialized tools like Xtext?
This seems like a good case for a DSL. A DSL can be summed up as the following 3 elements:
Abstract Syntax: the concepts of your DSL. Here you want to specify CRUD applications.
Concrete Syntax(es): a way to materialize your Abstract Syntax. As a programmer, the first thought is often text-based syntaxes, but you could also use a graphical or tree-like syntax, or even simply a GUI with text fields and checkboxes.
Semantics: the meanings of your DSL. Here you want to generate code.
I'll now suggest some solutions which are based on Java and come from the Eclipse Modeling ecosystem.
Eclipse EMF implements standards for the definition of so-called "metamodels" (basically abstract syntaxes). In the Eclipse world, EMF is the base for a lot of tooling.
Assuming you have an EMF metamodel, textual syntaxes can be specified using Eclipse Xtext, and graphical syntaxes using Eclipse Sirius. Note that you can also develop your own GUI in Java and create your model using the EMF Java APIs. Also note that Xtext can create your metamodel for you based on the grammar you want for your text-based syntax. This is nice if you don't want to dive too deep into EMF it self (thus steps 1 and 2 are one and the same).
Eclipse Acceleo provides a template language specifically designed to generate text, including code. Once again, you can also write your code generator using plain Java, or any JVM-based language thanks to the EMF Java APIs. If you use Xtext, there is also a facility for including an Xtend-based code generator alonside your syntax.

automatically creating indirect class dependencies in enterprise architect

I have several internal logic dependencies in my source code. For example
Class A accepts an object and that object to be valid in Class A needs to have particular interfaces such as InterfaceOne, InterfaceTwo
I would like a way to represent the Interface dependencies for Class A visually in enterprise architect. Right now i'm generating the base class by importing the source code then I'm manually creating the dependencies between the Classes and Interfaces.
In my source code these dependencies are all within a variable of the class
$requiredDependencies = array('InterfaceOne', 'InterfaceTwo')...
Is there a way to programatically either parse this code or maybe enterprise architect has a way to read comments (like doxygen) and I could specify such relation in comments?
The Grammar Framework lets you generate in-EA parsers for custom languages, allowing you to reverse-engineer code in whatever language you choose. This is a pretty complex beast, but have a look in the help file under Extending UML Models -- MDG Technology SDK -- Grammar Framework.
If the language is already supported by EA, then that reverse-engineering process cannot be modified (other than what's available in the options), although you can of course write your own parser from scratch using the grammar framework.
If you want to do additional processing for a reverse-engineered class based on what's in its source file, then you can find the source file in Element.GenFile. You would then have to parse it yourself, of course.

How is a class diagram converted into code?

I was self-studying various UML diagrams and I understood most of them except for Class Diagram and Object Diagram.
I can not get my head around how they wil be converted into code.
The trick that I learnt is this: all nouns become classes and verbs become methods of the classes.
All good till there but after that, how is the diagram converted into code?
Have a look at a diagram here that I got from the internet:
So, assuming that the language is Java, how will you code a software based on this?
A UML diagram solely describes the internal architecture of a given piece of software.
The information contained in your UML diagram is therefore:
What classes are contained
What methods and properties do they contain
How do they relate to each other
Each block with a header ("Train" for instance ) represents a class, listing its properties and methods.
As such the UML diagram does not state anything about a GUI or how the user interacts with the software. It is up to you or a UI/UX designer to create an interface you can implement, that uses the functionality outlined in this UML diagram.
You can think of a UML diagram as a description of the architecture of a piece of software, that is very shallow but is well suited for an overview of the project.
It is not a recipe.
I hope this was useful to you.
When you have a class diagram, you have a representation of the classes (and its members) that you should have in code.
So, your noun/verb analysis (what you were talking about), has already been done when you have a class diagram.
A class diagram is just a visual representation of your classes, converting them to code is just easy if you know the syntax of the language that you want to use.

What is practical use of IDEA MPS and Eclipse Xtext

Both of those frameworks deal with meta-model:
XText (Eclipse)
MPS (JetBrain)
Do you have example of practical applications based on meta-model transformation with those tools?
We created whole bug tracker using MPS. Code generation is not the goal but mean to get some executable code. The goal is to give a tool to developer that allows creating DSLs with minimum effort.
Cool thing about MPS is that it also provides you with an IDE for your language. And different DSLs you create are compatible, i.e. you can create DSL that extends Java with closures and another DSL that enables external methods, and these extensions will work together.
They are different in term of document storing the metamodel.
Regarding XText, this article illustrates one usage, when it comes to y create your own programming languages and domain-specific languages (DSLs).
Once you have a language, you want to process it and this means usually to transform your model into another representation.
The facility responsible for this transformation is called generator and consists of a bunch of transformation templates (e.G. XPand) and some code executing them. On some event, the model is read in and the transformations are applied to produce code.
Example of such a model transformation:
dot3zest, which comes with a DOT to Zest interpreter (which now uses the Xtext switch API generated for the DOT grammar) is support for ad-hoc DOT edge definitions.
Regarding MPS, you have here a serie of practical examples,
like this code generation to GPL such as Java, C#, C++ or XML:
I think the main usage of XText is firstly to create a DSL from the grammer you defined and an eclipse workbench auto-generated for you. Secondly, it can transform the scrpit written in your DSL into java. The built-in expressions from XText2 is a plus.
The framework gives you a free IDE to support your writing DSL you created. And the DSL is the ulimate product to provide. It can be used to abstract the rules and logics from the real world. For example, in our project, the product config rule. Only specialist knows them, so they write some in the DSL you create.