Cumulative product in Spark - scala

I try to implement a cumulative product in Spark Scala, but I really don't know how to it. I have the following dataframe:
Input data:
|A |B | date | val|
|rr|gg|20171103| 2 |
|hh|jj|20171103| 3 |
|rr|gg|20171104| 4 |
|hh|jj|20171104| 5 |
|rr|gg|20171105| 6 |
|hh|jj|20171105| 7 |
And I would like to have the following output:
Output data:
|A |B | date | val |
|rr|gg|20171105| 48 | // 2 * 4 * 6
|hh|jj|20171105| 105 | // 3 * 5 * 7

As long as the number are strictly positive (0 can be handled as well, if present, using coalesce) as in your example, the simplest solution is to compute the sum of logarithms and take the exponential:
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.{exp, log, max, sum}
val df = Seq(
("rr", "gg", "20171103", 2), ("hh", "jj", "20171103", 3),
("rr", "gg", "20171104", 4), ("hh", "jj", "20171104", 5),
("rr", "gg", "20171105", 6), ("hh", "jj", "20171105", 7)
).toDF("A", "B", "date", "val")
val result = df
.groupBy("A", "B")
Since this uses FP arithmetic the result won't be exact:
| A| B| date| val|
| hh| jj|20171105|104.99999999999997|
| rr| gg|20171105|47.999999999999986|
but after rounding should good enough for majority of applications.
result.withColumn("val", round($"val")).show
| A| B| date| val|
| hh| jj|20171105|105.0|
| rr| gg|20171105| 48.0|
If that's not enough you can define an UserDefinedAggregateFunction or Aggregator (How to define and use a User-Defined Aggregate Function in Spark SQL?) or use functional API with reduceGroups:
import scala.math.Ordering
case class Record(A: String, B: String, date: String, value: Long)
df.withColumnRenamed("val", "value").as[Record]
.groupByKey(x => (x.A, x.B))
.reduceGroups((x, y) => x.copy(
date = Ordering[String].max(,,
value = x.value * y.value))
.toDF("key", "value")
| A| B| date|value|
| hh| jj|20171105| 105|
| rr| gg|20171105| 48|

You can solve this using either collect_list+UDF or an UDAF. UDAF may be more efficient, but harder to implement due to the local aggregation.
If you have a dataframe like this :
| a| 1|
| a| 2|
| a| 3|
| b| 4|
| b| 5|
You can invoke an UDF :
val prod = udf((vals:Seq[Int]) => vals.reduce(_ * _))
| b| 20|
| a| 6|

Since Spark 2.4, you could also compute this using the higher order function aggregate:
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.{expr, max}
val df = Seq(
("rr", "gg", "20171103", 2),
("hh", "jj", "20171103", 3),
("rr", "gg", "20171104", 4),
("hh", "jj", "20171104", 5),
("rr", "gg", "20171105", 6),
("hh", "jj", "20171105", 7)
).toDF("A", "B", "date", "val")
val result = df
.groupBy("A", "B")
cast(1 as bigint),
(acc, x) -> acc * x)""").alias("val")

Spark 3.2+
product(e: Column): Column
Aggregate function: returns the product of all numerical elements in a group.
import spark.implicits._
var df = Seq(
("rr", "gg", 20171103, 2),
("hh", "jj", 20171103, 3),
("rr", "gg", 20171104, 4),
("hh", "jj", 20171104, 5),
("rr", "gg", 20171105, 6),
("hh", "jj", 20171105, 7)
).toDF("A", "B", "date", "val")
df = df.groupBy("A", "B").agg(max($"date").as("date"), product($"val").as("val"))
// +---+---+--------+-----+
// |A |B |date |val |
// +---+---+--------+-----+
// |hh |jj |20171105|105.0|
// |rr |gg |20171105|48.0 |
// +---+---+--------+-----+
from pyspark.sql import SparkSession, functions as F
spark = SparkSession.builder.getOrCreate()
data = [('rr', 'gg', 20171103, 2),
('hh', 'jj', 20171103, 3),
('rr', 'gg', 20171104, 4),
('hh', 'jj', 20171104, 5),
('rr', 'gg', 20171105, 6),
('hh', 'jj', 20171105, 7)]
df = spark.createDataFrame(data, ['A', 'B', 'date', 'val'])
df = df.groupBy('A', 'B').agg(F.max('date').alias('date'), F.product('val').alias('val'))
#| A| B| date| val|
#| hh| jj|20171105|105.0|
#| rr| gg|20171105| 48.0|


Spark Dataframe with pivot and different aggregation, based on the column value (measure_type) - Scala

I have a spark dataframe of this type:
scala> val data = Seq((1, "k1", "measureA", 2), (1, "k1", "measureA", 4), (1, "k1", "measureB", 5), (1, "k1", "measureB", 7), (1, "k1", "measureC", 7), (1, "k1", "measureC", 1), (2, "k1", "measureB", 8), (2, "k1", "measureC", 9), (2, "k2", "measureA", 5), (2, "k2", "measureC", 5), (2, "k2", "measureC", 8))
data: Seq[(Int, String, String, Int)] = List((1,k1,measureA,2), (1,k1,measureA,4), (1,k1,measureB,5), (1,k1,measureB,7), (1,k1,measureC,7), (1,k1,measureC,1), (2,k1,measureB,8), (2,k1,measureC,9), (2,k2,measureA,5), (2,k2,measureC,5), (2,k2,measureC,8))
scala> val rdd = spark.sparkContext.parallelize(data)
rdd: org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD[(Int, String, String, Int)] = ParallelCollectionRDD[22] at parallelize at <console>:27
scala> val df = rdd.toDF("ts","key","measure_type","value")
df: org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame = [ts: int, key: string ... 2 more fields]
| ts|key|measure_type|value|
| 1| k1| measureA| 2|
| 1| k1| measureA| 4|
| 1| k1| measureB| 5|
| 1| k1| measureB| 7|
| 1| k1| measureC| 7|
| 1| k1| measureC| 1|
| 2| k1| measureB| 8|
| 2| k1| measureC| 9|
| 2| k2| measureA| 5|
| 2| k2| measureC| 5|
| 2| k2| measureC| 8|
I want to pivot on measure_type and apply different aggregation types to the value, depending on measure_type:
measureA -> sum
measureB -> avg
measureC -> max
Then, get the following output dataframe:
| ts|key|measureA|measureB|measureC|
| 1| k1| 6| 6| 7|
| 2| k1| null| 8| 9|
| 2| k2| 5| null| 8|
Thanks a lot.
val ddf = df.groupBy("ts", "key").agg(
sum(when(col("measure_type") === "measureA",col("value"))).as("measureA"),
avg(when(col("measure_type") === "measureB",col("value"))).as("measureB"),
max(when(col("measure_type") === "measureC",col("value"))).as("measureC"))
And results are
|ts |key|measureA|measureB|measureC|
|2 |k2 |5 |null |8 |
|2 |k1 |null |8.0 |9 |
|1 |k1 |6 |6.0 |7 |
I think its tedious to do with traditional pivot function as it will only limit you to one particular aggregate function.
Here is what I would do by mapping a pre-defined list of aggregate functions that I need to perform and apply them on my dataframe giving me 3 extra columns for each aggregate functions and then create another column with value for the measure_type as you mentioned and then drop the 3 columns i created in previous step
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._
import org.apache.spark.sql.Column
import spark.implicits._
val df = Seq((1, "k1", "measureA", 2), (1, "k1", "measureA", 4), (1, "k1", "measureB", 5), (1, "k1", "measureB", 7), (1, "k1", "measureC", 7), (1, "k1", "measureC", 1), (2, "k1", "measureB", 8), (2, "k1", "measureC", 9), (2, "k2", "measureA", 5), (2, "k2", "measureC", 5), (2, "k2", "measureC", 8)).toDF("ts","key","measure_type","value")
val mapping: Map[String, Column => Column] = Map(
"sum" -> sum, "avg" -> avg, "max" -> max)
val groupBy = Seq("ts","key","measure_type")
val aggregate = Seq("value")
val operations = Seq("sum", "avg", "max")
val exprs = aggregate.flatMap(c => operations .map(f => mapping(f)(col(c))))
val df2 = df.groupBy( _*).agg(exprs.head, exprs.tail: _*)
val df3 = df2.withColumn("new_column",
when($"measure_type" === "measureA", $"sum(value)")
.when($"measure_type" === "measureB", $"avg(value)")
df3 is the dataframe that you need.

Spark: map columns of a dataframe to their ID of the distinct elements

I have the following dataframe of two columns of string type A and B:
val df = (
("a1", "b1"),
("a1", "b2"),
("a1", "b2"),
("a2", "b3")
).toDF("A", "B")
I create maps between distinct elements of each columns and a set of integers
val mapColA = (
val mapColB = (
Now I want to create a new columns in the dataframe applying those maps to their correspondent columns. For one map only this would be"A").map(x=>mapColA.get(x)).show()
However I don't understand how to apply each map to their correspondent columns and create two new columns (e.g. with withColumn). The expected result would be
val result = (
("a1", "b1", 1, 1),
("a1", "b2", 1, 2),
("a1", "b2", 1, 2),
("a2", "b3", 2, 3)
).toDF("A", "B", "idA", "idB")
Could you help me?
If I understood correctly, this can be achieved using dense_rank:
import org.apache.spark.sql.expressions.Window
val df2 = df.withColumn("idA", dense_rank().over(Window.orderBy("A")))
.withColumn("idB", dense_rank().over(Window.orderBy("B")))
| A| B|idA|idB|
| a1| b1| 1| 1|
| a1| b2| 1| 2|
| a1| b2| 1| 2|
| a2| b3| 2| 3|
If you want to stick with your original code, you can make some modifications:
val mapColA ="A").distinct()>r.getAs[String](0)).zipWithIndex.collectAsMap
val mapColB ="B").distinct()>r.getAs[String](0)).zipWithIndex.collectAsMap
val df2 = => (r.getAs[String](0), r.getAs[String](1), mapColA.get(r.getAs[String](0)), mapColB.get(r.getAs[String](1)))).toDF("A","B", "idA", "idB")
| A| B|idA|idB|
| a1| b1| 1| 2|
| a1| b2| 1| 0|
| a1| b2| 1| 0|
| a2| b3| 0| 1|

Find a record with max value in a group

I have the next dataset:
| 1| 15.0 |foo |
| 1| 20.0 |bar |
| 2| 25.0 |baz |
| 2| 30.0 |quok|
I want to find cities with highest temperatures per month:
| 1|20.0 |bar |
| 2|30.0 |quok|
How to do this using apache spark SQL? I tried to use window functions but failed to get the right results
Using a window function you can do it as follows:
import org.apache.spark.sql.expressions.{Window}
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.{max}
val l = Seq((1, 15.0, "foo"), (1, 20.0, "bar"), (2, 25.0, "baz"), (2, 30.0, "quok"))
val df = l.toDF("month", "temperature", "city")
val w = Window.partitionBy("month")
df.withColumn("m", max("temperature").over(w))
.filter($"temperature" === $"m")
.select("month", "temperature", "city")
| 1| 20.0| bar|
| 2| 30.0|quok|
Alternatively, you can do it also using groupBy + join:
val maxT = df.groupBy("month").agg(max("temperature").alias("maxT"))
df.join(maxT, Seq("month"), "left")
.filter($"temperature" === $"maxT")
.select("month", "temperature", "city")
| 1| 20.0| bar|
| 2| 30.0|quok|
What is more efficient depends on the data. If the aggregated DataFrame can be broadcasted, the join will be more efficient.
The most efficient way is probabely to put both temperature and city in a struct in combination with max aggregation:
val df = Seq((1, 15.0, "foo"), (1, 20.0, "bar"), (2, 25.0, "baz"), (2, 30.0, "quok")).toDF("month", "temperature", "city")
gives :
| 1| 20.0| bar|
| 2| 30.0|quok|

How to replace values in RDD 1 per keys in RDD 2?

Here are two RDDs.
val table1 = sc.parallelize(Seq(("1", "a"), ("2", "b"), ("3", "c")))
//RDD[(String, String)]
val table2 = sc.parallelize(Array(Array("1", "2", "d"), Array("1", "3", "e")))
I am trying to change elements of table2 such as "1" to "a" using the keys and values in table1. My expect result is as follows:
RDD[Array[String]] = (Array(Array("a", "b", "d"), Array("a", "c", "e")))
Is there a way to make this possible?
If so, would it be efficient using a huge dataset?
I think we can do it better with dataframes while avoiding joins as it might involve shuffling of data.
val table1 = spark.sparkContext.parallelize(Seq(("1", "a"), ("2", "b"), ("3", "c"))).collectAsMap()
//Brodcasting so that mapping is available to all nodes
val brodcastedMapping = spark.sparkContext.broadcast(table1)
val table2 = spark.sparkContext.parallelize(Array(Array("1", "2", "d"), Array("1", "3", "e")))
def changeMapping(value: String): String = {
brodcastedMapping.value.getOrElse(value, value)
val changeMappingUDF = udf(changeMapping(_:String))
table2.toDF.withColumn("exploded", explode($"value"))
.withColumn("new", changeMappingUDF($"exploded"))
.select("mappedCol") =>
Let me know if it suits your requirement otherwise I can modify it as needed.
You can do that in Dataset
package dataframe
import org.apache.spark.sql.SparkSession
import org.apache.spark.sql.SQLContext
import org.apache.spark.sql.{SQLContext, SparkSession}
import org.apache.spark.{SparkConf, SparkContext}
* #author
object Test {
case class table1Class(key: String, value: String)
case class table2Class(key: String, value: String, value1: String)
def main(args: Array[String]) {
val spark =
import spark.implicits._
val table1 = Seq(
table1Class("1", "a"), table1Class("2", "b"), table1Class("3", "c"))
val df1 = spark.sparkContext.parallelize(table1, 4).toDF()
val table2 = Seq(
table2Class("1", "2", "d"), table2Class("1", "3", "e"))
val df2 = spark.sparkContext.parallelize(table2, 4).toDF()
spark.sql("select d1.key,d1.value,d2.value1 from A d1 inner join B d2 on d1.key = d2.key").show()
/* need to fix query
spark.sql( "select * from ( "+ //B1.value,B1.value1,A.value
" select A.value,B.value,B.value1 "+
" from B "+
" left join A "+
" on B.key = A.key ) B2 "+
" left join A " +
" on B2.value = A.key" ).show()
Results :
| 1| a|
| 2| b|
| 3| c|
| 1| 2| d|
| 1| 3| e|
[Stage 15:=====================================> (68 + 6) / 100]
[Stage 15:============================================> (80 + 4) / 100]
| 1| a| d|
| 1| a| e|
Is there a way to make this possible?
Yes. Use Datasets (not RDDs as less effective and expressive), join them together and select fields of your liking.
val table1 = Seq(("1", "a"), ("2", "b"), ("3", "c")).toDF("key", "value")
| 1| a|
| 2| b|
| 3| c|
val table2 = sc.parallelize(
Array(Array("1", "2", "d"), Array("1", "3", "e"))).
select($"a"(0) as "a0", $"a"(1) as "a1", $"a"(2) as "a2")
| a0| a1| a2|
| 1| 2| d|
| 1| 3| e|
scala> table2.join(table1, $"key" === $"a0").select($"value" as "a0", $"a1", $"a2").show
| a0| a1| a2|
| a| 2| d|
| a| 3| e|
Repeat for the other a columns and union together. While repeating the code, you'll notice the pattern that will make the code generic.
If so, would it be efficient using a huge dataset?
Yes (again). We're talking Spark here and a huge dataset is exactly why you chose Spark, isn't it?

How to combine two spark data frames in sorted order

I want to combine two dataframes a and b into a dataframe c that is sorted on a column.
val a = Seq(("a", 1), ("c", 2), ("e", 3)).toDF("char", "num")
val b = Seq(("b", 4), ("d", 5)).toDF("char", "num")
val c = // how do I sort on char column?
Here is the result I want:
+----+---+ +----+---+ +----+---+
|char|num| |char|num| |char|num|
+----+---+ +----+---+ +----+---+
| a| 1| | b| 4| | a| 1|
| c| 2| | d| 5| | b| 4|
| e| 3| +----+---+ | c| 2|
+----+---+ | d| 5|
| e| 3|
In simple, you can use sort() on each dataframe and union().
val a = Seq(("a", 1), ("c", 2), ("e", 3)).toDF("char", "num").sort($"char")
val b = Seq(("b", 4), ("d", 5)).toDF("char", "num").sort($"char")
val c = a.union(b).sort($"char")
if you want to do union for multiple dataframes we can try this way.
val df1 = sc.parallelize(List(
(50, 2, "arjun"),
(34, 4, "bob")
)).toDF("age", "children","name")
val df2 = sc.parallelize(List(
(51, 3, "jane"),
(35, 5, "bob")
)).toDF("age", "children","name")
val df3 = sc.parallelize(List(
(50, 2,"arjun"),
(34, 4,"bob")
)).toDF("age", "children","name")
val result= Seq(df1, df2, df3)
val res_union=result.reduce(_ union _).sort($"age",$"name",$"children")