Assume there are already 10 data in my topic and now I start my consumer written Flink, the consumer will consume the 11th data.
Therefore, I have 3 questions:
How to get the number of partitions of current topic and the offset of each partition respectively?
How to set the starting position for each partition for consumer manually?
If the Flink consumer crashes and after several minutes it gets recovered. How will the consumer know where to restart?
Any help is appreciated. The sample codes (I tried FlinkKafkaConsumer08, FlinkKafkaConsumer10 but all exception.):
public class kafkaConsumer {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
// create execution environment
StreamExecutionEnvironment env = StreamExecutionEnvironment.getExecutionEnvironment();
Properties properties = new Properties();
properties.setProperty("bootstrap.servers", "");
properties.setProperty("", "test");
properties.setProperty("auto.offset.reset", "earliest");
FlinkKafkaConsumer09<String> myConsumer = new FlinkKafkaConsumer09<>(
"game_event", new SimpleStringSchema(), properties);
DataStream<String> stream = env.addSource(myConsumer); MapFunction<String, String>() {
private static final long serialVersionUID = -6867736771747690202L;
public String map(String value) throws Exception {
return "Stream Value: " + value;
And pom.xml:
In order consume messages from a partition starting from a particular offset you can refer to the Flink Documentationl:
You can also specify the exact offsets the consumer should start from
for each partition:
Map<KafkaTopicPartition, Long> specificStartOffsets = new HashMap<>();
specificStartOffsets.put(new KafkaTopicPartition("myTopic", 0), 23L);
specificStartOffsets.put(new KafkaTopicPartition("myTopic", 1), 31L);
specificStartOffsets.put(new KafkaTopicPartition("myTopic", 2), 43L);
The above example configures the consumer to start from the specified
offsets for partitions 0, 1, and 2 of topic myTopic. The offset values
should be the next record that the consumer should read for each
partition. Note that if the consumer needs to read a partition which
does not have a specified offset within the provided offsets map, it
will fallback to the default group offsets behaviour (i.e.
setStartFromGroupOffsets()) for that particular partition.
Note that these start position configuration methods do not affect the
start position when the job is automatically restored from a failure
or manually restored using a savepoint. On restore, the start position
of each Kafka partition is determined by the offsets stored in the
savepoint or checkpoint (please see the next section for information
about checkpointing to enable fault tolerance for the consumer).
In case one of the consumers crashes, once it recovers Kafka will refer to consumer_offsets topic in order to continue processing the messages from the point it was left to before crashing. consumer_offsets is a topic which is used to store meta-data information regarding committed offsets for each triple (topic, partition, group). It is also periodically compacted so that only latest offsets are available. You can also refer to Flink's Kafka Connectors Metrics:
Flink’s Kafka connectors provide some metrics through Flink’s metrics
system to analyze the behavior of the connector. The producers export
Kafka’s internal metrics through Flink’s metric system for all
supported versions. The consumers export all metrics starting from
Kafka version 0.9. The Kafka documentation lists all exported metrics
in its documentation.
In addition to these metrics, all consumers expose the current-offsets
and committed-offsets for each topic partition. The current-offsets
refers to the current offset in the partition. This refers to the
offset of the last element that we retrieved and emitted successfully.
The committed-offsets is the last committed offset.
The Kafka Consumers in Flink commit the offsets back to Zookeeper
(Kafka 0.8) or the Kafka brokers (Kafka 0.9+). If checkpointing is
disabled, offsets are committed periodically. With checkpointing, the
commit happens once all operators in the streaming topology have
confirmed that they’ve created a checkpoint of their state. This
provides users with at-least-once semantics for the offsets committed
to Zookeeper or the broker. For offsets checkpointed to Flink, the
system provides exactly once guarantees.
The offsets committed to ZK or the broker can also be used to track
the read progress of the Kafka consumer. The difference between the
committed offset and the most recent offset in each partition is
called the consumer lag. If the Flink topology is consuming the data
slower from the topic than new data is added, the lag will increase
and the consumer will fall behind. For large production deployments we
recommend monitoring that metric to avoid increasing latency.
This is a followup question to "Where do zookeeper store Kafka cluster and related information?" based on the answer provided by Armando Ballaci.
Now it's clear that consumer offsets are stored in the Kafka cluster in a special topic called __consumer_offsets. That's fine, I am just wondering how does the retrieval of these offsets work.
Topics are not like RDBS over which we can query for arbitrary data based on a certain predicate. Ex - if the data is stored in an RDBMS, probably a query like below will get the consumer offset for a particular partition of a topic for a particular consumer of some consumer group.
select consumer_offset__read, consumer_offset__commited from consumer_offset_table where consumer-grp-id="x" and partitionid="y"
But clearly this kind of retrieval is not possible o.n Kafka Topics. So how does the retrieval mechanism from topic work? Could someone elaborate?
(Data from Kafka partitions is read in FIFO, and if Kafka consumer model is followed to retrieve a particular offset, a lot of additional data has to be processed and it's going to be slow. So am wondering if it's done in some other way...)
Some description I could find on web regarding the same when I stumbled upon this for my day job is as follows:
In Kafka releases through, consumers commit their offsets to ZooKeeper. ZooKeeper does not scale extremely well (especially for writes) when there are a large number of offsets (i.e., consumer-count * partition-count). Fortunately, Kafka now provides an ideal mechanism for storing consumer offsets. Consumers can commit their offsets in Kafka by writing them to a durable (replicated) and highly available topic. Consumers can fetch offsets by reading from this topic (although we provide an in-memory offsets cache for faster access). i.e., offset commits are regular producer requests (which are inexpensive) and offset fetches are fast memory look ups.
The official Kafka documentation describes how the feature works and how to migrate offsets from ZooKeeper to Kafka. This wiki provides sample code that shows how to use the new Kafka-based offset storage mechanism.
try {
BlockingChannel channel = new BlockingChannel("localhost", 9092,
5000 /* read timeout in millis */);
final String MY_GROUP = "demoGroup";
final String MY_CLIENTID = "demoClientId";
int correlationId = 0;
final TopicAndPartition testPartition0 = new TopicAndPartition("demoTopic", 0);
final TopicAndPartition testPartition1 = new TopicAndPartition("demoTopic", 1);
channel.send(new ConsumerMetadataRequest(MY_GROUP, ConsumerMetadataRequest.CurrentVersion(), correlationId++, MY_CLIENTID));
ConsumerMetadataResponse metadataResponse = ConsumerMetadataResponse.readFrom(channel.receive().buffer());
if (metadataResponse.errorCode() == ErrorMapping.NoError()) {
Broker offsetManager = metadataResponse.coordinator();
// if the coordinator is different, from the above channel's host then reconnect
channel = new BlockingChannel(, offsetManager.port(),
5000 /* read timeout in millis */);
} else {
// retry (after backoff)
catch (IOException e) {
// retry the query (after backoff)
In Kafka releases through, consumers commit their offsets to ZooKeeper. ZooKeeper does not scale extremely well (especially for writes) when there are a large number of offsets (i.e., consumer-count * partition-count). Fortunately, Kafka now provides an ideal mechanism for storing consumer offsets. Consumers can commit their offsets in Kafka by writing them to a durable (replicated) and highly available topic. Consumers can fetch offsets by reading from this topic (although we provide an in-memory offsets cache for faster access). i.e., offset commits are regular producer requests (which are inexpensive) and offset fetches are fast memory look ups.
The official Kafka documentation describes how the feature works and how to migrate offsets from ZooKeeper to Kafka.
The idea is that if you need such a functionality as you describe you need to store the data in a RDBS or a NoSQL database or an ELK Stack. A good pattern would be through Kafka Connect using a Sink connector. The normal message processing in Kafka is done through Consummers or Stream Definitions that react on the Events as they come. You can certainly seek to offset or timestamp in some cases and that is completely possible...
In the latest versions of Kafka the offsets are not kept in Zookeeper anymore. So Zookeeper is not involved in Consumer ofset handling.
I am new to Kafka, and I am using Kafka 1.0.
I read the kafka messages using pull mode, that is, I periodically poll()ing the Kafka topic for new messages, but I didn't write the offset back to Kafka.
I would ask how kafka knows that which offsets I have consumed or what is the mechanism that Kafka remembers the progress(Kafka offset)
Every consumer group maintains its offset per topic partitions. Since v0.9 the information of committed offsets for every consumer group is stored in an internal topic called (by default) __consumer_offsets (prior to v0.9 this information was stored on Zookeeper). When the offset manager receives an OffsetCommitRequest, it appends the request to a special compacted Kafka topic named __consumer_offsets. Finally, the offset manager will send a successful offset commit response to the consumer, only when all the replicas of the offsets topic receive the offsets.
My kafka sink connector reads from multiple topics (configured with 10 tasks) and processes upwards of 300 records from all topics. Based on the information held in each record, the connector may perform certain operations.
Here is an example of the key:value pair in a trigger record:
Upon reading this record, I would then need to reset the offsets of the topic 'my-topic-1' to 0 in each of its partitions.
I have read in many places that creating a new KafkaConsumer, subscribing to the topic's partitions, then calling the subscribe(...) method is the recommended way. For example,
public class MyTask extends SinkTask {
public void put(Collection<SinkRecord> records) {
records.forEach(record -> {
if (record.key().toString().equals("REPROCESS")) {
} else {
// do something else
private void reprocessTopicRecords(SinkRecord record) {
KafkaConsumer<JsonNode, JsonNode> reprocessorConsumer =
new KafkaConsumer<>(reprocessorProps, deserializer, deserializer);
new ConsumerRebalanceListener() {
public void onPartitionsRevoked(Collection<TopicPartition> partitions) {}
public void onPartitionsAssigned(Collection<TopicPartition> partitions) {
// do offset reset here
However, the above strategy does not work for my case because:
1. It depends on a group rebalance taking place (does not always happen)
2. 'partitions' passed to the onPartitionsAssigned method are dynamically assigned partitions, meaning these are only a subset to the full set of partitions that will need to have their offset reset. For example, this SinkTask will be assigned only 2 of the 8 partitions that hold the records for 'my-topic-1'.
I've also looked into using assign() but this is not compatible with the distributed consumer model (consumer groups) in the SinkConnector/SinkTask implementation.
I am aware that the kafka command line tool kafka-consumer-groups can do exactly what I want (I think):
To summarize, I want to reset the offsets of all partitions for a given topic using Java APIs and let the Sink Connector pick up the offset changes and continue to do what it has been doing (processing records).
Thanks in advance.
I was able to achieve resetting offsets for a kafka connect consumer group by using a series of Confluent's kafka-rest-proxy APIs:
This implementation no longer requires the 'trigger record' approach firs described in the original post and is purely Rest API based.
Temporarily delete the kafka connector (this deletes the connector's consumers and )
Create a consumer instance for the same consumer group ("connect-")
Have the instance subscribe to the requested topic you want to reset
Do a dummy poll ('subscribe' is evaluated lazily')
Reset consumer group topic offsets for specified topic
Do a dummy poll ('seek' is evaluated lazily') Commit the current offset state (in the proxy) for the consumer
Re-create kafka connector (with same connector name) - after re-balancing, consumers will join the group and read the last committed offset (starting from 0)
Delete the temporary consumer instance
If you are able to use the CLI, Steps 2-6 can be replaced with:
kafka-consumer-groups --bootstrap-server <kafkahost:port> --group <group_id> --topic <topic_name> --reset-offsets --to-earliest --execute
As for those of you trying to do this in the kafka connector code through native Java APIs, you're out of luck :-(
You're looking for the seek method. Either to an offset TopicPartition("topic-name", partition), offset);
Or seekToBeginning
However, I feel like you'd be competing with the Connect Sink API's consumer group. In other words, assuming you setup the consumer with a separate group id, then you're essentially consuming records twice here from the source topic, once by Connect, and then your own consumer instance.
Unless you explicitly seek Connect's own consumer instance as well (which is not exposed), you'd be getting into a weird state. For example, your task only executes on new records to the topic, despite the fact your own consumer would be looking at an old offset, or you'd still be getting even newer events while still processing old ones
Also, eventually you might get a reprocess event at the very beginning of the topic due to retention policies, expiring old records, for example, causing your consumer to not progress at all and constantly rebalancing its group by seeking to the beginning
We had to do a very similar offset resetting exercise. combined with KafkaConsumer.commitSync() worked well.
There is another option that is worth mentioning, if you are dealing with lots of topics and partitions (javadoc):
String groupId,
Map<TopicPartition,OffsetAndMetadata> offsets
We were lucky because we had the luxury to stop the Kafka Connect instance for a while, so there's no consumer group competing.
I am using Flink's FlinkKafkaConsumer010 and Kafka version 1.1.
I want to get the offset lag info in my code
Flink Kafka Connector Metric
committedOffsets: The last successfully committed offsets to Kafka, for each partition. A particular partition's metric can be specified by topic name and partition id.
currentOffsets: The consumer's current read offset, for each partition. A particular partition's metric can be specified by topic name and partition id.
val endOffset = new PartitionOffsetsRetrieverImpl(
"group_" + System.currentTimeMillis()
Here kafkaConsumer is org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.KafkaConsumer obj
and kafkaAdminClient is org.apache.kafka.clients.admin.AdminClient obj
This could be improved, because with this every time it creates the instance of kafka consumer and that is not efficient.
I am using Flink v1.4.0. I am consuming data from a Kafka Topic using a Kafka FLink Consumer as per the code below:
Properties properties = new Properties();
properties.setProperty("bootstrap.servers", "localhost:9092");
// only required for Kafka 0.8
properties.setProperty("zookeeper.connect", "localhost:2181");
properties.setProperty("", "test");
DataStream<String> stream = env
.addSource(new FlinkKafkaConsumer08<>("topic", new SimpleStringSchema(), properties));
final StreamExecutionEnvironment env = StreamExecutionEnvironment.getExecutionEnvironment();
FlinkKafkaConsumer08<String> myConsumer = new FlinkKafkaConsumer08<>(...);
myConsumer.setStartFromEarliest(); // start from the earliest record possible
myConsumer.setStartFromLatest(); // start from the latest record
myConsumer.setStartFromGroupOffsets(); // the default behaviour
DataStream<String> stream = env.addSource(myConsumer);
Is there a way of knowing whether I have consumed the whole of the Topic? How can I monitor the offset? (Is that an adequate way of confirming that I have consumed all the data from within the Kafka Topic?)
Since Kafka is typically used with continuous streams of data, consuming "all" of a topic may or may not be a meaningful concept. I suggest you look at the documentation on how Flink exposes Kafka's metrics, which includes this explanation:
The difference between the committed offset and the most recent offset in
each partition is called the consumer lag. If the Flink topology is consuming
the data slower from the topic than new data is added, the lag will increase
and the consumer will fall behind. For large production deployments we
recommend monitoring that metric to avoid increasing latency.
So, if the consumer lag is zero, you're caught up. That said, you might wish to be able to compare the offsets yourself, but I don't know of an easy way to do that.
Kafka it's used as a streaming source and a stream does not have an end.
If im not wrong, Flink's Kafka connector pulls data from a Topic each X miliseconds, because all kafka consumers are Active consumers, Kafka does not notify you if there's new data inside a topic
So, in your case, just set a timeout and if you don't read data in that time, you have readed all of the data inside your topic.
Anyways, if you need to read a batch of finite data, you can use some of Flink's Windows or introduce some kind of marks inside your Kafka topic, to delimit the start and the of the batch.