IdentityServer3 bearertoken ignored? if not localhost - identityserver3

For the past couple of years we've been developing a client/server application and it's been working well with us hosting the server and applications. I've recently started work on getting our mobile app to connect and have run into a snag.
The mobile app can login and obtain a token but when it presents that token for an API call Owin is failing to create a valid Principal.
The same API call from our desktop app (running on the same physical machine as the server) has an HttpRequestMessage "MS_OwinContext" property with the Authentication.User field populated. The same call from the mobile does not.
Yet both of them seem to be sending the same API request (different bearer token of course). Alternative can anyone tell me where I might at least start looking or how I could get information from OWIN as to what it's doing? It's also worth pointing out that the mobile app (Xamarin) shares most of its code with the desktop application.
Right now I'm staring at a black box and all I know is that 'it doesn't work'.

Okay the problem was that the server was setting Authority in the bearer options to be localhost. Audience is derived from this so when connecting using the host name validation fails.
The answer appears to therefore not use localhost as part of the authority.


I am unable to reach the requested skill in Alexa Developer Console

I am running a ruby Sinatra server on my development machine with ngrok.
I have verified that the accessing the publicly exposed url through ngrok does get routed to the ruby server and the correct response is returned.
I also used to verify that the exposed url is accessible from the internet and the correct response is returned.
When I attempt to execute using the Alexa Simulator through the alexa developer console I only get "I am unable to reach the requested skill". I get the same response using a physical echo also.
I have double checked the endpoint configuration of the developer console and everything looks like ok to me.
I am using https for the endpoint with the "My development endpoint is a sub-domain of a domain that has a wildcard certificate" as the SSL certificate type.
Using the JSON request that is generated when attempting to use the Alexa Simultor does successfully send the request to my Sinatra server and the appropriate response is returned. This eliminated my concern that this was related to the sinatra/ngrok configuration, but it continues to fail when entering text (or speaking) into the simulator.
This is my first attempt at creating an Alexa skill, so I may be overlooking something obvious.
Does anyone have any suggestions?
I had set the default and North America endpoint urls containing the same URL.
Removing the optional North America endpoint url solved the problem for me.

OAuth access_denied on login from all providers after server IP change

We recently changed the IP-address on a server hosting one of our services based on .NET Web API 2.
The service is using OAuth2, providing external logins via Facebook/Google.
We're still using the same server and the same host name for our services, only the IP-address has changed. Now I'm getting back my login URL with "&error=access_denied" whenever I try to login using Facebook/Google.
I have checked every setting in both Facebook's and Google's developer consoles but nothing seems to apply. If I remove the OAuth redirect URI, I get an error that the URL is blocked, so the settings seems to take effect.
What have I missed?
Funny how asking a question makes you think even more outside of the box. The culprit was that wrong DNS-server was set on the web host.
I'll see myself out...

Can't Authenticate with Local .NET back-end

I've followed the guide:
Getting Started with Authentication with Mobile Services .NET for Windows Store
I'm able to run the service locally as long as I don't need to authenticate the user. I can also authenticate the user if I publish the service to Azure. But I want to be able to test and authenticate the user locally. How can this be done?
I'm using Live ID and I have the correct ClientID and ClientSecret set in the Web.config. When I attempt to call LoginAsync from the client the call fails with The request could not be completed. (Method Not Allowed)
** Update 2014-03-20 **
Based on the comments of Carlos and Henrik, I've updated my local service to look exactly like my server instance. I followed Scot Hanselmans excellent guide and now I have my service running locally on port 80 and port 443 with a completely valid SSL certificate. It's even running on the exact same hostname.
With these changes, there is now no configuration difference whatsoever between running the app against my local machine or running it against Azure. I can go to in the browser, get redirected to Live login, sign in, and get redirected back to the service successfully. In the browser it all works. However it still doesn't work in the app.
I attached the debugger, set CLR errors to "break when thrown" and I managed to trap the exception in the service. Here's what I see in the immediate window:
The Response property is not helpful. It does not provide any additional information about the problem.
The only thing that stands out to me is that the app is trying to do a POST to /login/microsoftaccount while the browser would normally be doing a GET at this address (then getting redirected).
** Update #2 2014-03-20 **
After following Henriks guide for remote debugging I was able to load symbols and get a tiny bit more information:
"An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host"
The error code is 10054 (WSAECONNRESET) Connection reset by peer.
It appears the Live Authentication server may be forcibly terminating the connection, but only when I'm authenticating with the app. Again, authentication within the browser is fine. This, combined with the fact that /login/microsoftaccount is a POST from the app seems to suggest there is a problem with the authentication token I'm getting back from LiveClient.LoginAsync. I'll do some more digging...
At the moment, it is set up so that you don't need authentication when running locally and access the service from localhost. In this case, anonymous access is let through (this is of course disabled while running in the cloud).
We don't really have a way for your to authenticate locally as redirect URIs won't work (they can't point to localhost as there is not way that Facebook, say, can resolve "localhost").
One option is that we somehow can mock the authentication locally and give you a token without connecting with the various identity providers. I am not sure exactly what that would look like but it is something we can consider.
Did you perhaps set Mobile client app: Yes in your Live Connect project? I think that setting is meant to be used with the Live Connect SDK (client) flow, not the browser-based (server) flow. The client flow isn't supported yet with a .NET backend.
You also want to make sure you are using LoginAsync(MobileServiceAuthenticationProvider.MicrosoftAccount) on the client to trigger the server flow.

Can't authenticate with IIS Media Services' API using NTLM

IIS Media Services 4.1:
I have a dedicated website setup on my win 7 dev box. I'm testing the REST service with Windows Auth turned on from both calls from a browser as well as a test C# winform app. Using the browser I try to hit http://iismediatestsite/services/smoothstreaming/publishingpoints.isml I get challeneged (good) but when I put in my domain creds I get into a loop where it keeps prompting for creds. My domain account is an admin on this box. If I use my test app I set UseDefaultCredentials to true but I get a 401 returned.
Using Basic Auth works fine with both clients.
Any ideas?
Okay apparently this is caused by an issue when authenticating by NTLM via a loopback address. It is better explained and a workaround provided here:

Facebook App: any way to run the app without SSL?

I am working on my first app for Facebook and facing (probably) with the SSL problem. If I am testing the app, so it's working well. But then I wanted to test the app by my friend - so I assigned him the role "Tester", he accepted it and I sent him the link to the app.
If he opened the app, he got the error The website is not available - Error 501 (net::ERR_INSECURE_RESPONSE): Unknown error
I started google it and it looks that the cause is the missing SSL certificate on my hosting, where the app is stored.
BUT - how is possible, that the app is working me well without the SSL and to my friend doesn't? If the SSL is required for Facebook apps, why I didn't get the same error?
(I set Secure Canvas URL: to, however I don't have at this domain and hosting any SSL certificate).
I never used before SSL. I bought the domain name on Namecheap and hosting on Hostgator. So now, I should buy a SSL certificate from the offer ( of Namecheap, right?
Would be suitable for the Facebook app the cheapest one?
Look, this SSL problem can only be solved by purchasing a valid SSL certificate or looking for a server which can host your app and is SSL certified such as: - Provides you with some limited space and database service. - Does not provide any storage space for saving dynamically generated data. To have that service, you have to buy the Amazon buckets service which, again, is a costly affair.
If you don't want to invest any money, I would recommend that you go with phpfog - it is easy and its documentation is pretty good.
You should buy an SSL cert in order for everyone to be able to access your app. Your friend probably has his settings set so that he browses Facebook securely, in this case he is hitting, not your actual URL.
The cheapest one isn't the best one, but it should work as long as it's valid. I would suggest using Heroku though, as that way you get everything you need - for free :)
Use a proxy in and bring your page in secure domain as
"Starting October 1, 2011 Facebook will require a valid SSL Certificate for all pages and applications hosted outside of Facebook."
Maybe you are visiting your application with and your friend is visiting with
Another possibility is that your friend has checked "Browse Facebook on a secure connection (https) whenever possible" under "Account Security".
Try ngrok. It exposes a local web server with just one command:
ngrok 80
After this you can access your localhost like this: