Close/Dismiss NSViewController, macOS - swift

I have a NSViewController connected as such:
In the bottom viewController, I try to dismiss it using self.dismiss(self) however, it produces this error:
[General] dismissViewController:: Error: maybe this view controller was not presented?
How can I ever dismiss this viewcontroller?
Any help is appreciated, thanks.

So here is what I did:
In the presented window (NSViewController) add the following:
Add this to the top of the presented class as a property:
class FooViewController: NSViewController {
// reference to a window
var window: NSWindow?
Add this override of viewDidAppear, not viewDidLoad as the window handle is nil.
override func viewDidAppear() {
// After a window is displayed, get the handle to the new window.
window = self.view.window!
Now where you currently have "dismissViewController" you can use:
window?.performClose(nil) // nil because I'm not return a message


Swift Access Objects In View Controller From Window Controller

I'm just getting into development on mac os and I made a simple app for the touch bar that allows you to change the color (with a nscolorpicker) of a label that is also on the touch bar.
Now I would like to get the same effect on the actual window like so: I change the color using the picker on the touch bar and the color of the colorwell in the window changes as well.
This is the code that I currently have for the touch bar actions:
import Cocoa
#available(OSX 10.12.2, *)
class MainWindowController: NSWindowController {
#IBOutlet weak var cptHello: NSColorPickerTouchBarItem!
#IBOutlet var lblHello: NSTextField!
override func windowDidLoad() {
// Implement this method to handle any initialization after your window controller's window has been loaded from its nib file.
cptHello.color = NSColor.white
func setCol(){
lblHello.textColor = cptHello.color
#IBAction func colorPicked(_ sender: Any) {
This piece of code resides in MainWindowController.swift which is paired with the window controller.
In the view controller, I have a single NSColorWell that I would like to change the color for inside the function "setCol()". I created an outlet in the view controller for it like so:
#IBOutlet var cwHello: NSColorWell!
So ideally what I want to achieve is something like this:
func setCol(){
lblHello.textColor = cptHello.color
ViewController.cwHello.color = cptHello.color
Can this be done at all?

macOS application like on macOS

I'm trying to create a macOS app like The NSWindowController has a toolbar with a segmented control. When you tap on the segmented control, it changes out the the NSViewController within the NSWindowController.
What I have so far is an NSWindowController with an NSViewController. I have subclassed NSWindowController where I have the method that gets called whenever the user taps on the segmented control.
Essentially, whatever segment is clicked, it will instantiate the view controller that is needed and set it to the NSWindowController's contentViewController property.
Is this the correct way of doing it?
Also, the NSWindowController, I am thinking, should have properties for each of the NSViewControllers it can switch to that get lazy loaded (loaded when the user taps them and they get held around to be re-used to prevent re-initializing).
import Cocoa
class MainWindowController: NSWindowController
var secondaryViewController:NSViewController?
override func windowDidLoad()
// Implement this method to handle any initialization after your window controller's window has been loaded from its nib file.
#IBAction func segmentedControlDidChange(_ sender: NSSegmentedControl)
print("Index: \(sender.selectedSegment)")
if sender.selectedSegment == 3 {
if secondaryViewController == nil {
let viewController = storyboard?.instantiateController(withIdentifier: "SecondaryViewController") as! NSViewController
secondaryViewController = viewController
self.window?.contentViewController = self.secondaryViewController
I'm new to macOS development, however, I've been doing iOS for quite some time. If there is a better way, I'd like to know about it. Thanks!!!
to move the tab/segmented-control to the titlebar, you need:
add toolbar to window, and add the controls to the toolbar,
hide title:
class TopLevelWindowController: NSWindowController {
override func windowDidLoad() {
if let window = window {
// reminder like style
// window.titlebarAppearsTransparent = true
window.titleVisibility = .hidden
// window.styleMask.insert(.fullSizeContentView)
now, toolbar will be merged into the top bar position.

How do you reference the view's window in Swift 3.x using Storyboards/Cocoa

with all the changes in Xcode and Swift, I can't figure out how to address the view's window in a stotyboard-driven project in the way I'm doing it in projects using XIBs. New to macOS programming so apologies in advance if this is basic stuff:
When using a storyboard, how do I change the view's window state using for instance:
window.titleVisibility = .hidden
In an xib-driven project, I'm using
#IBOutlet weak var window: NSWindow!
but this doesn't seem to work the same way with storyboards. How do I do the same tihing using storyboards? Any help appreciated!
You can get a reference of your view window accessing its window property. Note that it can not be done inside view did load but you can create a window property for your view controller using a lazy initializer:
lazy var window: NSWindow! = self.view.window
And you can do your window customization inside the method viewWillAppear:
import Cocoa
class ViewController: NSViewController {
lazy var window: NSWindow! = self.view.window
override func viewWillAppear() {
window.titleVisibility = .hidden
This seems to work:
if let window = NSApplication.shared().mainWindow {
window.titleVisibility = .hidden
Is this an ok way to do it?

Adding views with IBAction to a NSStackView crashes application

I want to use the NSStackView to stack views above each other, I also want them to de able to expand so I can't use the NSCollectionView if i understood it correctly.
So, in storyboard, I've created a NSStackView(embedded in scroll view) in the main view controller and a view controller that I want to fill it with:
The button will fill the stack view with ten views:
#IBOutlet weak var stackView: NSStackView!
#IBAction func redrawStackView(_ sender: Any) {
for i in 0..<10 {
let stackViewItemVC = storyboard?.instantiateController(withIdentifier: "StackViewItemVC") as! StackViewItemViewController = i
And the ViewController on the right simply looks like this:
class StackViewItemViewController: NSViewController {
var id: Int = -1
override func viewDidLoad() {
// Do view setup here.
#IBAction func buttonPressed(_ sender: Any) {
debugPrint("StackViewItemViewController" + id.description + "pressed")
Running this small application works fine, every time I press the button ten more stack view items appears. But, when I have the audacity to press one of the buttons to the right the application crashes:
Where am I going wrong?
I have tried to work around the IBAction to verify that this what breaks, and the application will not crash if I subclass the button and make a "buttonDelegate" protocol with a function being called from mouseUp.
I guess the problem is that the viewController objects, which you create in the loop, are released immediately.
Even though the view is attached to the stackView, it's viewController is destroyed.
You can fix this issue by keeping a reference to each viewController.
You can do this by creating a new variable
var itemViewControllers = [StackViewItemViewController]()
and then add each newly created viewController to it:

Menubar with Storyboard - validateMenuItem not get called

I'm trying to setup a menubar Application using storyboard but my validateMenuItem method not get called.
I will try to explain what i did.
First i dragged a Menu Item in my Application Scene. Then one Object for my MenuController. Created a MenuController (MenuController.swift) and filled it with code. Back in my storyboard I set my Menu delegate to MenuController and MenuController Outlet to Menu. (I'm not totally sure whether i have set the delegates correctly.)
When i start the app, the menu icon appears and the first item title is set to test. But when i'm clicking the icon the validateMenuItem method not get called.
import Cocoa
class MenuController: NSObject {
var statusItem = NSStatusBar.systemStatusBar().statusItemWithLength(-1)
#IBOutlet weak var statusMenu: NSMenu!
#IBOutlet weak var item1: NSMenuItem!
override func awakeFromNib() {
self.item1.title = "Test"
let icon = NSImage(named: "menubarIcon")
statusItem.image = icon = statusMenu
override func validateMenuItem(menuItem: NSMenuItem) -> Bool {
return true
Storyboard Menu Delegates
Storyboard MenuController Delegates
Has anybody an idea?
Greets from Austria!
The menu/UI validation mechanism does not query the menu's delegate but uses the item's target to determine the enabled state instead.
If the target is not explicitly set, it walks the responder chain.
To get basic validation, you have to make sure that the following things are setup:
"Auto Enables Items" is checked in Interface Builder (on by default)
You control-dragged the menu's action to the first responder
The menu's action is implemented in a class that is part of the responder chain (e.g. a view controller that manages a set of actions for your UI)
A basic implementation of validateUserInterfaceItem: could look like the following for an item with an action selector called test:
func validateUserInterfaceItem(anItem: NSValidatedUserInterfaceItem) -> Bool
if anItem.action() == Selector("test:") {
print("validating item \(anItem)")
return true
return true